Mario Cavalo invites Jeff J. Brown on his CounterPoint China Show to overview the long history of germ and chemical weapons. China Rising Radio Sinoland 240905




Pictured above: that’s Mario Cavalo on the left and yours truly on the right.

Sixteen years on the streets, living and working with the people of China, Jeff








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Mario Cavolo: Hi, friends. Mario Cavalo here. Welcome to this special episode of Counterpoint China. In fact, it’s a pretty rare one. I don’t do live interviews very often and I am welcoming my good friend from afar, Mr. Jeff Brown. Jeff is, in fact, with his wife in Normandy and on their way to moving to my neck of the woods on the other half of the world. And you’re heading to Taiwan? Is that what you told me earlier?

Jeff J. Brown: Taiwan province.

Mario: Unbelievable.

Jeff: Let’s not forget. Taiwan province.

Mario: Yeah, no kidding. No kidding.

Jeff: It’s China.

Mario: Unbelievable. Unbelievable. We are here to talk today. You know what? It’s not going to be fun and games, nor is it going to be really that political. It’s a very specific thing in an area of expertise that Jeff has to offer. And that is…you’re going to be surprised by these… Bioweapons. The world of bioweapons. Let me introduce some interesting points regarding Jeff’s research in this regard. He is the co-founder. I’m going to read this. He is the co-founder of the Bioweapons Truth Commission and its curator.

You can find out more at which includes a complete media library on Jeff’s website at China Rising Radio Sinoland COVID-19 Chemical And Bioweapons File Film And Tape Library. I’ve researched this topic myself, Jeff, but not that far that I have a File Film And Tape Library. So I’m looking forward to your obvious ability to provide some details to myself and our listeners. It includes a 40-page analytical review view of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book. He’s been quite the controversial figure these days. Wuhan Cover-Up And The Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race. Wow. You did all that?

Jeff: Yes, sir. I’m prepared to share it.

Mario: Sure. You know you’re prepared to share it. And I want to let you know how genuinely prepared and interested I am to listen and hear about this on behalf of everyone that’s going to be watching this. I’m certainly no stranger to the subject but I haven’t delved into it as deeply as you have. I want to give you the floor. When I feel it’s appropriate, I’m going to jump in with some specific questions that hit my mind. But you’re the man right now. I’m very happy you’re on with me. Thank you. Tell us more. Tell us what we need to know.

Jeff: Thank you, Mario, for having me on your show today. Yeah, this is a big subject, and it goes way back in history. I’m just going to do a quick review of this. People don’t realize how far back bioweapons and chemical weapons have gone, and how much of an impact they’ve had on human history. And I’m going to bring it right up to today. I don’t want this to be a long hour and hours. Hundreds of books have been written about this.

Thousands of hours of film have been produced about this. I just want to give the fans out there a broad overview. And what got me to do this was because RFK jumped on board with Donald Trump and they’re going to say he’s going to be the health czar and he’s going to go after Anthony Fauci and the Medical Industrial Complex. I don’t know how true that’s ever going to happen.

Mario: Who knows?

Jeff: And then great psychological deflection, the Western Big Lie Propaganda Machine points towards China and starts again attacking China that China started the Covid-19 epidemic et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And so I just want to give a quick overview to put all of this into perspective. And it’s something that I have done a lot of work on. This is just kind of the fun part. People don’t realize that China was the first country that started using bioweapons and chemical weapons in 400 BC during the Warring States period.

And this is when various Chinese groups were vying to consolidate what would later become the Qin dynasty, which first unified China in 200 BC and get a load of this, they used toxic-tipped arrows and spears. China, of course, developed the first catapults around the same time, quickly followed by the Greeks. And then China had the genius to create hollow clay balls full of toxins, feces-infected cadaver parts cadavers that were infected with smallpox and plague. And at the same time, the Greeks weren’t nearly as technical. They just heaved catapults. They just heaved infected bodies over city walls with catapults.

Mario: Why make it complicated?

Jeff: I want you all to notice, though, because many people immediately jump on to this and go, oh, the Chinese. Notice the Chinese have always used their advanced weapons and they’ve always been about no less than 100 and up to 1000 years ahead of the West in military technology to fight amongst themselves and to defend against invading Asian steppe tribes. So they did not take all of this and go out into all across Asia and Southeast Asia and Japan, etc., they were fighting among themselves and defending against hordes of Asian steppe tribes.

