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Weekly Review: China Writers’ Group work on Seek Truth From Facts, 17 November-16 December 2024. Please share widely so that others can catch the CWG sails!

2024/11/17 CWG Visual Editor and budding young poet Magnus includes an excellent original graphic art painting with each verse. Plus his usual image dump. It’s all quite amazing, really. Check them out! https://open.substack.com/pub/jeffjbrown/p/cwg-visual-editor-and-budding-young 2024/11/17 Give it up for Patrice Greanville. He brings you 26 articles, podcasts and videos for your week’s watching and reading https://open.substack.com/pub/jeffjbrown/p/give-it-up-for-patrice-greanville-a74…

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Give it up for Patrice Greanville! He brings you a record-setting 39 articles, podcasts and videos for your week’s watching and reading.

China Writers’ Group is your one-stop knowledge shop to understand reality behind the West’s Big Lie Propaganda Machine headlines! 14-Dec  — The democracy that was just destroyed in Syria, & why the anti-imperialist forces will rise again https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/12/14/the-democracy-that-was-just-destroyed-in-syria-why-the-anti-imperialist-forces-will-rise-again/ 14-Dec  — Syria, Ukraine, and Other Fronts in the War Between US Primacy & Multipolarism https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/12/14/syria-ukraine-and-other-fronts-in-the-war-between-us-primacy-multipolarism/ 14-Dec…

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