Anonymous ROK (AROK) is back! With books, essays and videos. He is ready to engage the fans via the comment section of this interview. China Rising Radio Sinoland 240803




Pictured above: DPRK on the left and ROK on the right.

Sixteen years on the streets, living and working with the people of China, Jeff








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Conversation Between Jeff and AROK:

AROK: I must wonder how the West, weak as it is, can achieve world domination considering the majority of the world sides with Russia and China

A recent article from Paul Craig Roberts


The most accurate description of the Western World today seems to be in the Book of Revelation (

Jeff: I like Paul’s work. He speaks truth to power and gave up a very lucrative Big Lie Propaganda Machine (BLPM) career to do so.


America being the Evangelist of Sodomy once again.

US, UK, France, Germany, most of Western Europe in general, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, and Taiwan allow Sodomy.

Russia, China, DPRK, and Iran (all of whom are supposedly horrible violators of human rights) don’t and keep marriage as between man and woman

Think about it.

Jeff: Wokeism is another deep state/WEF arrow in its quiver to destabilize peoples all over the world.

AROK: Mr. Brown,

If one reads the savagery and brutality with which Americans and Japanese treated the Chinese and Koreans who fought for independence, one cannot help but wonder that the Americans and Japanese see each other as kindred spirits because of one another’s propensity for extreme, sadistic violence.

The Russians and Chinese have never behaved with such wanton brutality towards the Koreans, nor have sought to humiliate and oppress Korean sovereignty to the extent that the Americans and Japanese have done so.

I don’t understand my country’s hatred towards China and Russia at all to be frank.

China and Russia have had every opportunity to deal with us very aggressively, but they have both been very patient and diplomatic with us in comparison to USA and Japan.

The fact that my country identifies closer to USA and Japan rather than DPRK, China, and Russia grieves me to no end.

We are betraying the memory of millions of Koreans who fought for independence by trashing them as Communist traitors.

Jeff: unfortunately, South Koreans are just as brainwashed by the BLPM as Westerners.

AROK: My dad recently said he is seriously thinking of leaving the ROK, partly due to his disdain for its politics and culture, but also because of the things I showed him. The numerous books, documentaries, interviews of the non-Western countries and their perspectives. Like me, he is sad and angry that people keep getting cucked by the lie machine

AROK: If you haven’t already, check out this guy’s channel.

He is a British YouTuber who visits countries that most people won’t. He also speaks fluent Russian.

A common reoccurring theme when he visits post-Soviet nations is that most of their people miss the Soviet Union and say life was easier then.

Moldovan oligarchs looted the economy after its independence and stole upwards of 1 billion dollars. The capital city looks like it was destroyed. Cracked stairs. Graffitist everywhere.

AROK: Book

Books 23


In the beginning, God made Adam and Steve, according to the Sodomite Bible.

Jeff: more wokeism.

AROK: Can you give your opinion on this essay I wrote?

11 Reasons Why the ROK’s Version of the Korean War is Fraudulent

The Republic of Korea’s (aka South Korea) version of the Korean War is highly problematic and does not stand up to scrutiny. The ROK claims that the Korean War started due to an unprovoked invasion across the 38th parallel from the KPA (Korean People’s Army) troops of the DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea aka North Korea). This statement is highly problematic and riddled with dilemmas.

First, how do Koreans invade Korea? How do you invade your own country?

Second, the 38th parallel was drawn by American planners without consultation with any Koreans north or south of this line. Neither of the government in Pyongyang or Seoul accepted this line. Ordinary Koreans on both sides did not accept it.

Third, President Lee repeatedly declared and prepared for a march north to attack Pyongyang, unify the country by force, and exact revenge on Communists and their families. An American general supported him because Lee opposed Communism and also because he thought Lee would bring a fair, democratic government to ROK. He withdrew support when witnessing Lee’s penchant for using Right-Wing youth groups to terrorize innocent people who wanted peaceful unification, withdrawal of American soldiers, and better working conditions

Both ROK and US soldiers on the ground confirmed that it was the ROKAF (Republic of Korea Armed Forces) who were doing the majority of the attacking across the parallel to provoke the KPA into retaliating and use that as a justification for calling for American support. Many in America were initially reluctant to support Lee and knew him as a hot-headed warmonger with a violent temper. Up to 100,000 Koreans in the south had died from civil unrest even before June 25th, 1950.

Fourth, when the war broke out, there were initially conflicting reports as to who fired the first shots. The Soviet Union was on the Security Council. It and other non-aligned states asked to see representatives from both sides, but the US blocked this action. US further alienated their Soviet peers by refusing to honor the legitimacy of the recently established CCP (Communist Party of China) of the PRC (People’s Republic of China) and continuing to only recognize the KMT (Kuomintang) of the ROC (Republic of China) as the legitimate government of both Mainland China and the Island of Taiwan.

Fifth, there is good evidence from both Western and non-Western sources that the WPK (Worker’s Party of Korea) of the DPRK, supposedly a socialist dictatorship, actually had extensive people’s support from both sides of the parallel. The WPK gave government-subsidized schooling, healthcare, employment, healthcare, paid holidays, 8-hour workdays, egalitarian education and job opportunities for both genders, and land distribution for poor peasants. It even eliminated of child labor. Orphans and widows of patriots were compassionately cared for. The losers were pro-Japan traitors who fled south to the American occupied zone.

By contrast, the government in Seoul was headed by an American-educated Catholic who had not set foot in Korea for decades. The Americans, knowing very little of Korea, had to rely on interpreters, which included Japanese collaborators. These collaborators, when installed back into power, once again violently repressed Koreans who fought for independence and unification. The American occupied zone suffered from massive civil unrest, police brutality against civilians, sexual violence of American soldiers against Korean women, and the forceful opening up of Korea to American trade. Additionally, there were actually more Leftists and Socialist People’s Committees in the south than there were in the north. Elections were rife with intimidation and fraud as police threatened people into voting for Lee.

Sixth, the Russian and American conduct towards the respective Korean spheres of influence differed greatly. Russians did not extensively interfere in the day-to-day operations of the country and allowed the Koreans to run things as they pleased. The Russians limited themselves to providing technical expertise. Most importantly, the Soviet Military left the north and was greeted with fanfare and farewell by the Koreans who honored them as comrades in arms in the struggle against imperialism and the fight for sovereignty.

By contrast, the American intervened constantly, violently crushing advocation of peaceful unification and dialogue between north and south as Communist stooges. The Americans, as of 2023, are still in the southern half Korea.

Seventh, America has referred Korea as a gateway to East Asia for trade and commerce. It sought to control Korea to strike at the heart of China. The peninsula historically played an important role in facilitating the flow of trade and ideas from mainland Asia to the Japan.

The Soviet Union was a peer-level adversary and a serious challenge to American ambitions for unipolar world hegemony. The newly established People’s Republic of China was a serious setback since China was the main prize of the great Western colonial powers and the victory of the Communist guerillas meant that China would be in the Socialist camp and an ally of the Soviet Union. An alliance of the world’s largest nations would have the economic and military strength to thwart Western supremacy.

Korea, to this end, could be used to isolate and cut off the Soviet Union and China. It could be used as a staging ground for further invasions of both. Long before their unilateral division of Korea and even before the Japanese colonial occupation, the US was an enemy of the Koreans. It had a history of violating the territorial waters of Korea with their navy, brutalizing civilians, treating Koreans in a derogatory and racist demeanor, and competing with Japan over colonial rights in the Pacific, which included Korea. Korea was not even acknowledged as a nation by the Americans, but as a Japanese protectorate.

The eighth reason that the ROK’s version of the Korean War does not hold up is America’s own past behavior of imperialist conquest and arrogant behavior towards people it regarded as weaker. If one examines America’s long list of invasions and conquests against Native Americans or the economic sanctions, CIA-backed regime changes, and plundering of Latin American nations, no objective mind can arrive at the conclusion that America was a force for good. America regarded these people and nations as backward savages and thought nothing of destroying their cultures and forcing them to open up to American trade at the barrel of a gun.

America was willing to slaughter millions of Native Americans, drive them from their ancestral homelands into poverty-stricken reservations where they were not even allowed to vote until the 1920s. America interned Japanese into prison camps during the FDR administration. Cartoons of Asians in those days could be offensive, vulgar, and extremely racist, with some portraying Japanese as apes in kimonos.

The Ku Klux Klan terrorized and assaulted southern Blacks. Black soldiers in the Korean War often found themselves sympathizing with the Koreans, who had never done anything to harm them and angrier at their own country who had not protected them from lynched by racist mobs back home. They were even discriminated against more heavily for committing the same offenses as Whites during the ar.

Non-European immigrants were heavily discriminated against from entering the US until the 1965 Immigration Act under President LBJ.

The Korean War’s primary benefactors were American arms manufacturers, who needed a reason to continue the presence of a powerful, multibillion dollar defense industry and militarism abroad. It gave them a reason to continue going to war, stationing soldiers overseas, and bombard the general population with anti-Communist scaremongering propaganda to justify the ballooning military spending.

In light of America’s history of behavior against people it deemed as inferior, for anyone in the ROK to claim that America intervened to defend from a Soviet-backed Communist invasion is living in a fantasy land or a traitor to his own people.

The ninth reason that the ROK’s version of the Korean War does not hold up to scrutiny is America’s wartime conduct in the Korean War, which was far more brutal than that of the DPRK and China. Up to 75% of the DPRK was bombed, many of which were civilian targets such as hospitals, schools, and dams. As much as 20-30% of the population was killed. Chemical weapons, including napalms and even insects and fish not native to the Korean peninsula, were deployed. Americans wantonly slaughtered civilians of both sides without regard, committed horrible sexual crimes against women, tortured POWs, and even threatened POWs into staying in the ROK or (in the case of the Chinese) extraditing them to Taiwan instead of the mainland.

The ROKAF was poorly trained, equipped, and disciplined. It had low morale, tended to flee from the enemy, and was, at times, even more violent to civilians than even the US Military was. This was why OPCON was established to stop the ROK from attacking the DPRK and dragging the US into another war. OPCON meant that a US General and not the ROK President, commanded the ROKAF in war. It was recently in ROK’s history that peacetime control was returned to the president, but the US General of USFK (US Forces Korea) exercises operational command over the ROKAF in war.

By contrast, PVA (People’s Volunteer Army) and KPA soldiers avoided attacking civilians and behaved with discipline and respect even towards POWs, providing them adequate medical care and three meals a day. US soldiers on the ground remarked that the KPA’s wartime conduct was courageous and highly trained whereas the ROK was cowardly and despicable.

The tenth reason that the ROK’s version of events doesn’t hold up is that it fails to understand the perspective of China. China relationship with DPRK is one of mutual camaraderie and friendship, unlike that of the US and ROK, which is one of master and vassal. The Chinese were grateful for the sacrifice of so many Korean Communists in their own civil war for independence against the brutal and unpopular Western-backed KMT. China’s interests for entering the war were a matter of national survival unlike those of the US, which were profiteering motives. US and ROK troops could use northern Korea for staging further strikes on Chinese heavy industrial facilities located in the northeast. The fall of Korea could destabilize China, which in turn, would destabilize the Soviet Union. It would be the equivalent of a foreign country invading and toppling the government of Mexico or Canada. Such an act would threaten the US and would fully justify military response against the occupier in question.

Lastly, the Chinese Communists were not primarily concerned with Korea to begin with. They were concerned with unifying Taiwan with the mainland and delivering KMT and Chiang Kai-Shek to justice. China in the 1950s was desperately poor and still recovering from civil war. There was nothing to be materially gained by instigating the DPRK into attacking the American creation that was the ROK. The Korean War cost China tens of thousands of soldiers, including one of Mao’s sons, and more importantly, prevented the Communists from unifying Taiwan (which the UN acknowledges on paper as part of the PRC) with the mainland. In a sense, Taiwan was perhaps an even bigger beneficiary of the Korean War than even America itself was.

The Soviet Union was also equally reluctant to be embroiled in a two-front standoff against the Americans. The Russians were still recovering from the devastation of World War II during which the Nazi invasion of their country killed upwards of 20 million people. The Soviet Union even avoided giving the KPA an air force out of fear that the DPRK might be emboldened to strike American-occupied Japan.

In conclusion, the Soviet Union and China had nothing to gain from prompting DPRK, a highly successful and blooming socialist state, into attacking the corrupt and totalitarian ROK, which was expected to collapse soon anyway. Both were eager to avoid confrontation with a nuclear-armed and aggressive America and sought to solve the problem diplomatically. It was the US-backed ROK that needed war to happen.

The eleventh reason that the ROK’s version of the war does not hold up to scrutiny is that it was the US and not the DPRK who introduced nuclear weapons to the Korean crisis. As many as 1000 weapons, a higher concentration of any American weapons in any foreign country, were introduced in the ROK with first-use policies against the DPRK as soon as a war broke out (the weapons were said to have been removed in the early 90s, but the DPRK disputes this). General Macarthur and General Ridgeway repeatedly pressed for the usage of nuclear weapons in Korea. The only thing that stopped this was the Soviet Union’s threat to enter the war if China was attacked. Had the Soviet Union and later China not developed their own nuclear weapons, there was nothing stopping the Americans from drastically expanding the war from Korea into one against China and the Soviet Union. The result would have been World War III, a price that President Lee was apparently willing to pay in order to unify Korea.

In summary, there is much disturbing evidence that points to a hostile American attempt to take over a recently liberated country fighting for its independence against American imperialism rather than a heroic American stand against a Soviet-backed Communist takeover of an innocent nation. Far from a compassionate act of American self-sacrifice against a people they knew ever, Korean War was a calculated attempt to divide a formerly colonized country and turn brother against brother in a proxy war so that the arms industry could continue reaping profits at the expense of millions of dead.

Far from apologizing or changing its behavior, the US and the ROK right-wing supporters (many of whom are descended from pro-Japan collaborators) continue to threaten the DPRK with war 70 years later, preventing the signing of a peace treaty formally ending the war, and the normalization of relations with the DPRK under the hypocritical guise of concern for the human rights of defectors (who are paid by the CIA and ROK right-wing to lie). They want the American presence and state of suspended war to continue forever and for the southerners to see their brothers in the north, many of whom fought heroically for Korean independence, as enemies.

Should all these truths be revealed to the public of the US and ROK in such a way that excuses, denials, and suppression of the facts will not be options, it is very possible the ROK as a nation may not survive such revelations.

Jeff: you write very well. You should start your own blog, called, “AROK”.

AROK: Democracy is about the mass of people coming together and casting a vote on important decisions to be made regarding the welfare of the community at large.

Capitalism is about growth and profit.

Unless there are such strong safeguards to check the intrusion and combination of corporate and state power, you will nearly always end up with an oligarchy in which deluded, fractured masses of fools think they’re free as they vote themselves into corporate enslavement by picking the candidates who are bought and paid for by a tiny class of tyrannical, super-rich financiers

This is why the United States Congress is so unbelievably corrupt and exploit public office to enrich themselves with Inside Stock Trading

Anyone who can’t see this truth is frankly too damned stupid to serve in any kind of important decision-making capacity and needs to get the fuck out of public office”

AROK: Check this out. The Death of Money by Jim Rickards audiobook.

The Death of Money by James Rickards – YouTube

I’m about 8 chapters into this book

Rickards makes a number of glaring mistakes when it comes to the chapters on China and the European Union. But overall, his predictions have proved accurate.

The non-Western world aka the majority of humans are setting up an alternative financial system to bypass, subvert, and ultimately, dethrone the Unipolar Dollar Empire

The future for USA, UK, and Japan, if they do have one, is a very grim one, indeed.

Jeff: Rickards sounds interesting and informative.

AROK: Many people don’t know that this war criminal was one of the biggest beneficiaries of the Korean War. Had it not been for the Korean War, Mao would’ve unified China and brought the KMT to justice for their crimes against their people.

The KMT, despite American financial and military aid, lost and fled to Taiwan, a den of pro-Japanese traitors. Just like how Ukraine is losing against Russia despite NATO showering them with aid larger than Russia’s entire military budget. Just like how Israel’s Iron Dome was defeated by a few thousand Hamas rockets. Just like how the Afghan Army didn’t even bother to fight the Taliban despite being armed and trained by the US.

It is ideology that wins wars. Not superior military hardware. Otherwise, the US would’ve won in Korea and Vietnam. But instead, it was humiliated by a peasant army fighting with superior tactics and discipline.”

AROK: New comment on your post “TAIWANESE SEPARATISTS ARE SO SINO-SCREWED, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. By Jeff J. Brown on The Greanville Post”

Western Liberal Multiparty Democracy is the worst form of government

You can see all comments on this post here:

ROK: Communist Chinese Military Tactics in Korea

The Korean War was both a victory and a loss for Communist China against the American Imperium.

It was a loss in that the Communist guerillas failed to unify Taiwan with the mainland and bring the treacherous Western-backed KMT to justice and also lost thousands of its fathers, sons, grandsons, brothers, and husbands in Korea.

It was a victory in the sense that China, despite its vastly inferior industrial and technological military capabilities, still forced the United States to a ceasefire using nothing more than ingenuity, superior tactics, discipline, and ideological unity of its soldiers.

The Americans were demoralized and didn’t know why they were in Korea. The Chinese were fighting to save their Korean brothers as well as their own country.

US defeat

AROK: Defector Park Sang-Hak sending leaflets across DMZ with government approval

This man should be stripped of ROK citizenship and deported to DPRK to face punishment

I’ve watched interviews of people who knew him personally and they say he had a violent criminal background.

Defectors are many times, people who got in trouble back home and are now being paid by the ROK right-wing and even Christian churches to lie to people and incite them to anger against Pyongyang and oppose unification.

It’s sick!

AROK: Digital Tyranny is coming

AROK: 애국가 조선국가 愛國歌 朝鮮國歌 – YouTube

( )

It is strongly recommended that you listen at x1.5 speed”

AROK: Do you know why Egypt seemingly lost its identity over time and became Muslim and Arabic?

AROK: This extremely vulgar rant is actually a pretty accurate description of the hell across the ocean that is America

Americunts – Encyclopedia Dramatica (

Americunts, (also known as Americans, when singular A-merry-cunt) are the fattest breed of animals on Earth. Americans frequently visit and are made from 80% fat, 20% propaganda, and 100% FAIL. Their women are epically ugly and their men have tiny penises (Ranking lower on average than most people except Indians and other gooks). Americans are those who call The United States of America (pronounced “Murka”) home. A veritable melting pot of races, creeds and colors, this sub-human offshoot of humanity has been rendered practically brain-dead by being force-fed vast quantities of shitty materialistic garbage and relentlessly beaten about the head with the Stupid Stick. The whole game was rigged from the start to make americunts the dumbest most gullible fucktards in World History. The world’s opinion of Americans is that they are morbidly obese, arrogant bullies who, being liberal hillbillies with a severe case of the stupid, act like they are God’s gift to the planet Earth. This is how they greet each other Meanwhile, the rest of the world hates America with unfathomable intensity, which Americans have convinced themselves is ‘jealousy.'”

AROK: This troll encyclopedia is more truthful than most Western talking points

Russia, America’s evil commie rival, is well known for being a terrorist country in the modern era. Both superpowers have vastly different goals;

America works to make the world a better place by:

Instilling and supporting the rise of democracy, by destabilizing Democratic countries and installing Dictators.

Making once-great countries into terrorist shitholes; See: Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan.

Using Political Assassins to murder people trying to get anything good done.

Imprisoning the most people in the world, while trying to say its’ the freest place.

Murdering its own citizens.

Censoring and spying on its citizens.

Electing idiots like Reagan and Bush.

However, Russia works for the devil by:

Instilling Traditionalist values, such as making women not act like whores.

Invading innocent, perfectly peaceful countries for the lulz.

Fighting against Homosexual faggotry.

Hax0ring teh US intarwebz. Again, for the lulz.

Trading with China.

Beating up the members of attention-whoring and a-political Pseudo-Oppositionist Feminazi Band Pussy Riot. Good job.

Being evil Commie Atheist scum; even though most Russians are right-wing and very religious. ”

AROK: In truth, Russia won WWII. Not the US. Don’t believe the bullshit lies

To win a war, you need to have the industrial and manufacturing base to produce weapons fast enough to replace the ones being lost in battle. You need to have sufficient manpower to replace the losses. You need to have enough men motivated and willing to fight. You need to have a way to supply your troops on the front lines. By contrast, Russia, China, and DPRK border one another.

All of America’s vassals are an ocean away, meaning the US will be stretched dangerously thin. At the same time, the US has to defend its own cities from Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles from Russia, China, and DPRK.

America lacks sufficient numbers of men physically fit and motivated to fight its nonstop wars overseas. It doesn’t have the manufacturing and industrial base to produce weapons fast enough to replace the ones being lost. It doesn’t have a power grid or air defense system capable of defending its own cities from a small number of DPRK’s ICBMs, never mind hundreds or even thousands of missiles that Russia can bring to bear.

And the icing on the cake, an 800-billion-dollar military budget that failed to win a single war against a peer level adversary.

Does this sound like a nation you want to rely on as a security guarantor? Is this a nation you see as a role model?

If anyone says yes to all this, he is severely mentally damaged and needs to be institutionalized before he is allowed in any kind of decision-making capacity ”

AROK: “Human Rights”

Have you noticed Russia and China don’t go around lecturing other countries on human rights and democracy or even global warming?

In fact, most countries don’t lecture one another because they think another country is less democratic than they are

It’s mostly a select few Western nations that claim to be so concerned about human rights, equality, and democracy while routinely showing themselves to not care about the rights of their own citizens to be safe in their own countries or to be objectively informed about world events

Why is that?

Interesting, don’t you think?

AROK: Korean truth commission will not investigate wartime civilian massacre in Hà My: National: News: The Hankyoreh ( (

ROK has demanded Japanese reparations for 70 years, but has ignored or downplayed its own horrific crimes in Vietnam, a country that never threatened us in any way. We ought to be extremely ashamed of our hypocrisy.

It’s quite telling that ROK soldiers were more feared than even the Americans in Vietnam.

Pro-Japanese/Pro-American/Right-Wing Youth/Anti-Communist Koreans were known for their quickness to deadly violence during the colonial era and the American occupation- both to northerners and southerners alike.

Perhaps this is what endears them to Japanese and Americans.

Most of my family happens to be Pro-American, Right-Wing, Pro-Capitalist, Pro-Business, and Anti-Communist.

They’re not violent people, of course. But many of them are quite narrow-minded to say the least. Very intolerant and close-minded to views radically different from their own.”

AROK: “Insane Lithuanian warmonger calls for the elimination of Russia as a country”

Russia is a ‘cancer’ that could destroy the world, Lithuania’s first post-Soviet leader says – POLITICO

( )

Patrick Buchanan wrote a book on whether or not the US will survive to 2025.

I think he’s wrong. The US will die before that.

And you know what?

I’ll celebrate when that happens.

Mr. Brown,

Do you think Beyonce might be demon possessed.

If you listen Single Ladies in reverse, she actually says:

The world will bow to me, people’s tears fall

In some of her concerts, she has a tendency to pull some bizarre, sinister faces.

She admitted to having an alter ego named Sasha Fierce that takes over her body on stage.

“I don’t know that girl. She ain’t me.” She once said while watching a video of herself performing”

AROK: Mr. Brown,

This was taken from a book called Factories of Death by Sheldon Harris in which he exposes Japanese use of chemicals weapons.

“It takes one to know one. He who said it- did it.” Vladimir Putin.

When it comes to the relationship between USA and Japan, our favorite Russian president’s statement fully applies.

The Japanese greatly admired the Americans and have long sought to please Uncle Sam across the Pacific.

Their capacity for violence against their own Asian neighbors seems to have endeared Japan to their Western colleagues, who accepted Japan as one of them.

Unfortunately, Europe and Japan didn’t realize that Uncle Sam has no friends. They are now pawns in Uncle Sam’s murderous game of geopolitical chess.”

AROK: “Jesse Ventura”

Ever heard of this guy?

Hint: He was Blaine Cooper, the heavy weapons specialist, in Predator. The guy who bragged that tobacco turned him into a “goddamn sexual tyrannosaurus.”

Japan Chem

AROK: A person has to have a good understanding of Joseon in its final days to have a proper understanding of the DPRK and how it sees the world

Joseon was the last monarchical dynasty of Korea. It lasted 500 years, outlasting the Ming Dynasty and dying just short of the Qing Dynasty, during which it retained its own language, culture, and way of life distinct from China.

Joseon was proud of its heritage and identity. It saw the West and Japan as a barbaric, uncivilized rabble that was trying to assault its way of life and pollute its youth with heterodoxic ideas contrary to Confucianism (Marxism, Christianity, Capitalism, Liberalism, etc.) The sudden influx of these ideas fractured and destabilized a 500-year-old dynasty, allowing foreign factions to weaponize and play these warring sects against each other.

