Pictured above: Richard Cook and his new book.
Sixteen years on the streets, living and working with the people of China, Jeff
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Note before starting: wonderful to have Richard on the show today. With his CV, he could have been a well-paid corporate shill/whore for the Big Lie Propaganda Machine, but he chose the path of justice and speaking truth to imperial power. The world could use many more Richard Cooks.
Enjoy an informative and entertaining discussion!
Richard C. Cook is a co-founder and Lead Investigator for the American Geopolitical Institute. Mr. Cook is a retired U.S. federal analyst with extensive experience across various government agencies, including the U.S. Civil Service Commission, FDA, the Carter White House, NASA, and the U.S. Treasury. As a whistleblower at the time of the Challenger disaster, he exposed the flawed O-ring joints that destroyed the Shuttle, documenting his story in his book “Challenger Revealed.” After serving at Treasury, he became a vocal critic of the private-finance-controlled monetary system, detailing his concerns in “We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform.” He served as an advisor to the American Monetary Institute and worked with Congressman Dennis Kucinich to advocate for replacing the Federal Reserve with a genuine national currency. His latest book is “Our Country, Then and Now” (Clarity Press, 2023). https://www.claritypress.com/product/our-country-then-and-now/
Richard’s latest book as the point of our discussion,
In this book, Mr. Cook postulates that our country has lost touch with its founding principles, among which is the Bill of Rights, which we must reaffirm to survive as a nation.
Articles: https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/?s=Richard+Cook
Substack: https://montanarcc.substack.com/
Global Research: https://www.globalresearch.ca/?s=richard+c.+cook&x=0&y=0
Jeff J. Brown: Good afternoon, everybody. This is Jeff J. Brown China Rising Radio Sinoland, founder of the Seek Truth From Facts Foundation and the China Writers Group, and I am so excited to have you on the show today, Richard Cook. How are you doing, Richard?
Richard Cook: Very well, thank you.
Jeff: Richard and I have been struggling to get together. We both had some complications but I’m really excited to have him on. He has got a heck of a resume. Let me read his quick bio. Richard C. Cook is a co-founder and Lead Investigator for the American Geopolitical Institute. Mr. Cook is a retired U.S. Federal Analyst with extensive experience across various government agencies, including the U.S. Civil Service Commission, FDA, the Carter White House, NASA, and the U.S. Treasury.
As a whistleblower at the time of the Challenger disaster, he exposed the flawed O-ring joints that destroyed the Shuttle, documenting the event in his book “Challenger Revealed.” I will have all of his book links and places where you can follow his writing on the web page. After serving at the Treasury, he became a vocal critic of the private-finance-controlled monetary system, detailing his concerns in “We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform.”
He served as an advisor to the American Monetary Institute and worked with Congressman Dennis Kucinich to advocate for replacing the Federal Reserve with a genuine national currency. His latest book is “Our Country, Then and Now” (Clarity Press, 2023). Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful publishing house. And before we get started, Richard, can you tell us where you are? I know you have your Substack, but you’re also writing regularly. Who are you writing regularly with? Is it veterans today?
Richard: Well, yeah, it’s veterans today which today is called VT foreign policy.
Jeff: Okay. All right.
Richard: The American Geopolitical Institute was co-founded by them and so, we have our own separate page and archive.
Jeff: Okay.
Richard: I do have a new Substack called Three Sages.
Jeff: And I’m getting. I’m subscribed.
Richard: Yeah. Two other gentlemen, roughly my generation Bobby Lama, who writes from Lebanon.
Jeff: Oh, wow.
Richard: He’s our West Asian contact and doctor Louis Coleman, who is a medical doctor who writes on medical issues, including the Covid pLandemic.
Jeff: Yeah. Thank you for the L in Plandemic. I totally agree. Thank you very, very much. Can I ask how old you are, Richard?
Richard: I’m 77.
Jeff: 77. All right. Well, I’m 70, so I’m coming right behind you. Well, listen Richard has this wonderful new book, and he is going to walk us through it. This is his show. This is a master class in revisionist history. Well, for me, revisionist history is true history. I’ll stop him every once in a while, to ask a question but otherwise, it’s his show. And I want him to enthrall us with how we got into the mess we are in today, especially in the West. Take it away, Richard.