Mario: Thank you. Jeff, I want to hit you on this point here. Thank you for pointing out something very important, which is that China didn’t go out like the European countries did and like the United States has done, and go out and try to colonize the world by attacking and killing endless innocent civilians of other nations all over the world. Yes, they’ve had plenty of their own fighting within their own region, but they had. They never went out and tried to take over Europe. I mean, it’s a very, very important point.

And here they are now also 40 years plus ever since the Sino-Vietnam War, assiduously avoiding war at all costs, rising in peace. But of course, the West will have no mercy. They’ll continue lying about this. They won’t allow the world to understand that China is now the new global superpower and the first global superpower in history, fully capable of creating war and going out there, and can use war as a strategy to expand and is not doing that. It is the first global superpower in history in centuries to become a global superpower without war, without attacking any other nation. Please continue. I had to say that.

Jeff: Yeah. And that’s what I wanted to just say this it was like sort of like what happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas. The Chinese kept it local whereas it was the Greeks, the Romans and the Europeans who used all of this Chinese military technology for expansionism, extermination, extraction, and enslavement of peoples way beyond their national boundaries. And I’m glad and thank you for reinforcing it because we tend to psychologically reflect our civilization’s behavior onto the Chinese but that is not the same thing. From 400 BC, let’s jump to the 1200s. The Chinese developed gunpowder actually, for fireworks. I think this is very telling. They didn’t develop gunpowder to create armaments. They created gunpowder to make fireworks.

Mario: Their family fun.

Jeff: Their family fun. But they quickly saw its value for weaponry and could make them and then they were able to make chemical weapons cannonballs, rocket-propelled grenades, and grenades. And again, these were hundreds of years ahead of the West. And again, as Mario just pointed out, with their advanced technology being hundreds of years ahead of the Europeans, in military technology, they could have easily taken over the entire world, but they didn’t do it. And I think that’s an important point to make.

Again, they used this gunpowder to fight amongst themselves, there were some wars going on there, especially against the Asian steppe tribes because they were really, really a nuisance for the Chinese. They were constantly invading to get all of that incredible wealth that the Chinese had. Japanese pirates, etc. So again, the Chinese are blocking invaders and then the West used the same technology to basically control the world.

Mario: You bet. And I want to jump in right here because of what you just shared with us, I mean, why not? Let me think and I’m jumping on my pad here to do some fast research. You immediately reminded me of a seminal book. You might know It by Jared Diamond “Guns, Germs And Steel. And this is it. This is what changed the world. It’s not that the invaders showed up in foreign native lands.

It’s not just that they showed up in foreign native lands. It’s they showed up in foreign native lands, with steel, and guns, and said to the local natives, do what we want, or we’re going to shoot and kill you. And all the natives had were spears and knives. They were helpless. So his book “The Fates of Human Societies: Guns, Germs, And Steel”. I really find that appropriate to what you’re telling us here, I really do.

Jeff: Yeah, absolutely. It’s a great book. I really enjoyed reading it. Then we can jump from the 1200s to the 1500s to the 1800s. The European invaders in the Americans and the Americas, North America, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean intentionally genocided tens of millions of native Americans using smallpox-infected blankets as gifts so they would meet a tribe. Knowing that they figured out pretty quickly that the Native Americans did not have a natural resistance to smallpox, they would give the natives gifts or just drop off flyby and throw blankets into their communities that were full of smallpox scabs.

And they go that would kill 80 to 90% of the tribes. And they would just go back two weeks later and they would just Garrett the survivors and that’s why so many American Indian tribes have been reduced to extinction or extremely small numbers. So that was actually a bioweapon strategy that Western later American, Canadian, colonialists used to wipe out the Native American population.

Mario: I’ve been upset enough these days. Thank you for putting the icing on the cake of my misery and trauma. I mean, what you just told me is just heinous would be the word that it’s just heinous. And it continues to this day. And not just myself, but so many others all across the world were so sickened by it. They’re literally traumatizing. They’re literally cutting a cutting a wound in the soul of the Earth. You know, that’s what they’re doing with the killing that they’re doing. It’s absolutely incredible. Continue. Go. Tell us more.