This is how the DPRK sees the world around it. An empire occupying half its peninsula, surrounding it with nuclear armed military bases, carrying out war drills simulating the invasion of its country. Trying to infiltrate its society with foreign ideals

The ROK has a different problem. It claims to be a liberal democracy, but is beset by sectarianism. It is so disunited as to what it truly believes that I don’t believe the DPRK has to militarily conquer it.

For Korean Unification to take place, north and south must be able to arrive at a common understanding of each other, which isn’t happening because south has been diluted with American money and culture and ideas that render it unable to meaningfully engage with nations like China and DPRK that don’t think this way.”

AROK: Korean

AROK: The book that originally got me interested in the topic.

Kor War

There is much evidence to suggest that the ROK, with American backing, instigated the fight and also committed more atrocities than did the DPRK’s military.

AROK: Living Color – Cult of Personality (Lyrics) – YouTube


If MLK ever became president, this would be his theme”

AROK: Lyrics of This War by Sting (antiwar song)

Who is the first person who comes to your mind when you read these lyrics?

For me, it is a tough sell between Bill Clinton, George Bush Junior, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden.

All of them warmongers. All of them masquerading as agents of peace and compassion while holding a knife behind their backs

You’ve got the mouth of a she wolfs

Inside the mask of an innocent lamb

You say your heart is all compassion

But there’s just a flat line on your cardiogram

Yet you always made a profit baby

If it was a famine or a feast

Yes, I’m the soul of indiscretion

I was cursed with X-ray vision

I could see right through all the lies you told

When you smiled for the television

And you can see the coming battle

You pray the drums will never cease

And you may win this war that’s coming

But would you tolerate the peace?

Investing in munitions

And those little cotton flags

Invest in wooden caskets

In guns and body bags, guns and body bags

Your daddy was a businessman

And it always made good sense

You know the war can make you rich my friend

In dollars, pounds and cents

In the temple that was mammon’s

You were ordained the parish priest

Yes, you may win this coming battle

But could you tolerate the peace?

Invest in deadly weapons

And those little cotton flags

Invest in wooden caskets

In guns and body bags

You’re invested in oppression

Investing in corruption

Invest in every tyranny

And the whole world’s destruction

I imagine there’s a future

When all the earthly wars are over

You may find yourself just standing there

On the white cliffs of dover

You may ask, what does it profit a man

To gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his soul?

Is that your body you see on the rocks below

As the tide begins to roll?

And you invested in this prison

From which you never got released

You may have won this war we’re fighting

But would you tolerate the peace?

There’s a war on our democracy

A war on our dissent

There’s a war inside religion

And what Jesus might have meant

There’s a war on Mother Nature

A war upon the seas

There’s a war upon the forests

On the birds and the bees

There’s a war on education

A war on information

A war between the sexes

And every nation

A war on our compassion

A war on understanding

A war on love and life itself

It’s war that they’re demanding

Make it easy on yourself

And don’t do nothing

Make it easy on yourself

Don’t do nothing

Make it easy on yourself

Don’t do nothing

Make it easy on yourself”

AROK: Master Beopjeong (1932-2010), a venerated Korean Buddhist monk, on American capitalism

“The United States, which makes up only 5 percent of the world’s population, monopolizes and consumes most of the earth’s resources. They are fueling a vicious cycle of mass production, mass consumption, and mass disposal on this planet. The American way of life is, in a word, exclusive greed, selfish greed that does not think of others.”


“What is the fault of the Trade Center building itself? That building is a symbol of American capitalism, wealth. It is nothing but a tower built on the sacrifice of millions of hungry people.””

AROK: Meltdown: Inside the Soviet Economy by Paul Craig RobertsI just read this book today.

I’m no economist and greatly respect Roberts, but have a lot of doubts about this book.

If life in the Soviet Union was as horrible and wretched as Roberts describes in his book, why do so many elderly to middle-aged Russian men and women speak fondly about the Soviet Union?

If Socialism was bankrupt as an ideology, how did Stalin lead the Soviet Union to Allied victory in WWII despite suffering the worst loses of any country? I seriously doubt America could have pulled off such a superhuman feat after losing that many people

Why did the Soviet government, a supposedly totalitarian regime, go out of its way to make such great peace ventures with its American counterpart and enjoy such support from most of Asia, Africa, and Latin America?

Why was the Soviet Union on par with, if not ahead of its American counterpart in many STEM fields? First ICBM. First man in space. First woman in space. First animal in space. First satellite. Etc.

AROK: “Military Watch Magazine’s national rankings”

Meltdown  Here is the source.

Tiny Israel is apparently stronger than Brazil, the 2nd largest nation in the Americas (Brazil is actually bigger than the lower 48!) as well as the 2nd largest military in the Americas after Uncle Sam

Russia is definitely not weaker than China. Russia is the world’s largest nuclear power with over 6000 nukes. China has just 400.

Pakistan and Iran are definitely not weaker than ROK and Japan. Pakistan has over 240 million people, which is a much larger pool of manpower to draw from, and is a nuclear state to boot

Vietnam is apparently stronger than Indonesia, the largest nation in Southeast Asia with over 280 million people.

Kazakhstan, with a small population of just 18 million, is also apparently stronger than Indonesia

Singapore is stronger than Thailand and Myanmar, despite being dwarfed by both in size and available manpower

Ukrainian military is proving to be a joke. Despite receiving aid larger than Russia’s entire budget, it is still losing to a Russian Army fighting at just a fraction of its full strength. I don’t think it should be on this list

No idea how Mexico, the 2nd largest Latin American country with some 130 million people, didn’t make it onto this list. ”

AROK: Starting next year, I will be deleting this account and moving to a different email service provider

AROK: Multiparty democracy is not a viable form of government

How can multiparty democracy of the kind practiced in Western nations be considered a viable form of government if it potentially alienates up to 49% of a population, many of whom don’t have the foggiest idea of what it takes to run a country anyway?

In the US, candidates are bought and paid for by Wall Street, Corporate America, and the Defense Industry. This means politicians are mouthpieces for the elite and utterly hostile to the people they claim to represent.

Most Americans hate their government and think it is an enormous threat to their civil liberties.

China, supposedly a Communistic and atheistic dictatorship, enjoys a high degree of trust from its general population in its public officials, who are far more long-term minded and diplomatic in how they treat weaker nations.”

AROK: My reading list of 2023

Mr. Brown,

The following is a complete list of all the books I have read this year.


If there are any PDF books on this list that you have not read and are interested in seeing, I can send them to you free of charge. Only the PDF books, since I obviously can’t email you the physical books

AROK: Overpopulation debunked

The psychopath, depopulation, death-cult worshipping Luciferian Davos billionaires who think there are too many of us should do us all a favor, commit suicide, and then give the remaining 99% of mankind all their money so we can bail ourselves out of debt ”

AROK: Phillip Marshall on 9/11

A commercial airline pilot investigates 911 and comes to the hair-raising conclusion that intelligence agencies unaccountable to the President of the United States may have executed the largest terrorist attack/false flag operation in history Bamboozle


AROK: Porn Industry

Jesus spoke of punishment greater than one that befell Sodom and Gomorrah, the cities that God wiped off the face of the earth for their sexual debauchery.”

AROK: PRC elections

what are Chinese govt elections like?

do Chinese people have an electoral college that picks the president?

have you met President Xi Jinping or know someone who has

what is he like?

he seems mysterious calm and yet somehow dangerous”

AROK: Pro-Western puppet regime in Moldova bans opposition

A European country has banned an opposition party that was surging in the polls. Why aren’t you hearing more about it? — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union


Another Ukraine in the making.

Estonia is now denying Ukrainian refugees and threatening to send them back to Ukraine to be sent as cannon fodder to die so Washington can make more money.

Except for Hungary, the leaders of European nations are either irrelevant or outright criminals and turncoats.

In a hypothetical war with Russia, most of these nations will be annihilated with conventional and nuclear missiles in the first hour of fighting.

None of them are capable of defending themselves from Russia or being defended by the US.”

AROK: Quote from Legends of the Fall (1994)

Indians! Indians were the issue in those days. I can assure you, gentlemen, there is nothing quite so grotesque as the meeting of a child with a bullet; or an entire village slaughtered while sleeping. That was the Government’s resolution of that particular issue and I have seen nothing in its behavior since then that would persuade me that it has gained either in wisdom, common sense, or humanity.

Anthony Hopkins as Colonel Ludlow.

This is a fictional character, but describes America to a tee.

The slaughter of Native Americans is a testament for all time as to the traitorous nature of Conquistador Civilization.”

Jeff: 3-minute video intro: Go to my Twitter to see what I am living and experiencing in China every day

AROK: I saw your video.

The reason I haven’t shared my phone number is for privacy reasons.

If you come to Seoul, I am open to meeting you and will give you my phone number then.

I could really use some help right now in getting this info out to people.”

AROK: 10 more examples of USA being a 3rd world hellhole

Jeff: It’s all part of the trillionaire dictators’ plan to turn the West into prewar colonies to exploit and enslave. Happening all over Europe too.

AROK: 666

Jeff: 10 vignettes with photos/videos

Walk with me and the Chinese people on their streets, from THEIR point of view… China Rising Radio Sinoland 231016

Daily news from the streets of China:

AROK: I’ll get to it once I finish my 106th book of the year

Jeff: Your reading habit is amazing.

AROK: Scott Ritter wrote an article about how the US can’t really defend Taiwan even though Biden brags that he will. Mostly because the US will arrive too late to defend the island from the Chinese Navy.

Hopefully Taiwan will wake up soon and unify with China so that the US will no longer be able to use it as a knife under China’s side.”

AROK: Damning evidence the US armed Nazi Germany in the hopes that it and the Soviet Union would destroy each other in a war

It’s Germany that needs to be protected by Russia from America

Jeff: The imperial west failed at defeating Lenin’s Russian revolution in 1917. You know, everybody ganged up on the new Soviet Union right after World War two, right after World War one and failed. And they never stopped trying to destroy communism and. And the Soviet Union and Hitler was just part of the plan, and it’s still going on today.

AROK: ROK’s Syngman Rhee actually wanted the US to use nuclear weapons against China and the Soviet Union if it meant he could unify Korea under Seoul.

But what’s crazier? The fact that this man wanted to start WWIII? Or the fact that there are still Koreans on the far right, including at least one person in my own extended family, who think highly of this man?”

AROK: AB Abrams interestingly said DPRK doesn’t actually have the logistics to occupy the entire ROK territory. I don’t think DPRK can actually occupy and hold the entire ROK territory either. Larger countries have had great difficulty occupying and subduing much smaller countries in the past.

Jeff: Yes, that makes sense.

AROK: When the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army entered the Korean War, they did not advance to the end of the peninsula. They were stopped around the city of Wonju because the Communists ran out of supplies and were reduced to fighting with bamboo spears, according to IF Stone’s book.

China’s military isn’t geared towards operations far abroad. China has always been a regional power”

AROK: A disgusting vulgar question

Mr. Brown,

A suspiciously manly woman with a deep voice sits down next to you at a bar and says, “I hope you don’t mind me coming over and sitting down. But I’ve been watching you all evening. And I want to tear you apart.

What would you say to her?

Do your which movie I’m referencing?

Jeff: No, but I’m curious.

AROK: Coming to America

AROK: a graph showing how many nuclear weapons the US and Soviet Union/Russia had over the decades

The difference is that in the past, US and Soviet militaries had diplomatic channels to stop false alarms from escalating into war. Now, they do not. All it takes is a single false alarm to set off Armageddon.

Jeff: Even 4,000 each US and Russia is way too many.

AROK: Uncle Sam freaking out over DPRK having 30-60 nuclear weapons and ICBMs while he himself has over 5000 and still holds the dishonor of being the only nation to have used nuclear weapons in wartime ”

AROK: I’m turning 32 and I’ve never had anything resembling a career, to tell you the truth, even though I have a degree (luckily, no debt). The most challenging job I had was a cafeteria cashier. I’ve never been able to handle a job more intellectually challenging than that. I am only good at very few things.

What about you?

Jeff: I’m more classic

AROK: Rather than mailing out dozens or hundreds of resumes to employers who don’t know you, don’t care about you, have no incentive to hire you when there are hundreds of people competing for the same job, and generally wandering the desert burning through savings, it would be better for the government to simply assign everyone a job based on his IQ, skills, strengths, educational level, personality. Everyone is employed and paid according to the work he does. He assigned work on the basis of his competence.

Jeff: That’s what DPRK does.

AROK: Cover Letters are bullshit. I think a good, concise resume is sufficient.

Some companies will have you fill out a 10-page+ job application + job resume + cover letter

I’ve been to job fairs during and after college. They were horseshit. Nothing happened. None of them helped you land a job. I came prepared with the relevant materials and a list of questions to ask and what not. None of it was useful in the end.

Employers shouldn’t be allowed to fire employees for any or no reason at all. Likewise, employees shouldn’t be allowed to just up and quit. They need to have a legitimate and valid excuse such as a medical condition or perhaps, lack of reliable transportation

The jobs in America no longer manufacture the goods needed to maintain the standards of a first world country since they’ve been sent overseas to China.

In short, there’s no future in America. There really isn’t.”

AROK: Do you know anyone who was in Berlin when the wall fell?

I feel that German Unification shouldn’t have happened under the government of West Germany. It should have happened under a Confederation of representatives of both east and west. Both systems of government should have been preserved to the best of their ability rather than the west unilaterally overtaking and absorbing the Communist east, which is why East Germans felt discriminated against by the West Germans.

If anything, the Germany of today is a paper tiger that is totally dependent on Uncle Sam I Am, who sees it as a safety pin holding continental Europe hostage to its hegemony.

Jeff: I have friends in Berlin, but not sure if they were there in 1989-90.

AROK: East Germany wasn’t a terrible place to live”

AROK: Having lived in the US for over 10 years, I can honestly say that I’ve grown to hate the culture and what it represents, as well as the fact that ROK looks up to and mimics US at the expense of its own rich culture and tradition. We’ve been around centuries before White man ever set foot in the US. I don’t understand why some, especially those of the right-wing persuasion, insist on such a parasitic relationship to Uncle Sam.

I believe cooperation and consensus, rather than individualism and competition, is a better way to run a society.

I sound angry and sometimes curse through text, but I’m a much nicer guy in person. I don’t curse in real life here. Just sometimes on text if I’m very angry about something.

I don’t like what ROK is becoming and frequently think of leaving, mostly for ideological reasons. I don’t have a problem with elderly to middle-aged folks. It’s mostly the young folks, people in my age group and below, that I have a problem with.

I can’t relate to them at all.

Jeff: You are Eastern and Confucist, not Western and Marlboro Man.

AROK: The ROK elites exchanged one master for another. ”

AROK: America abandoned POWs in Vietnam and covered it up

And they did it again in Afghanistan in 2021. Americans were left behind and the Taliban got billions worth of brand-new equipment while the NATO-trained Afghan Army didn’t even bother to fight back

It’s also believed the US left behind soldiers in DPRK.

Some, like James Joseph Dresnok, crossed the DMZ and defected to DPRK in the 1960s. He raised two sons, taught English, and acted, typically playing the role of a brutal and thuggish American soldier (he was a very large man at 6’5 or 6’6)

Black American soldiers in Korea often didn’t know why they were there and felt terrible because they actually sympathized with the Koreans and Chinese, who were merely fighting for independence and had done them no wrong, while KKK lynched and murdered Blacks back home.

Muhammed Ali: You want me to fly 10,000 miles to murder and kill other people when you won’t even stand up for me and my religious beliefs right here at home! You’re my enemy!

Jeff: Like the pows in Korea. Maybe the ones in Vietnam. At least some of them wanted to stay. Vietnam is a nice country to live in, so that’s always a possibility.

AROK: South Korea and Japan are the most Pro US countries in Asia. decades of American money and protection have put them in a propaganda cocoon. especially South koura who even allows America to command its military. how ridiculous ”

AROK: An excellent treatise on the current Korean situation from Moon Jung-in

Coming to Terms with North Korea’s Nuclear Strength | Asia-Pacific Leadership Network (


I’d take it a step further and say the only way to truly and completely end the Korean War is for US, Russia, and China to get rid of nuclear weapons first before demanding that the DPRK gets rid of its weapons.

US, Russia, and China together all have over 10,000 weapons. DPRK has a couple dozen at most.

Jeff: Yes, but those few dozen DPRK ICBMs can wipe out the USA.

AROK: The US has already lost to Russia, China, DPRK, and Iran. It doesn’t have the military strength to fight even one of them, never mind all four.

Why would any young man want to join a military that does not even serve his country?

Jeff: Uncle Slaughter is having a hard time recruiting enough soldiers.

AROK: The reason the Japanese imperialists surrendered to Uncle Sam is that he pardoned and protected its war criminals from prosecution.

Russia would’ve had Emperor Hirohito stand trial and possibly be executed as a war criminal. The country’s Shinto religion believes that the emperor is a descendant of the sun goddess Amaterasu.

Then the Japanese Communist Party (which was once very popular) would have likely come to power democratically.

The Japanese Communist Party opposed the right-wing rich and powerful capitalists and also stood with Russia, China, and Korea in their fight for independence.

Given that the Japan today is an American client state with an extremely high suicide rate, Communist Japan might not have been such a bad idea.”

AROK: An offensive question

  1. Is sex a natural, zesty enterprise for you or are you an unfortunate soul who engages in it compulsively and without joy
  2. Do you know which movie I’m referencing when I asked you the first question

Jeff: Just got back from the US. Super busy. Will reply later.

AROK: Alright.

The question wasn’t serious. Don’t worry.

Jeff: I love sex. It is a huge part of my person.

Not sure of the movie. Which one?

AROK: The Big Lebowski. The quote is from Maude Lebowski, played by Julianne Moore.

“It’s a male myth about feminists that we hate sex. It can be a natural, zesty enterprise. However, there are some who engage in it compulsively and without joy.””

AROK: Another DPRK Lie busted.

DPRK never said they rejected reunification. It advocated for reunification under a confederation with 1 country 2 systems.

Once again, it’s the American-money backed ROK that is advocating for reunification under Liberal democracy

Jeff: West will never accept any outcome other than the complete destruction on DPRK.

AROK: Recently, a high-ranking member of the ROK’s Democrat party angrily resigned due to the bad behavior of his party members”

AROK: Another false flag

BeheadedMW.jpg (400×593) (

( )

It turns out Hamas may not have killed 40 babies.

Just like the Iraqi soldiers taking babies out of incubators. Or Kim Jong Un executing his uncle with a machine gun. Or North Korean children eating rats. It probably didn’t happen

Now on the other hand, we have real evidence of Ukrainian Neo Nazi paramilitary assaulting, beating up, and killing civilians. But silence there.

Jeff: Of course it is a false flag. Like Qaddafi supposed handing out Viagra to his soldiers, so they could rape more women.

Organ harvesting in China. Xinjiang Muslim gulags. The list is very long.

AROK: According to the writings and experiences of Anna Louise Strong who saw and worked with people of countries that the Red Army liberated, the Red Army was nothing but disciplined, courteous, and protective of civilians of areas that they liberated.

No wonder when the Red Army left DPRK, the Koreans greeted them with fanfare and told them that the Russians will always be friends and comrades of the Korean people.

By contrast, the Americans behaved with wanton brutality against the Koreans, propping up a puppet state staffed with Japanese collaborators, and brutally persecuting heroic Koreans who fought for independence.

The fact that there are some Koreans in the south who actually support President Lee, a man who openly wanted the US to use nuclear weapons against China and Russia, is a damning indictment of us as a nation”

AROK: Another war simulation with DPRK says a 2nd Korean War will cause $40 trillion in damage

Joint exercise drills + sanctions = chest thumping.

Nothing but hot air.

US/UK/Europe/Japan/ROK/Israel aren’t going to do shit. They are not going to attack Russia, China, DPRK, Iran directly.

Jeff: Attack DPRK?

Goodbye ROK and Japan.

AROK: Seoul and Tokyo are some of the largest, most densely populated cities on the planet. The tens of millions panicking civilians would cause more damage than any nuclear strike or artillery barrage in a war.”

AROK: Any advice for talking to people who are pro-American and/or brainwashed by American propaganda

Many people on both sides of my family (except for my dad and a few others) are very Pro-American and very anti-DPRK/Anti-Communist.

Jeff: You. That’s a really good question about advice for talking to people who are pro American or brainwashed by American propaganda. It’s really hard. I think that people who stay in one place and don’t get out and see the world and lack curiosity, probably there’s not much of a chance. However, I think that those who are intellectually curious and willing to look at different sources of information. I have had many, many people contact me over the years, thanking me for helping them pull the scales off their brainwashed eyes. But of course, they had to get to my website in the first place. So, , the big question is, how do people get to websites like mine the first time? And that’s the rub. But it just takes, I think, a certain amount of curiosity, or a certain amount of doubt, or a certain amount of skepticism for that to happen.

AROK: the people who founded ROK lied killed betrayed Koreans who fought for independence, sold out the country to America, and instigated brothers to hate and kill one another while praising the real enemy that occupies and divides this country.

I hate these people and can never forgive them for selling us out and killing and oppressing Koreans who wanted peace

AROK: Are Chinese men manly? What do you think?

Jeff: What is your definition of manly?

AROK: I used to live in California. Many men their dress and act feminine.

Jeff: Are you safe?

AROK: Yes. Thanks for asking.

It’s really not as horrible as the corporate media makes it sound.

AROK: I stopped using Microsoft and am now using this new one (which is actually the old one I’ve actually been using since 2008)

I deleted my Microsoft account because I fucking hate Bill Gates

Jeff: Noted.

AROK: I think he could possibly be a pedophile.”

AROK: Asian nation population ranking according to

Hong Kong and Macau are not nations and don’t belong on this list.

Russia is absent from this list even though most of the country is in Asia, not Europe.

United Korea has 77 million people and would be in 11th place. That places it higher than Thailand but below Iran and Turkey

Jeff: All really good points. A rock? Yeah, that’s true. That’s unbelievable. Hong Kong and Macau. My God, that’s terrible. And Russia too. Your points are all well taken. I’m going to share what your comments with the China Writers group. Thanks a lot. Really good stuff.

AROK: Xinjiang, if it was a country, would be the 6th largest nation in Asia. It’s massive- just slightly bigger than Iran”

AROK: Being in a minority

Koreans in the South who hold the views that I do and have read the books that I have are likely to be a very small minority

The majority of my family (except for me and my dad) are very pro-capitalist, pro-American, anti-Communist, and right-wing.

Jeff: That’s true for 99% of Westerners and their vassals.

AROK: The irony is that prior to the Korean War, there were more Christians in the north and more Communists in the south than the other way around. Not only that, but the Japanese Communist Party actually supported Korean independence and opposed right-wing industrialists and their plan to extend Japanese power to the mainland through Korea. The JCP also wanted to normalize relations with China and the Soviet Union as well. Had the JCP won elections, the US military would have been expelled from the country.

No Korean War means no ROK and no Taiwan. PRC and DPRK would have unified China and Korea peacefully on their own. The Communist Party of Japan would likely have won, expelled the US military, and normalized relations with DPRK, China, the Soviet Union.

It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved. Except Uncle Sam

AROK: Belize…You ever been there?

I’d sure like to move there if possible.

A mostly English-speaking country with a tropical climate.

Too bad there aren’t any direct flights from ROK!

Jeff: Yes, AROK. My wife and I spent a couple of weeks in Belize on a vacation. Oh, gosh. This would have been 30 years ago, when our first daughter was just a baby. And it’s very nice. The people are nice. They speak English. I don’t know about, you know, how about trying. Trying to immigrate there and live there? But it would be a very nice place. And, of course, the whole region, there’s a lot of different places to go. And the surrounding mean there’s no direct flights to these central American countries outside of North America. And even in North America, the only direct flights are typically Los Angeles, Houston, Miami, and maybe New York. But other than that, you would fly to one of those three cities and get a connecting flight down there. That’d be a good. It’s beautiful. Really, really beautiful.

AROK: What about Oceania?

Any majority English speaking country you can recommend

Besides Australia and New Zealand (Nazi-level COVID policies in NZ, from what I hear)

Jeff: AROK, my good friend James Bradley. You know, JB East, JB west. He’s moving to India, which is actually technically a part of Africa because it’s so close to Madagascar and it looks like a really nice island. So, that may be one you want to check out. And apparently, I would just contact the. Get online and find out, but apparently, he’s got it all worked out to move there. I’m sure. Obviously, you need to have some income to live there, but it should not be a problem. Let me know how it goes.

AROK: I’d sure like to move there if possible.