Richard: Well, thank you very much, Jeff. It’s great to be with you here today. My book is an American History. It’s something I’ve been studying really, my whole life. My mother was a tour guide for Colonial Williamsburg, and we lived a mile from the Williamsburg Historic Area. And so, I was brought up in American history. Then I went to William and Mary, which was Thomas Jefferson’s alma mater and then I came to work for the US government in Washington, DC, and spent the better part of 32 years working for diverse agencies, civilian agencies and I took a couple of years to teach history at the secondary level.
So, yeah, I’m a historian of my challenger book was very well received. And then when I wrote the monetary book, that was really my starting point in trying to explain monetary history as I learned about it, working for the US Treasury Department for 20 years. It’s a fascinating story. And it’s essentially, Jeff, the story of how the United States lost its sovereignty, and its sovereignty remains lost until this day. And no matter what any politician will tell you about all the great things they’re going to do, they’re not in charge.
So, we have to always keep that in the back of our minds. Now my first European ancestor came to America in 1638. He landed in Massachusetts. He was a Puritan blacksmith. His father, who was a minister, was dragged through the streets of London behind a horse by the authorities of King Charles the First and Archbishop Laud of the Church of England. And so, we are dissenters from a long, long time ago. They came here for religious freedom and not just for religious freedom, they came here out of fear for their lives.
They were told that if they didn’t get out, they would be killed and in fact, his brother died in the king’s prison, and his father died of the injuries he received. So, my ancestors have been involved with this experiment called America for a long, long time. Now you put them side by side. Of course, we’re all a blend. And it so happened that my mother’s family married into the French-Canadian lineage. And there we have Native American ancestry. So, we’ve got the Puritans and the Native Americans and lots of stuff in between.
And so, what I wanted to do was tell the story of America from the point of view of the people who were there, the people who lived and suffered, and gained freedom a long time ago, and show how that freedom was gradually lost as it has been today. And so, I interweaved the history of America with all kinds of family reminiscences. I’ve got a great-grandfather who wrote in the Oklahoma land rush. My mother grew up near the Indian reservations in Montana. I was born in Montana near the Flathead Reservation.
So, I’ve got a whole history of the Flathead tribes interwoven. So, you’ll see all of these different storylines jumping in and out. But the focal point is really monetary and financial history because if you go back to the early 1600s, America, or what became the United States survived, got settled, and had a lot of conflict with the Indians but also a lot of relationships with the Indians and did it all for two centuries without a single bank. There was no bank in America until 1781 during the Revolution, when the Bank of North America was created.
And that’s where the travesty of today we call fractional reserve banking and the rule of usury came into the United States and gradually took over. And that’s where we are today because that takeover determined the entire future history of America and the Western world and of course, as you know, with your extensive background in other parts of the world the Western powers driven by these financial imperatives took over, colonized, and subverted all the rest of the world as well.
Jeff: Yeah.
Richard: And now we’re facing today the conflict as the rest of the world wakes up to that and has said they’re going to chart their own course. Now, let me give you if that’s okay, I want to give you a piece of background.
Jeff: All right.
Richard: As to what we’re talking about when we discuss the monetary system. And the paper that you got that I sent to you subsequently became an article that I published called US Collapse Triggers And A 500-Year Financier Conspiracy. So that’s kind of the centerpiece. But you have to go back in history. And this is what I wrote in the article. European expansion, which, as we know began around the year 1500, required a monetary system to enable its growth. When Columbus built the three ships, he needed the capital to finance that enterprise.
Now, during the Middle Ages in Europe, the group called the Knights Templar and those of your listeners who are familiar with medieval history know that the Knights Templar were the centerpiece of the European Monetary System, but they did not charge interest for lending. Charging interest from lending is called usury where you’ve got to pay back more than you borrowed. And of course, you realize that if everybody took loans and had to pay back more than they borrowed, the whole society would run out of money very quickly. It would go broke.
And that’s exactly what has happened to us and continues to happen today. Every single society and economic system under the rule of Western financial power gradually goes broke or bankrupt. And the money lenders gradually take over the enterprise. And that’s where we are today. But anyway, the Catholic Church had prohibited usury. It was considered a mortal sin. And that continued for a thousand years. And of course, Islam today has that prohibition.
But the Catholic Church abandoned that position around the year 1500, and that coincides precisely with the period of European expansion, where the bankers began to lend more and more and more to everybody, to merchants, to kings, parliaments, everything, and gradually take in the profits through usury. Once they began to ship back gold and silver, both from America and soon afterward from India, particularly, and China and they built their financial system on this by always lending more than the gold and silver they had in reserve.