Jeff: We can jump into the Europeans finally figured out, oh, the Chinese had them since 400 BC, but the West finally got around to using chemical weapons in World War One. The French started it and then the British and Americans extensively used chemical weapons on Germany. Then even more so the Soviets tried to crush the Russian’s Communist October Revolution, which we all know failed.

The Allied powers in Germany maimed and slaughtered millions of each other, and then the Russians. And of course, at that point in 1925, to protect each other and to protect you know, I think they realize they were somewhat on the brink. The Geneva Convention protocol came out about how to take care of prisoners of war and not use chemical weapons, which worked for a while. We can then move from Europe to Asia and China specifically, from 1935 to 1945. Doctor Shiro Ishii, a Japanese mad genius at Japan’s Unit 731, in Harbin, China, not far from where you live, Mario.

Mario: Nope, I’m here. I’m in Shenyang, Jeff. The incident Japan. You can say clearly September 18th, 1931, right here in Shenyang, where I’m sitting right now, Japan started it all. And then eventually we know what they did in Nanjing. Go ahead.

Jeff: Yeah. Well, I’m sure they used bioweapons on Shenyang since it was so close, but that Japanese center for ten years became the world’s biggest and deadliest bioweapon manufacturer. It was huge. It was several hectares.

Mario: Here in China?

Jeff: Yeah, yeah, in Harbin.

Mario: Oh my gosh, two-hour train ride north of where we are right now. I didn’t know that.

Jeff: When we get to China, I definitely want to go see the museum in Harbin because it’s supposed to be really good.

Mario: We’ll get up there. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Jeff: Anyway, they bred insects to infect the insects with bacteria. And they cultivated huge vats of anthrax and plague, tularemia, and other lethal microbes. And similar to probably they may have been inspired by the Chinese with their clay cannonballs on the catapults heaving chemical weapons over city walls in China. They created ceramic bombs that they dropped from the Japanese Imperial Air Force. They were full of insects, feathers, and animal hair that were heavily infested with again anthrax, plague, tularemia, brucellosis, and a number of other microbes.

And it is estimated no fewer than half a million and up to 800,000 Chinese were genocided by bioweapons during that ten-year period. And they went as far south as Ningbo, which is just north of Shanghai. So they went all the way down almost to the Yangtze River. And of course, this is why the Chinese became so good at reacting to bioweapon attacks. I mean, China is the most bioweapon-attacked country in modern history. And it started in 1935 with the Japanese. And I want to point out something, Mario, this is important. Again, this is a psychological deflection.

As soon as the US is brought up and NATO is brought up, oh, yeah, yeah, what about the Japanese? So the West Big Lie Propaganda Machine wants you to focus on these Japanese war crimes. And they were war crimes. To take your eyes off of what has happened since because what’s happened since is all the West all the time. And that brings us up, of course, when Japan surrendered to China on September 3rd. Oh, that was today. It was the anniversary of the armistice when the Japanese surrendered to the Chinese.

Mario: Wow, wow, I forgot. Yes, I forgot.

Jeff: From 1945 until today, this is a shocking but all too common story. The US actually hid Shiro Ishii and his main scientists, about 10 or 15 of them from the war crime tribunals from World War two.

Mario: It’s been in my head. I’ve been waiting for you to get to this point. Go ahead.

Jeff: Yeah, exactly. And so they hid them and kept saying, oh, we’re going to send them. We’re going to send them, we’re going to send them. And of course, they never actually the war for bioweapons, it was Khabarovsk ( I think it is in Russian. They got some low-hanging fruit. They got some of the lower-level guys from Harbin from Unit 731. But the cream of the crop, the geniuses behind it were secreted, all brought to the United States with all of their equipment, all of their research 8000 microscope slides and they were sent to Fort Detrick in Maryland in the United States, which up until that time was just kind of a sleepy Army base immediately creating and still to this day, and this is what I want people to understand.

This is not ended. It’s still going on. The largest bioweapon development and production center in the world right outside of Washington, DC. What a lot of people don’t know and I would like to thank Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for his book although it’s a total CIA limited hangout. I mean, it’s definitely to again, move people away from what happened in the United States and point it directly to Wuhan. But he pointed out and he showed that actually the CIA has been heavily involved in Fort Detrick. In fact, the CIA overseas along with the Joint Chiefs of Staff oversees the bioweapon development and chemical weapon development programs.