AROK: No African country has WMDs which is good”

AROK: Some of the lyrics of “Crazy in Love” flipped backwards says

The world will bow to me! People’s tears fall!

Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven:

Here’s to my sweet Satan. The one whose little path whose power is Satan. He’ll give you 666.”

Jeff: Those Led Zep lyrics happen when played backwards?

AROK:  had a lengthy series about how the entire Western World is quite literally controlled by Satanic pedophiles who use mind control, torture, and rape to create celebrities like Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez.

1950s USA: Singing in the rain by Gene Kelly

Today- R. Kelly humping Lady Gaga on stage

AROK: Blinken just said Ukraine will join NATO

Blinken just said Ukraine will join NATO. But I don’t think it will happen because NATO knows deep down it can’t survive a direct clash with Russia. It lacks the weaponry, manpower, and industrial strength to wage war against the world’s largest nuclear power who is also allies and friends with most of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, who are sick of being told what to do.

Jeff: Russia will never let that happen.

AROK: Blinken is full of shit. They all are. ”

Jeff: This cesspool has been going on for years. Why and how long can it keep going?

BOMBSHELL! High treason in the Biden White House and Department of Justice! JB West and JB East present: See You in The Hague! #57

AROK: Americans no longer give a fuck about their own freedoms. They want to be slaves

Jeff: That goes for all Westerners.

AROK: Corporations literally lost millions because they celebrate gay pride, which many Americans are against”

Jeff: Can Israel actually win a war against Iran?

Scott Ritter is right. Israel has, well, NATO. It’s basically NATO. Israel is just a proxy. NATO has lost in Palestine, and they can never win. There are some wonderful telegram channels that show what the resistance is doing to Israel. They’ve already pulled out of northern Gaza because they can’t control it. And they just keep getting killed and their equipment keeps getting blown up end masse. And now they’re trying to level south Gaza, and they’ll have to leave there, and they’ll just leave the place in complete ruins with tens of thousands of women, children and elderly people exterminated.

AROK: There is also the size disparity. Iran is the 6th largest nation in Asia with 81 million people (9 times that of Israel) and a mountainous terrain that will make any invasion extremely difficult.

AROK: can WW3 be stopped

Yes or no, in your opinion?

Kim Jong-Un has recently declared peaceful reunification to be impossible and has publicly stated it would take the whole peninsula by force of arms including with nuclear weapons should war break it. At the same time, he stated he would never attack ROK unprovoked. The DPRK government refuses to negotiate with ROK, and insists only on talking to Washington as it regards ROK as incapable of being diplomatically reasoned with and a stooge of the Americans

China sees Taiwan as an internal problem and prefers to negotiate with Taiwan directly as opposed to including the US in its talks. Relations are uneasy, but diplomatic channels are open unlike Korea, where relations are getting worse and worse and there are no diplomatic channels to reduce tensions.

Jeff: I don’t think Kim has much choice.

AROK: We can thank Biden and Yoon for completely undoing the hard-won diplomatic gains achieved under Trump. Trump had good relations with Kim. Under Trump, US came closer to ending the Korean War and achieving normalized diplomatic relations with DPRK in years

Right-Wing Koreans didn’t like it because Trump questioned the US-ROK alliance and demanded ROK pay more (I think the alliance ought to be disbanded entirely and US troops fully withdrawn). They were against the peace talks between Trump and Kim. They don’t want the US and DPRK to normalize diplomatic relations because they fear the end of the US-ROK alliance. Not that the Left is much better nowadays.

When Kim described ROK as a malformation tainted by American culture, he was right in more ways than one.

70 years of American military occupation, anti-Communist propaganda, and cheap American money have produced a very confused country that seems to have lost its sense of identity.

What kind of country not only allows a foreign general to command its own military, but also forces its sons to serve in a military that ultimately really serves Washington?

When Korea unites, the ROK Army should be disbanded and what’s left of it integrated into the Korean People’s Army. ”

AROK: Can you be Chrisitan in China?

Mr. Brown,

Does the CCP actually persecute Christians or is this just another attempt to smear the Chinese

Have you met any Christians in China?

Can I bring a Bible to China?

Jeff: There are tens of millions of Christians in China, about 80 million, half Catholic.

Yes, I have met them and been to their churches.

Bibles are for sale in China.

AROK: Is porn legal in China?

Jeff: Absolutely not and it is tightly controlled.

AROK: How widespread are the following vices in China if they exist:

  1. Teenage sex – much less than in the West.
  2. Abortion – readily available.
  3. Divorce – climbing towards Western levels.
  4. Pedophilia – much less than in the West.
  5. Gambling – banned and controlled.
  6. hardcore drugs – very little compared to the West and treatment is excellent.
  7. adultery – probably about the same as in the West, at least among men, maybe less in women.
  8. homelessness – non-existent.
  9. sexually transmitted diseases – much less, see Number 1. Also, good treatment.
  10. violent street crime – almost unheard of.

It is to my understanding that “Christian “America scores a disproportionately high number in all categories despite having less than a quarter of China’s population.

Jeff: See below.

AROK: Have you heard of the Jackie Chan Adventures animated series?

Jeff: No. Jackie Chan is very pro-Beijing.

AROK: Jackie Chan is voiced by a guy named James Sie, whose voice sounds very similar to that of Chan.

The animated series is about Jackie Chan, his elderly uncle, and his niece Jade fighting to stop the Dark Hand to stop collecting Shendu, an evil dragon who seeks to collect 12 Talismans that will give him the power to conquer the world

Jeff: Sounds like a classic good vs. evil story.

AROK: In season 2, a sumo wrestler named Toru also joins the heroes. Toru was one of the villains in the first season”

AROK: can you give your feedback on this essay

I wrote an essay on whether or not there is or is not an objective standard on freedom, democracy, and human rights. What do you think?

Jeff: I will run this as a guest submission. Good one!

AROK: Are South Koreans really free when they still pay for 28,000 US soldiers on their soil and an American general exercises wartime operational command over their military?

Is South Korea really free when it is not self-sufficient in food and energy?

Is South Korea really free when it has to keep begging to China and Russia to rein in DPRK?

Is South Korea really free when it is constantly dependent on China and Japan for trade?

Is South Korea really free when it has a high suicide rate and large numbers of young people hate their country, try to get out of military service, and want to move elsewhere?

I don’t think so. No.

American-style democracy doesn’t make you free. It is the worst form of government ever conceived. It is how the tyrants placed themselves back into power by relying on the stupidity of people who don’t know how government works

Single-party socialism is superior since its members are elected by committees and have a proven track record of 20-30 years or more of experience in a given field. It’s not like the US where many Congressmen and women are trust fund geriatrics who never worked and inherited their money and can be bought out by lobbyists.

In China, the buck stops with Xi Jinping.

In the US, Biden answers to the people pulling his strings, whoever they are. Obama, perhaps.”

AROK: Canada, Australia, New Zealand… What exactly is wrong with the governments of these three, otherwise peaceful and neutral Western countries?

Trudeau continues to be accused of some pretty horrible things, and I’ve heard things just as bad about the governments of Australia and of New Zealand.

Jeff: The problem with Canada, Australia and New Zealand is that they are all colonial settler countries, just like the United States and the Zionist entity in Palestine. And that’s their problem. It’s the roots of violence.

AROK: Justin Trudeau’s regime literally praised a Nazi”

AROK: China’s Justice System and the CCP… What is it like?

Is it fast and efficient?

Or is it a bureaucratic shit-fest like its American counterpart, where most people are convicted on plea bargains.

My understanding is that the Chinese government is far more intolerant of corruption and also highly meritocratic in regards to CCP candidacy unlike the US where idiots who come from enough blue blood money can join.

What range of backgrounds do CCP members come from?

Is it an egalitarian party that includes both rural farmers, industrial workers, and capitalist businessmen?

Or is it almost exclusively made of a tiny wealthy, extractive, and parasitic urban elite like we see in the US

Jeff: I have written all about this, and, I mean, my 3 books and many articles, and I just don’t have time to repeat everything as far as the Communist Party of China. But as far as the judicial system, I’d much rather take have taken my chances in a, Chinese court of law whether I was innocent or guilty. It’s not nearly as corrupt and as much more correct, especially for people who are being framed, I would have a much better chance of exposing being framed.

AROK: The US Government hates and ignores its own constitution with impunity. Why should anyone listen to anything Washington says when it is willing to spit on its laws whenever convenient?”

AROK: Chinese policy towards Taiwanese civilians

Would someone like Charlize Theron be considered White? ”

AROK: Chinese schools teaching kids to kill Americans?

“KILL AMERICANS”- China’s New Education Campaign in School – YouTube


I saw this coming from a mile away.

America and Japan attacked and brutalized a China that initially never wanted to be its enemy.

It is my hope and confidence that Russia, China, and DPRK will lead the revolution against the American Empire and bring it to justice for all its crimes.

The three field the strongest militaries of America’s enemies and all have the means to strike the American heartland.

Jeff: China has had military drills for students for decades. In university, every student is expected to be in a one-week boot camp before the start of every year.

Given how the West has been and continues to try to destroy the Chinese people, going back to the Opium Wars starting in 1839, every citizen will be ready to fight when called.

The West will not stand a chance.

AROK: Funny thing, there was this Black guy in America called King Shamir Shabazz who literally screamed into a bullhorn in the middle of a street for Black people to start “Killing crackers!”

The Ku Klux Klan has armed compounds in the deep south where its members engage in military training and call for the violent deaths of Jews, Blacks, and homosexuals.

America broke every treaty it signed with the Native Americans and treated Latin American nations as if they were colonies to the point that General Smedley Butler wrote a whole book admitting the US Military is a private mercenary Wall Street Oligarchs.

China has never had a history of any such behavior. It is respected by the majority of the non-Western world. Only the West and Japan hate China.

The ROK also hates China, but actively doesn’t antagonize it to the extent that the US does out of fear that China will let DPRK off its chain”

AROK: Cult of Personality by Living Color

Living Color – Cult of Personality (Lyrics) – YouTube

Jeff: I started listening to Living Color when their first album came out.

They had a good marketing niche: an all-Black hard rock band.

I have five of their albums. Very good group.


If you like them, you should also check out another all-Black hard rock/blues outfit: The Gales Brothers, and Eric Gales. I’ve got most of their stuff. They are smoking!

AROK: The lead singer of Living Color was in the Charlie Sheen movie Platoon.

Just as in Korea, Americans couldn’t beat up a bunch of lightly-armed Vietnamese guerilla peasants.

Makes you wonder how this nation still fancies itself to be a superpower.

Jeff: I saw Platoon and did not know that.

AROK: “I exploit you and you still love me.”

The story of America”

AROK: David Irving

What do you think of this guy?

Jeff: I think he tells the truth.

AROK: The difference between now and then is that USA and Europe used to protect its own industrial base from competitors. Now they don’t, and they still want to drum up wars with Russia, China, DPRK, and Iran ”

AROK: Deagle forecasts massive population loss in 2025

Deagel-2025-Forecast-by-Country.pdf (


Jeff: Thanks to mRNA injections.

AROK: I didn’t take any injections. But my family did!

Jeff: My wife and I didn’t either, thank goodness.

AROK: My parents and uncles and grandparents are admitting that I was right and the injections didn’t do shit to boost people’s immunity. EVERY person in my family who got COVID was triply jabbed prior to infection.

And the infection itself was a mild to moderate cold.

Very recently, my baby niece caught COVID and nothing happened.”

Jeff: Dirty, dark secrets of D-Day France = Secrets sales et sombres du Jour J en France = 法国D日肮脏和黑暗的秘密


A lot of research went into writing this exposé. So, me of it is shocking. Well worth reading to learn what really happened during WWII.

Dirty, dark secrets of D-Day France, 6 June 1944, with crucial background in World War II China and Japan. China Rising Radio Sinoland 230606

Les secrets sales et sombres du Jour J en France, le 6 juin 1944, avec des antécédents cruciaux de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale en Chine et au Japon. China Rising Radio Sinoland 230606

English / 中文 : Dirty, dark secrets of D-Day France, 6 June 1944 / 法国D日肮脏和黑暗的秘密,发生在1944年6月6日

AROK: Will take a look. Thanks.

I have read all of Mr. Romanoff’s books to date, and he gave evidence that the Allies not only killed more Germans than Germans killed Jews, but were, in many cases, more inhumane in their conduct towards POWs and civilians.

The Soviet Union, ultimately, must be credited as the nation that carried out the Allied victory. Losing 20 million people and still mustering up the patriotism, industrial strength, and manpower to push the Nazis all the way back to Berlin is a feat that Americans can’t even replicate.

World War II was a matter of life and death for the Russians. But for our favorite Uncle Sam, it was yet another money to get rich. It was a propaganda victory for Americans, who convinced themselves that they were the good guys.

The Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Iraq War, Afghan War, the Bay of Pigs Invasion, the murder of Colonel Gaddafi, the murder of General Soleimani, and now the Ukraine War was all about protecting humanity and freedom. It was never about hegemony or power. The tens of millions of civilians who were gassed, blown apart by bombs, and treated like terrorists in US military prisons all died to make the world safer for democracy.

Jeff: Have you made any effort to find the Korean language edition of the Needham report on US bioweapons during the Korean War?

AROK: I’ve had no luck finding it.

I did find this website

Jeff: The Cancer Within. JB West and JB East present: See You In The Hague! #63


AROK: The Pro-American Right-Wing Capitalist class of the ROK must be liquidated before they finish selling out the country to the US”

AROK: Mr. Brown,

I want to speak to someone from Mainland China to get the Chinese perspective on the Korean War

Do you know anyone?

Jeff: I would not know where to begin. So, rry.

AROK: What is it like to live and work in China?

Jeff: Please read The China Trilogy. It’s all there!

AROK: I don’t use Amazon. Is there a way I can get PDF copies of your books

Jeff: I have them in Epub for US$10 each and can be paid by PayPal.

AROK: I don’t have E-Pub unfortunately.

I get my info on China from Larry Romanoff.

Have you read any of the books by Stephen Gowans?

Jeff: It’s free,

AROK: Have you heard of Anna Louise Strong, by any chance?

One of the first Americans on the ground in the days following Korea’s liberation from Japan to have visited both sides and objectively reported

She confirms the findings of the books of IF Stone, Bruce Cumings, Stephen Gowans, and AB Abrams.

Jeff: Yes, I read her book about Tibet.

AROK: I’ve read 76 books this year.

Jeff: Yo duh MAAAAAAN!

AROK: Most of them are in PDF format”

AROK: “Do you like sex” from Maude Lebowski

Mr. Brown,

What would you say in response if a beautiful woman who was obviously wearing nothing underneath a bathrobe randomly asked you, “Do you like sex?”

Jeff: In my life, I have almost always been a serial monogamist. Other than two brief periods during college and when I got my first job barnstorming around Africa and the Middle East, I have always been like a loyal puppy dog with my partners.

I have had umpteen opportunities to be unfaithful, but did not cheat. So, , to this beautiful woman I would say,

“Yes, with my spouse”!

AROK: The quote is from The Big Lebowski when Jeffrey Lebowski aka Dude meets Maude Lebowski, the estranged and eccentric feminist daughter of the wealthy elderly Jeffrey Lebowski.

He is asking her about a stolen rug, when she randomly asks him if he likes sex.”

AROK: Do you think Bigfoot and Yeti are real?

What do you think?

Jeff: I don’t believe they exist.

AROK: Do you think they could, though?

I watched Monster Quest’s episode on Yeti. Allegedly, the Yeti is powerful enough to break a Yak’s neck with a single blow.

Jeff: Can’t buy it. Nor the Loch Ness monster. Nor UFOs.

AROK: What do you think about UFOs?

Jeff: I don’t think we have made contact, although I love the eponymous movie with Jodie Foster.

AROK: Christians believe UFOs and aliens are demons from hell masquerading as aliens”

AROK: Does the Chinese government assign jobs to everyone?

Is that part of the reason why people in China aren’t living in tent cities to the degree that their American peers are?

Jeff: No. In China, they do not assign jobs. In fact, it’s quite competitive and quite open and free. I think the only country I can think of that would do something like that for the vast majority of people would be, you know, maybe be Eritrea, I don’t know, in Africa, maybe some in Cuba, but I doubt it. I think the DPRK is probably the only one that I can think of.

AROK: I understand that it is much cheaper to live in China. That public transportation, education, healthcare, housing is far more affordable than in the US where people are often in debt in the tens of thousands if not more.

Chinese schools are also much more rigorous and meritocratic than are American schools, where dumbasses can get into Harvard

Does Xi Jinping grant interviews to foreign journalists?

I’ve never seen one. Have you?

The Chinese president is a very mysterious man.

Jeff: No. None to anyone that I know of.

AROK: Why not?

Putin grants interviews to foreign journalists. But Xi, Kim, and Khamanei do not.

Jeff: Putin is European. The others are Asian.

AROK: Mao and Deng also did foreign interviews”

Jeff: Drugs?

AROK: Fuck the media.

Pronouncing a man guilty before a trial has even taken place.”

AROK: Even the mainstream media is admitting Ukraine is losing now and that Biden is resorting to bypassing congress to help Ukraine.

Jeff: I hope Russia goes all the way to NATO’s borders.

AROK: UK is practically out of weapons at this point ”

AROK: Financial times has US should give up on denuclearizing DPRK

‘North Korea has already won’: US urged to abandon denuclearization ‘farce’ | Financial Times (

( )

Jeff: Please accept my apologies for not responding recently. I’m just overwhelmed. I’ll be in the US next week and will do a post for us.

AROK: Got it.

Where are you now?”


How in the hell did this guy win with just 40.2% of the vote?

What about the remaining 59.8%?  Taiwan doesn’t have an electoral college, if this is to be believed.

So, this guy won without a majority of the votes if RT is to be believed.

Conman anyone?

You did mention that suppressed polls showing as many as 50% of Taiwanese actually wanting unification.

We could be looking at it right now

Is there a chance to overturn the elections?

Taiwan, like Britain, the US and many other countries has “first past the post “rules. Here is what I sent Sputnik News,

Pro-Western Lai Ching-te has claimed victory in Taiwan’s elections.

1) Now that the people of Taiwan made their choice, how do you see island’s relations with Beijing developing? What reaction should we expect from China?

Taiwan’s “first past the post” voting system made it easy for the pro-independence DPP to win, since the two pro-Beijing parties, the KMT and TPP could not negotiate to have a single opposition presidential candidate. In fact, these two pro-Mainland parties got 60% of the vote to DPP’s 40%.

But it is the DPP that will continue to occupy the Presidential Office and do the bidding of the United States. This is ultimately a victory for Western empire and NATO will make the most of it to frustrate and irritate Beijing, along with vassals South Korea, Japan and the Philippines, all three heavily occupied by American troops. An official US delegation is already planned to go to Taipei, to anger the mainland.

Beijing will continue to publicly bluster about these ongoing insults, while doing everything possible to avoid a hot war in East Asia, which would hinder the country’s continuing economic, science/technology and infrastructure development, to improve the lives of the people. Nonetheless, President Xi Jinping has repeatedly said Taiwan has two choices: peaceful reunification before 2049 or an overwhelming military response if the Island declares independence.

2) The regional leader claimed that he will try to maintain the status quo while using dialogue in an attempt to replace confrontation. How hard will it be for him to maintain this status quo?

DPP leaders are American satraps and the US will use their subordination to abuse the Taiwanese people as geopolitical pawns. What is worrisome is in spite of losing badly in Ukraine and Palestine, Uncle Sam is clearly planning on war with China at some point, using Taiwan as a proxy. Japan, South Korea and the Philippines are expanding their American military occupations with new bases and Taiwan keeps buying US weapons.

However, this develops, Lai Ching-te answers to Washington. Even if he tries to delay it, the US can easily pull off a Gulf of Tonkin style false flag to trigger a military confrontation.

3) What kind of geopolitical shifts in the region should we expect as the result of the outcome? How will it affect further US-China relations?

China and Russia will continue to work closely together in the Western Pacific. North Korea will keep the US, ROK and Japan distracted and on edge. Vietnam and the rest of ASEAN side with Beijing. Vassal Philippines will keep being used to confront China in the South China Sea, along with NATO ships and warplanes intruding into China’s waters and airspace. It is one big three-dimensional geopolitical chess game, which could easily end up in a hot war.

With America’s DPP still in power in Taiwan, 2024, the Year of the Dragon is going to be tense.


The KMT and TPP should challenge the results like Trump did with Biden.

Who is primarily voting for the DPP? Young people? Are we going to see a repeat of Hong Kong?


AROK: Taiwan is actually surprisingly hard to invade due to its mountainous terrain as well as the fact that China lacks the power projection capabilities of Uncle Sam. Chinese Military is defensive in nature and only protects the country.”

Jeff: Remembering the 1980-armed uprising against imperialism in Gwangju, Korea | The Communists

AROK: I’m glad you sent it. My father’s family immigrated to the United States in 1979, a year before the Gwangju Uprisings. If my father served his mandatory military service, it’s very possible he might have been sent to the city to stop the protests.

In comparison to the 40 years of stability that the DPRK enjoyed under the governance of Kim Il-Sung, the ROK was an extremely turbulent and divided place.

We must remember that the ROK’s government and capitalistic ways were imposed onto the country by Americans and right-wingers who fostered a virulently anti-Communist education onto the youths.

The DPRK’s WPK (Worker’s Party of Korea) was formed from Leftist People’s committees, peasants, factory workers, intellectuals, and soldiers who fought for Korean independence in the colonial era and during the Korean War.

The ROK Armed Forces were also deployed to Vietnam on the side of the Americans and committed atrocities against civilians.

The Korean People’s Army fought on the side of the Viet Cong for Vietnamese independence and educated Viet Cong troops on building underground fortifications to withstand aerial bombings.

For reunification to possible requires a day of severe reckoning in which the truth is finally revealed in such a way that not even the most ardently pro-American right-winger can deny, excuse, suppress, or whitewash the facts.

Frankly, I don’t think my country could survive a full revelation of the facts”

AROK: Fundamentals of Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-Il book… This book came out in 2016.

Nowhere do Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-Il call for the forced and violent unification of and reprisals against southerners.

Both father and son desired peaceful unification and only developed large militaries and nuclear weapons as a response to US-ROK Joint Exercise Drills and repeated threats from the US to carry out regime change. The north does not seek to impose its way of life onto the south. It condemns the south for the latter’s American dependence, but does not consider southern people as its enemy.

By contrast, the ROK seeks unification under Seoul or not at all and forced Westernization/liberalization of the north. The south is told to hate and distrust the north, not just the government, but also the people.

Even if one side were to militarily defeat the other, neither is capable of integrating and absorbing the other. The ROK does not have the means to employ, house, rehabilitate, educate, and train 25 million northerners. The DPRK likewise does not have the means to rehab and integrate the 50 million southerners into its system.

A Confederate system where both preserve their existing governments is the best choice for both. US should enter arms control negotiations with DPRK and work long-term to reduce each other’s nuclear weapons and armaments, the way it did with Russia and China. The DPRK in turn should downsize its huge military, which is an enormous burden on its domestic economy and diverts resources from the civilian sector

Jeff: Will share book in your future interviews.

Sorry, I’m overwhelmed with work.

AROK: The DPRK military is superior in numbers, motivation, morale, training, and ideological strength. When war happens, the northerners will not be running away. Every able-bodied man will fight. The KPA will be on the offensive.

The smaller, less motivated, ideologically weaker ROKAF dependent on American and Japanese aid will have to fight a much larger KPA, evacuate tens of millions of panicking civilians, defend its cities from ten thousand artillery strikes per hour, knock out the artillery encampments on the DMZ (many of which are underground), and occupy the DPRK with sufficient troops to denuclearize the country and take down the leadership.

You tell me if that sounds feasible.

550,000 ROKAF soldiers + 28,000 American soldiers vs 1,200,000 KPA soldiers

The same US that couldn’t defeat the Taliban after 20 years of fighting.

Jeff: FYI:

AROK: I can’t access the article as I’m not a paid subscriber.

Capitalism is all about competition and dominance, rather than cooperation and consensus. The ROK is American educated and American trained. That’s why it regards DPRK as an enemy rather than brothers to be reconciled with. It regards China and Russia with distrust at best and hostility at worst. The ROK right-wing is very attached to USA and Japan because these people love their American and Japanese money more than their own Korean brothers. If you favor stronger relations with Russia, China, and DPRK, you are seen as a Communist sympathizer and treated like an enemy by these people.

It’s very parasitic and very sad.

I want you know that I don’t support the ROK-US alliance in any way. I want Korea to unify under a Confederation, 1 country with 2 systems, and for Korea to join the non-aligned nations.

But the reactionary elements of society with money and power will not allow it. They will kill you if you try.”

Jeff: 분노의지점에서:광주인민봉기 10돐기념문학작품집 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive ( )

AROK: I’ll get to it once I’m finished with the current book I’m reading.