And that was the system and what did it do to ensure that usury-based banking created the accumulation of wealth by the owners of the merchant banks that rule the world today. They are the sovereigns. They are the power that rules governments, that rules and decides on war and peace, that enslaves populations. And that today, as I state in my book is engaged in genocide against the world’s population including against the populations of the Western states.
Jeff: Thank you. That’s true.
Richard: Now, I do point on out, but I don’t really make a big, big deal out of it. Many of the bankers who were involved in this transition were Jewish. I mean, we all know that. We all know who the Rothschilds are, but they weren’t the only ones. And it was really the Christian center, the papacy and the powers behind the Christian organized religion that opened the floodgates to this by relaxing their prohibition against usury. They’re the ones who need to be called to account for this. Okay, so that’s kind of the background. And then I go in, in the article and what I sent to you, all of the different catastrophes that flow out of this system. And you want me to read my list? I mean, it’s a pretty.
Jeff: Yeah, hang on. Before we get started, the first bank you said was in 1781, in Philadelphia. Who financed that bank?
Richard: Well, that’s an interesting question. It was set up by the people who ran the Continental Congress at that time the leaders of what was becoming the United States and then that morphed into the first Bank of the United States after the Constitution was written and Alexander Hamilton was the Secretary of Treasury, who put in place the first bank of the United States. Who financed it? That’s the key question. It was financed by the purchase of stock by European bankers, primarily.
And these European bankers were Dutch because Holland was a big player back then in banking. That’s where the Bank of England came from really. It came when William and Mary took over England in 1688 and they set up the Bank of England out of the Amsterdam banks. But it was the bankers in London, Bankers in Holland. It was also at various times, that bankers in France and Germany were involved. The critical point was always at that time London and Holland, and as Holland faded away, it became London.
And of course, as we know in the 19th century it became principally the Rothschilds. There were also American bankers being set up who were involved in that. The big banking center at the time was Philadelphia, because that’s where the first bank was set up, and also New York. New York was beginning to set up their own merchant banks based on the principle of usury at this time. So, the bankers were the people with the money, and a lot of the money that was capitalized in these early banks came from opium dealing.
It came from the slave trade out of Africa, which both the US and Britain abolished and various forms of speculation particularly the land that was taken away from the Indians. This land was capitalized and became part of what these banks were trading in. But the thing about the opium trade with China was China paid in gold for the opium. And so, as you know, opium wars were fought to keep the ports in China open for Britain and the United States to sell opium to them in exchange for gold. Later, India became a big gold supplier.
And so, the wealth of Britain and the United States was built, at least in significant part on the opium trade with the Orient from India and from China. And you said I had stories to tell and my book tells the story. It tells the story of the use of Chinese gold to finance growth in the United States. So anyway, that’s just one of the devastating flaws in the financial system.
Jeff: Well, please go through your list because it’s fascinating.
Richard: Okay, well, I’ll try to do this fairly quickly. One is massive public and private debt. Two: Centralization of wealth because it’s the bankers who are sucking in the money in the producing economy. So, in order to pay for this, you have to have constantly increased economic growth. And that leads to consolidation and monopoly of big businesses. And as you look at the United States Industrial Revolution increasingly built upon monopolies that were put together by the bankers, particularly the banker named J.P. Morgan.
You had to have money spent faster and faster because what money was in circulation wasn’t enough, so it had to constantly be used in exchange. And so that created huge growth of cities because if you pack people into cities, they’re going to spend that money faster before it’s called back into the bank through payment of debt. That’s called the velocity of spending. And if you listen to our fantastic politicians, you realize I’m talking about term concepts. They know absolutely nothing about it.
Ask Joe Biden what he thinks of the velocity of money and see what kind of an answer you get. So, the tendency, of course, is to inflate the currency, because if you’re having to pay off debt, you’re going to inflate your prices. And that’s what you see in the housing markets, constant inflation because you have to inflate the currency and the prices of houses because when you buy a house you know you’re going to sell it in a few years. So, you try to sell it for more to pay your mortgage and pay your debts, and looming behind you is the constant threat of bankruptcy.
And we do have a bankruptcy safety valve. And the purpose of that is people can’t pay their debts. So, you have to have a way out, but you can’t charge off your taxes on bankruptcy. You can’t charge off alimony, you can’t charge off student loan debt. So, it’s pretty restricted, even that safety valve. But everything that a human being does today is associated with some kind of financial profit. There’s this great Bing Crosby movie. It’s called, it’s a Christmas movie.
Jeff: Oh, yeah, yeah, I know the one you’re talking about.
