Pictured above: Tom Powell on the left and yours truly on the right.
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Great to have Tom back on the show. I just published his recent article on the infamous plague ship that the US used during the Korean War (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2025/01/04/amazing-general-sams-bubonic-plague-ship-is-discovered-with-photos-inside-and-out-by-thomas-powell-author-of-the-secret-ugly-and-co-founder-of-the-bioweapon-truth-commission/). In addition to other shows, Tom has contributed a number of articles on China Rising Radio Sinoland (www.chinarising.puntopress.com/search/?q=powell).
Thomas Powell is a founding member of the Bioweapons Truth Commission.(BWTC: www.bioweapontruth.com). He is a sculptor and writer, and he has written numerous journal articles on biological warfare. He is the author of the The Secret Ugly: The Hidden History of US Germ War in Korea (https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Ugly-Hidden-History-Korea/dp/0926664069/). He is currently working on a history of the Korean War, Remembering Is an Act of Civil Disobedience, (due out 6/25) which challenges much conventional wisdom about the war and its causes.
Executive Summary
Quick recap
Jeff and Thomas Powell discussed Thomas’ recent discovery of a bubonic plague ship, and the history of bacteriological warfare during the Korean War. They also explored the brutality of the conflict, and the overlooked aspects of the Korean War.
Next steps
• Thomas Powell to complete and publish his book on the history of the Korean War later this year.
• Thomas Powell to consider sending a signed copy of his article about General Sam’s bubonic plague ship to Milton Lightenberg.
Bubonic Plague Ship and Bioweapons
Jeff and Thomas Powell discussed their personal lives and Thomas’ recent discovery of a bubonic plague ship, which has been a topic of interest since the 1950s. Thomas expressed his surprise at the ship’s existence and its location near his home in Sacramento. Jeff praised Thomas’ work, calling it a significant truth-telling discovery about the American government and military, particularly in the context of bioweapons. Thomas is a founding member of the Bioweapons Truth Commission and is currently working on a history of the Korean War.
L. SIL 1091 Bioweapon Ship
Jeff and Thomas Powell discussed the existence and history of a ship called L. SIL 1091, which was used by the US military during the Korean War as a bio weapon to kill thousands of North Korean and Chinese prisoners of war. Thomas explained that the ship was initially used for an epidemiological mission to determine if there was bubonic plague in the area, but it was later used to suppress uprisings at Koji Island. The ship was acquired by the Naval Air and Sea Museum in Eureka, California, but was later pulled out of the water and left on the beach in Samoa Island. Thomas found the ship by searching online and visiting the location. The two old Navy caretakers of the ship were unaware of its history as a bio weapon ship, but they did have an inkling that something was wrong.
Bacteriological Warfare and Denial Tactics
Thomas Powell discussed the history of bacteriological warfare, mentioning that it was denounced by the US in 1951 and that the subject has been consistently denied by the government and the mainstream media. He also mentioned the role of Milton Lightenberg in the denial machinery, who has been involved in denying various incidents, including the Swedish waters submarine incident. Thomas also criticized the Woodrow Wilson Institute for its alleged involvement in spreading lies and misrepresentations. Jeff listened to the discussion and asked for more information about Milton Lightenberg.
Biological Warfare in Korean War
Jeff and Thomas Powell discussed the use of biological warfare during the Korean War. Thomas revealed that around 90,000 people were affected by dysentery in a four-month period, with some casualties. He also mentioned the US’s intent to make soldiers defect from China and North Korea to Taiwan or other countries, as a strategy to gain points in the war. Jeff expressed disbelief at the scale of the biological warfare and its impact. Thomas also highlighted the brutality of the war, including the use of napalm, which he believes should be banned. The conversation concluded with Thomas mentioning his upcoming book on the Korean War, which aims to shed light on the forgotten aspects of the conflict.