I was at a Buddhist temple called Buseoksa yesterday. One of the greatest and oldest Buddhist temples in the country, it was built in 676 AD by a monk named Uisang during the Silla Dynasty, a kingdom that ruled the southern half of the peninsula”

Jeff: FYI:

AROK: DPRK was once known as the Jerusalem of East Asia. The ROK actually had more Communists and Socialists.

Some of the Christians in the DPRK fled south where they supported reactionary and war criminal Syngman Rhee, a man so insane he actually wanted the US to start WW3 with the Soviet Union”

Jeff: FYI:

AROK:  You mean this:

The ROK Right-wing, as I said, is descended from people who collaborated with the Japanese in the colonial occupation and benefitted from Japan’s annexation of Korea.

The ROK’s wealthy elite have simply switched one master for another. They worship big powers and hate their own countrymen. They hate Korea and love Japan and America. They want ROK to be subordinated to Japan and USA forever because they benefit from such a state.

That said, I don’t have such a great opinion of the ROK Left Wing nowadays. I don’t think they know what they’re doing nor do they have a vision to unite the country

My family, as I said, is very Pro-American, Pro-Capitalist, Anti-Communist, and Anti-North.

I’ve tried sharing the books I’ve read with them and they don’t want to hear it.

Good thing that I didn’t get influenced by their views. I developed my own views after independent research

To be frank, I am not sure which class I belong to. I was born into the bourgeois class, but am not exactly a capitalist. But I don’t come from a poor, working class background.

I don’t feel like I belong to any

Jeff: Really good insights. Thanks.

AROK: The non-stop shrieking from the Propaganda Machine is growing more desperate”


AROK:  You mean this: The ROK Right-wing, as I said, is descended from people who collaborated with the Japanese in the colonial occupation and benefitted from Japan’s annexation of Korea.

The ROK’s wealthy elite have simply switched one master for another. They worship big powers and hate their own countrymen. They hate Korea and love Japan and America. They want ROK to be subordinated to Japan and USA forever because they benefit from such a state.

That said, I don’t have such a great opinion of the ROK Left Wing nowadays. I don’t think they know what they’re doing nor do they have a vision to unite the country

My family, as I said, is very Pro-American, Pro-Capitalist, Anti-Communist, and Anti-North.

I’ve tried sharing the books I’ve read with them and they don’t want to hear it.

Good thing that I didn’t get influenced by their views. I developed my own views after independent research

To be frank, I am not sure which class I belong to. I was born into the bourgeois class, but am not exactly a capitalist. But I don’t come from a poor, working class background.

I don’t feel like I belong to any

Jeff: Really good insights. Thanks.

AROK: The non-stop shrieking from the Propaganda Machine is growing more desperate”

AROK: global nuclear inventories as of 2023

Jeff: Yeah. This is a very interesting map. Of course, the difference between Nagasaki and Hiroshima and today’s warheads is that those were, what, 25,000 to 50,000 kilotons? Which now they are in multiple megatons. Even though North Korea only has 30 missiles, those 30 missiles could wipe out Europe and North America. So, go DPRK, go.

AROK: Reagan and Gorbachev had plans to completely scrap nukes altogether ”

AROK: Greed for wealth

Al-Qur’an chapter 57 verse 20:

Know that the life of the world is only play, and idle talk, and pageantry, and boasting among you, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children; as the likeness of vegetation after rain, whereof the growth is pleasing to the husbandman, but afterward it drieth up and thou seest it turning yellow, then it becometh straw. And in the hereafter, there is grievous punishment, and (also) forgiveness from Allah and His good pleasure, whereas the life of the world is but matter of illusion.

 Al-Qur’an chapter 2 verse 96:

And thou wilt find them (the jews) greediest of mankind for life and (greedier) than the idolaters. (Each) one of them would like to be allowed to live a thousand years. And to live (a thousand years) would be no means remove him from the doom. Allah is Seer of what they do.

Al-Qur’an chapter 5 verse 42: O Messenger! let not those grieve thee, who race each other into unbelief: (whether it be) among those who say “we believe “with their lips but whose hearts have no faith; or it be among the Jews, – men who will listen to any lie, – will listen even to others who have never so much as come to thee. They change the words from their (right) times and places: they say, “if ye are given this, take it, but if not, beware! “If any one’s trial is intended by Allah, thou hast no authority in the least for him against Allah. For such – it is not Allah’s will to purify their hearts. For them there is disgrace in this world, and in the Hereafter a heavy punishment.

Al-Qur’an chapter 5 verse 62:

And you see many of them (the jews) hastening into sin and aggression and the devouring of [what is] unlawful. How wretched is what they have been doing.

 Al-Qur’an chapter 5 verse 63:

Why do not the rabbis and the priests forbid their evil-speaking and their devouring of illicit gain? Verily evil is their handiwork.

Al-Qur’an chapter 5 verse 59:

قُلْ يَٰٓأَهْلَ ٱلْكِتَٰبِ هَلْ تَنقِمُونَ مِنَّآ إِلَّآ أَنْ ءَامَنَّا بِٱللَّهِ وَمَآ أُنزِلَ إِلَيْنَا وَمَآ أُنزِلَ مِن قَبْلُ وَأَنَّ أَكْثَرَكُمْ فَٰسِقُونَ

Say, “O People of the Scripture (jews & Christians), do you resent us except [for the fact] that we have believed in Allah and what was revealed to us and what was revealed before and because most of you are defiantly disobedient?”

The late Mr. Archie Augustine (a Roman Catholic) from Estcourt, Kwa Zulu Natal put it beautifully when he said the following about the Qur’an:

“Despite your religious or non-religious attitudes, the Holy Qur’an is a boon to your intellectual and moral strength. Even if you are not concerned with moral issues, then pamper your intellectual curiosity and read the Qur’an. The greater the level of your education, in any field, or the greater your social or political standing in your community, the more reason why you should procure your own copy of the Book and begin to read it”.

“Nothing, but nothing, is left ambiguous or unanswered. It (i.e. Qur’an) is a Book of Law interwoven in morality till it touches every facet of the human experience. It (i.e. Qur’an) includes politics, economics, moral behavior, personal cleanliness and propriety, inter-family relationships, bequests and inheritance, inter-religious respect and tolerance, charity, the sin of taking and of giving commercial interest, the importance of prayer, the belief in ONE GOD, religious-sociology and oneness of humankind. Bring any manner or word, concept or subject matter to mind and you will find, not only a reference to such a matter, but a treatise, succinctly and poignantly illustrating, advising, illuminating and directing”.


The Jews are a cursed nation right from the time of Moses. They hate Christians. Go to the murderous state of Israel and try to preach your New Testament and you will be killed or beaten so badly that you will ever regret doing so. Go try it! And you will see that what I say is the truth. To them Christians are idol worshippers just like the Hindus and must be killed. Go ask the Jewish rabbis and if they are honest, they will say that is correct.

According to the New Testament Jesus called the Jews as Serpents:

“Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?”(Matthew 23:33)

Even according to their own Scriptures Moses has cursed them:

“But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all His commandments and His statutes which I command thee this day, that all these curses shall come upon thee and overtake thee: cursed shalt thou be in the city and cursed shalt thou be in the field, cursed shall be thy basket and thy store. Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy land, the increase of thy kine and the flocks of thy sheep. Cursed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and cursed shalt thou be when thou goest out” (Deuteronomy 28:15–19).

After enumerating the curses of the Lord, His sending upon them “cursing, vexation, and rebuke”, His making the pestilence “cleave” to them, His smiting them with “a consumption, and with a fever, and with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting … and the botch of Egypt … and madness and blindness”, the curses of men are thus spoken of: “Thou shalt go out one way against them and flee seven ways before them”, “thou shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore”, “thou shalt betroth a wife, and another man shall lie with her: thou shalt build a house, and thou shalt not dwell therein”, “thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another people … the fruit of thy land and all thy labors shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up; and thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed always” (Deuteronomy 28:20–68).

Chapter 4 verse 145: “Indeed, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire – and never will you find for them a helper.”

Al-Qur’an, chapter 5 verse 78:

“Indeed, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire – and never will you find for them a helper. Curses were pronounced on those among the Children of Israel who rejected Faith, by the tongue of David and of Jesus the son of Mary: because they disobeyed and persisted in excesses.,

Al-Qur’an, chapter 4 verse 145:

the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire – and never will you find for them a helper.”


SHAW, GEORGE BERNARD. (A genius of the 20th century and British dramatist).

“This is the real enemy, the invader from the East, the Druze, the ruffian, the oriental parasite; in a word: the Jew.” (London Morning Post, December 3, 1925)

“This craving for bouquets by Jews is a symptom of racial degeneration. The Jews are worse than my own people. Those Jews who still want to be the chosen race (chosen by the late Lord Balfour) can go to Palestine and stew in their own juice. The rest had better stop being Jews and start being human beings.” (Literary Digest, October 12, 1932).

Al-Qur’ān Chapter 5 verses 78-83: “Those of the Children of Israel who went astray were cursed by the tongue of David, and of Jesus, son of Mary. That was because they rebelled and used to transgress. They restrained not one another from the wickedness they did. Verily evil was that they used to do! Thou seest many of them making friends with those who disbelieve. Surely ill for them is that which they themselves send on before them: that Allah will be wroth with them and in the doom they will abide. If they believed in Allah and the Prophet and that which is revealed unto him, they would not choose them for their friends. But many of them are of evil conduct. Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews and pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, “we are Christians”: because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant. And when they listen to the revelation (Qur’ān) received by the Messenger (Muhammad), thou wilt see their eyes overflowing with tears, for they recognize the truth: they pray: “Our Lord! we believe; write us down among the witnesses.”

Al-Qur’ān Chapter 61 verse 5. “And [mention, O Muhammad], when Moses said to his people, “O my people, why do you harm me while you certainly know that I am the messenger of Allah to you?” And when they deviated, Allah caused their hearts to deviate. And Allah does not guide the defiantly disobedient people.”

Al-Qur’ān Chapter 61 verse 6. “And [mention] when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, “O Children of Israel, indeed I am the messenger of Allah to you confirming what came before me of the Torah and bringing good tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name is Ahmad. “But when he came to them with clear evidences, they said, “This is obvious magic.””

Al-Qur’ān Chapter 19 verses 58-60. “These are they unto whom Allah showed favor from among the prophets, of the seed of Adam and of those whom We (Allah) carried (in the ship) with Noah, and of the seed of Abraham and Israel, and from among those whom We (Allah) guided and chose. When the revelations of the Beneficent were recited unto them, they fell down, adoring and weeping. But after them there followed a posterity who missed prayers and followed after lusts soon, then, will they face Destruction, – Save him who shall repent and believe and do right. Such will enter the Garden, and they will not be wronged in aught.”

GREGORY VIII. (1187) Forbade Jews to have power over Christians, in a letter to Alfonso VI of Castile.

GREGORY IX. (1227-1241). Condemned the TALMUD as containing “every kind of vileness and blasphemy against Christian doctrine.”

JULIUS III. Contra Hebreos retinentes libros (1554) ordered the TALMUD burned “everywhere” and established a strict censorship over Jewish genocidal writings – an order that has never been rescinded and which presumably is still binding upon Catholics. Was a powerful condemnation of Jewish usury? It embodies a model legal code to curb Jewish power that was recommended to all communities.

PIUS IV. Condemned Jewish genocidal writings.

PIUS V. Hebraeorum gens (1569) expelled all Jews from the Papal States.

GREGORY XIII. Declared that Jews “continue to plot horrible crimes” against Christians “with daily increasing audacity.”


“All people of the world suffer from the usury of the Jews, their monopolies and deceit. They have brought many unfortunate people into a state of poverty, especially the farmers, working class people and the very poor. Then as now Jews have to be reminded intermittently anew that they were enjoying rights in any country since they left Palestine and the Arabian Desert, and subsequently their ethical and moral doctrines as well as their deeds rightly deserve to be exposed to criticism in whatever country they happen to live.”

BENEDICT XV. Warned in 1920 against “the advent of a Universal Republic, which is longed for by all the worst elements of disorder.”

This is resented by some Jews because of their active sponsorship and direction of such projects as the League of Nations and United Nations. – And in effect, all Popes who have issued editions of the Index Expurgatorius, in which Jewish genocidal and anti-Christian writings are condemned, according to the instructions of the Council of Trent.

MARTIN LUTHER, 16th century German religious reformer said:

“They (the Jews) are the real liars and bloodhounds, who have not only perverted and falsified the entire Scriptures from beginning to end and without ceasing with their interpretations. And all of the anxious sighing, longing and hoping of their hearts is directed to the time when some day they would like to deal with us heathen as they dealt with the heathen in Persia at the time of Esther… On how they love the book of Esther, which so nicely agrees with their bloodthirsty, revengeful and murderous desire and hope.

The sun never did shine on a more bloodthirsty and revengeful people as they, who imagine to be the people of God, and who desire to and think they must murder and crush the heathen. And the foremost undertaking which they expect of their Messiah is that he should slay and murder the whole world with the sword. As they at first demonstrated against us Christians and would like to do now, if they only could; have also tried it often and have been repeatedly struck on their snouts… Their breath stinks for the gold and silver of the heathen; since no people under the sun always have been, still are, and always will remain more avaricious than they, as can be noticed in their cursed usury. They also find comfort with this: “When the Messiah comes, He shall take all the gold and silver in the world and distribute it among the Jews. Thus, wherever they can direct Scripture to their insatiable avarice, they wickedly do so. Therefore know, my dear Christians, that next to the Devil; you have no more bitter, more poisonous, more vehement and enemy than a real Jew who earnestly desires to be a Jew. There may be some among them who believe what the cow or the goose believes. But all of them are surrounded with their blood and circumcision. In history, therefore, they are often accused of poisoning wells, stealing children and mutilating them; as in Trent, Weszensee and the like. Of course, they deny this. Be it so or not, however, I know full well that the ready will is not lacking with them if they could only transform it into deeds, in secret or openly. A person who does not know the Devil, might wonder why they are so at enmity with the Christians above all others; for which they have no reason, since we only do good to them.

They live among us in our homes, under our protection, use land and highways, market and streets. Princes and government sit by, snore and have their maws open, let the Jews take from their purse and chest, steal and rob whatever they will. That is, they permit themselves and their subjects to be abused and sucked dry and reduced to beggars with their own money, through the usury of the Jews. For the Jews, as foreigners, certainly should have nothing from us; and what they have certainly must be ours. They do not work, do not earn anything from us, neither do we donate or give it to them. Yet they have our money and goods and are lords in our land where they are supposed to be in exile! If a thief steals ten gulden he must hang; if he robs people on the highway, his head is gone. But a Jew, when he steals ten tons of gold through his usury is dearer than God himself!

Do not their TALMUD and rabbis write that it is no sin to kill if a Jew kills a heathen, but it is a sin if he kills a brother in Israel? It is no sin if he does not keep his oath to a heathen. Therefore, to steal and rob (as they do with their money-lending) from a heathen is a divine service… And they are the masters of the world and we are their servants – yea, their cattle! I maintain that in three fables of Aesop there is more wisdom to be found than in all the books of the Talmudists and rabbis and more than ever could come into the hearts of the Jews.

Should someone think I am saying too much – I am saying much too little! For I see in [their] writings how they curse us Goyim and wish as all evil in their schools and prayers. They rob us of our money through usury, and wherever they are able, they play us all manner of mean tricks… No heathen has done such things and none would to so except the Devil himself and those whom he possesses – as he possesses the Jews.


Al-Qur’ān: Chapter 4 verse 135: “O ye who believe in Allah! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice, Verily Allah is well- acquainted with all that ye do.”

Al-Qur’ān: Chapter 5 verse 8. “O ye who believe! stand out firmly for Allah, As witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do.”

Al-Qur’an Surah 4 v 144-145: “O ye who believe! Take not for friends’ unbelievers rather than believers: Do ye wish to offer Allah an open proof against yourselves? Indeed, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire – and never will you find for them a helper.”

Al-Qur’an chapter 104:

“Who pileth up wealth and layeth it by, He thinks that his wealth will make him immortal.

Nay, but verily he will be flung to the Consuming One. Ah, what will convey unto thee what the Consuming One is! (It is) the Fire of (the Wrath of) Allah kindled (to a blaze),

The which doth mount (Right) to the Hearts: Indeed, it [i.e., Hellfire] will be closed down upon them. In extended columns.”

Al-Qur’an chapter 9 verse 23 & 24:

O ye who believe! Choose not your fathers nor your brethren for friends if they take pleasure in disbelief rather than faith. Whoso of you taketh them for friends, such are wrong-doers.

Say: If your fathers, and your sons, and your brethren, and your wives, and your tribe, and the wealth ye have acquired, and merchandise for which ye fear that there will no sale, and dwellings ye desire are dearer to you than Allah and His messenger and striving in His way: then wait till Allah bringeth His command to pass. Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk.

Al-Qur’an chapter 6 verse 32:

Naught is the life of the world save a pastime and a sport. Better far is the abode of the Hereafter for those who keep their duty (to Allah). Have ye then no sense?

Al-Qur’an chapter 57 verse 20:

Know that the life of the world is only play, and idle talk, and pageantry, and boasting among you, and rivalry in respect of wealth and children; as the likeness of vegetation after rain, whereof the growth is pleasing to the husbandman, but afterward it drieth up and thou seest it turning yellow, then it becometh straw. And in the hereafter, there is grievous punishment, and (also) forgiveness from Allah and His good pleasure, whereas the life of the world is but matter of illusion.

Al-Qur’an chapter 2 verse 96:

And thou wilt find them (the jews) greediest of mankind for life and (greedier) than the idolaters. (Each) one of them would like to be allowed to live a thousand years. And to live (a thousand years) would be no means remove him from the doom. Allah is Seer of what they do.

Al-Qur’an chapter 5 verse 42: O Messenger! let not those grieve thee, who race each other into unbelief: (whether it be) among those who say “we believe “with their lips but whose hearts have no faith; or it be among the Jews, – men who will listen to any lie, – will listen even to others who have never so much as come to thee. They change the words from their (right) times and places: they say, “if ye are given this, take it, but if not, beware! “If any one’s trial is intended by Allah, thou hast no authority in the least for him against Allah. For such – it is not Allah’s will to purify their hearts. For them there is disgrace in this world, and in the Hereafter a heavy punishment.

Al-Qur’an chapter 5 verse 62:

And you see many of them (the jews) hastening into sin and aggression and the devouring of [what is] unlawful. How wretched is what they have been doing.

Al-Qur’an chapter 5 verse 63:

Why do not the rabbis and the priests forbid their evil-speaking and their devouring of illicit gain? Verily evil is their handiwork.

Al-Qur’an chapter 5 verse 59:

Say, “O People of the Scripture (jews & Christians) , do you resent us except [for the fact] that we have believed in Allah and what was revealed to us and what was revealed before and because most of you are defiantly disobedient?”

Jeff: Thank you. I will share.

Ahmed Moosa: A fan…

Good day Jeff,

Thank you for your reply and to share. God Bless.

Please do share as well as the attached books and info below. All references are given to verify

There are no copyrights on all the books, except the Scientific book, but I am granting you permission to use it as needed in your research.

The Book Invincible Qur’an written by Mr. S. Ebrahim.

Aristotle by Mr. S. Ebrahim.

The Book Origin of the Bible from Authentic Cources is also by Mr S. Ebrahim and by me. (Ahmed Moosa)

The Book A Scientific Approach to Al-Qur’an is by Dr. J. Noor and me. (Ahmed Moosa)

Aristotle is by Mr. S. Ebrahim

Common Questions is by me. (Ahmed Moosa)

Bible says book was compiled by me.

____________.Al-Quran Chapter 17 named Israel, verses 3 to 8:

“O descendants of those We (Allah) carried [in the ship] with Noah. Indeed, he was a grateful servant.

And We (Allah) decreed for the Children of Israel in the Scripture: Ye verily will work corruption in the earth twice, and ye will become great tyrants.

So, when the [time of] promise came for the first of them, We (Allah) sent against you servants of Ours – those of great military might, and they probed [even] into the homes, and it was a promise fulfilled.

Then we gave you once again your turn against them, and We (Allah) aided you with wealth and children and made you more in soldiery.

[And said], “If you do good, you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil, [you do it] to yourselves. “Then when the final [i.e., second] promise came, [We sent your enemies] to sadden your faces and to enter the masjid (places of Prayer that was in their own houses, including their bedrooms- refer to chapter 10 verse 87) as they entered it the first time, and to destroy what they had taken over with [total] destruction.

[Then Allah said], “It is expected, [if you repent], that your Lord will have mercy upon you. But if you return [to sin], We (Allah) will return [to punishment]. And We (Allah) have made Hell, for the disbelievers, a prison-bed.”

Chapter 17 verse 104:

“And We (Allah) said unto the Children of Israel after him: Dwell in the land; but when the promise of the Hereafter cometh to pass We (Allah) shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of various nations.”

[“Allah has got no length and breath as these are attributes of a body which is an originated thing. Its Creator existed from before it. So, how would Allah enter in a body, as Allah existed by Himself before all originated things and there was nobody along with Him? Allah is an All Knowing, Almighty, Willing Creator. These attributes are impossible for a body. Allah exists by Himself without the substances of a body. Allah is not like any worldly thing, rather He is ever living, ever-lasting, and nothing is like Him. Where is the similarity of the Creator with the created, the Fashioner with the fashioned? Hence it is impossible that anything can ever resemble Him!” (Imam Ghazali: “The Revival of the Religious Sciences” Vol 1-page 130)]

To get a clearer understanding of the who the real Bani Israel (the real offspring of Jacob) you will have to read the following chapters in Al-Qur’an:

Chapter 2, Titled Al-Bakarah of the Heifer

Chapter 3, named Al-Imraan, The family of Imraan who was the grandfather of Jesus, and about his mother Mary, and Zakariah who Mary was raised up under.

Chapter 5 Al-Maidah, The Table Spread, about Jesus and his disciples

Chapter 17 Bani Israel, Children of Israel, (Jacob)

Chapter 19 Named Maryam, after the mother of Jesus

Chapter 20 named Ta-Ha, wherein is part of the story of Moses, and also in Chapters 10 & 26, & 28.

You can download from Playstore a copy of the English Translation of Al-Qur’an FREE of charge. Download the one that is: iquranlite. Yellow background and black.

Also free of charge is the one in English – Alquran green background with white writing.

Regards ANS take care,

Ahmed Moosa

AROK: It will take a long time to read all of this.

The Christian church is not a monolith. There are Western Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox. There are Calvinists and Armenians. There are those who argue for a Pretribulation and those who argue for a post-tribulation rapture. There are continua lists who believe people can still receive spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues and healing other people and secessionists who believe these miracles ceased. There are Christians who believe in an age of accountability and that people who die before that age are automatically taken to Heaven and others who reject. There are Christians who believe hell is a place of eternal torment and others who believe people are annihilated in hell and cease to exist

Contemporary American Christianity with its Prosperity Gospel and worship of money and power is the very False Christianity that Jesus himself warned about.

This False Church is known in the end times as the Whore of Babylon, an empire of utter evil that will be brought to ruin and judgment by God himself. The destruction of Babylon will devastate the world economy and those who benefitted from trading with her will lose everything. But the saints in Heaven who were martyred for fighting against her will celebrate now that God has judged the Whore.

I strongly believe the collective Western World and possibly even Japan led by the United States compromises is the Whore of Babylon.

Jeff: No obligation. I just know you like to read and collect PDF books.

AROK: Are you familiar with the Westminster Confession of Faith?

I have it on PDF. Many modern Christians in the West would find it quite alien to what they believe.

Modern Christians are taught the sinner’s prayer and that asking Jesus into one’s heart is what saves him.

The Westminster Confession authors believed that rather than men choosing and accepting Christ, it was God who chooses and saves.

God the Father from eternity past declared he would save a fixed number of people and allow the rest to go to Hell. So, , when Adam sinned, all of his descendants were damned to hell on account of Adam’s sin plus sins of their own. So, even if they died as babies, if they are non-elect, they’d go to hell to pay for Adam’s sin. Only a fixed number of Adam’s descendants would be forgiven by the death of Jesus and have their sins expunged, but the rest are damned and with no hope of ever being saved.

Of course, not all Christians believe this. But a number of Church Fathers and theologians as well as Reformed ministers believe this.

This an extremely controversial topic as you might have guessed and Christians still disagree over it.

Predestination vs Free Will. Does God choose or does man choose God

Jeff: Very well spoken.

Please send me the Westminster Confession of Faith.