Richard: Everybody’s got an angle. He’s very upset, but he’s right. Everybody’s got an angle to make more and more money because they are constantly running only a little bit ahead of our debt. Then along with that, you got to cut costs. How do you cut costs? Well, you can reduce the pay for your employees. You can do what they’re doing now with leveraged buyouts or with stock buybacks. You can lay them all off, or you can move the factory to China, or to Bangladesh, or Mexico, and cut your costs that way.
But it’s a constant imperative. And as we can see, it also is a huge incentive to crime: cutting corners, white collar crime. And then the big one in today’s economy is the sale of drugs. And the sale of drugs as you know from your comments on the Chiang Kai Shek phenomenon has been a backbone of Western intelligence. And of course, they feed all of those profits through money laundering into the banking system.
Another one: Then you have political crime, constant propaganda, and cover-ups to hide all of this because it all has to be swept under the rug. And then finally you have unending competition and warfare among the nation-states because just like every individual is trying to keep one step ahead of their debt, every nation is trying to keep one step ahead of their debt. In the United States, with sovereign debt now of $34 trillion and interest payments on that approaching $1 trillion a year, the imperative to make war and to rob and steal from other nations is enormous.
And we can see that so clearly Ukraine war, the Gaza war where they’re trying to get hold of resources off the shores of Gaza. So, the Palestinians don’t get it. The war against Iraq, and the hoped-for war against Iran, all have to do with getting resources to pay down the debt. And so, Jeff, we could talk for 100 years about this.
Jeff: Yeah, Syria there. Obviously, the US military is illegally occupying Syria and stealing their oil and wheat.
Richard: Right. Yeah.
Jeff: Just blatant, just blatant, blatant theft. It’s unreal.
Richard: Well, anyway I write about all that and it takes up 400 and some pages.
Jeff: Well, I want to ask you a few questions about. Well, first off, you mentioned bankruptcy. Unfortunately, my wife and I got sucked into the real estate House of Cards in 2008 and went bankrupt. So, we know all about bankruptcy. One thing you mentioned, you said that the politicians don’t control anything.
It made me think that I’ve got the letter somewhere, but Franklin Delano Roosevelt actually wrote a letter, a private letter to one of his friends or members of his government, basically saying that he couldn’t pass gas without contacting the bankers first. Everything in the New Deal had to be signed off on by the banks so that even a savvy, powerful president like FDR an amazing politician, he felt he was under the thumb of the big banks. So, if he had to get permission, then we know that everybody since him has had to get permission and those who didn’t like Kennedy got killed.
Richard: Correct.
Jeff: So, he got killed here.
Richard: Can I say something about Roosevelt?
Jeff: Yeah.
Richard: When the New Deal began, the economy crashed. I write this in my book because the Bank of England finagled the Federal Reserve into shipping the gold reserve that England had lost to America owing to World War I back to Europe. That’s what crashed the economy during the Great Depression. So, Roosevelt came in and he and his brain trust did have a lot of plans, but the American bankers were very much opposed to him, except for one.
That’s when the Roosevelt family decided we think we’re going to support this guy, and we’re going to back the new deal because what it’s going to lead to is massive government borrowing. And it has always been in favor of government borrowing, not just because of the obvious benefits, but because they manage the sales of government debt to the public. So that’s when the Rockefellers took over the US economy.
It was during the New Deal based on their decision to support Roosevelt in his program. And they stayed in control of the US government. All the way well through the life of David Rockefeller and on into today through institutions like the Rockefeller Foundation. So, yeah, yeah, Roosevelt had to buy into this and set the stage for what followed.
Jeff: Even though there was an attempted fascist coup against him by American industrialists, including George Herbert Walker Bush’s father.
Richard: Prescott Bush. It also caught selling lots of stuff to Hitler.
Jeff: Yeah, yeah. Well, yeah, there was a real bromance between American industrialists and Hitler.
Richard: Yeah. And not just American, but British as well.
Jeff: Yeah, absolutely. I wanted to ask you I’m just going through your notes here. You said that because I was taught when I went to catechism at church as a kid, I was always told that Pontius Pilate killed Jesus Christ. But now I’m hearing from more and more people that it wasn’t Pontius Pilate, but that it was actually the Jewish bankers in the temples that killed him. But so, can you clarify that?
Richard: Yeah. This has always been of great interest to me. Now correct me if I’m wrong maybe somebody else will. When Jesus came to Jerusalem for the final Passover, the first thing he did, or at least one of the first was he went to the temple and threw out money changers.