And then European Nazis, of course, with Operation Paperclip, the West brought in thousands of European Nazis from World War Two scientists, engineers, etc. and they set up DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, which works side by side with Fort Detrick. So DARPA is a Nazi. DARPA has fascist roots. And so they were developing. They had Shiro Ishii on board. The United States triggered the Korean War because they knew that if they let the elections happen Kim IL Sung would win just like Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam. And so they triggered the Korean War. Again, Mario and I know it was not the North Koreans who started it. It was the South Koreans who started it.

Mario: With the blessings of the United States.

Jeff: Absolutely, to counteract China. And it worked. Mao had to stop the invasion of Taiwan and had to stop the simplified character program to simplify Chinese characters because the country had to focus on defeating the United States. And so from 1950 to 1953, during the Korean War, the US blatantly used bioweapons on Chinese and North Koreans. And I don’t have time to go into it. It’s all on the Bioweapon Truth Commission website.

But Dr. Joseph Needham’s Scientific International Scientific Commission put out a 560-page report that conclusively proved that the United States used bioweapons during the Korean War. They did not work very well because it was in the middle of winter, so they didn’t work very well. But they were so desperate because the Chinese and the Koreans were just killing the allies.

Mario: Whatever they did to whatever degree those bioweapons were successful or not, the point is for North Korea, when I go to Dandong which is right on the border here it’s a three-hour drive hour and a half train ride to Dandong from Shenyang, right on the North Korean border. We go there and there’s the broken Yalu River, the blown up Yalu River bridge, right on the Yalu River, and right across not even 100m, there’s North Korea.

And I, as an American, can’t go into many of the local North Korean restaurants that are on the Dandong side because the North Korean waitress ladies who come across the border and live and work in Dandong at the restaurants refuse to serve Americans because, well, gee you guys decimated our peninsula. You slaughtered 2 million innocent civilians on the Korean peninsula, mostly in the north. Why do you do these things? And they won’t be forgiven. We won’t ever be forgiven for that by these North Korean ladies in Dandong. I can tell you that right now.

Jeff: That’s really an interesting story. I didn’t know that.

Mario: Yep. One time I went with my good friend Wang Ching, our dear friend up here. We were in Dandong together. I shot my documentary, by the way. I’m working on it with Fernando. We shot the North Korean War documentary where I stood right in front of the Yalu River bridge right behind me. We shot the whole one-hour documentary. It’s done.

Jeff: I can’t wait to see it.

Mario: Yeah. We’ve got to get to editing and production and investment and all that. But my friend Wang Chung and I, one time we were there. Oh, yeah, the Guangzhou paper flew up to take me to Dandong to go along the river where the bridge is to do a little documentary because I had played McArthur across the Yalu River.

Jeff: Yeah, of course.

Mario: So they wanted to do a story. They flew up from Guangzhou, we went to Dandong. We’re there. One of my close Chinese friends, Mr. Wong, and he’s on the phone and he says, oh, we’re going to go eat. He says, okay, I’ll arrange a restaurant. And then later on, he had that look in his eye. You know, I’m like, wow, I’m hungry. We’re done shooting. Let’s go eat. And he was like, and you know Chinese pushing, pushing, pushing me. Huh? What? Uh, my friend who owns the restaurant, his waitresses won’t let us come because you’re American. They won’t serve you.

Jeff: At least they stand for principles.

Mario: Well, they should, you know. They certainly should. Jeff, please continue. Unbelievable.

Jeff: That’s a great story, Mario. Thank you for sharing that. Well, after the Korean War, Fort Detrick was doing everything it could to weaponize microbes. Now, I want everybody to listen to this very, very carefully. In the 1960s, 60 years ago, the United States began to weaponize coronaviruses. In the 1960s, using ultraviolet light, chemicals, and radiation. Therefore, the American development of Covid 19 started 60 years ago. So don’t tell me that the Chinese created Covid 19. Coronaviruses are excellent vectors as bioweapons to kill people for a lot of reasons. We don’t have time to go into it.

So they really I mean, they had anthrax and tularemia and brucellosis and bubonic plague and others. But their favorite play toy is coronaviruses because of the unique properties of those spikes on the coronaviruses. So this has been going on for 60 years, and I can show you and they were on the Bioweapon Truth Commission website before 2019 when it was released by the United States and we’ll get to get into that later. There were already 75 or 80 US and European patents on Covid 19. So this has been going on for a long, long time.