AROK: Supposedly, the late great Billy Graham said this about Jews

They’re [Jews] the ones putting out the pornographic stuff. The Jewish stranglehold has got to be broken or the country’s going down the drain. I go and I keep friends with Mr. Rosenthal (A.M. Rosenthal) at The New York Times and people of that sort, you know. And all — I mean, not all the Jews, but a lot of the Jews are great friends of mine, they swarm around me and are friendly to me because they know that I’m friendly with Israel. But they don’t know how I really feel about what they are doing to this country. And I have no power, no way to handle them, but I would stand up if under proper circumstances.”

AROK: Can you guess what movie this very offensive quote came from

“Queen Elizabeth is a man! Prince Charles is a faggot! Winston Churchill is full of shit! Shakespeare is French! Fuck! Shit! C*nt! Shit!

Jeff: I have no idea. Maybe a Monty Python film?

AROK: An American Werewolf in London.

The protagonist, after learning that he turned into a wolf and murdered six people the previous night, deliberately acts crazy and shouts vulgar things to a policeman to get arrested. But the policeman is too polite and simply dismisses him as crazy”

Jeff: Happy New Year of the Wood Dragon 2024 from beautiful Normandy!

AROK: You look slimmer than before

Jeff: People keep saying I’ve lost weight. Maybe 2-3kg.”

AROK: Happy New Year

It’s 2024 over here in Seoul. It’s 2:10 AM and I’m still awake, wondering what’s in store next year.

For starters, Kim Jong-Un said he longer seeks reunification and reconciliation with the ROK due to the constant violent rhetoric from our side.

Our best hope is for Trump to come back in 2024 and restart the talks and hopefully, finally end the USFK and pull American troops out of the peninsula so Korea can be free and sovereign

Let’s hope 2024 makes that happen!

Jeff: Hey, AROK, I see you’re using your old new email, which I will start using. Hope 2024 is good for you. I think it’s going to probably be even more eventful than 2023 and 2022. And we could even go back to the US bioweapon NATO bioweapon attack in Wuhan in 2019, and then of course, the bioweapon rollout with the jabs across the world in 2020. I am planning to move to China this year, so I’ll be very close to Korea and hopefully we can maybe visit each other. Take care.”

AROK: Henry Kissinger is dead

It took that monstrous devil long enough to die, but he’s finally gone.

Jeff: The evil that men do: Heinz Kissinger, may there be a warm seat for him. By Dr. T.P. Wilkinson

AROK: Since 1945, Soviet Union (currently the Russian Federation) has been the only entity stopping World War III and restraining the Great Satan that is Washington from asserting its dominion over the whole planet.

The Soviet Union is what stopped the US from a nuclear strike against China and escalating the Korean War into World War III.”

AROK: History will absolve me by Fidel Castro

Post this on your site if you haven’t already

Fidel Castro was a real revolutionary. The likes of which we will not see in the West

Peace be with him.

I am convinced that had he been alive today, he could’ve prevented the Russia-Ukraine war and been a real pillar in the multipolar world movement

Jeff: Great. We’ll add it to your upcoming interviews.

AROK: Retired Navy SEAL Jesse Ventura supposedly met Castro in person and congratulated him, telling him he defeated the US”

AROK: Homeless in America

People around me here in Seoul are shocked when I show them the squalor, drugs, crime, and homelessness of the United States. They wonder how a supposedly First World country could have such problems that we typically associate with third world countries.

If the moment spent on going to war and maintaining military bases was instead invested in citizens, American poverty would disappear overnight, frankly.

It’s long past time for America to stop defending Korea, Japan, Europe, and everyone else. Not because it is abandoning its allies (who really should be able to protect themselves), but to save its own citizens.

Jeff: Does South Korea have street people, homeless people?

AROK: No, it does not. Not very many. Not nearly to the extent of the United States. They certainly aren’t allowed on buses or subways or allowed to pitch tents in front of kids’ schools ”

AROK: Hong Kong 97

have you heard of that video game

Jeff: After Pong in the 1970s, I never played another video game in my life.

AROK: It is the year 1997. A herd of fucking ugly reds are rushing in from the mainland. Crime has skyrocketed. Hong Kong is ruined. Therefore, the Hong Kong government called Bruce Lee’s relative “Chin” for the massacre of the Reds. Chin is a killer machine. Wipe out all 1.2 billion of the Red Communists. But on the mainland, a master plan is conceived to resurrect Tong Shau Ping into an ultimate weapon.

No joke.

That’s really the game’s prologue.

Jeff: Well, that’s psychological reflection. Because the crime is not in China or DPRK. The crime is in the capitalist economies. So, , this was clearly written by some rabid anticommunist, you know, CIA types. Doesn’t surprise me.

AROK: It was created by some Japanese guy as a joke”

AROK: I can’t write in the US by Andre Vltchek

The most ignorant, propagandized, and arrogant people to have ever been birthed into existence.

Jeff: Andre was a close friend of mine.

AROK: It’s a real shame he passed away in 2020 before I could’ve met and spoken to him.

I wonder why he moved to the US in the first place

Jeff: His mother was living in the US.

AROK: From what he writes, he appears to really hate the US and for good reason.

I first learned the Hong Kong protests were a CIA creation from Andre.

It was the Hong Kong protestors paid by US to provoke Chinese police into violence

Perhaps China can take a hint and start supporting the American working class in Middle America (the majority of the country) into overthrowing the coastal elite?”

AROK: I might move to Alaska this year

Problem is, there are no direct flights from Incheon Airport to Anchorage.

I’m going to have to stop at Seattle and then board a connecting flight from there

I also found that there are no direct flights from ROK to Russia either.

Ideally, I want to move to Russia (since I am banned from entering DPRK), but I can’t either. So, , I’m looking at Alaska since its near Russia and far enough north from civilization

Jeff: Why can’t you move to Russia? Thousands of people are doing it right now. I don’t see why there should be a problem. What’s going on?

AROK: I just got back from Goseong (northernmost part of ROK) and was at the unification observatory.

It’s a pure and beautiful place. Quite unlike Seoul, which is far superior to most major American cities in cleanliness and crime.

I’d bet Pyongyang is probably safer than your average American city. You won’t see hordes of homeless crack addicts shitting on the side walk or the government throwing money at illegal immigrants and promoting LGBTQ.

ROK didn’t legalize LGBTQ (thanks to a strong Christian community) luckily.

Thing is, the elderly folks in ROK are usually friendly and humble. It’s mostly some of the people in my age group who come across as dicks ”

AROK: If Original Sin is true, Christians should stop procreating because their babies will eventually grow up, sin, and need to be saved.

Just because a baby comes from a Christian home doesn’t mean he can’t later fall away from the faith.

Unsaved people will keep having kids anyway, meaning you will never stop running out of people to preach the Gospel to. You are shooting at a moving target. You are trying to reach a quota even as it shoots ever higher.

And it’s not even God’s intention that all be saved. Limited Atonement teaches Jesus only died for a select, fixed number of people and no one outside this number. If anyone is outside this number, he isn’t covered by Jesus’s death and he will go to hell.

So, to Christians. Why not eliminate the risk altogether, don’t get married, don’t have sex, and don’t have kids?

Jonathan Edwards, the most famous hell preacher ever, believed children were vile, disgusting, and worse than snakes if they were not converted. Then why did he have 11 children?

Isn’t that like me saying I hate dogs, then owning 11 of them anyway

If you hate kids, why would you have them?

Jeff: All religions have contradictions.

Given that it has conflicting Old and New Testaments, Christianity seems to have an inordinate number of them.

AROK: When Adam sinned, God essentially told him, “You’ll have to work hard and suffer for a living. You’ll eventually die and your body will return to the dust from where I formed you.”

He did not say, “Your body will die and your immoral soul will be damned to an eternally burning hell.”

The Old Testament made references to a dark, shadowy underworld beneath the surface where all humans went to after they died. References were made to this underworld being a place of sorrow and suffering.

Then comes Jesus and WHAM. The eternally burning fiery furnace of fire and demons takes center stage.”

Jeff: I’m in China for 1 month. Follow my adventures in 4 provinces and 3 UNESCO World Heritage Sites! China Rising Radio Sinoland 230924

AROK: Have you been to Russia

Jeff: Yes, two weeks in 1984.

AROK: Have you been back since?

Are you a US citizen?

If yes, how are you able to go back and forth to China so frequently without getting in trouble with Customs?

I once saw a woman being aggressively interrogated at LAX because she had apparently been to Turkey

Jeff: No, I have not been back to Russia. Would love to go.

I am a dual national French-American.

For non-US travels, I use my French passport.

AROK: Tucker Carlson is apparently trying to interview Putin directly, but the State Department isn’t letting him.

At this rate, US and Russia will sever diplomatic relationship, after which war becomes more likely

Jeff: If Tucker hops on a plane to Moscow, I don’t see how DOS can stop him.

AROK: The Biden Regime already got him fired from Fox News and smeared him as a Russian troll

The Clintons spied on and smeared Trump, calling him part of a Russian disinformation plot to unseat Hillary and usher him into office.

Now on the other hand, we have real evidence that Biden won by election fraud

We also have evidence that the FBI, DOJ, and CIA are in cahoots to exonerate the Bidens.

The Bush, Clinton, Obama, and Biden crime families are the worst people to ever have been born on American soil”

AROK: Imagine this

California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada decides to secede from the US and rejoin Mexico. But the US government is against this and threatens military force to quell the secessionists if they go ahead and declare independence. However, Mexico lacks the military strength to defeat the US. So, , Russia arms Mexico with long-range missiles capable of striking command centers deep in the US.

What insane mind would not recognize this as an act of war?

The eastern regions of Ukraine have overwhelmingly, democratically, voluntarily, and peacefully voted to secede from the gangster regime in Kiev that has done absolutely nothing for the country but sell it out to Western interests. They want to join Russia. They are Russian in all but nationality. They speak Russian. They are part of the Russian Orthodox Christian Church. They identify closer with the motherland in cultural values than they do with Ukraine. This is a problem to be diplomatically resolved between Kiev, Moscow, and the secessionists.

Now, if there is a legitimate concern that Russia will not only annex the entirety of Ukraine but also escalate the fighting to Continental Europe, then it is Europe’s responsibility to develop the military capabilities to defend Ukraine and itself from Russian attack.

Instead, Europe ungratefully free-rides off of Uncle Sam I Am, who also doesn’t let European governments make their own decisions in the best interests of their citizens.

The US cannot even protect its own borders, let alone Europe, Israel, ROK, Japan, and Taiwan.

Jef: You are absolutely right!

AROK: The war in Ukraine has proven the difference between a conscript puppet military (Ukraine) and a professional military (Russia) ”

AROK: Indian music

STREET FIGHTER V: India Theme (long version) – YouTube ( )

This should be the music that plays when a recruit joins the Indian Army for the first time

STREET FIGHTER V: India Alternative Theme (long version) – YouTube (

The music that plays when India goes to war

Jeff: When I publish the next interview, I’ll include these and respond with my songs.

AROK: Do you have kids

Jeff: Yes, two daughters. One married with a new baby and the other just finishing her Master’s.

AROK: Don’t raise your kids in the West.

Westernized liberal democracies no longer recognize what it means to be a human. That’s why they’re pushing AI, big pharma, IOT, World Government, Great Reset, Depopulation, and Totalitarianism.

Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam met the late great Muammar Gaddafi in person and confirmed for a fact that the Libyan head of state was murdered because the West wanted to re-enslave Africa.

Libya would still with us today had Gaddafi trusted the advice of DPRK and Iran to not sell away his best security guarantee in favor of normalization of relations with the West.

AROK: Why is Iran, of all countries, considered such a threat to Washington DC?

Iran, unlike Russia and China, does not have nuclear weapons nor the means to deliver them to the US mainland.

Jeff: Iran is socialist, independent, Muslim, rich and the most powerful country in West Asia.

They also gloriously kicked out Western global capitalism and are keeping it out.

That makes Iran the enemy of Eurangloland, targeted for destruction.

AROK: Iran’s last Shah was Pro-Western

Jeff: And the Iranians scared him out of the country.

AROK: How about India and Pakistan? They seem to be neither allies nor enemies of the West. They seem to play both sides.

Besides being nuclear armed, both countries have massive populations. India is poised to overtake China as number 1 and Pakistan has around 230 million or so people, making it the 5th most populated country after Indonesia.

Indonesia as well. It is the 4th most populated country, by far the largest in SE Asia with 280 million people living in 17,000 islands.

Do you know of African or Latin American countries capable of economically and militarily challenging America?

Mexico, Brazil, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Egypt all have 100-200 million or more people each.

Jef: Collectively, via BRICS and SCO, all these countries can challenge US terrorism.

AROK: The best-case scenario is that the US is so militarily ruined and humiliated on the world stage, that it leads to the breakup of NATO and its abandonment by ROK and Japan.

In the worst-case scenario, the US starts nuclear war on multiple fronts in a desperate attempt to pull everyone down to hell with it”

AROK: During the 35-year Japanese occupation of Korea, Koreans from a broad range of classes from slaves to peasants to workers to women to students to teachers to scholars to capitalist businessmen participated in Korean independence in some form or another. They loved their country and would have given their lives so that their country would one day be free.

Now, Koreans hate each other. DPRK prefers China and Russia. ROK prefers USA and Japan. Both sides call each other their enemy, refuse to talk to one another, refuse to let their citizens interact, and tell their children to hate the other side. Generations of Koreans who remember what their country was like before the division and/or have family members on both sides are increasingly dying out, replaced by Koreans who only know division, mistrust, and hostility for the other side.

Jeff: Well, if all that is true, you can thank the United States for causing that division and for causing the war in the first place. So, , it’s a sad fact.

AROK: The DPRK’s proposal for unification is a confederate, non-aligned Korea that retains both governments and both systems.

ROK wants all of Korea under Seoul’s control and expanded American military presence even after unification. In other words, it wants American rule to be extended to the entire peninsula.

ROK treats defectors with hostility or grandstands them on media and encourages them to lie about their home in order to further drive a wedge between south and north and get southerners to oppose and hate Communism and DPRK even more.

The DPRK has for years stated that it wants normalized relations with the United States, an end to sanctions, and recognition as a nuclear power, after which, it will presumably be open to arms control negotiations.

It is the ROK that is opposed to the improvement DPRK-US relations because this will necessarily facilitate the canceling of the joint drills, the withdrawal of US troops, and the disbandment of the CFC/UFSK/UN Command, thereby allowing Koreans to deal with the problem of division without interference of foreign powers.

The DPRK wanted peaceful negotiations with ROK and regards Korea’s division as a problem to be solved by Koreans alone without the interference of foreign powers. The DPRK deals with China and Russia as a fellow sovereign state. The ROK, by contrast, relies more and more on its great power patrons US and Japan in a vassal-superior position.

DPRK has full operational command over its own military and no foreign forces on its soil. ROK has a US general command its military and, after 70 years, maintains 28000 US soldiers on its soil

So, you tell me. Who sounds like the bigger offender

Jeff: Western empire cannot accept compromise. It can only try to impose unilateral domination and exploitation.

AROK: what would you say if your child committed a horrible crime that resulted in permanent injury or even the death of another person

Jeff: I would say I did a terrible job as parents. And my wife, too. Shouldn’t have happened in the first place.

AROK: ever watched Dead Man Walking with Sean Penn and Susan Sarandon

Jeff: Yes, but it has been so long ago that I forgot the story.

AROK: Sean Penn plays Matthew Poncelet, a death row inmate accused of rape and murder. Susan Sarandon plays a nun”

AROK: Is Germany retarded?

Militarily irrelevant and deindustrialized Germany is openly talking about preparing to go to war with Russia on the fairy tale hysterical assumption that Russia will not stop at Ukraine

Jeff: Germany is a NATO satrap and nothing more. It cannot make any decisions on its own.

AROK: At this rate, NATO is so depleted in both equipment and troops that tiny, sanctioned DPRK with just 25 million people and an economy 1/40th that of ROK could probably take on NATO and win.”

AROK: is your family in the US

Are your parents (if alive) still in the US?

Any brothers or sisters or are you an only child

Jeff: My dad died in 2014 and my mother in 2017.

I have younger sister and a younger brother. Another younger sister died at age 51.

AROK: Your bio says you got your BA in the early 1970s. Assuming you were in your early 20s at the time, it sounds like your parents both lived a long time. Good.

My grandparents (dad’s side) passed away in 2020 within weeks of one another. My grandfather was 90. My grandmother was about a month away from her 90th birthday. They were both born in 1930. Grandfather was born 9/28/1930. Grandmother was born 12/5/1930.

They married on 9/12/1957. So, , they were married for 63 years at the time they passed away.

Jeff: My father led a good life. He’d lived to be 82, although he had terrible health problems the last three years. My mother lived to be 86. She only really fell apart about the last six months when her mind started going. My grandparents on my dad’s side did not live. They both died in their seventy s. And then my mom’s parents, my grandfather, my maternal grandfather died when he was in his, I would say late 80s. No, late seventy s. And then my maternal grandmother lived well into her 80s.

AROK: you sound like you will live a long life”

AROK: As I predicted, Israel and Iran didn’t actually follow up on their threats to annihilate each other.

Israel can’t survive a war with Iran, and Iran isn’t going to risk a war with Israel that risks dragging the United States into the conflict.

Just a bunch of hot air.

The US isn’t going to strike Iran or North Korea directly, much less China and Russia. They will rely on their proxies to be in their line of fire

Jeff: All true.

AROK: Due to Iran’s huge size, mountainous terrain, large population, strong military, and a lack of neighboring countries willing to allow US troops to pass through them to invade and occupy it, the US can’t win a conventional war with Iran. So, , it resorts to sanctioning and attempting to isolate Iran just like it has with North Korea, Russia, and China.

Except the sanctions aren’t working because Iran and North Korea don’t need the US and can simply trade with China and Russia, who are themselves moving away from the dollar and forging stronger ties with the non-aligned nations of Asia, Africa, and South America, who are tired of being bullied and threatened by the West.

Sanctions are purely posturing”

AROK: It’s up to Vladimir Putin and Sergei Lavrov to avoid WWIII

Putin and Lavrov are perhaps the greatest statesmen of the 21st century.

The Russian government has hot-heads who actually want to go to nuclear war against the US. People like Alexei Vladimirov

We can thank God that Putin and Lavrov are cool-headed enough to hold these people back and keep a cool-head

Jeff: Every country has its militant nationalists.

AROK: On Vesti TV, some woman joked about nuking UK while the Western heads of state were gathered at queen’s funeral ”

Jeff: A CWG member sent this,

I replied with this,

From a fan,

Here is an acerbic look at Jewish history,

She lost her entire family in an airstrike, but no one has told her yet – Mondoweisss’s (


All this about “getting even” from WWII and Warsaw Ghetto.

Group 13 were Jews used by Heydrich’s crew to keep control of Warsaw and this Group 13 were Jews and with power –Zionists—they used their own people to enrich themselves and have privilege—common behavior—

Group 13 did well and had a good time until 1943. They informed the Nazis and collected valuables under the pretext of caring for their fellow Jews—a con job of the First Order.

Boss of Russian Mafia 1990 after USSR collapse likewise did the same to his fellow Jews—Jews heading to Israel left their valuables with him for safekeeping but he in turn banked and quit the show.

Semion also raided churches and synagogues for gold and rare books and did well –banked funds in London for washing—-afar. So, me shekels to New York and some to Canada -a nose for deals.

A Jew “fleecing” a fellow Jew and they cry —about being the victim of an outside genocide —the ringleaders allowed it to happen—–and did as Heydrich directed.

Always wondered why there was NO rebellion —of course not—they were under the control of their fellow Jew—-a Zionist –where territory and religion come together—

Who will tell her —perhaps Doctor Strangelove or Dude Love himself—

That American Dream ————-Spielberg’s new release of Benny Netanyahu with Tom Hanks as Netanyahu—-Hanks should have remained as Forrest Gump……

AROK: I’ve watched a recent documentary called Mystery of Israel Solved by David Sorensen in which he reveals that the security fence was intentionally shut down so that Hamas was allowed to attack

Jeff: Wouldn’t surprise me. The West stays in power with false flags.

AROK: It’s worth noting that Russian oligarchs were often Jewish”

Jeff: Jews expelled from 1,030 locations by Ernie Rolando. Short video attached


A 5-minute video from a fan. I chuckled at the close-up of, I think Alan Greenspan’s nose.

I’d say that Jews are going to regret the genocide Israelis have been committing in Palestine, since 1917.

They deserve it.

AROK: Whoremongers like Al Goldstein normalized hardcore porn in the US”

AROK: Jonathan Edwards

Have you heard of this man?

Jeff: Sorry, very busy, no I don’t know him.

AROK: Possibly the most famous hell preacher ever”

Jeff: Just checked. No flights from ROK to Russia or to Alaska

China is amazing.

AROK: I cannot pronounce Mandarin at all.

you know anyone in China I can talk to about world affairs and the Korean War

AROK: Just watched Gale Stay Away from Oz

I just watched a 30-minute horror movie called Gale Stay away from Oz.

What a strange movie. I’m not sure how to describe it.

The protagonist is Emily Gale, the granddaughter of Dorothy Gale, who is now a catatonic old lady living in a senior home and appears to be demon possessed.

“STAY AWAY FROM OZ!” demonic voice

Jef: Never heard of it. 30 minutes looks like a TV show.

AROK: Emily’s therapist is revealed to be Wicked Witch, who is apparently stranded in the “real world” and wants to return to Oz, but she needs Emily’s slippers to do so.

She scares Emily several times, but never physically harms Dorothy’s granddaughter

It is not explained why the Witch cannot go after Dorothy herself (considering she is a defenseless elderly lady in a wheelchair) and why it took her so long to find her granddaughter

No mention of the scarecrow (though we do see a non-living scarecrow in a desolate field), the tin-man, and cowardly lion.

No mention of what was it about Oz that caused Dorothy to become psychotic and demon-possessed

There are several scenes from the trailer that never made it into the movie itself, even though they appear rather important to the plot.

An elderly man with tarot cards asking Emily about her dreams and visions

A ghostly pale woman shrieking at Emily

A scarecrow on a stick in a desolate field

The same ghostly pale woman suddenly appearing before the elderly man with the tarot cards and shrieking in his face before the scene goes black.

Dorothy glaring at the camera before she suddenly lets out a creepy laugh

A wheeler from Return to Oz running along a dark hallway

A ghostly voice calling Dorothy’s name”

AROK: Klaus Kinski

Ever heard of this guy

Jeff: Everything I’ve read about Klaus Kinski is he was mentally ill, obviously a deranged genius. He was accused by his two daughters of sexual molestation. So, , a very controversial guy.

AROK: I watched Crawl Space ”

AROK: Korean War by Jeremy Kuzmarov

This is my 3rd time reading this. This is actually the paper that first began my research into this topic

Jeff: It has been several years, but I’m pretty sure I read this monograph by Jeremy.

We know each other and have worked together.

AROK: I sent this to a cousin last year, but never got a response”

AROK: L Romanoff exposes US collaboration with Imperial Japan war criminals

American collaboration and pardon of Japanese war criminals to develop and deploy biochemical weapons against Koreans and Chinese exposed in this terrifying new book by Larry Romanoff

The fact that the ROK right-wing allies with such people is quite telling

The current president’s emerging military alliance with US and Japan will backfire disastrously with DPRK gaining access to advanced Russian and Chinese weapons systems that will make it even more powerful than before and possibly grant it first-strike capabilities against ROK, Japan, and USA

Jeff: AROK,

Thanks, I think you know I am a co-founder of the Bioweapon Truth Commission and its curator. It was founded on the anniversary of the start of the Korean War.

That why I asked you to find a very important PDF in Korean,

Report of the International Scientific Commission for the Investigation of the Facts Concerning Bacterial Warfare in Korea and China, 1952. Dr. Joseph Needham, Editor.

한국과 중국의 세균전 관련 사실 조사를 위한 국제과학위원회 보고서, 1952. Dr. Joseph Needham, 편집자.

I have the strong feeling that you did not try very hard to locate it, which I’m sure is available on the Korean language internet.

As a friend, will you make a serious, concerted effort to download it?

AROK: Yes, I will do that

Jeff: Thank you very much.

AROK: USA, Russia, and China should recognize DPRK as a nuclear weapons state, enter into arms control negotiations with it, and accelerate the normalization of diplomatic relations between US-Japan-DPRK.

It is unfair and hypocritical that ROK has normalized relations with Russia and China, yet DPRK is not allowed to have normalized relations with USA and Japan.

This combined with the stationing of nuclear weapons in the ROK with first strike policies, dissolution of the Soviet Union, and the continued drills rehearsing the violent takeover of the country is what led to DPRK developing nuclear weapons.

But the US-controlled ROK media will not tell you this side of the story.”