Jeff: Yeah. Dumped over their tables and turned over their tables.
Richard: Okay, there’s nothing else in the New Testament like this. And my wife and I go to church, and I can’t tell you how hard it’s been for the minister to try to explain that away. Why he didn’t really mean it, in essence. But to my mind, that was the central beef with the Jewish elders, priests, and scribes, the establishment had against Jesus. I mean, he could talk all he wanted.
And they would pick up rocks to throw at him, but he’d always slipped away, it says. But that was the one thing they could not tolerate was his assault on the merger of the financial system with the religious institutions. And if you look at the temple, the temple is a very symbolic thing. You can look at the temple as the entire structure of human existence.
Jeff: Yeah, yeah.
Richard: We live in the temple.
Jeff: A metaphor.
Richard: A metaphor. And here’s Jesus throwing the money changers out of human life. He knew, and there was a long background. And I write about this in my book, too, of usury being condemned in the ancient world. And here were the Jewish elders in Jerusalem building their power essentially on usury and Jesus came in to put a stop to that. And so, yeah, yeah, that’s kind of how I interpret it.
Jeff: But why was I told that Pontius Pilate killed him? The Roman governor of Palestine? Why was I told that? Not to say that it was the Jews that killed him?
Richard: Yeah.
Jeff: It was those dirty Roman pagans who killed Jesus.
Richard: Just washed his hands of it.
Jeff: Yeah.
Jeff: Well, I’m looking forward to reading your book because you say you have family anecdotes in your book. And I just interviewed, I’m not going to get up and pick it up, but I just interviewed Thomas Powell a couple of couple of months ago. He’s a co-founder of the Bioweapons Truth Commission with, myself and a couple of other people. And he wrote a book called The Secret Ugly about the US use of bioweapons during the Korean War. And his father, of course, was persecuted. His father was persecuted by the US government because he was in China exposing the truth of all of this bioweapon use.
In fact, it wasn’t until Robert F. Kennedy, attorney general for his brother, JFK, finally called off the dogs in 1961 and quit trying to persecute his dad for exposing those secrets. But anyway, he has family anecdotes in his book, and he usually puts them at either the beginning or the end of each chapter. And it was just brilliant. It just really personalized the story and really made it more relatable. So, I think I’m sure you probably felt the same way when you added your anecdotes, right?
Richard: Yeah, definitely. And if we have time, we have another couple of minutes?
Jeff: Of course. Right.
Richard: There are two other points here that I think it’s very, very critical here to work into their own picture of history. First of all, a term that I finally settled on to use to describe what Pepe Escobar brilliantly calls the hegemony. What I call the hegemon I call the Anglo-American Zionist Empire. Now, with that background, I want to read one sentence here from my article.
This takes us back to around 1900. British gold and diamond magnate Cecil Rhodes and directed his executor Lord Nathan Rothschild to create a “secret society” to “Recover America for the British Empire”. Which was done through a century of world wars with Britain providing the brains and America the muscle. We are still in that era.
Jeff: Yeah, absolutely. You mentioned it to me and we were exchanging emails. You have a book that you like about how World War One was basically a game plan just mapped out by the Brits and the French in collusion with the Russians until Lenin took over in 1917. What is the name of that book that you like so much?
Richard: It’s a really important book. It’s by an Italian American author from Italy who was educated at American universities. He now lives in Italy. His name is Guido Giacomo Preparata. You can look them up on Amazon.
Jeff: I’ll put the book link in your interview on your interview web page.
Richard: The title of the book is “Conjuring Hitler: How Great Britain and America Created the Third Reich and Destroyed Europe” (https://archive.org/details/conjuringhitlerh0000prep_p5u8). It’s a brilliant book. I think it’s the best book I’ve ever read on that era and you take the destroyed Europe and you look at what Europe has become and what the European Union has become. And you know and see every day, well, they destroyed Europe.
Jeff: Yeah, absolutely.
Richard: As a sovereign. The best commentator on this that I follow is Alex Cristoforo on the Duran. Brilliant commentator on what Europe has become.
Jeff: I live here and vote here so it’s a complete and totally embarrassing circus. So, I’m disgusted. You mentioned that World War two never ended, but could we say, like, it’s almost like World War One never ended? I mean, it’s like it’s just a continuum. It’s the same. It’s just one timeline.
Richard: And I’ve often had that thought, and I may say that in the book, I think that’s one of the themes of the book. But yeah, the British Empire took over America through World War I. made it its enforcer because England is pathetic when it comes to troops on the ground. But America had endless manpower.