Mario: And I think, correct me if I’m wrong. About two years ago, it was really Dr. David Martin’s testimony at the European Commission that opened this whole can of worms up. And of course, it’s been buried ever since. So he nailed it, didn’t he?

Jeff: Yeah. Yeah. In fact, yeah, he’s the one that tracked all the patents. He is a biological. He is a biological or life sciences patent expert. And actually, yeah, he actually gave another speech, but it wasn’t with the European Commission but actually goes back. The European Commission I think was just last year. But he gave another really incredible speech, which I thought was so important that I actually had transcribed and edited to have the text on the Bioweapon Truth Commission in the library.

And then I just, I want people to know, I think this is extremely important for people to know that anybody who is an enemy of NATO, the Western empire, whatever you want to call it, the global banksters, Wall Street, the City of London, whatever the deep state, whatever you want to use, you have a target on your back. Starting in the 1970s, the United States began attacking Cuba with wave after wave of bioweapons. After China, Cuba is the most bioweapon attack country in the world.

And to destroy their sugar and tobacco crops which they did using Asian viruses and bacteria that the crops in Cuba had no natural immunity or bred immunity against. Later they infected the human population with dengue fever. Then they attacked they wiped out the swineherd with swine fever, the national poultry flock with avian flu, cat cloven-hoofed animals like goats and sheep, and cows with foot and mouth disease.

All of this was easy to spread with low-flying aircraft. So like a little Cessna 150 could fly over at night and no one would see them. Although there’s actually film footage of a Cuban pilot catching an American Cessna spraying bioweapons in broad daylight. This has, of course, cost Cuba tens and tens of billions of dollars over the years. And they’re still doing it. They’re still doing it. It has not stopped. I would also like to point out that a lot of people think…

Mario: You’re wiping me out emotionally. You really are.

Jeff: It’s terrible. Everybody thinks, oh, the Center for Disease Control. Oh, the National Institutes of Health, and NIH, were founded by the US Army and they are still controlled by the US Army. They were officially given civilian status and the 1970s, but they are still both. The CDC, Fort Detrick, and NIH are all within a 15 or 20-minute drive of each other in Maryland, which is which is more than a coincidence.

And of course, they are still controlled by the US military, and they are still controlled by the CIA. So they are not civilians at all. They are part and parcel of the United States bioweapon program. Then things got really serious when Anthony Fauci in the 1980s took over the National Institutes of Health. And I know this upsets a lot of people, but it’s been proven he created the HIV hoax, completely fabricated it, and which pumped.

And he did it because it pumped 1.5 US trillion dollars into the Medical Industrial Complex. Well, he just retired and bought a $15 million home. But he, since the 1980s, has done more to kill millions and millions and millions of people around the world. And we’ll get into more of it. He finances it. He’s the financier. And so he is an evil man. He makes Josef Mengele the Nazi health minister. He makes Josef Mengele look, like a Girl Scout.

Mario: I forget that. I forget which pharmaceutical company. I’m sorry I’m interrupting you.

Jeff: That’s all right.

Mario: Which pharmaceutical? Was it Pfizer or one other pharmaceutical company? I was watching a show a couple of months back, and they were going over in crystal clear detail. It was not rhetoric. This is the program. We are testing these vaccines on local people in Africa. And like 20% of them were getting severely ill and dying. And yes, we were injecting the locals without asking them just, yes, we’re the Red Cross or we’re the humanitarian aid, we’re the American company comes, come, everyone comes. We’re going to test these vaccines on you and give each house $10 per person. And to like, 20% of them were dropping dead or getting disabled after getting the vaccines.

Jeff: Absolutely, absolutely.

Mario: This is incredible to me.

Jeff: And this is not China doing this. This is Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, Eli Lilly, Merck, they’re all Western, what I call firmament, as in armament, Firmament Industries pharma companies and yeah, well that’s on my list of how Fort Dietrich also expanded across the world. So you’re absolutely right.

Mario: Keep going. Keep taking us through your timeline here.

Jeff: That’s all right. And so anyway, during in the 1980s and of course the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration was created, I think, in 1924 or something. That was back when Upton Sinclair wrote the famous book about they were putting dead animals and sausages and rats, dead rats and mattresses and all that back during the roaring 1920s unfettered neoliberalism. And then, of course, in 1929, we had the great depression. The FDA was not part of the military. However, since the 1980s, Anthony Fauci has absorbed the FDA into the Medical Industrial Complex cabal.