Uncovering Overlooked Korean War Aspects
Thomas Powell discussed the Korean War, focusing on aspects that have been overlooked by other historians. He highlighted the brutal invasion of North Korea by the US, including massacres and the use of atomic bomb threats. He also mentioned the Chinese intervention, the retreat of North Korean troops, and the stalemate of the war. Thomas is writing a book that delves into these ignored aspects, including the Koji Island camps, massacres in South Korea, the US pilots who spread bacterial warfare, and the lives of American POWs in the Yalu River prison camps.
Ship Visit and Inoculation Discussion
Jeff and Thomas Powell discussed Tom’s visit to the ship, which Thomas described as functional but not attractive. Thomas shared his experience of being allowed to explore the ship and take pictures, including the mouse cages used for breeding dysentery. They also discussed the ship’s role in infecting North Korean and Chinese prisoners with dysentery, which led to a significant number of deaths. Thomas mentioned that he plans to release a book about his discovery later in the year.
Jeff J. Brown: Good morning, everyone. This is Jeff J. Brown, China Rising Radio Sinoland. And I’ve got an old friend and colleague on the show today, Thomas Powell. How are you doing, Tom?
Thomas Powell: I’m doing well, Jeff.
Jeff: Actually, it’s 9 o’clock in the morning on Saturday here, and it’s Friday at 5 o’clock. Or is it six o’clock in California?
Thomas: No, it’s 5 o’clock in California.
Jeff: I’m 16 hours ahead of Tom. It’s hard to wrap your head around this.
Thomas: Yeah.
Jeff: But anyway, we are here today to talk about his amazing, I mean, this will go down in history as one of the most important truth-telling discoveries as far as the conduct of the American government, the American military, and bioweapons specifically. And it’s about his discovery of General Sam’s Bubani plague ship which we will get into. I posted his article. Let me see. That would have been on the 4th. So about 12 days ago. It’s consistently getting over a thousand people a day reading it.
So, it’s obviously a very interesting subject for everyone. Let me just give you a quick rundown on Tom, although he’s been on with me more than once and I’ve published a number of his articles on China Rising. Thomas Powell is a founding member of the Bioweapons Truth Commission. He is a sculptor and writer, and he has written numerous journal articles on biological warfare in the past. He is the author of The Secret Ugly, The Hidden History of the U.S. Germ War in Korea.
I will leave the links for all of these. He is currently working on a history of the Korean War called Remembering an Act of Civil Disobedience due out later this year which challenges much conventional wisdom about the war and its causes. So, Tom, I’m just going to say that what you have done is just unbelievable. You have confirmed 75 or 80 years of rumors that this ship actually exists and was actually used by the US military as bioweapons to kill a lot of people during the Korean War. So please go ahead and just take it away.
Thomas: Well, thank you, Jeff, for inviting me to your show. I have to say that I was totally amazed myself that this boat still exists. And it was right out in the open you know. It was just they were pulled up on the beach. It had been acquired by the Naval Air and Sea Museum in Eureka, California. And then when it was about to sink at their stock, they hauled it over to Samoa Island and pulled it out of the water on Redwood, rolled it up on redwood logs and just beached it and left it there.
But I just did a little searching online and lo and behold, I got the location of it. And so I planned a trip and drove up the coast and there it was, you know, on a very rainy, cold winter day in Eureka. It was just sitting out there all alone and sad-looking and rusty as hell and Oh, my God, you know. And so I’ve been back again and I interviewed a couple of gentlemen that were retired naval officers who are the caretakers of it and spend their days puttering around, fixing things, and yakking and hanging out there.
Jeff: Well, connect the dots General Sam’s the boat. You know, the fact that Ishi Shiro’s henchmen were on the boat and were actually killing tens of thousands of North Korean and Chinese prisoners of war in Korea. Was it with cholera or typhus? I can’t remember. What were they using?
Thomas: It was primarily dysentery. Dysentery is something that is highly contagious and it’s very toxic and can kill people quite readily. But their intent was not to kill a lot of people, but to sicken them so that they could get them to quit to… what’s the word I’m searching for? They wanted them to capitulate and join the Kuomintang and the forces.