AROK: Lai Ching Te has just won

The DPP won again, which means the risk of war between the mainland and the island has just gone way up

Jeff: I just sent an article to Sputnik News.

AROK: Taiwan’s 6th president Ma Ying-Jeou was recently interviewed for 35 minutes and denounced Lai as a pro-independence separatist whose win would drastically raise the risk of war.”

Jeff: Anonymous ROK (AROK) is back! We cover North+South, China, Japan, USA, Europe, Russia, Ukraine, share songs, movies, stories, articles and so much more. Part 6. China Rising Radio Sinoland 230701

AROK: Even when Russia was supposedly atheistic and Communist, Christianity was alive and well. And there was no sex revolution in Russia like there was in America.

I believe that’s the difference between Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Western Christianity.

Western Christians believe in the individual’s relationship to Christ. Eastern Christians believe in community’s relationship to Christ. That’s the impression I get. I could be wrong, though.

Jeff: If that’s true, then Orthodox Christianity has more in common with Islam, which is 100% based on the community.

AROK: Have you been to a majority Muslim country?

Jeff: I lived and worked in the Arab world for 10 years. Although very rusty with all the Chinese on top, Arabic has always been my best second language.

AROK: Do you get angry easily?

I had an argument today where I screamed and lost my temper because the person said something that I thought was stupid

Jeff: I almost never get angry. I have a very Buddhist-Daoist viewpoint.

AROK: Communism is outlawed in ROK and seen as a kind of horrible evil that needs to be exterminated (mostly by the right-wing)

The US and Japan both have Communist Parties.

This tells you how strong the Cold War mindset is among the older generation of ROK right-wingers”

AROK: Lone Survivor with Mark Wahlberg… Have you seen this movie?

A Hollywood movie starring Mark Wahlberg as a bad-ass Navy SEAL still managed to show them as being weak by having a few Taliban fighters wipe out the whole team and even take out a helicopter with an RPG.

Jeff: No, what’s the name of it?

AROK: That’s the name of the movie. Lone Survivor.

A Hollywood movie made the supposedly bad-ass special forces Navy SEALS look like weaklings by having them be wiped out by a handful of Taliban fighters, who even take out their helicopter with an RPG.

Jeff: The United States has never won a war against an equal,

Dirty, dark secrets of D-Day France, 6 June 1944, with crucial background in World War II China and Japan. China Rising Radio Sinoland 230606

AROK: Technological superiority is not what wins a war. It is the ideology that wins a war.

American soldiers go to wars to fight faraway countries that did nothing to threaten them while their own borders admit thousands of illegal immigrants

Jeff: Very true what you say.

AROK: White people becoming minorities in their own countries”

AROK: Mandarin and Cantonese

Why aren’t they intelligible?

Jeff: I don’t know about Korean, but many languages have mutually unintelligible, unintelligible dialects. China probably has over a thousand of them. The only thing that binds them together is the writing, which has not changed, has only evolved over the last 5000 years. But it’s still the same writing system. They just pronounce the characters differently. Germany has High German. Arabic has modern standard Arabic. And, you know, there are. There are Irish and New Yorkers and Scots and Brits that. I can’t understand that. That goes for Australia and New Zealand. I have a hard time understanding what they say just because of their accent.

AROK: Jackie Chan speaks both Mandarin and Cantonese, I think.

Jeff: There are thousands of Chinese dialects, including Cantonese, and everybody in China, except for very old people now. But these days, 99% of the Chinese speak mandarin, but also their local dialect, so Cantonese is no different.

AROK: Surprisingly, Jackie Chan didn’t voice himself in the 2000s animated series, Jack Chan Adventures. A guy named James Sie, who happens to sound amazingly similar to Jackie Chan, voiced him

Jeff: Sie was cheaper and Chan is busier.

AROK: Jackie Chan (the real Chan. Not the animated one) does briefly appear in the intro of the show striking various martial arts poses. He also appears at the end of each episode and takes questions from his fans, typically kids.

On an off-topic note, has Xi Jinping written any books?

If he has, can you send me PDF versions of them?

Xi Jinping is quite hated over here, so I’m naturally curious what he has to say

Jeff: She has written many, many books, and they’re all available online. Just here’s one, volume one. And I listen to his books using audiobooks, so I can’t send you those. The files are too big. But you can go to Chet Osmond’s website, a YouTube channel, and he has all the audiobooks of she’s major works.

AROK: What if a filmmaker wants to go to Beijing to make a documentary series in which he interviews Xi?

Would Xi allow it?

Jeff: Likely never would happen.

AROK: A guy I knew in elementary school moved to China. His mother supposedly said that she saw a woman allow her child to urinate on the floor in a supermarket in front of a line of people and nobody said anything about it. Apparently, his mother saw this sort of thing happen more than once.

Not saying it’s true or anything. But most of the people around me who have been to China spoke very badly about it.

But then again, there’s people like you who think highly of China. So, , to each his own, I guess.

Jeff: It is true that the Chinese are much more relaxed about urinating. There’s 1.4 billion Chinese in crowded spaces, so you will see kids peeing behind trees and parks and stuff like that. It’s much more casual in a supermarket. That surprises me. I don’t know where it happened and when it happened, how many years ago it happened. I mean, I guess it’s possible, but I would say nowadays that’s probably less likely. But I still see, you know, kid, you know, kids, you know, who need to go to the bathroom, you know, like in parks and places like that. And, but I also see that in, you know, in Europe, too, so that’s not unusual.

AROK: I don’t think that story is true, to be frank.

I can say that if a mother blatantly allowed her child to urinate in a supermarket on the floor in front of everybody over here, then there’d be an enormous outcry. People would probably yell and scream at the mother from customers to store employees.

If a homeless man got on the subway, blasting music, hollering, and causing a scene, he’d be arrested quickly unlike in the US”

AROK: How long have you been married, sir

Marriage and family has been under attack in the West for a long time now

Jeff: We got married in 1988, have two grown daughters and one grandchild.

AROK: My cousin had a kid last year.

I don’t know what you think sir, but it does seem that young folks in Westernized societies seem to not know what the hell to do once they get married and become parents.

In the past, Korean families had 3-4 kids. So, metimes more.

My grandparents had 5 children with my father being the oldest child. My grandfather was an army officer. My grandmother was a full-time housewife. Unlike today where both parents work

Jeff: My wife and I sure know how to be good parents.

AROK: Conservative White, straight, traditional men like Paul Craig Roberts are a dying breed ”

AROK: Do you think there is an objective standard for measuring military power?

Military Watch Magazine lists ROK as the 5th strongest military in the world. USA, China, Russia, and India are ranked 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th on that list

Why exactly does a country with the 5th strongest military with one of the largest economies in Asia, conglomerates that produce technology used all over the world, and the ability to make nuclear weapons if it wished, need American protection?

On one hand, DPRK is so powerful that ROK needs Japanese and American military help to defend against it.

On the other hand, DPRK is so poor and decrepit it can’t do even feed its own population.

Why does ROK need Japanese and American help to protect it from a sanctioned, supposedly extremely impoverished country with 1/40th the GDP and half the population?

So….. which one is it?

Jeff: Actually China’s, Russia’s and India’s, and, well, maybe less India, but especially ROK. For China, Russia and RoK, their militaries are actually much stronger because they are based on a defensive strategy. They have to protect their countries. Yes, they may bunch nuclear missiles into the United States and Europe, but in terms of defending the motherland, China, Russia and DPRK only have to defend their territory. And they’re not projecting sending land troops and marines to the United States and Canada, et cetera. So, , in fact, their militaries are even stronger than the United States’s because the United States’s military is based on projection across the planet, thousands and thousands, 10,000, 11,000, 12,000 from America’s coasts. And that is why the ranking that you shared with military watch magazine is not entirely accurate.

AROK: 28,000 US soldiers are not enough to fight 1,2000,000 KPA soldiers”

AROK: militarily irrelevant Germany prepares for war again

Europe needs to be protected by Russia from Uncle Sam

Jeff: The Military Industrial Complex needs more contracts to enrich all those involved.

AROK: US Canada UK France Germany are led by maniacs and warmongers who don’t give a shit about their own people and think this whole charade is a joke”

AROK: I just went back and added up the populations of the 15 Soviet countries given on  and it’s exactly 311,048,882 people

Earlier, I wrote that it was 296 million. I was wrong. It would have around 311 people.

That said, I was still right that the Soviet Union, if it came back today, would still have less people than would the United States, which has 340 million people.

India and China are still the reigning champions at 1.43 and 1.42 billion

Jeff: Interesting. Thanks.

AROK: Brazil is actually larger than the lower 48″

Jeff: Lots of married couples get abortions too.

No contraception is 100% effective

AROK: Societies ought to be judged based on how they treat the weak and needy”

AROK: More from Paul Craig Roberts on how things changed

Is Truth Becoming Valueless? | (

Roberts is part of a dying generation of Pre-Boomer Americans who actually believed in traditional Christian values that their nation was founded on.

From Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield thundering about hell and sin and damnation to people regularly using God and Jesus as a swear word

Jeff: Yes, PCR is very good. I subscribe to his newsletter but usually don’t have time to read it.

AROK: When were you born, sir?

If you were part of the Baby Boomer generation, I feel terrible for you.

These psychos destroyed the United States.

Jeff: I was born in 1954.

AROK: Clinton’s presidency was the beginning of the end of the United States. It was under him that NATO broke its promise to Russia never to go one inch east from Germany.

Roberts was a member of the Reagan Administration and remembers that all cabinet members were required to behave with utmost respect and discipline with their Soviet colleagues. Anyone who behaved disrespectfully was fired on the spot.

Today, American officials spit at the Russians and treat them like they’re beneath them.

The Cold War Americans presidents, for all their faults, did abide by the arms control treaties with the Russians and did everything possible to prevent misfires.

As Putin said, the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical crisis of the century. Not just for the 280 million people that populated the world’s largest country, but also because the Soviet Union was a guarantor of world peace. It acted as a safety valve against American militarism.

The Soviet Union was the real hero of WW2. It saved Europe from Nazism and helped liberated Korea

Jeff: I do not agree. The beginning of the end of the United States was JFK’s murder by his own government,

JFK’s US government assassination: the palace coup that ended the American Dream. JB West and JB East present: See You In The Hague! #65

James crystalizes 20 years of research into a gripping, seat-of-your-pants account that changed the United States and the world forever!

AROK: George Bush Jr’s granddaddy was a Nazi sympathizer

Jeff: Yes, but his sons weren’t. They took a noble path to fight all their father represented.

AROK: Everybody’s favorite Uncle Sam played both sides in WW2. The whole thing was a joke to him”

AROK: The catch is only God knows who is one of his elect and Jesus’s last words before he flew back to Heaven were, “Preach the Gospel to every creature and make disciples of all nations.”

He did not say, only preach the Gospel to people who were picked. He said preach it to everybody, which presumably includes the people he didn’t died to save.

John 3:16 is perhaps the most famous Bible verse because it preaches God’s love for everyone and that he sent Jesus to die for the sins of all people who ever lived. But the Calvinist interpretation declares that it means all kinds of men and not necessarily every person who ever lived.

Only the people in that magic number are saved. But only God knows who they are. Anyone who falls away from faith and doesn’t endure to the end was never saved to begin with. So, , you could be living a Holy life for a few years and appearing to demonstrate some fruits of the Spirit and then fall away and expose yourself as unsaved.

Jonathan Edwards, perhaps the most famous hell-preacher in America ever, believed even babies could go to hell if they were not one of the elects.

This is quite possibly the most controversial doctrine in Christianity after the subject of hell is the reconciliation of God’s sovereignty and human responsibility.

God holds men responsible for sin and not coming to him to repent. But only men whom God chose before eternity past will come to God. God’s spirit irresistibly overcomes their sinful hardened hearts and causes them to become mortified and heartbroken for their sin and to fall before him in repentance and gratitude.

But then there’s the subject of the Unforgiveable sin, which is when a person blasphemes the Holy Spirit and attributes the work of God to that of the Devil. The Pharisees and the Sadducees committed this sin and could not be saved afterward. Jesus even told them that their sin was worse than those of Sodom and Gomorrah and that even Sodom would have repented if in their position.

But how does a person who is non-elect from eternity past and was predestined to hell commit the unpardonable sin?

That would imply he once had a chance to be saved and if he had a chance to be saved, everybody at some point had a chance to be saved, which would make election false since election declares that no one can get saved unless God draws that person to Christ

Jeff: I’ve got you on my schedule for another written exchange.

AROK: You still have old fashioned fire and brimstone preachers like Paul Washer today. Washer preaches very hard on sin and against secular culture, but they men like him are a dying breed in the West

Paul Washer: I go overseas and meet 14, 15, 16-year-old men. I come back here and we have 35-year-old boys.

The reason is that in other countries, governments can’t print money out of thin air and live off the produce of foreigners. They have to work hard to produce what their people need and get by with less.

The United States and most of the collective West no longer produces anything of value and their native populations are dying out due to a combination of low sperm count and the simple fact that increasing numbers of young men are not interested in or capable of raising families The traditional family unit is under siege in Western liberal countries.

Things like Sex is no longer seen as romantic. Sex is cheap, easily available, and usually narrowed down to one person screwing the other and then forgetting about him to move on to another partner.

The Puritan Christians executed adulterers and fornicators. Even masturbation was banned. Couples were expected to periodically have sex with one another so that they weren’t tempted to lust after people that they were not married to.

Jonathan Edwards, for all his thundering about sin and damnation, had 11 children. You’d think he’d be too afraid of any child of his going to hell. But apparently not.”

AROK: The ROK right-wing thinks more drills and sanctions and pleading to China for help are the answer to DPRK weapons testing.

Because that totally worked in the past before!

Jeff: They get their scripts from Washington.

AROK: The ROK right wing loves the USA and Japan. But the US and Japan don’t give a shit about the sovereignty of Koreans, and an objective understanding of history reveals such.

The Japanese dragged the queen into the courtyard, stabbed her to death and burned her body.

The Americans bombed DPRK so heavily that 20% of the population died and there wasn’t a brick left standing because the survivors moved everything underground.

The Japanese were known to dismember the noses and ears of Koreans in the Imjin War.

Americans massacred Native Americans, stole their lands, and forced them into filthy poverty-stricken reservations where they didn’t even get the right to vote until 1920

The Chinese repeatedly discovered evidence of Japanese biochemical production on Chinese soil.

Americans used chemical weapons in the Korean War as well as in Iraq and Vietnam.

The ROK Military committed brutal crimes against civilians in Vietnam, a fact that the right-wing still denies.

“It takes one to know one. He who said it, did it.”

Vladimir Putin”

AROK: More warmongering. Sweden joins NATO

Uncle Sam cannot defend a single one of these countries from a hypothetical Russian attack and Putin knows it.

Jef: So true.

AROK: Meanwhile, the US continues to refuse to defend its own border where human and drug trafficking is an epidemic”

AROK: Multiparty Democracy IS the problem

Better to have a single party that represents a broad demographic of society rather than many parties representing no one else but their constituents and regard others as enemies to be defeated.

Jeff: Yes, I agree.

AROK: Just vulgar shouting matches”

AROK: Have you ever wanted to kill somebody

Jeff: No.

AROK: What drives seemingly ordinary people to commit murder”

AROK: My latest IQ score

What’s yours?

Jeff: I have no idea.

AROK: Chinese students regularly score highest on PISA exams

Jeff: China has been #1 on PISA for several years now.

AROK: Average US IQ is 97 or 98″

AROK: My opinion on Israel-Palestine

I’m not really on anyone’s side in regards to the Israel-Palestine question, but historically speaking, there did not exist, to my knowledge, a Palestinian Arab nation-state on the land that is currently claimed by Israel.

Jews have been living in the Holy Land for thousands of years before, during, and after the state of Israel was founded.

Israel is the only Jewish-majority nation state. There are 9 million Israelis and 15 million Jews worldwide as opposed to more than 2 billion Muslims worldwide. Iran alone has over 80 million people. That is 9 times the population of Israel.

Why don’t the Arabs just absorb the Palestinians into their own lands is something I’ve always wondered, considering Arabs hugely outnumber the Israelis and control vastly more land.

My opinion is that yes, Israel does have a legitimate claim to the land it inhabits and that Jews deserve a country to call their own. But I also don’t think the US and Europe should keep showering it with unconditional aid when they cannot even protect their own borders.

Arabs have been filmed repeatedly talking about wanting to kill Jews, referring to Jews as animals to be slaughtered. Arabs have committed atrocious crimes on synagogues in Europe.

Again, not really taking anyone’s side here. I’m just stating my opinion as a neutral observer.

If Palestine gets all the land back, where would the Israelis go?

Jeff: Thank. I definitely take sides. I am for the destruction of Israel. Until that illegal country which was forced upon the world by the Anglo Saxons and starting in 1917, until that, until that country ceases to exist, there will be no peace in the world. If there is a, an atomic war in the world, as I said in my book, 44 days backpacking in China, it will start in Jerusalem because of the Jewish state. And as far as 85% of the Jews living in Israel today are not even semitic. They’re from Europe and everywhere else around the world, there are very few local Jews living there. They’re all imports. It’s the Palestinians that have been living there since the time of Jesus. So, , I think Palestine deserves the country. And then if they want to let the Jews live there, but it should go to the Palestinians because that’s what it’s been called for at least 2000 years.

AROK: That’s where people are wrong. the name Palestine did not appear until very recently in history. There was not historically a Palestinian Arab nation state

that said, I am against American aid to Israel

Jeff: Not a nation state, but plenty of Semitic tribes, who are Arabs.

AROK: What do you think of the fact that Arabs have, on many occasions, openly talked about wanting to torture and kill Jews, referring to Jews as apes, pigs, and dogs?

Jeff: Please show me the evidence.

AROK:  Here it is.

Arabs openly boasting about wanting to torture and kill Jews, referring to Jews as dogs, and saying they want to die as martyrs killing Jews

Once again, I’m not saying this to take anyone’s side since I’m from a country that is largely a third-party observer to the Middle East. But the Arab nations aren’t exactly peaceful protesters here.

At the same time, I think the US and Europe are morons for giving unconditional aid to Israel while refusing to police their own borders. ”

Jeff: Nice brief history of Korean civilization

AROK: Thanks.

Silla did not actually succeed in unifying Korea. A kingdom named Balhae occupied what is now DPRK plus large swaths of Northeastern China and Far Eastern Russia.

Balhae’s successor Goryeo is the first kingdom to fully unify the peninsula.

Joseon, the last of Korea’s dynastic kingdoms, expanded the northern borders to what you see today. ”

AROK: Non-Aligned Nations map

Light blue indicates observer status. Dark blue is membership. Gray is non-membership.

Notice DPRK is a member.

Jeff: You. Yeah. Thank you for the map of the Non-Aligned members, the. The group. I think the reason DPRK is in it is because they probably attended the Bandung conference in Indonesia. When was that? Back in 1965 or something, when Joe and lie went down there. And that was the genesis of the Non-Aligned movement. And so DPRK is typically averse to joining international groups. They want to stay independent and nonaligned. But, yeah, I think it has some historical roots going back to Bandung.

AROK: Kim Il-Sung, founder of the DPRK and grandfather of Kim Jong-Un, was against the development of nuclear weapons and made several speeches to world leaders in which he advocated for global nuclear disarmament and world peace. He wanted Korea to be unified under a confederation in which both sides kept their respective governments and systems. He wanted this unified Korea to be a non-aligned nation so that it would not be subject to the whims of its great power neighbors.

The ROK had none of it and insists in its constitution that it alone is the rightful government of the whole peninsula. It wants continued American presence and alliance even after unification.”

AROK: on the big Lebowski’s last speech

what if you had to deliver a farewell speech for a dead friend but had no idea what to say?

Jeff: I’m very bad at funerals and just cry.

AROK: “Goodnight sweet prince.”

Walter opens up the coffee can contain Donny’s ashes and shakes it to spray the ashes towards the ocean, but gets the ashes on the Dude instead.

Dude: Damn it, Walter! You f8cking asshole! Everything is a f8cking travesty with you, man!

Jeff: Funny!

AROK: “Just because we are bereaved doesn’t make us saps!” pounds table”

AROK: The Book of Revelations, the last book of the Bible, speaks of the “Beast”, an all-powerful dictator who rules the world for 3.5 years and forces every man, woman, and child on the planet to get a mark on his forehead or right hand on penalty of death

Who do you think is the identity of the Beast?

Where will he come from?

The Western World has traditionally been known for wanting to impose global governance on the planet. But the American Empire (United States, UK, Australia, Western Europe, Japan, ROK, etc.) lacks the military and economic strength to impose its will on the world like before and is in freefall decline.

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, on the other hand, enjoy increasing support in Asia, Africa, and Latin America and each command the largest, most powerful militaries on the planet with nuclear weapons to boot. But both men, despite supposedly being dictators, advocate for a multipolar world and do not intervene in the internal affairs of other sovereign nations

What are your thoughts, sir?

Jeff: In today’s world, I would say the beast is western empire. It’s, I think, pretty obvious. And, you know, the deep state military industrial complex, the medical industrial complex, et cetera. And, yeah, thank goodness for Russia and China. Without them, the world would be totally obliterated by now. So, they’re the only they. Iran and DPRK, North Korea are the countries that are offering the world a resistance to western empire and genocide in.

AROK: Realistically speaking, I can’t move to Russia or China due to the geopolitical situation and language barrier. As for DPRK, I obviously can’t cross the DMZ

The most realistic foreign country I can move to (without having to learn a 3rd language) is Belize. I have to stop over Los Angeles or some other state first, though.

If that fails, I’m setting my sights on Alaska ”

AROK: Ever read any of this guy’s books?

I read Suicide of a Superpower back in 2013.

Buchanan predicted the US would not survive to 2025.

His predictions are ahead of schedule

Jeff: No, I have not, but he’s a smart person who presents himself very well.

AROK: The 1965 Immigration Act under LBJ fundamentally changed the American demographic.

White people, who were already a minority in the world to begin with, will soon be extinct.”

AROK: Paul Craig Roberts on Soviet Economics

Do you agree with this assessment?

My Time with Soviet Economics | (

Jeff: Irina Boyko’s blog has lots of data on this. It was apparently much better than the West portrayed it to be.

Just word search GNP, growth, economy, production, etc. Also search the name Richard, who posted great info too.

AROK: It will take me a while to read.

I do know that in the Soviet Union, people got around using public transportation and bicycles rather than cars, unlike the United States.

That and Soviet cars were built to last”

AROK: Paul Washer sermon on manhood

I’m not Christian but he speaks a lot of truth what is wrong with Western liberal civilization

Jeff: He has a big following. 400k subscribers.

AROK: No one should replace a father and mother in a child’s life. The traditional family is the building block of society”

AROK: People’s Liberation Army Recruitment Ad

The same Uncle Sam who couldn’t win in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Cuba fancies itself tough enough to take on the world’s 2nd most populated nation of 1.4 billion people who are also allied to the world’s largest nuclear power (Russia)

Jeff: I will use this is a short post on Seek Truth from Facts.


AROK: Yesterday, I watched an interview of the former Taiwanese president Ma who said the DPP was too aggressive and that Lai’s victory would mean greatly increased chance of war”

AROK: population by country as of 2024

India is now number 1, followed by China.

US is a distant 3rd.

Jeff: Hey, rock. China is doing all it can. Legislation, taxation, incentives, bonuses, perquisites, everything they can to get the birth rate back increasing. We’ll see how it goes. But they do have the levers of government and Confucian. Confucian culture to hopefully make it happen.

AROK: Most Chinese live in the east coast and relatively few live in the west”

AROK: Public Transportation in Los Angeles

In Seoul, when you’re at a bus stop, you are given the numbers of the buses that stop there as well as what routes that they take. There is also a screen showing how far away each bus is.

But in Los Angeles, you are only given the numbers, but not the routes that they take or what time they arrive. You have to go to the LA Metro website and print it or just memorize the damn thing. It’s backwards-ass bullshit.

South Korea is ahead of the United States in many fields. So, much so that I can’t help but marvel at why we insist on relying on US as a bodyguard

Jeff: Koreans are Confucist. Americans are settler-colonialists.

AROK: The US power grid can apparently be taken down entirely by just 3 EMP blasts

Jeff: That’s probably true all over the world.

AROK: As I said, the US Military is 100% offense and 0% defense. A literal glass canon.”

AROK: Questions about Christianity

Mr. Brown,

Do you think there is a God?

Have you read the Bible?

What is your opinion of Christianity?

What is your opinion of Jesus?

Do you think believe there is an afterlife?

If yes, do you believe people will spend said afterlife in one of two places, those places being Heaven or Hell?

If yes, which place do you think you are going to?

Is there such a thing as objective truth, in your view?

Jeff: My answers…

Do you think there is a God? No.

Have you read the Bible? Some of it.