So it is now just as beholden and just as evil as the CDC and NIH. In the 1980s, the US began weaponizing bioweapons for the first time especially coronavirus and anthrax using gene splicing. So they went from the 60s and 70s using ultraviolet light nuclear radiation and chemicals to gene splicing in the 1980s. Then, we have two people who enter the picture with Anthony Fauci. One is Doctor Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina and Peter Daszak at Eco Health Alliance. They work hand in hand with Anthony.

Of course, he’s retired now, but whoever took his place is just going to be an Anthony Fauci clone. He just retired about six months ago. He should be hanged. But, Peter Daszak is the middleman. Anthony Fauci gives Peter Daszak the money to his “Health Foundation”. And then Peter Daszak gives the money to Ralph Baric to create bioweapons. And that’s where at the University of North Carolina, most or almost all of the coronavirus weaponization took place.

Also during the 1980s, Bill Gates, the Wellcome Foundation, which is basically the British version of the Bill Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum, took over the World Health Organization and GAVI, which is the Vaccine Alliance. And at the end of my critique or review of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. S book and you can well, we can both provide the link. I show that the Chinese have almost no input into WHO. They have almost zero input from GAVI, WHO and GAVI are Western-driven, Western-controlled, and mainly by Bill Gates and the Western bioweapon cabal.

And then in the 1990s, Fort Detrick begins farming out bioweapon contracts in mass to US universities. Europe branching out, as you said, into Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Today, the USA has well over 330 overseas bioweapons labs, plus hundreds, at least 400 in the United States, two at my alma mater, Oklahoma State University. Whatever university you went to in the United States, there’s a good chance, especially if it’s a land grant college. There’s a good chance that it has a bioweapon lab that’s being funded by the US military.

And as you said, they use these overseas labs to test the bioweapons on local citizens. So these local citizens are actually guinea pigs. They infect them with HIV. And then they give them vaccines to test the vaccines and if the bacteria doesn’t kill them like dengue fever or whatever, then the vaccine is going to kill them, as you said often. And if they don’t kill them, they’re often physically and mentally handicapped for the rest of their lives. Then in 2000, with the fall of the Berlin Wall, Ukraine became a major US bioweapon production center. And I’ve done a lot of reporting on this. There were 32 US labs.

Mario: Which no one knew until the Ukraine war and they were accidentally discovered and Victoria Nuland had to go and testify with her foot in her mouth. Well, yeah, there are secret bioweapons. Yeah, we do have military-run secret bioweapons all over Ukraine that the Russians found. Oops, am I wrong? Am I wrong?

Jeff: You’re right. Absolutely. So those have all now been moved to other countries like Georgia and Germany and US vessels around the region, Egypt and other countries. Austria. Then, of course, we have in 2003, the celebrated SARS. This was the US’s first attempt to use coronavirus as a bioweapon, at least on a large scale. And I don’t have time to get into it, but the evidence is overwhelming. I’ve cataloged it, reported on it, and interviewed on it. SARS was a US bioweapon. So that got the Chinese attention. I mean, they had always been attacked by the Korean War.

There’s evidence that the United States was doing to China what it was doing to Cuba with attacks on their swineherds, avian flocks, et cetera. But that got China’s notice because they knew it was a bioweapon attack. And people always ask me, well, Jeff, why doesn’t China scream bloody murder? You know, why don’t they just say it? But well, first off, it wouldn’t work because it would be completely buried and no one would listen to them. They would just say it’s sour grapes and not true. And then the 24-hour news cycle. Then they go back to Palestine.

Mario: Yeah. The United States propaganda apparatus between the government and the media and the legacy media has done an amazing job of already discrediting China and painting China as well. It doesn’t matter what China says. All of their national media are propaganda outlets. That’s all I ever heard. And I believed it because that’s all I ever heard. So when you hear something like that all your life, China Daily is just a propaganda outlet. And now I’m like, no, it’s like the most accurate national newspaper in the world.