Jeff: Oh, okay.
Thomas: They wanted them to renounce their return to mainland China primarily or to North Korea. And in a sickened state, it would be easier to get them to do this. And that was the theory and the philosophy. So they were sickening a lot of people, not necessarily killing them. Though they did that too.
Jeff: Okay. Well, how did you connect the dots with this boat which is called?
Thomas: LSIL.
Jeff: Yeah, it’s called LSIL1091. How did you connect that to the famous bubonic plague ship that’s been talked about for the last 80 years?
Thomas: Well, this ship was first identified by a North Korean foreign minister Pak Hon-Yong. And when he denounced, he named this ship. But it also very famously was named in a very small little article that appeared in Newsweek magazine, just a sort of news blip. And so it’s been known and it’s been out there and it’s mentioned in a number of books on the history of the Korean War. And Sam’s mission to this epidemiological mission that he went on to North Korea to discover whether there was a bubonic plague raging around is noted in Navy historical files and such.
So it’s not a secret that this boat was used as an epidemiological control vessel, but what is denied by the Army and the U.S. government was that it was also used to suppress the uprisings at Koji Island on this particular mission that Sam’s intent was to kidnap sick soldiers from field hospitals in North Korea to determine if they had the plague or not because he was the head of the Surgeon General for MacArthur’s occupation in the Pacific theater. And he was in charge of the entire medical apparatus of the occupation army.
And so it’s his responsibility to determine what inoculations and what diseases and how to defend the troops against disease in battle and so he wanted to do a personal undertaking. He was quite a swashbuckling guy. And even though he was well over the age of somebody who would be charged with this kind of mission, he undertook it himself. And yeah, this boat was well known. So it wasn’t something novel that I discovered; This boat was well known.
Jeff: But then how did you find the boat?
Thomas: Well, I just, I Googled it, and lo and behold, you know, I got a bunch of hits and I just started looking around. And then I found out that there was a newspaper article up in Eureka, the local newspaper, that had run a story about when it had been pulled out of the water that was pretty much front page news for them that had been part of the museum had been deacquisitioned in this rather unfortunate way and was now being dragged ashore and was going to be sort of left for whomever to figure out what to do with. And so, you know, then I got on Google Maps and started looking for it, and lo and behold, I found it. Its location was right where they said it would be. And sure enough, there it was. And so then I just, oh, well, I couldn’t wait for an opportunity to drive up and look for it myself.
Jeff: How far away are you by car from Sacramento?
Thomas: Oh, that was a big haul at 300 miles or so. It’s difficult to get to the coast.
Jeff: Oh, so it’s pretty far. Yeah.
Thomas: The north coast of California is very difficult to get to. There’s only a couple of roads that go in and you’re going through the Trinity Alps and they’re very rugged mountains and the road is very curvy and it’s an ordeal. But it’s a big town and there’s a lot of people that live there. There’s a college.
Jeff: Did the two old Navy guys know about its history as a bioweapon ship?
Thomas: No, they assumed there was something bastardly but they didn’t know the details. And they were a bit shocked, but they were pretty stoic about it. You know they were tough guys but they had an inkling there was something wrong. But they told me flat out that it’s all redacted in Navy files and that they did a lot of searching in China to come up with the history of this boat. And this particular part is just redacted.
Jeff: And how did you make the connection with Shiro Ishi and his two henchmen who were working with Sams? How did you get that information? That’s amazing.
Thomas: Well, that, you know, that information was dug out by Williams and Wallace. It is also in their book, Unit 731, And also, it was mentioned again by Pak Hon-Yong in his statement when he denounced U.S. Bacteriological Warfare back when it was in February of 1951. So it was mentioned then and Mao Zitong also in his private correspondence with Stalin mentions it. And so there are a number of people who have known about it, but the US has consistently denied it.