Jeff: Yeah, and industry.
Richard: They were able to get Woodrow Wilson to send a million men to France in 1917 after he had promised not to go to war. But going to follow up on that, something happened in World War two, and I’m going to read another paragraph if I can.
Jeff: Sure, please.
Richard: So, we had World War One and now World War Two is beginning in Europe. Preparata’s book explains how Britain particularly instigated the start of World War Two. Meanwhile, from 1940 to 1941, the US Council on Foreign Relations, a Rockefeller-controlled entity modeled on Britain’s Chatham House submitted a series of studies to the US government that established a permanent policy of total US military domination over the entire world. This policy, which was in writing, has been well documented. I didn’t make this up, but there are other places you can read in detail about it.
This policy became the post-World War two national security state. It was the origin of the CIA, the NSA, etc. Later it became the wolf of its doctrine in 1991 where no other power would be allowed to arise that could compete with the United States. And finally, in 2000 under Bush and then Obama, the policy of full spectrum dominance which included cyberspace, outer space, etc. All of this was planned and the planning began with the Council on Foreign Relations which is the centerpiece of the US intelligence apparatus.
Jeff: Yeah, absolutely. I would like to get that book about World War two. What shall we say helped rip the scales off of my eyes was a couple of books and its sequel about World War One called Hidden Histories by Docherty and McGregor, a couple of Scottish researchers (https://archive.org/details/hiddenhistorysec0000doch and https://archive.org/details/docherty-macgregor-prolonging-the-agony-how-the-international). They took Carol Quigley’s challenge to take his work and expand upon it and it lays out World War I, the Brits again. It’s like every time you turn, Napoleon the Brits destroy the French Revolution. There are just throughout history, the Brits and the City of London.
It’s never-ending. But everything about World War One going back to Cecil Rhodes in 1891 and setting up the secret society with Nathaniel Rothschilds and the Queen of England and Haldane, and they just mapped it out. I mean, they planned out World War One, even just like a playbook, like a football playbook just play after play after play, even the supposed assassination of the archduke that was all organized by the British. It was a false flag and they hired gangsters to do that.
Richard: You can throw it in the mix to the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 because the Federal Reserve was created to facilitate the lending to Europe, Britain, and France, the money to fight the war by the New York banks that had the capital to distribute. And that’s how America became so rich that with the Roaring 20s, they had that tremendous boom that the British then pulled the rug out from under that and crashed the system into the Great Depression. It all fits together.
Jeff: Yeah, yeah. The Brits are here. They’re everywhere. You have another point. The Industrial Revolution took place after the Civil War with capital from US and British banks led by the Morgans and the British Rothschilds. By 1900, the money trust controlled the US industry with the Rothschilds and their banking allies. They created the Federal Reserve in 1913 to finance Britain’s war to annihilate Germany. But in terms of the industrial revolution, where did the Rockefellers, the Carnegies, and the DuPont what would be today the billionaire families in America where do they fit into this with the Industrial Revolution and banking?
Richard: Well, they had the genius to master the technology, and the way John D. Rockefeller the first did that was that he consolidated the railroads and did vertical integration so that he controlled all the transport for oil. I mean, he was a genius. He was a genius of marketing, a genius of industrial organization. But he too had to borrow money from the Rothschild bank in order to do all that. Same with Carnegie. Carnegie was a Boston with tremendous mechanical intelligence.
He was able to master the industrial processes for creating steel. He also had the benefit of the United States government allowing him to import large numbers of workers from Europe at virtual starvation wages and then when they rebelled against that, he had the ability to get the government to send in the troops to suppress the riots. And then when his business was up and running, he relocated to Scotland and became a country gentleman and essentially sold US steel to J.P. Morgan’s banking process to create the Steel Trust.
There were a lot of people who caught the wave of science and engineering but were able to use the political and financial system to get a leg up. But by 1900, the banks had pretty much taken over control of all of the big industries and consolidated them into bank-controlled trusts. The railroad trust was one and the steel trust. And at the top of it all was the money trust. And that was run by two individuals, J.P. Morgan, who was the Rothschild representative in America, and John D. Rockefeller Jr, who was the heir to the Rockefeller fortune and carried into the US establishment.
And so there were really two money trusts. And I write about this by World War One, the Rockefellers and the Morgans. Gradually the Rockefellers took over because they were smart enough to finance Roosevelt’s New Deal with Nelson Rockefeller and David Rockefeller being the government and the financial kingpins of modern times.