What is your opinion of Christianity? One of the world’s three monotheistic religions. I prefer Confucism-Daoism-Buddhism.

What is your opinion of Jesus? He was a communist, which is why they killed him.

Do you think believe there is an afterlife? No.

If yes, do you believe people will spend said afterlife in one of two places, those places being Heaven or Hell? NA

If yes, which place do you think you are going to? NA

Is there such a thing as objective truth, in your view? Yes, for many clearly evident facts and observations.

AROK: If there is no God, who created the universe?

Jeff: Good question that no one will ever be able to answer.


I’m actually asking you, sir. Your opinion, specifically.

If you don’t believe God exists, where do you think this universe came from?

Or do you believe some sort of God exists, but just not the one found in the pages of the King James Bible?

You have a mother, who was impregnated by your father. A man and a woman met sometime in the past, married, and then had you. You didn’t just fart into existence out of nowhere and neither did your siblings, if you have any.

Likewise, a computer didn’t appear out of nowhere. Engineers and scientists in a lab did the hard mathematical equations to create the hardware, software, motherboard, CPU, memory card, battery, keyboards, interface, graphics, coding, operating system, and more that goes into the making of a computer.

Applying that logic, one would be insane to think that something as unfathomably complex as the visible universe could come into existence by total accident and coincidence.

The majority of humans who ever lived all have creation stories of one or more gods creating the universe, galaxies, planets, stars, the sun, the moon, the earth, and mankind.

To believe that there is no God at all would be to suggest that the vast majority of the human race is somehow wrong and a tiny minority of mostly White men and women are somehow right.

Jeff: AROK, we will never know the origins of our universe. I accept that there are many unsolved mysteries.

AROK: Do you think the stories of the Bible are recorded history or just myths.

I’m not trying to convert you to Christ. I’m not a Christian. I’m just asking you

Are you familiar with the Mark of the Beast?

Jeff: The supernatural feats go back to Mesopotamia. King Hammurabi and the others were born from virgin mothers, walked on water, fed the people with a fish and loaf of bread, were sons of God and were resurrected after death.

There are a number of researchers who say Jesus did not exist, or there were several of Him. I believe he likely existed and was a wise and charismatic prophet.

AROK: How much do you know about church history

Jeff: Some, but not a lot.

AROK: Have you heard of Jonathan Edwards

Jeff: Just the name.

AROK: He’s the most famous hell preacher ever.

“God abhors you. He hates you ten times more than the vilest serpent in your hands. He wants nothing more than to cast you into the furnace of fire. But it is his sovereign pleasure and mercy that is holding you up.”

Something like that.

Edwards goes to graphic lengths to scare the living begeezes out of his congregants, before ending on a hopeful note, saying that God does not wish for a single one of his congregants to perish and holds the door to Heaven wide open, so that they may repent of sins and enter”

AROK: What do Chinese people think about sex

Is sex and violence a big part of Chinese pop culture?

Why does China outlaw LGBTQ, yet Taiwan and Hong Kong allow it?

Jeff: Violence, sex and LGBTQ are controlled in the media by legislation and the demands of the vast majority of the Chinese Nation.

AROK: Have you been to Taiwan?

If the majority of people there actually support unification with the mainland, why isn’t it happening?

Jeff: No.

Taiwan is Western “democracy”. Decisions about the people are made by the aristocratic elites.

In China, it’s people’s democracy. It is the citizens who decide what laws are passed and not passed.

AROK: Just the other day, some Israeli politician appeared on RT where he screamed and bellowed about how “Russia was supporting Nazis” and would pay the price for arming the enemies of Israel.

I think he forgot Zelensky’s administration is literally staffed with Neo-Nazis who openly state their intentions to kill and torture Russians and Crimean Ukrainians

Israel’s “Iron Dome” was defeated by a couple thousand $600 rockets from Hamas.

Russia’s missile defense systems are the most advanced on the planet. Doomsday submarines capable of avoiding US naval defenses and unleashing radioactive tsunamis. Hypersonic missiles capable of bypassing all NATO satellite and air defense systems. Its Sarmat missile can carry 10 heavyweight warheads that can supposedly destroy an area the size of Texas. This is the kind of weapon you use to end a war. Not win it.

Meanwhile, US air defense can’t even stop a small number of ICBMs from the DPRK.

The only reason Europe and North America still exist is the supreme patience and level-headedness of men like Sergei Lavrov, the foreign minister.

If Russia was run by hotheads like Nuland, Albright, Blinken, Sullivan, and Biden, WW3 would have already come and gone”

AROK: Reason I asked the “Murder” email is that while I have never actually wanted to kill someone, there are some people that I truly believe, the world would have been better off without. It would have been better if they were aborted as babies and never got a chance to live.

People like Klaus Schwab, Joe Biden, Volodimir Zelensky, Victoria Nuland, Madeline Albright, Tony Fauci

Jeff: You are absolutely right. The Global Majority needs to hold a huge Nuremberg 2.0.

AROK: Putin recently described the Global Minority as vampires”

AROK: Response to your video on how the pro-US party in Taiwan actually lost

KMT Chairman and former Taiwanese President Ma Ying Jeou denounced William Lai as a dangerous extremist and a separatist.

Jeff: The William Lai and Ying. All the DPP politicians are nothing more than CIA. National Endowment for Democracy, George Soros. Open societies. Puppets. In fact, I think William Lai’s vice president. She’s American. She can barely speak Chinese. So, the DPP is nothing more than an American puppet. And William Lai will take his orders from the United States if the United States decides to attack.

AROK: Taiwan can only hold out for a few weeks in a war”

AROK: ROK spy disguised as missionary smuggling porn into DPRK

exporting Hollywood perversion to our non-westernized northern neighbor and attempting to destabilized and topple a sovereign government in the name of democracy.

Jeff: You have to wonder if these types are victims of MK Ultra brainwashing.

AROK: The problem of the Korean divide is one of East Asian Confucian values against Western Liberalism. These values are fundamentally incompatible and do not mix.

Confucianism emphasizes loyalty, integrity, piety, humility, sincerity, understanding, compassion, and modesty.

Western Liberalism is individualistic, self-serving, violent, sexually promiscuous, and nihilistic. It claims to respect and honor differences, but it really does not. It is actually incredibly hostile, tribal, and confrontational.

The kind of entertainment content being put forth in ROK today would have been seen as highly offensive in the days my grandparents were young.

In the days of my grandparents, people usually married and had anywhere from 2-4 kids. A childless couple was not as common as today. Divorce was rare. Married couples stayed committed to one another for life. My grandmothers were both full-time housewives. Their priorities were their husbands and children.”

AROK: ROK surrender and unify under DPRK

I’m increasingly realizing that perhaps the best option is the one that Koreans in the ROK fear most- ROK should just surrender and unify under DPRK.

I personally do not believe that Koreans in the DPRK are interested in living in a Korea under the ROK’s multiparty liberal democracy, which has proven repeatedly that it engenders factionalism and strife, rather than achieving consensus and unity.

If the ROK’s form of governance can’t even achieve consensus and unity amongst 50 million people, how does it expect to rule over 75 million, when at least a third of all Koreans on the peninsula don’t accept the government in Seoul as legitimate?

ROKAF is less than half the size of the KPA and shrinking since people don’t want kids, which means less and less people eligible for military service. It does not have nuclear weapons.

Victory over the KPA by US-ROK combined forces is far from certain due to the KPA’s formidable military strength. China and Russia will not allow the US-ROK to overthrow the government of the DPRK. So, , even if US-ROK won, US forces will have to expand their presence in the peninsula to maintain order in the north and pacify a population of tens of millions of military trained Koreans who do not want them there, but also to continue to protect the ROK from an attack from Chinese and Russian forces who will intervene to protect their own interests

A victory by US-ROK will also result in US Wall Street corporate takeover of the DPRK. Wall Street will loot the country and steal everything it has. The ROK right-wing will absolutely sell out the country to USA and Japan. The Right-wing wants the US to command its own military rather than do it themselves and reject all attempts at dialogue with the north

By contrast, a victory by the KPA will see the expulsion of foreign troops and justice delivered to pro-American, pro-Japan wealthy Koreans (who are disloyal to their countrymen at any rate) and the restoration of traditional Korean values.

The KPA is powerful enough to defend Korea from Japan and USA. The DPRK enjoys strong relations with Russia and China, Asia’s most powerful nations. It will not sell out the sovereignty of Korea to anyone.

A unified Korea will be self-sufficient in energy and resources. It will no longer be beholden to the interests of the 4 great powers. They will at last be forced to treat Korea as an equal

Jeff: You are right, but that is not going to happen as long as ROK is occupied by the US.

AROK: A war with DPRK will result in thousands of artillery shells raining down all over Seoul, killing tens or hundreds of thousands of people within 1 hour. If nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons are used, casualties will be even higher

Special forces disguised as ROK soldiers will infiltrate behind enemy lines to wreak havoc on supply despots.

Long range missiles will target US bases in Japan to prevent them from arriving in ROK as reinforcements. Harbors in ROK will be destroyed with nuclear or conventional missiles, so that US military personnel cannot arrive.

ICBMs will deliver nuclear weapons to cities all over the US mainland. DPRK has sufficient numbers of them to overpower US air defenses and destroy several cities, killing millions of Americans.

28,000 US soldiers and 550,000 ROK soldiers will be fighting 1,200,000 DPRK soldiers and possibly millions more reservists and civilian militia. US-ROK troops will be further preoccupied with transporting tens of millions of panicking civilians to safety, further straining their combat capabilities.

If sufficient numbers of KPA soldiers make it into Seoul, US and ROK soldiers will face a real risk of accidentally killing their own civilians in the crossfire.

DPRK factories and supply depots will be hidden underground in mountain bunkers. Kim Jong-Un himself will be hidden underground and guarded by elite commandos.

The only way to fully confirm the denuclearization of the DPRK is a ground invasion. But war simulations showed ROK forces losing the equivalent of a corps every week and not having enough soldiers to make it to Pyongyang, which is guarded by one of the densest air defense networks and interlocking anti-aircraft guns.

The US and ROK’s response to all this?

There is no military option against DPRK that will not result in the nuclear annihilation of ROK and likely Japan. Russia and China will not allow US and ROK to invade and topple the DPRK and station US missiles on their border.

What is US and ROK’s response to all this?

Slap sanctions. Criticize. Condemn DPRK at the UN. Go crying to China and Russia for help when all this fails.

The same shit they’ve been doing for the past 70 years!

Jeff: Well said!

AROK: This isn’t to say ROK is weak or can’t protect itself. But it can’t defeat DPRK without incurring such horrific losses that the effort won’t be worth it.

In fact, even China or Russia would find DPRK very hard to defeat if they were to go to war with it. They know it and they treat the DPRK as an equal.

Russia, China, and DPRK’s relationship is one of mutual need, camaraderie, fear, and sovereign respect.

None of the three have foreign troops on their soil. They command their own militaries.

The US, Japan, and ROK’s relationship is one of parasitism and dominance/submission. The US needs Japan and ROK to flank China. Japan and ROK want US to shoulder the burden of defending them rather than doing it themselves. The ROK doesn’t even have full operational control over its own military.”

Jeff: What’s going on? What is the real meaning of this attack?

AROK: ROK politics is shit ”

Jeff: Russia LGBT

AROK: Let’s ban heterosexual marriage so we can all be gay like Satan intended (sarcasm)”

AROK: Russophobes and Sinophobes in my family

It is a sad fact that many members of my family (from my dad’s generation and up) are Russophobes and Sinophobes who think Russia and China armed and instigated DPRK into attacking the ROK when it was actually the opposite. It was America and Japan (and surprisingly Taiwan) that stood to reap benefits from a Korean War.

Russia and China had no possible motive to attack ROK, a country whose extremely corrupt, reactionary, and incompetent government was brought to power by rigged elections and American military support. Korea wasn’t their priority. Russia’s priority was securing its western front with Europe and China’s priority was taking Taiwan and unifying it with the mainland.

If anything, Korea cost China dearly since China lost tens of thousands of brave young men, including Mao’s own son and failed to take Taiwan and bring the KMT to justice because it was distracted by Korea and couldn’t fight a two-front war with a nuclear-armed USA.

North Korea was not a Soviet puppet state. It actually sought to distance itself from its giant neighbors by being self-reliant economically, developing its own distinct political ideology, and presenting itself as a leading proponent of the non-aligned nations.

I’ve read the writings of Socialists from nations in Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa, and South America on . I have found that most are neutral peaceful nations that do not seek to join either power bloc.

Jeff: South Koreans have been brainwashed by western propaganda. So, they’re, I guess they’re probably no different than the Japanese, I’m sure, the same way. And the people on, in Taiwan, Philippines, etcetera, they just, the big lie propaganda machine is, is ferocious and very, very effective. And it’s got, it’s got three fourths of the planet completely living a lie.

AROK: The ROK of the 1940s and 1950s had no industry to speak of. America had to subsidize and pay for everything much like how it does so for Ukraine since Ukraine lacks the industry to produce the weaponry needed to actually fight Russia.

Without American money propping up its government of Japanese collaborators, the ROK would have gone away on its own, the traitors brought to justice, and reunification would have happened peacefully under Pyongyang. Any Koreans still loyal to America or Japan would have had their assets seized and redistributed and likely leave the country

Jeff: Well, when the election results in Russia are announced tomorrow, we can expect a massive amount of anti-Russian hysteria. I still think you should try to move there. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to. I would go to the Russian consulate in Seoul and just ask them what’s going you. I’m ready to move. I want to contribute to Russia and see what they say.

AROK: Putin is the legitimate president of Russia, either way”

AROK: Russophobia and Jesus Christ

“If you are persecuted, know that the world hated me before it hated you.” Jesus to his disciples

The Russian people have suffered enormous tribulation, trial, and hardship for many centuries. They paid the biggest cost in blood, sacrificing tens of millions of their fathers, husbands, and sons to protect their country, and emerged a superpower on par with the United States. It was the Russians who liberated Europe from Nazism and Fascism. It was the Russians who liberated Manchuria and Korea from Imperial Japan.

But unlike the rapacious, blood-sucking big businessmen of the capitalist world, the Russians showed solidarity with the oppressed of the world as well as ordinary Americans. It was the Russians, not the West, was the one who initiated and complied with arms control treaties designed to limit and eventually abolish nuclear weapons.

It was the Russians who wanted good relations with the United States and to work with a country that has tried over and over again to destroy it as an entity.

Russia is one of the few “White” countries that still honor and cherish the traditional Christian morals and values. The West, on the other hand, has gone completely apostate and wants nothing to do with God, Jesus, church, morality, and common decency.

All these things have convinced me that Russia is truly on the side of the good and is fighting not just to save itself, but the entirety of mankind from Washington DC.

The majority of the world is siding with Russia against the United States and its vassals.

Jeff: Well, when the election results in Russia are announced tomorrow, we can expect a massive amount of anti-Russian hysteria. I still think you should try to move there. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to. I would go to the Russian consulate in Seoul and just ask them what’s going you. I’m ready to move. I want to contribute to Russia and see what they say.

AROK: Putin is the legitimate president of Russia, either way”

AROK: I’m not afraid that ROK will lose the war or that Korea will be unified under DPRK. What scares me is I don’t know what will happen after that.

Will Kim choose to be diplomatic and accepting of people in the ROK (however many there may be) that support him? Or will we all be declared enemies.

There are 50 million people in the ROK. That’s twice the population of the DPRK.

Surely, there must be people who, if not supportive of him, are better inclined to seek peace under his terms, which would mean a sovereign Korea free of American rule, than prolonging the conflict by continued alliances with America and Japan.

I hope we meet soon, Mr. Brown

I really do

Jeff: We will meet soon. I’m working on moving back to China. Not far away from Korea.

AROK: What part of China?

The danger is not that US will lose a war with China over Taiwan. It WILL lose. That is a certainty. I’m not afraid of that.

The real danger is that the war spills over into Korea and becomes a two-front war, which then goes nuclear

The US will be thinly stretched, fighting three major wars at the same time (Ukraine, Taiwan, Korea) and helping Israel fight a 4th against Hamas. Its only option will be to go nuclear, since it doesn’t have enough troops on hand to defeat three peer-level adversaries.

American soldiers themselves are significantly weaker, softer, less motivated to fight compared to past generations of American men. So, much so that the military is lowering standards to let more people join (and they don’t want to because who wants to under Biden) ”

AROK: Scum… There are wolves and snakes out there who act nice and fuzzy because they only really want your money or want their egos stoked from being associated with a person who is powerful and important. the second you inconvenience them or can’t benefit them in some way, they’ll say f-ck you and kick you aside

Jeff: That’s true all over the world.

AROK: Jesus had very specific words for such people in the Gospel of Matthew”

AROK: Seoul can’t defend from DPRK artillery

North Korea’s Simple but Deadly Artillery Holds Seoul and U.S. Hostage | HuffPost Latest News (

Frankly, I still we should just surrender and unify on their terms as there is no military option and sanctions have failed to do much of anything

Jeff: Too bad your suggestion will not be taken up.

AROK: Even if US-ROK were to win such a war, there’s no way they can prevent the nuclear destruction of multiple cities in ROK, Japan, and US and rehabilitate tens of millions of traumatized and extremely angry northerners who don’t want ROK-US soldiers on their soil and all have 5-10 years of military training.

That’s not even factoring China, who is definitely not going to allow American occupation of the north.”

AROK: The Greater Seoul Area (including all its satellite cities like Ilsan, Incheon, Sungnam, Soowon, Gwangmyung, Yongin, Bundang, etc.) has 25 million people. That is equivalent to the entire population of DPRK.

The panicked scramble to get out of the city in the event of a war would do more damage than any fighting with the KPA. The US, Japan, and ROK militaries would be overwhelmed trying to get all those millions of civilians to safety. It would be the biggest refugee crisis in modern history.

By contrast, Pyongyang is far from the border and heavily protected by the DMZ and air-defense networks around the capital city. The city and the country are home to 100-meter-deep subways and tunnels capable of housing schools, hospitals, hangars, nuclear silos, and runways.

If you ask me, DPRK has already won and is really just biding its time until ROK-US come to the table.

When the American money fueling the ROK dries up (and it will sooner than we think), ROK will hopefully be forced by necessity to negotiate with DPRK, China, and Russia and integrate into Eurasia and BRICS

Jeff: Why do you think DPRK has so fewer people than the South?

AROK: The mountainous terrain means it’s not as good for growing crops. But DPRK has more mineral resources”

AROK: Signs of Low IQ

Low IQ morons believe in being loud, appearing strong, and slandering their opponents. Winning and humiliating the opponent to force him to give them what they want is more important than diplomacy and common ground

Jeff: I don’t know about low IQs, but definitely those kinds of people are sociopaths and psychopaths, which is what most western leader which is what most western leaders are.

AROK: Chinese Communist Party Members tend to be calm and concise. They don’t shout and holler like in the US ”

AROK: Some sources on what a second Korean War would look like

N Korea Military Tactics in A War with US ( (

Millions of Dead: You Can’t Imagine How Bad a Second Korean War Could Get | The National Interest (

U.S. Could Lose in a War Against North Korea’s Massive Army, Former Pentagon Commander Warns ( (

U.S. Invasion of North Korea Would Be ‘Very Bloody, Very Quickly,’ Expert Warns ( (

Jeff: Thanks, I’ll share.

AROK: The ROK Left Wing believes in dialogue and diplomacy to solve the problem. The ROK Right Wing believes in increased militarism and expanded war drills with the US to threaten DPRK from attacking.

But neither party want to accept the inevitable, which is accepting DPRK as a nuclear state and entering arms control treaties with it.

Jeff: Treaties will never happen as long as ROK is occupied by Uncle Slaughter.

AROK: Integration into the Eurasian economy would solve many of ROK’s problems regarding energy, food, and a declining population.

The problem is, the ROK hates and fears China and wants US to protect it from China and DPRK.

This is due to decades of Anti-Communist education from the country’s Pro-Japan/Pro-US Right-Wing

These people love America and Japan more than they love their own countrymen”

AROK: South Korea needs to be de-westernized

I wonder if such a thing is possible, though

Jeff: Not in my lifetime.

AROK: Alongside ROK’s reliance on great powers, ROK’s embrace of western, neoliberal, capitalistic values are a greater impediment to unification than DPRK’s nuclear program.

We need to return to our traditions”

AROK: Speeches of Kim Il-Sung from the 1950s

Jeff: Many thanks!

AROK: The US Military goes overseas to kill innocent people who never dreamed of invading the US. It only attacks weaker countries that can’t fight back.

AB Abrams said that DPRK has the 3rd strongest military of the enemies of the US after Russia and China and one of a handful of countries capable of striking the US heartland. All this under 70 years of the hardest sanctions imaginable.

The joint exercise drills and sanctions are just a bunch of hot air. They never accomplish their intended purpose.

A US General who commands the Combined Forces Command even said that the DPRK artillery can destroy the American troops in Seoul within three hours. Another general said that the KPA can delay the entry of other American soldiers from Japan and USA into the war by bombing ROK harbors and threatening missile strikes on Japanese cities. The 28,000 soldiers in Korea would isolate from outside help and facing over a million KPA soldiers. The ROKAF would be doing most of the fighting on its own.

The ROKAF would fight back and do some damage, but it does not have enough soldiers to occupy the DPRK and secure all the nuclear weapons because they are deep underground and heavily defended. Kim Jong-Un himself would be hidden deep within a bunker somewhere in a mountain.

US and ROK should lift sanctions, acknowledge DPRK as a sovereign state and nuclear power, and enter into arms control treaties with it.

But it’s more important to score political points and look strong than to be realistic and pragmatic”

AROK: Suppressed polls in Taiwan

Mr. Brown,

can you show me the suppressed polls in Taiwan where the majority favor unification

Jeff: They would be in Chinese.

AROK: China vs Taiwan = Chinese China vs American China

DPRK vs ROK = Korean Korea vs American Korea

Americanized countries are bastards who threw away their own culture and emulated their western overlords.

That’s why my country is so angry, pissed off, burnt-out, and suicidal.

In the past, Koreans were much more family-centered and communal compared to today.

Nations need a strong spiritual base to provide guidance and support through hardships.

Russia has the Orthodox Church. China has Confucius. India has Hinduism.

ROK? Nothing. No core unifying ideology to hold a country together.”

AROK: Sweden is trying to join NATO?

Do these fools really believe the US can defend them against Russia?

Jeff: No.

AROK: US can’t even defend its own southern border with Mexico

Ideology wins wars, not superior military power.

DPRK is the only nation with the military means and political will to engage in total war against the US, that its goals go beyond merely reunifying Korea, but striking the heartland of America. Even before it had nuclear weapons, DPRK was courageous enough to fight a nuclear-armed USA to a draw.

The joint exercise drills are just hot air. US, Japan, and ROK aren’t brave enough to actually go to war with the DPRK, never mind China

Jeff: Don’t forget the mutual defense treaty between China and DPRK. Fight one, fight the other.

AROK: It’s more important to look strong than to be diplomatic and negotiable, according to the logic of empire.

More than anything, the US is afraid of looking weak ”

Jeff: The Absurdity of Claim that Israel Knew Beforehand About Hamas Op | Covert Geopolitics


Dear CWG,

As a healthy intellectual antidote to the last post, I sent endowed with a conspiratorial overtone, here’s an article by Ramin Mazaheri bringing us the fresh breeze of basic common sense and reminding all of us that the World has TRULY changed.

Enjoy!!! Quan

P.S. And I’m a “conspiracy theorist” most of the time!!!

But beyond banter, exploring history with a so-called revisionist attitude, sincerely seeking for the truth is one thing AND systematically believing in the supposed omnipotence of the KFC-AZAEL (Kakistocratic Feudal Conglomerate of the Anglo-Zio-American Establishment) without any critical thinking, being blind to the real changes of our times is quite another thing.

AROK: Of course, Israel can’t defeat all the Arab League and Iran by itself. It needs the help of US-NATO.

Most US vassals are militarily irrelevant, contribute little to their own defense, and want Uncle Sam I Am to foot the bill.

As Doug Bandow said, US needs to up the pressure on Europe to defend themselves and stop expecting their big brother across the Atlantic to come riding to the rescue.

Europe should just make peace with Russia and cut ties with US.

Jeff: The Little Red Book on Mao Zedong. By: The China Writers’ Group. With free, downloadable PDF eBook!

AROK: Will read it next year once I’m done with my current book”

AROK: The Taiwanese who want to unify under Beijing

‘We are Chinese’: meet the Taiwanese who want to embrace Beijing rule | Taiwan | The Guardian

“People who want independence, that’s bullshit – they’re lying to themselves.” – Harry Chen

Likewise, I don’t think ROK can survive a conflict with the DPRK. Even if it were to defeat the DPRK militarily, China will not allow unification under Seoul nor will it allow ROK and US troops on its border.