And that is part of the denial machinery that the government has put in place. And the mainstream media is totally complicit and does whatever the government tells it to do. And so it’s always the alleged or, you know, communist alleged this or whatever. Any time the subject is brought up, it’s always denounced by academics and people of some importance who then poo-poo it and say it’s just communist lies and whatever. And so it’s not.
Jeff: Tell us about Milton Leitenburg because he’s one of the main cogs in the denial machinery.
Thomas: Yes, yes, he is. He’s been around for a long time. He’s kind of worked his way up the ladder and the denial apparatus. His history goes back quite a ways. He denied or claimed that the submarines that were invading Swedish waters back during the Carter administration were Russian subs when it turned out that they were these new seafloor crawling submarines that the US and the British were working on. And he wrote a whole book full of lies which he claimed, you know, were incursions by Russian submarines when in fact they were incursions by British and American submarines.
And so he’s been sort of the dean of the denial lobby and anything that’s really ugly, he’s right there to deny it. He’s the first to finger-point and blame the Chinese for COVID-19. You know, he wrote an article that was published in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. If you can believe that it was completely nobody actually challenged him on it or he just you know, they just gave him carte blanche to spew these suspicions and lies and stuff. So that’s who he is. He’s quite elderly now, but I think he still has his chair at CISM, the Center for whatever it is—studies there at Maryland Security Space
Jeff: Okay. And then there’s also the Wilson Institute or the Wilson’s?
Thomas: Yeah, the Woodrow Wilson Institute is another entity that’s funded largely by the CIA and others. You know, money begs from the US government and they do a lot of lying and misrepresentation and they create a lot of false academic false academic reporting. You know, it’s a factory.
Jeff: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s like an assembly line. It’s just unbelievable. Truly unbelievable. Tell us about how many people did General Sam and his henchmen, how many people they made sick, and how many people they estimated died from dysentery. Is there any information on that?
Thomas: About 90,000, I think, casualties cases of dysentery in a four-month period from January 1951 up to about April. You know, they just went from one compound to the next and spread it around, put it in the food.
Jeff: Even though they didn’t kill any, well, you said they killed some people, some people must have died from dysentery.
Thomas: Yeah, yeah, I’m sure quite a few people did.
Jeff: But if the intent was only to make them sick, is that still a bioweapon? And is that still a war crime?
Thomas: Well, certainly. You know the intent, see, the U.S. was very much embarrassed by the charges of bacteriological warfare that were made by the Chinese and the North Koreans. And it really affected, you know, American prestige. And so the U.S. needed its own issue. It needed its own stick to get events. And it needed this for the peace negotiations, which were ongoing. And so this, you know, to get soldiers who had fought for China or for North Korea to defect and not return home and instead opt to go to live in Taiwan or to go someplace else would be a big deal.
It would show that even the soldiers of these countries had little faith in them in their countries and didn’t want to go home. And so that was a strategy that was conceived by the Army Psychological Board, you know, that this is a way that we can gain some points and affect the outcome or the perceived outcome of the war. You know that that we show that capitalism in the West, that the soldiers prefer it.
And so if you in sick people, it’s a much easier to get them to agree to whatever you’re twisting their arm to, you know and they were very vicious about the means of getting the POWs to change their minds that they were beaten and they were shot and when they protested, they came into the camps with tanks and flamethrowers and killed at least 3,000 people in the uprising that lasted three months that Burchett and Winnington wrote about. And so yeah, it is a big deal. It is a war crime.
Jeff: Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s unbelievable. And of course, as you have foundationally shown in your numerous articles and in your book, The Secret Ugly, which I encourage everyone to read. I read it and we had a show about it and it’s just an amazing book. Thomas can be credited for conclusively proving that the United States did use biological warfare using airplanes, dropping insect feathers from planes to spread biological epidemics among the North Koreans and the Chinese along the Yalu border, the Yalu River, the border between North Korea and China.
