MH370, Chinese Cyberwar Geniuses and the Long Arm of Western Empire

MH370 flight paths
I asked this same question weeks ago: why isn’t anybody looking towards the North? Now we know why. (image by





Five weeks ago in a Reflections in Sinoland column, I wrote about the missing Kuala Lumpur-Beijing flight MH370. While the article was ostensibly about the Chinese people having a good sense of gallows humor, just like other cultures, I posed a very telling question: why are the Princes of Power keeping the 99%’s attention riveted on the middle of bumfug nowhere, in the Southeast Indian Ocean, and why is nobody asking about the second possible escape route – to the North, in Afghanistan and Pakistan?

Everybody I talked to, including journalists based in Beijing and other bright lights of the illuminati, just guffawed at the thought. Chortle no more. I do not have the means nor the tools to confirm all of this. And one thing for sure: if true, the mainstream media won’t touch it with a ten meter pole, as it would implicate their masters and handlers. But as a rational scientist, the following scenario is looking more than credible, especially given the goose egg laid down in the Indian Ocean. Early on, a journalist friend was pleasantly surprised when I brought up Occam’s razor, in looking for a solution. Occam’s razor is the law that usually the simplest explanation is the best or correct one. Thus the pilots, for whatever reason, just flew the plane into the deep blue sea. End of story. But this Occam’s razor is just not cutting it anymore. Time to look elsewhere to unwind 2014’s Gordian knot of the year. The passengers’ families obviously smell a rat. They are getting together a $5 million reward, in hopes of enticing someone on the inside to spill the beans – if they live long enough to meet with the grieving. The half-life of informed people like this tends to be measured in days and hours, if there is a whiff of suspicion from on high.

And then as if by divine providence, we learn that in Europe of all places, dozens of commercial airliners went missing off the Old Continent’s sophisticated air traffic control screens, due to high tech NATO electronic war games. Well, blow me down, Captain Ahab, I can see far, far away from this here crow’s nest. If they can make 50 Boeing and Airbus jet planes full of thousands of people vanish off radar terminals in one of the busiest skies in the world, then it must be piece of cake to disappear a solo plane like MH370, right?

In an Anonymous news release on YouTube, we learn that there were 20 (Chinese) employees of Freescale Semiconductor on board MH370, bound for where else – Communist China. Four of these employees shared a revolutionary patent on the new “KL Zero” computer chip, which will be used in missile defense (read Star Wars) radar systems. The patent was approved just four days after the disappearance of MH370. Therefore, the four Chinese patent holders could not legally pass the wealth and control of this patent on to their heirs. This leaves the fifth shareholder of the patent as 100% owner: Freescale Semiconductor itself. Either you are a conspiracy theorist or a coincidence theorist, but it’s funny how things work out that way.

So, the plot thickens. Why were they in Kuala Lumpur? Why were they all together? Why were they going back to China? Were they defecting back to the Motherland? Were they single or double agents?

The Anonymous news video brings up a ton of salient and salacious facts, but totally misses the point. Who wouldn’t want to get their hands on these Chinese scientist patent holders and their vast knowledge of warfare cybertechnology? Or better yet, who would want to make sure these geniuses did not help the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) use the very same “Western” stealth technology, to defend the Chinese Homeland? This is not primarily about Jacob Rothschild’s greed and the Carlyle Group’s Bush Dynasty-Bin Laden bedmates, although filthy lucre is often seen lurking around the stage set. This is more than likely about the United States and NATO making sure these Chinese scientists didn’t land in the Middle Kingdom and work for Baba Beijing. How big is a computer chip? The size of your fingernail? It would have been very easy for one of these Chinese brainiacs to hide this new KL Zero war-chip in their suitcase. One or some of these guys could have been PLA (double) agents all along, which if true, would be a John Le Carré-esque-spy-thriller infiltration of the century, into the dark heart of America’s most sensitive military technology.

Since the 1970s, Freescale, a military cybertech supplier, has been helping the Western Empire keep its Wehrmacht jackboot on the face of the Dreaded Other (Communists starting in 1917, in 2001 add Muslims). Of course it would have its share of CIA/NSA minders working on the inside, keeping tabs on its highly sensitive advancements. These 20 Chinese scientists were way too close to something obviously very coveted and extremely compromising to the US/NATO war machine. US/NATO would do anything to keep them and “it” from ending up in Baba Beijing’s hands.

All of this is bolstered further by the divulgations of a recent Oped News article by Scott Baker. In it, an anonymous Russian (maybe a KGB stringer) reports on the whereabouts of MH370 being on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, and that “there were 20 Asian specialists on board”, who have been taken to a bunker in Pakistan. According to this report, these facts have been collectively corroborated by several intelligence agencies. Given that the United States rules Pakistan’s and Afghanistan’s skies as much as it does Washington DC’s, any denials by these NATO puppet governments can be taken with a grain of salt. Whether these 20 Chinese scientists are being used for blackmail or as bargaining chips to “sell” is debatable. More than likely, US/NATO would prefer to have them offed, now that the West has the coveted technology to themselves. Or do they? If these Chinese scientists were agents of the PLA, then they may have already sent Baba Beijing the blueprints. However, it would have been nice for Baba to hold the Real McWang in the palm its hand, and plug it into the ol’ Victrola for some space age East Is Red Karaoke.

The only positive outcome of all these high level espionage and warfare power plays is that the 227 passengers and 12 crew members might still be alive. The Russian report says they are alive, divided into seven groups and living in mud huts, southeast of Kandahar. However, if it is true that US/NATO is pulling these nefarious puppet strings, from Empire’s standpoint, these hostages would be more of a liability than an asset, and better off dead.

My original observation five weeks ago still stands. The deep state of US/NATO, along with Russian intelligence, which together have well over 100 military reconnaissance satellites suffocating every square meter of the Earth’s surface, know exactly where MH370 ended up. If they know, Baba Beijing surely knows too, and is just holding its cards close to see how events shake out. In any case, without so much as a single solitary scrap of maritime evidence to show for the massive and exhaustive searches in the Indian Ocean, an Afghanistan-Pakistan change of flight plans is looking more and more believable. Like I said, you are either a conspiracy or coincidence theorist. Pick you poison.