Jeff: Fascinating.
Richard: All in the book.
Jeff: One thing I did want to point out to you, I got it funny because, in your outline, you’re talking about the US elections and you mention Robert Kennedy ignores the larger economic issues with a campaign that well maybe a “limited hangout”. It’s funny that you wrote that because I read his book “The Wuhan Cover-Up About COVID” and I exposed it.
I mean, I spent 2 or 3 weeks reading and researching his book, and his book is a classic CIA limited hangout to blame the Chinese about Covid whereas all the evidence in the book is that it was the United States that was the mastermind behind Covid. Back in the 60s, Fort Dietrich was mutating coronaviruses in the 60s to try to develop a coronavirus weapon. So, I just thought it was pretty much the limited hangout.
For those of you who don’t know, a limited hangout is when you’re caught with your pants down and the public you kind of sort of fess up to it, and then you overload the public with just mountains of information and mountains of news and you get them so flummoxed and so overwhelmed with information that they just turn off. And that’s why maybe even RFK ran because I think he’s clearly with his book that’s a CIA book and actually his campaign manager is his daughter-in-law. That’s right. His daughter-in-law. And she is a former CIA agent. She wrote a book about it.
Richard: Kennedy’s knowledge of economics is, I want to use the word pathetic, but I don’t want to be too unkind. And I’ve written so many comments and messages to them. I wrote an article for him for his website. I said, I’ll come in. I’ll brief him on economics. I won’t charge you anything. He totally ignores it. All he’ll say is, well, we’ll get a lower interest rate on housing for young people so that that he doesn’t go nearly as far as Trump or Biden for that matter.
Jeff: Well, I guess as we close out our discussion here, how do we get rid of these bastards? As long as they’re there, as long as the banking, the money cartel is there, the Western world has no hope. How do we get rid of the bastards?
Richard: Well, I started writing about this stuff in 2007. That’s when I published my monetary. I started writing on the global research website monetary articles. And there’s a lot there that people have not really heard of. And I’ve said to my wife, that was what 18 years ago, 17, 18 years ago. And I said to my wife, why am I doing this stuff? And she says and we talk about these things. She says I think it’s had an impact.
You see people using this terminology now, a lot more people are becoming aware of what’s going on and how the linchpin in all this is the financial system. Of course, the collapse in 2008 and 2009 had a big part of it. I mean, that got a lot of attention from a lot of people. And people were saying, well, what is going on? And I try to explain all that again in my book. And the economy since then, I mean, you can’t go a day without saying, reading that the collapse is around the corner.
So, people are getting attuned to it. They’re starting to wake up to this stuff. And I just hope that if enough people start hitting on these few basic ideas, did the U.S. lose its sovereignty in 1913 because of the Federal Reserve Act? And now Thomas Massie, the congressman from Kentucky has introduced a bill with some support to abolish the Federal Reserve. No, he doesn’t know why.
He doesn’t know what to put in its place, but at least he’s got a bill on record in Congress. So maybe some people are starting to think about it. It’s a long gradual process and it’s going to be a lot of pain between now and the millennium when enough people know what’s going on to be able to put something in its place that really works. The public banking movement, for instance, is another thing that’s really got going.
Jeff: Ellen Brown, she’s really good, too.
Richard: Yeah, she’s a good friend of mine. Ellen and I have been talking to each other the whole time. Trading ideas and trading views. The Green Party has incorporated major monetary reform in its platform. And, of course, the establishment is desperate to get rid of the Green Party and Jill Stein for a whole variety of reasons.
But if you look at the platform and I’ve worked with them on some of their programs, there’s a body of people who really understand the system and what needs to change. So, it’s a gradual process, but it’s an educational process and anybody who’s got an interest simply has to pass on the available information, promoted, and gradually something has to change.
Jeff: Because right now globally and historically, the only countries that have been able to get rid of these bastards are communist socialist countries like China who kicked them out, who kicked their butts out of Shanghai.
Richard: That’s right. AIG was among them. The group that was kicked out of Shanghai.
Jeff: Yeah, absolutely.
Richard: And came and took over the US.
Jeff: Well, before we leave, what’s your latest project? What is your next project? Are you working on something besides your ongoing journalism? Are you working on a new book?
Richard: No. I am not working on a new book. I’m working on the articles. And I spend probably anywhere from 2 to 4 hours a day on the internet commenting on other people’s articles in Substacks. I comment on Kucinich’s. I comment on Kennedy’s, and I always raise the same basic points. And I’ve gotten quite a positive response to doing that. So that’s kind of my daily work. Well, we also have a really nice garden. We are having green smoothies every day now.