And it is. But no, no, I was I thought it was a propaganda outlet because that’s what I was taught since I was a kid by the United States government and United States legacy media. So it doesn’t matter what China says. And I think that’s maybe why China’s PR is so terrible, they know they don’t even need to bother because it’s all going to get there. The United States is just going to come out and say, oh, the China, of course, is the one that’s lying. They always have and they always will. And so China just can’t win the propaganda war. They just can’t.

Jeff: Nor Russia.

Mario: Yeah, right.

Jeff: And also China is very Confucian, Daoist, and Buddhist. And they don’t do face-to-face, head-on.

Mario: Avoid confrontation.

Jeff: That’s why you see on Twitter the Chinese Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson says we think that the United States should be investigated for bioweapons use in very vague terms. That’s just the way they operate. Anyway, I want also people to take notice. It was Fauci after 2003, it started in about 2005, to be exact after the SARS thing subsided. Fauci, Ralph Baric, and Peter Daszak approached the Chinese.

They were the ones who approached the Chinese to offer to show them the dark arts of bioweapons. And they went to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. And people go, well, why did they do that? Well, of course, they did it. If you let’s just say, if the United States had offered Mao Zedong back in the 1950s, airplane tickets to bring over China’s top nuclear scientists to the Manhattan Project to watch how they created the atomic bomb.

Mario: Of course, it would have said yes.

Jeff: So, of course, the Chinese wanted they wanted to be a fly on the wall and see what was going on. So they accepted. And the US Fauci, I mean, they brought scientists to Galveston, Texas, and Fort Detrick, and it was just so incredible what they did. Of course, they wanted to co-opt. This is a long story, but at the same time, the Chinese were wiping out the CIA’s spy networks in mainland China.

Mario: Successfully assassin.

Jeff: Yeah, very successfully assassinating, eliminating, imprisoning dozens of Chinese spies who were working for the CIA and Europe. So the CIA controlling Fauci, got Fauci to offer to do this to help China develop bioweapons so that they could have an entree back into China to do more spying. It didn’t work very well, but that’s how desperate they were. So it was the Americans who showed the Chinese the dark arts of black of bioweapons. And of course, the Chinese accepted. And it was Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. It wasn’t Batwoman, it was Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak. She was there, but she was a student. She was just watching.

Mario: She was the next level down.

Jeff: Yeah, she was sitting there observing and learning. She was in a subordinate position. They were the ones that developed in 2015 but Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak used US taxpayer NIH Fauci funds to weaponize at the Wuhan Institute of Virology what would become Covid-19. So that’s why that’s how China got the genome for Covid 19 so early and started working on an effective, attenuated vaccine, knowing that a US bioweapon attack was imminent. I mean, they obviously could put two and two together. Well, gee, in 2003 we got hit with SARS and this one’s called SARS-CoV-II. It’s pretty obvious they knew that an attack was coming. And that’s why China had an attenuated vaccine before anybody else because they had had the genome for four years and could develop a vaccine in advance.

Mario: Yeah, yeah. Let me point out real fast that China’s vaccine that came out, which we all took, was a traditional dead cell virus vaccine, not an mRNA vaccine. So continue.

Jeff: What I called attenuated.

Mario: I don’t want that other one.

Jeff: Yeah, absolutely. And then of course in 20 and I don’t have time to get into it, I wrote some great columns about this because it’s just unbelievable. But of course, the United States attacked China with Covid 19 during the World Military Games in Wuhan.

Mario: That’s what I believe. I firmly believe that’s what they did. If you asked me, the final point of what they did, that’s exactly how it happened. That’s what that’s when it went.

Jeff: And they may have released it actually. Actually, Mario, the ground zero for Covid 19 happened at the Oriental Mandarin Hotel in Wuhan. And guess where the American team of 312 supposed athlete military athletes were staying? They were all staying at the Oriental Mandarin in Wuhan, which was 300m away from the supposed wet market where it was supposedly found in bats and whatever. I don’t know. But it’s clear it was Wuhan, clearly an American bioweapon. And of course, the rest is history.

Mario: And let me point out, please, because you might not have it in your notes that besides Doctor David Martin, everyone please go to about a month and a half ago, the Tucker Carlson interview with Jeffrey Sachs which is primarily about Ukraine, actually, but there was a ten-minute segment toward the end where Jeffrey Sachs specifically explained this very clearly in very certain terms that the United States created and caused the pandemic and that China had nothing to do with it, basically, in terms of starting it and causing it and creating it as it happened. And Sachs has made this crystal clear. He’s of the utmost credibility. Make sure you reference go watch that interview.