ROK and Taiwan should cut its losses and tell Uncle Sam to go home

Jeff: Suppressed polls show that 50% of Taiwanese want repatriation to the PRC now.

AROK: Taiwan is scared because of what happened in Hong Kong, which was actually provoked by CIA-funded terrorists who assaulted police and destroyed private property to provoke the CCP into violence. Just like the Tiananmen Square “Massacre” which took place outside the square.

Hong Kong is actually pretty horrible to live in, from what I hear due to extreme overcrowding.”

AROK: The US admitted that it just ran out of money for Ukraine

The third rate, NATO-trained puppet army was no match for a Russian Army fighting at a fraction of its strength

Jeff: Russia needs to reintegrate all of Ukraine back into the Motherland.


He often visits the post-Soviet countries. Many of them were worse off after independence.

The Russians heavily invested into their neighbors. Russia sent teachers, scientists, doctors, engineers, farmers, and skilled tradesmen to the other SSRs. Almost everyone had a job, a basic allowance, housing, healthcare provided by the state. Gifted students could educate themselves at a Russian university for much less than American students had to pay for their educations.

After independence, many of these people immigrated to Russia because that’s where the high-paying jobs were.”

AROK: The War you don’t see by John Pilger

Have you watched it?

I started watching it tonight with my father.

Real shame we don’t have journalists of this caliber in the ROK

Jeff: I knew John Pilger before he passed away. In fact, he even blurred my work. And, in fact, he’s on the back of my last book, the Big Red book on China, complimenting my trilogy. So, , yeah, he was wonderful. And he just died late last year, so may he rest in peace.

AROK: I’m currently reading “Falsifiers of History” by Fred Schuman”

AROK: The Westminster Confession of Faith

Whether you believe this or not, you can’t deny it is quite different from the carnal, money-driven prosperity gospel being preached from the pulpits today.

Billy Graham: Come down to the altar and pray the sinner’s prayer and you’ll be saved.

Reformation Church Fathers: Men are so depraved and vile that they can’t even muster up the humility to bow before God and repent of their sins. God has to change their heart first and regenerate you in order that you may believe and persevere in the faith despite hardship, persecution, betrayal, and death.

The Reformed Church Fathers wouldn’t have supported Israel. They wouldn’t have supported a country with a city considered the most gay-friendly city on earth (Tel Aviv)

Jeff: Thank you for the text.

AROK: John Chrysostom, an Eastern Orthodox Church Father, said it is better to die 10,000 times than to have to live as a homosexual and that homosexuals should be reviled and rejected by both men and women.

In the days of the Founding Fathers, Americans universally rejected homosexuality.

It wasn’t until the 1960s sex revolution that Americans started accepting homosexuality and the lowering of the age of consent.

Jeff: It is a proven fact that homosexuality exists in all animal species. In humans, LGBT represent about 3-4% of the population, be they Korean, Bolivian, Arab, African or European.

Thus, it is mostly genetic. Talk to gay people and they will tell they knew they were different since they were children.

What has happened is the WEF psychopaths are foisting LGBT onto the world to create strife and division. Outside of Russia, China, DPRK and elsewhere, their plot is working.

AROK: The US is a horrible place to raise children. Americans ought to stop working and paying taxes to a government that views them as cannon fodder.

Few Western governments represent its citizenry. Viktor Orban of Hungary is an exception.

ROK is doing better than the West in the sense it is tougher on drugs, illegal immigration, and crime than the West is. You don’t see coked-out addicts shitting in the streets or mobs looting stores like you see in inner cities of the US

It’s long past the time the ROK should ditch America and make peace with DPRK and integrate itself into the Asian economy”

Jeff: This was just too much fun not to do! Also blasted out to 7,500 Substack subscribers…

Wayne Hall stole my book. Let him know how shameless it is to rip off a writer living on limited retirement income. His contact info is below. China Rising Radio Sinoland 230615

Mr. Wayne Hall, book thief

P.O. Box 2309

18010 Perivola Aegina




Home phone: +30 (22970) 24050

Mobile phone/Text messages: +30 (6988) 355244

Audio, video podcasts and the written transcript,

AROK: Why did he steal your book?

How old are you, if you don’t mind me asking?

Are you still in France?

If yes, what part of France?”

AROK: Thomas Sowell

Ever read any of his books?

He wrote a book called “Black Rednecks and White Liberals” where he revealed that the criminal stereotypes of Blacks in the USA actually came from Southern Blacks, who in turn, inherited it from poor Southern White folks/rednecks/hillbillies

What is it like in China? Do Northern Chinese people look down on Southern Chinese or vice versa

Jeff: As is usual in many countries, there’s a big rivalry in China between north and south and east and west. It’s just universal in the United States, in France, in Germany, in England. It’s just the nature of the beast. I don’t know about South Korea because it’s much smaller, but it’s true in many other countries. And I know also in Africa, between different linguistic tribes.

AROK: South Korea’s right wing comes from the Seoul/Gyeongsang Province elite who got rich in the days of Japanese Colonization. The left-wing is from Jeolla Province and Jeju Island.

The North Korean Communists are descended from Manchurian guerillas who fought the Japanese in Northeastern China alongside the Chinese Communists.

Northern Koreans were probably taller than South Koreans prior to the division and later the “Arduous March” in the 90s. The North had a better standard of living initially. ”

AROK: I’m tired of being lied to. Aren’t you?

Tired of being told that our brothers and sisters are our enemies and that the Americans and Japanese are our friends when they are the ones stopping peaceful unification

More war drills. More missile tests. More crying to China to rein in the DPRK. Rinse and repeat.

But when a leftist president initiates peace talks, the right-wing accuses of showmanship and says the DPRK is trying to get the US to leave so it can take over by force and kill everybody.


What the hell do you guys want?

Jeff: We’re all tired of being lied to. It has been going on in the West for 3,000 years.

AROK: The Japanese Communists actually supported Korean independence. It was the moneyed right-wing that was imperialistic”

AROK: Traditional Korean music

국악 명상 음악, 편안한 음악, 잠 잘 때 듣기 좋은 음악 / Korean Traditional Meditation Music, Relaxing Sleep Music – YouTube (

Nothing like the plastic K-pop today

Jeff: How much effort have you put into looking for the PDF book I ask about?

AROK: I found plenty

Jeff: Did you find the 1952 ISR headed by Joseph Needham?


You mean this?

Jeff: Thank you, AROK, for your efforts.

The Bioweapon Truth Commission has the ISR in,





But not in Korean. It was also published in Korean to make up the five languages used in the ISR.

I don’t know Korean. That is why I am depending on you to use your language skills to find it on the internet in Korean.

Please dig deep!

Thanks in advance for your critical help,

AROK: Is that the right one?”

AROK: trans woman carries out mass shooting

The Rise of Evil as the Determinant Force in the Western World | ( (

Jeff: I cannot find the man’s name/quote, but a former high-level FBI/CIA agent said that every terrorist act in the USA is either planned by the FBI/CIA or facilitated, or they let them happen.

False flags keep the masses as fearing sheeple who can be easily controlled.

AROK: Las Vegas”

AROK: Trump is the most demonized US president in history

No US president has had so many powerful people against him all at once for years on end.

That kind of extreme pressure ought to have killed a lesser man, but not Trump.

That alone makes him worthy of our respect

Jeff: I am voting for Trump.

AROK: How much of you is really you?

Or are you just a product of what your parents, school, education, culture, and upbringing ingrained into you?

As for me, I’d say around 80% of me is truly me ”

AROK: How sad that ROK and DPRK journalists can’t interview the other side’s head of state

Jeff: Confucist.

AROK: Kim Il Sung granted interviews, though

Jeff: Hey rock, I guess you’re right. You mentioned Kim Il Sung and Mao and Dung. And I can also throw in Ho Chi men. He did a lot of interviews. Putin’s done a number of interviews. I think what separates those leaders that I just mentioned was Xi Jinping and Kim and Korea and Hamani and Iran is that the latter three are not terribly charismatic. That may have something to do with know she is a great leader, but he has almost zero charisma. Hamani, at least for Westerners, doesn’t have any charisma, nor does Kim and DPRK. So, that may be one of the, one of the reasons why they don’t do them do interviews.

AROK: Kim Il Sung was outgoing and hospitable. Kim Jong Il was secretive and distrusting of people”

AROK: US is outraged because Putin gave Kim Jong-Un a car.

But it’s okay for US to station 28,000 soldiers and (until the early 90s) almost 1000 nuclear weapons in ROK and stage yearly drills rehearsing an invasion and takeover of the DPRK.

The Soviet Union didn’t instigate DPRK into attacking the ROK. Korea was not a high priority for Stalin. He didn’t even provide Kim Il-Sung with an air force because he feared it might embolden the KPA into striking Japan and igniting war with the US.

ROK enjoys normal diplomatic relations with US, Japan, China, and Russia. But the DPRK has relations with China and Russia, but not with US and Japan. This, too, is a form of encirclement. It is an attempt to isolate DPRK from its allies.

The ROK right-wing is against DPRK normalizing relations with US. Once the US-ROK alliance is ruptured, the ROK right-wing will flee the country and move to US and Japan, where their true loyalties lie. And frankly, good riddance with these people

Jeff: There is no proof that there are still nuclear weapons in South Korea, but I suspect there are. The United States has been caught testing biological weapons in South Korea. So, , if they’re willing to do that and lie to the South Korean people, then it would not be a stretch for them to do the same thing with nuclear weapons. Of course, they can park nuclear submarines in ports in South Korea and technically say there’s no nuclear weapons in South Korea, even though they’re in the ports right off the waters.

AROK: There is no proof that there are still nuclear weapons in South Korea, but I suspect there are. The United States has been caught testing biological weapons in South Korea. So, , if they’re willing to do that and lie to the South Korean people, then it would not be a stretch for them to do the same thing with nuclear weapons. Of course, they can park nuclear submarines in ports in South Korea and technically say there’s no nuclear weapons in South Korea, even though they’re in the ports right off the waters. There is no proof that there are still nuclear weapons in South Korea, but I suspect there are. The United States has been caught testing biological weapons in South Korea. So, , if they’re willing to do that and lie to the South Korean people, then it would not be a stretch for them to do the same thing with nuclear weapons. Of course, they can park nuclear submarines in ports in South Korea and technically say there’s no nuclear weapons in South Korea, even though they’re in the ports right off the waters.

Jeff: RoK is not the legitimate government of all of Korea. At best the current government represents 1/2 of ROK”

AROK: Vladimir Lenin?

Putin accused Lenin, of all people, of planting the seeds of the conflict that led to the war in Ukraine.

Do you agree with this.

Jeff: The reason that Putin accused Lenin of leading to war in Ukraine is because I’m pretty sure it’s. Lenin was the first to make Ukraine a soviet socialist republic. It used to be a part of just the Russian north of that into Russia, because he made it into a soviet socialist republic. It then gave Khrushchev the chance to hive it off. And I can’t remember the whole story, but between Lenin and Khrushchev, there were efforts to make Ukraine unique, separate from the rest of Russia, which was a huge mistake,

AROK: Khrushchev is responsible for the Soviet-China split. That is why China turned on the Soviet Union and even supported the Mujahedeen against what it saw as “Soviet Imperialism”

But truthfully speaking, most nations don’t want to join either US or Russia/China. They are non-aligned and seek solidarity with like-minded nations.

Korea should seek solidarity with those countries rather than with US and Japan. ”

Jeff: Walk with me and the Chinese people on their streets, from THEIR point of view… China Rising Radio Sinoland 231019

Walk with me and the Chinese people on their streets, from THEIR point of view… China Rising Radio Sinoland 231019  

10 new vignettes with photos/videos

AROK: China has never sought to impose its vision of the world onto an unwilling country by force. Alongside Russia, it has championed the cause of the oppressed and colonized people in the world. It is the US-led neoliberal world order that seeks to impose American-style democracy and capitalism by gunpoint”

AROK: What do Chinese people think about sex

Is sex and violence a big part of Chinese pop culture?

Why does China outlaw LGBTQ, yet Taiwan and Hong Kong allow it?

Jeff: Violence, sex and LGBTQ are controlled in the media by legislation and the demands of the vast majority of the Chinese Nation.

AROK: Have you been to Taiwan?

If the majority of people there actually support unification with the mainland, why isn’t it happening?

Jeff: No.

Taiwan is Western “democracy”. Decisions about the people are made by the aristocratic elites.

In China, it’s people’s democracy. It is the citizens who decide what laws are passed and not passed.

AROK: Just the other day, some Israeli politician appeared on RT where he screamed and bellowed about how “Russia was supporting Nazis” and would pay the price for arming the enemies of Israel.

I think he forgot Zelensky’s administration is literally staffed with Neo-Nazis who openly state their intentions to kill and torture Russians and Crimean Ukrainians

Israel’s “Iron Dome” was defeated by a couple thousand $600 rockets from Hamas.

Russia’s missile defense systems are the most advanced on the planet. Doomsday submarines capable of avoiding US naval defenses and unleashing radioactive tsunamis. Hypersonic missiles capable of bypassing all NATO satellite and air defense systems. Its Sarmat missile can carry 10 heavyweight warheads that can supposedly destroy an area the size of Texas. This is the kind of weapon you use to end a war. Not win it.

Meanwhile, US air defense can’t even stop a small number of ICBMs from the DPRK.

The only reason Europe and North America still exist is the supreme patience and level-headedness of men like Sergei Lavrov, the foreign minister.

If Russia was run by hotheads like Nuland, Albright, Blinken, Sullivan, and Biden, WW3 would have already come and gone”

AROK: What do Chinese people think about sex

Is sex and violence a big part of Chinese pop culture?

Why does China outlaw LGBTQ, yet Taiwan and Hong Kong allow it?

Jeff: Violence, sex and LGBTQ are controlled in the media by legislation and the demands of the vast majority of the Chinese Nation.

AROK: Have you been to Taiwan?

If the majority of people there actually support unification with the mainland, why isn’t it happening?

Jeff: No.

Taiwan is Western “democracy”. Decisions about the people are made by the aristocratic elites.

In China, it’s people’s democracy. It is the citizens who decide what laws are passed and not passed.

AROK: Just the other day, some Israeli politician appeared on RT where he screamed and bellowed about how “Russia was supporting Nazis” and would pay the price for arming the enemies of Israel.

I think he forgot Zelensky’s administration is literally staffed with Neo-Nazis who openly state their intentions to kill and torture Russians and Crimean Ukrainians

Israel’s “Iron Dome” was defeated by a couple thousand $600 rockets from Hamas.

Russia’s missile defense systems are the most advanced on the planet. Doomsday submarines capable of avoiding US naval defenses and unleashing radioactive tsunamis. Hypersonic missiles capable of bypassing all NATO satellite and air defense systems. Its Sarmat missile can carry 10 heavyweight warheads that can supposedly destroy an area the size of Texas. This is the kind of weapon you use to end a war. Not win it.

Meanwhile, US air defense can’t even stop a small number of ICBMs from the DPRK.

The only reason Europe and North America still exist is the supreme patience and level-headedness of men like Sergei Lavrov, the foreign minister.

If Russia was run by hotheads like Nuland, Albright, Blinken, Sullivan, and Biden, WW3 would have already come and gone”

AROK: What if Russia annexed the United States?

Would it really be such a horrible thing if Russia invaded and annexed the US?

I honestly don’t think so sometimes.

If anything, I think the Russians would clean up the US and run the country a lot better than Americans would do so themselves.

Things like sodomy would be banned. Illegal immigrants would be rounded up and deported. Borders would be secure. Orthodox Christian traditional family values would be honored. Little kids wouldn’t be sexualized and told to act like the other gender.

Putin, as a person, seems a hell of a lot more understanding and even sympathetic towards the American people than Biden is.

People like Biden, Nuland, Hillary, Blinken, Sullivan don’t give a shit about your average American taxpayer on the street.

They see people like us as cattle.

Putin has been running Russia for 24 years. Your average American president serves 8 years at most. So, , there is already a huge disparity in experience

Jeff: There are people who are talking about Russia buying back Alaska. That would be interesting. As far as buying or annexed the United States. That’s an interesting thought. Russia is ascendant and the United States is descendant. So, maybe one of these days it’ll happen. Bye.

AROK: I think abortion should be banned

Jeff: Including rape and incest?

AROK: Children born as a result of rape or incest should be adopted by other families.

Jeff: Tell that to the victims. Incest births handicapped children and the rapist is usually never caught or known.

AROK: Most abortions in the US are done due to convenience simply because the mother didn’t want the child.”

AROK: when will the US be destroyed?

Will it happen in our lifetimes?

I’m hoping it will.

Aren’t you?

A glorious future indeed it will be.

China will unify with Taiwan.

DPRK will unify with ROK. The pro-American Chinese and Koreans will be either liquidated as a class or forcibly assimilated somehow

Japan will be rendered irrelevant.

Europe will be reduced to Russia’s vassal, exchanging one master over another.

South America and Africa will be developed and assisted by Russia and China, who will not attack and colonize them as the Americans did

India will be a great power

Let’s pray this happens as fast as possible!

Jeff: On with the good fight!

AROK: Do you speak Mandarin or Cantonese?

Jeff: Mandarin.

AROK: Can you speak Cantonese

Jeff: No.

AROK: Do you watch John Woo movies

Jeff: Only watched the one where the two guys could change faces.

AROK: Does Jackie Chan still act and perform stunts?”

AROK: Why can’t Europe defend itself from Russia, exactly?

Jeff: The reason Europe can’t defend itself is because it is the United States. Since World War II has made Europe completely dependent on the United States and has crushed every attempt by Europe to create its own military footing, everything from airplanes to armies to, ah, material missiles, et cetera. They’re allowed to do some, but not enough to defend themselves.

AROK: Feminine, weak, demoralized, sexually confused, self-loathing, emasculated Western men will be nothing more than cannon fodder by the millions in a war against a real adversary like Russia ”

AROK: Why does America send its manufacturing bases to China?

America wants war with China, yet China owns more American debt than almost any other country and its manufacturing base. What manner of insanity is this?

Jeff: It’s called empire. In this case, it’s western empire. It used to be Roman, Greek empire, Roman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church and then western empire with the monarchies. And now the American empire. That’s just the way the west thinks. They’ve got lizard brains. All they can think about is domination and control.

AROK: America wants to go to war with a country that owns its manufacturing base, meaning that America doesn’t have the industrial strength to go to war with China

Jeff: Uncle Slaughter will find out the hard way.

AROK: America allegedly uses 1970s nukes activated by floppy disks (?)”

AROK: Wo Ai Beijing Tiananmen. Do you know this song

“I love Beijing Tiananmen”- Chinese Patriotic Song – YouTube (

This song was the theme song of the infamous video game Hong Kong 97, where you play Bruce Lee’s relative “Chin” who has to kill 1.2 billion Communists.

Jeff: Nice one!

AROK: Look up Hong Kong 97

Jeff: It’s the same song as Wo Ai Beijing Tiananmen.

AROK: Why does Disney sexualize children

Jeff: Because Christianity infantilizes people.

AROK: Christianity doesn’t sexualize people

AROK: World vs Africa vs India vs China populations /World population /Africa’s population /India’s population /China’s population

India and China individually have nearly as many people as the entire continent of Africa.

Combined, they have 2.8 billion people. More than 1 in 4 human beings on this planet live in India or China.

Jeff: Western elites are trying very hard to kill all these people.

AROK: All South American and African nations are part of the non-aligned movement and signed the NPT, meaning they do not have nuclear weapons. So, uth Africa had nuclear weapons, but got rid of them.

We should all follow their example.

Jeff: Israel will never give up its atomic missiles, its nuclear bombs, until it is eliminated off of the map.

It. In my first book, 44 days, I said that Jerusalem is the, is the, is the hub around which all of world history turns. And it has changed hands 44 times in the last 3000 years. And it will change hands again when the Palestinians regain their. Therefore. And I also said that if a nuclear war happens, it will most likely be Israel starting it.

AROK: USA should denuclearize first and Russia second. they have close to 11,000 nukes

Jeff: The United States and Russia were diminishing their nuclear stockpiles, but it was the United States that abrogated the treaties first, and I’m pretty sure it was Trump. So, , what can we say? The United States will never denuclearize without the Russians doing it first. And then, of course, there’s still Israel, Pakistan, France, the United Kingdom that I can recall. So, it’s a nice idea, but it’s unrealistic. The treaties need to be reinvigorated and the stockpiles need to be mutually used over years.

AROK: The United States Military is what you call a “Glass Cannon”. It is offensively powerful, but defensively fragile. As in, its air defense systems cannot intercept more than a handful of DPRK ICBMs and its power grid is so outdated that EMP attacks can go as far as to collapse the entire country in one fell swoop.

Jeff: Nice metaphor: glass cannon.

AROK: without technology, US can’t do much”

Jeff: Xi Book

AROK: Thanks.

Do you read

There are many free PDF books there by Ron Unz. The kind you wouldn’t find in your typical bookstore or library”

AROK: You are fucked if you send your children to public school

I notice that the cousins of mine who didn’t go to public school are nicer, harder working, more honest, more respectful towards people, less likely to engage in vices such as smoking or drinking, less likely to swear, and generally happier compared to the ones that did.

Many times, kids who go to public schools come from homes that are either poor, dysfunctional, and violent. One or both parents are absent. They are much more likely to join gangs, smoke, drink, swear, gamble, and engage in all kinds of vices.

Jeff: There are many good public schools in the United States and France, but it just depends on the socioeconomic neighborhoods where they are. And so, obviously, if they are in a bombed out, drug infested neighborhood, the schools are not going to be as good as a public school that is in a working, working class neighborhood or middle-class neighborhood or an upper-class neighborhood.

AROK: Even in “Good” neighbors, public schools are generally more dangerous”

AROK: Response to your recent article on Taiwan Separatists

The DPP should pack their suitcases and move to the United States, UK, Canada, Australia, or anywhere in Western Europe, since they feel a closer affinity with White folks than with their Mainland brothers and sisters. ”

AROK: The West is practically begging to be hit with a preemptive nuclear strike. The West is willing to sacrifice millions of its own people as cannon fodder just to defeat Russia, which they couldn’t defeat in World War II.

The Soviet Union should have annexed all of Europe and installed Communist governments in every state. Same goes for Japan.

For the sake of all of humanity, Russia, China, DPRK, and Iran must defeat the West!

WW3 truth

AROK: The Dalai Lama asking a kid to suck his tongue

Romanoff wrote that previous Dalai Lamas, while in power in Feudal Tibet, deliberately kept the country impoverished and illiterate, frequently employing torture to keep their impoverished slaves in line while the monks themselves enjoyed lavish lifestyles. That Mao improved the lives of the enslaved, impoverish Tibetans virtually overnight when he expelled the priesthood from power. I forgot where I read this, but there was a guy who claimed to have been sexually assaulted repeated by a monk as a child in feudal Tibet before the Chinese came and liberated the Tibetans”

AROK: The Soviet Union’s population

If Russia and all the other ex-Soviet nations reunited to form the Soviet Union, it would still have only 296 million. That is a bit more than Indonesia (277 million), but less than the US (340 million)”



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44 Days Backpacking in China: The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass

China Rising: Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations

BIG Red Book on China: Chinese History, Culture and Revolution

Amazon print and ebooks (Kindle):

44 Days Backpacking in China: The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass

China Rising: Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations

BIG Red Book on China: Chinese History, Culture and Revolution

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Why and How China works: With a Mirror to Our Own History



JEFF J. BROWN, Editor, China Rising, and Senior Editor & China Correspondent, Dispatch from Beijing, The Greanville Post

Jeff J. Brown is a geopolitical analyst, journalist, lecturer and the author of The China Trilogy. It consists of 44 Days Backpacking in China – The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass (2013); Punto Press released China Rising – Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations (2016); and BIG Red Book on China (2020). As well, he published a textbook, Doctor WriteRead’s Treasure Trove to Great English (2015). Jeff is a Senior Editor & China Correspondent for The Greanville Post, where he keeps a column, Dispatch from Beijing and is a Global Opinion Leader at 21st Century. He also writes a column for The Saker, called the Moscow-Beijing Express. Jeff writes, interviews and podcasts on his own program, China Rising Radio Sinoland, which is also available on YouTubeStitcher Radio, iTunes, Ivoox and RUvid. Guests have included Ramsey Clark, James Bradley, Moti Nissani, Godfree Roberts, Hiroyuki Hamada, The Saker and many others. [/su_spoiler]

Jeff can be reached at China Rising,


, Facebook, Twitter, Wechat (+86-19806711824/Mr_Professor_Brown, and Line/Signal/Telegram/Whatsapp: +33-612458821.

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