Jeff: One place you might want to look into, I mean, I know Robert Van Rocks and the China Metallic, his website Metallic Man and then Godfree Robert’s within the China writers’ group, they have very effectively used Quora which is kind of and you might want to look in there. They’re constantly sending me questions about China. And I occasionally will answer one of them but that’s another one of those places where you might be able to leave some comments and educate some people.
Richard: Yeah, good point.
Jeff: So well, listen, Richard, this has been wonderful. It’s hard to believe we’ve talked for almost an hour. And I didn’t know you were on global research all those years ago. So, I’ll ask you for all of your information. Before we go, I’d like to read a quote that you have at the end. And it is “Every human enterprise must serve life, and must seek to enrich existence on earth, lest man becomes enslaved where he seeks to establish his dominion”. And this is by Bo Yin Ra, who was Joseph Anton Schneider Franken, born in 1876, and died in 1943. Before we close out, can you tell me a little bit of something about him?
Richard: Yeah, he was a spiritual teacher. He was an artist by profession. He traveled throughout Europe before World War One, particularly in Greece and Italy. And in Greece and Italy, he met representatives of Eastern religions and he became initiated into Eastern religions but he also rediscovered the spiritual genealogy of Western man. And he kind of merged these together.
And he began publishing in Leipzig with the famous publisher, Kurt Wolff. Probably a lot of your readers have heard of and he published a series of 42 volumes. They’re not really long, but he had over in his maturity over a million readers in the German-speaking world. He eventually went to live and publish in Switzerland. And that’s where he spent the latter years of his life as World War Two started. He lived in Switzerland. He became a very well-known figure in Germany and his works began to be translated into English in the 1970s.
Jeff: Oh, not until the 70s. Okay. All right.
Richard: Now they’re becoming more and more available. The Kober Press of Berkeley, California.
Jeff: Yeah, I see that. I’ll check here. Oh, you actually have a hyperlink. So, what I’ll do is I’ll also include that link in your interview web page. So, sounds like a fascinating guy. Bo Yin ra, aka Joseph Anton Schneider Franken. So, thank you very much. Well, Richard, I’m going to give you a Buddhist bow.
Richard: Thank you.
Jeff: Thank you very much.
Jeff: It’s been a wonderful show. You’ve been giving me an education. And I know you’ve given the fans out there an education. Let’s stay in touch and do it again after you’ve written a few articles, and we can cover some different bases.
Richard: That’s great.
Jeff: Alright.
Richard: Thank you.
Jeff: Talk to you later, Richard. Bye-bye. Of course, I’ll send you the links so you can promote it when it’s all done.
Richard: That’s great. Thank you.
Jeff: Bye-bye. Bye-bye.
Richard: See you.
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44 Days Backpacking in China: The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=YBKHEAAAQBAJ
China Rising: Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=YNmLEAAAQBAJ
BIG Red Book on China: Chinese History, Culture and Revolution
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44 Days Backpacking in China: The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass
China Rising: Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations
BIG Red Book on China: Chinese History, Culture and Revolution
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Praise for The China Trilogy:
Why and How China works: With a Mirror to Our Own History
JEFF J. BROWN, Editor, China Rising, and Senior Editor & China Correspondent, Dispatch from Beijing, The Greanville Post
Jeff J. Brown is a geopolitical analyst, journalist, lecturer and the author of The China Trilogy. It consists of 44 Days Backpacking in China – The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass (2013); Punto Press released China Rising – Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations (2016); and BIG Red Book on China (2020). As well, he published a textbook, Doctor WriteRead’s Treasure Trove to Great English (2015). Jeff is a Senior Editor & China Correspondent for The Greanville Post, where he keeps a column, Dispatch from Beijing and is a Global Opinion Leader at 21st Century. He also writes a column for The Saker, called the Moscow-Beijing Express. Jeff writes, interviews and podcasts on his own program, China Rising Radio Sinoland, which is also available on YouTube, Stitcher Radio, iTunes, Ivoox and RUvid. Guests have included Ramsey Clark, James Bradley, Moti Nissani, Godfree Roberts, Hiroyuki Hamada, The Saker and many others. [/su_spoiler]
Jeff can be reached at China Rising, je**@br***********.com, Facebook, Twitter, Wechat (+86-19806711824/Mr_Professor_Brown, and Line/Signal/Telegram/Whatsapp: +33-612458821.
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