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This week in The Greanville Post: 28 Jan-3 Feb. Enjoy feasting on the best anti-imperial website in the business! Top writers and the hottest topics…

    03-Feb Why Don’t We Call Sieges ‘Sieges’? https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/02/03/why-dont-we-call-sieges-sieges/ 03-Feb WHO FUNDS LABOUR FRIENDS OF ISRAEL – AND WHY WON’T IT SAY? https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/02/03/who-funds-labour-friends-of-israel-and-why-wont-it-say/ 03-Feb Israeli Cabinet Members Join Event Calling for Ethnic Cleansing & Resettlement of Gaza https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/02/03/israeli-cabinet-members-join-event-calling-for-ethnic-cleansing-resettlement-of-gaza/ 03-Feb America Is At War And In Denial https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/02/03/america-is-at-war-and-in-denial/ 03-Feb U.S. Court Concludes Israel’s Assault on Gaza Is Plausible Case…

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