Jeff: I think I even reposted that on Twitter.

Mario: Exactly, exactly.

Jeff: A couple of points.

Mario: Final points, Jeff.

Jeff: A couple of final points. This is not stopping. It’s going on. They just moved labs from Ukraine to other countries. They’re continuing to co-opt US universities. They’re continuing to build labs around the world. Bioweapons are the foundation of US military programming and planning and I think this is very, very difficult for Westerners to understand, but fans need to know out there that Western elites and the deep state, City of London, Wall Street, whatever you want to call it, the WEF, the World Health Organization, whatever you want to call it, there is a huge de-population eugenic movement among Western elites. They literally do want to wipe out much of humanity.

Mario: They’re not about protecting and taking care of and improving and building up mankind. I mean, it’s incredible democracy human rights, and freedom for them, not for mankind.

Jeff: And as Mario just pointed out, the West MRNA shots, they’re not even vaccines. They are actually patented by Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca. They are actually patented as genetic treatments. They are actually patented as genetic treatments. They’re not even vaccines.

Mario: And they’re still releasing new boosters. They just released a new round of those boosters which, by the way, Pfizer’s stock kind of went down because they were shown to be not very effective in trials, but they released them anyway. Correct me if I’m wrong, but are they still all being released only on an emergency basis?

Jeff: Oh, of course, that’s been going on since polio in the 1950s. They get emergency use certification. And then there’s no testing. That’s another thing that people need to understand these vaccines are not tested. I think the latest Pfizer vaccine was tested on eight mice and that was it and one of them died.

Mario: Jeff wraps it up with your three final points.

Jeff: That’s it. I just want people to know Western mRNA shots. They have killed an estimated 20 million people around the world while injuring and maiming hundreds of millions of humanity. This is not a problem for China because they have attenuated dead cells and viruses, and the mRNA factory that Moderna has there. They won’t even let the vaccine shots be used in China. They’re shipped to Singapore and other countries.

They will not let them be used on Chinese citizens. And the last thing I want to say is, is that people need to understand that in the West, again, not China in the West, Western vaccines and bioweapon development and use are two sides of the same coin. It’s just like you flip the coin, Bioweapons/Vaccines, bioweapons/Vaccines. So they use the vaccine idea as a front, with the public to create bioweapons to kill billions of people. So it’s not China that’s driving the bioweapon chemical weapon use in the world. It’s the West that drives this, and it’s the global South that has to defend itself from it, including China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and everybody else. So that’s it, Mario. Any anything else?

Mario: No, Jeff. Thank you. Let me address our viewers. Folks, thank you so much. We’ve really had an amazing opportunity to listen to it. I mean, I’ve talked about this topic a lot all the years since the pandemic. In fact, that’s how I became more of a public voice. But I never went into the depth of detail and research and expertise on it as someone like Jeff. So it’s really been a pleasure, Jeff. Thank you for coming on and sharing your experience, your research, and your expertise with us. You can check out again Jeff’s work at and his China Rising Radio Sinoland newsletter. That’s it for us today here on this episode of Counterpoint China. Thank you for joining us, and we’ll see you next time.

Jeff: Here’s a Buddhist bow to you, Mario. Thank you.


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JEFF J. BROWN, Editor, China Rising, and Senior Editor & China Correspondent, Dispatch from Beijing, The Greanville Post

Jeff J. Brown is a geopolitical analyst, journalist, lecturer and the author of The China Trilogy. It consists of 44 Days Backpacking in China – The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass (2013); Punto Press released China Rising – Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations (2016); and BIG Red Book on China (2020). As well, he published a textbook, Doctor WriteRead’s Treasure Trove to Great English (2015). Jeff is a Senior Editor & China Correspondent for The Greanville Post, where he keeps a column, Dispatch from Beijing and is a Global Opinion Leader at 21st Century. He also writes a column for The Saker, called the Moscow-Beijing Express. Jeff writes, interviews and podcasts on his own program, China Rising Radio Sinoland, which is also available on YouTubeStitcher Radio, iTunes, Ivoox and RUvid. Guests have included Ramsey Clark, James Bradley, Moti Nissani, Godfree Roberts, Hiroyuki Hamada, The Saker and many others. [/su_spoiler]

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