So, that book is definitely worth reading. So this is on top. What they did in Koji on Koji Island in the prisons is on top of what they already did in North Korea and China using the US Air Force to spread bioweapons among the people, among the Chinese and the North Koreans. So it’s a sorted and heinous period and obviously, you can see why they have this gigantic denial machinery in place. And they still deny it. I mean, they still deny and deny and deny it.
And they have to because if it became widespread, you know, circulated that, yes, people start believing that the United States did use bioweapons extensively in Korea, it would be bad for the United States a temple on the Hill, the shining temple on the Hill metaphor. Well, what to tell us about your book? You’re writing a book about the Korean War and the Forgotten War, the one they want us to all forget because of all of the horrible things the United States did there.
Thomas: Well, that’s exactly true. The abject brutality of this war is just staggering. First of all, there is the use of napalm. That napalm became an operational major way in the Korean War. And the U.S. just splattered napalm over both South Korea and North Korea and burnt the whole place to the ground mostly. And so that is something that the United States does not want most of our citizens to realize. It is just how vicious napalm is because even if you’re hiding underground and you don’t get burned by the flames, the flames are so intense that they suck all the oxygen out of the air and suffocate people underground even.
And so it’s a horrific, horrific tool of war and should be outlawed. There should be a complete ban on the use of napalm in war. So that was one thing. And then after the U.S. invaded South Korea and recaptured Soul, there was a three-week hiatus when it wasn’t clear whether the U.S. was going to invade North Korea then or if it was just going to be content. And MacArthur was always in favor of invading North Korea and going right up to the Yalu River and I mean, he envisioned the Korean War as a that all of Korea would be a toehold on the Asian continent that would allow the U.S. to harass both Russia and China since they have borders with North Korea.
And North Korea is the very rugged and ideal place to you know to put missile silos and bases and just have a constant present military presence on the border that would be a hegemonic cudgel against China and Russia. So he waited. Macarthur waited, you know, and Truman couldn’t make up his mind but you know. So he just said, fuck it and just headed right in. He just followed his own lead. Macarthur did and just started marching on Pyongyang. And so in the process of this invasion, there were massacres.
There were horrific massacres where hundreds of people were bulldozed into, well, they bulldozed trenches lined up women and children and the elderly and gunned them down in the trenches and bulldozed over them. And there’s, I don’t know how many hundreds of thousands of people were murdered in this and there’s many, many sites that have been uncovered and reported on where there were 800 900 corpses found in a hole. You know, and, so this is another thing that the US doesn’t want to come out was just how brutal and vicious the invasion of North Korea was.
Jeff: Crimes against humanity.
Thomas: Yeah, it was indeed. So this is the second thing. And then during the entire war, China Russia and North Korea fought under the threat of the atomic bomb. Both MacArthur and Truman threatened to use an atomic bomb on either one of these or all of these designated enemies. And so at no time were they ever able to really, it was a defensive war for Russia, China, and North Korea. It was fought on Korean soil. And their offense was always somewhat limited. You know, they could not engage too much in offense.
They always had to fight a defensive war because of this threat if the war got out of hand and the US got pushed back again like it did the first time out of North Korea by the Chinese, it might drop an atomic bomb on Beijing or at least maybe on Muktenh or someplace closer. So that was another thing. And then finally, when they couldn’t push, it’s kind of hard to talk about the war without explaining sort of the give and take and the great movements of the war. And so that’s what I’m going to do in my book.
But just very briefly. When the US successfully invaded Incheon it cut Korea in half and it trapped about 100,000 North Korean troops in the south and a quite few of them, they were close to 1/3 of them were able to get out and escape back to North Korea. But the vast majority of them were stuck in the South. And these are the ones that got rounded up and surrendered and were stuck at this prison island prison camp, Koji Island. But anyway, those who managed to get back to North Korea were in retreat. They were back on their heels.
And so when the US invaded, they could not put up a great deal of resistance and they fell back towards the Chinese border. The U.S. advanced then and advanced quickly all the way up to Chosen Reservoir, which is a famous battle site. And there the Chinese had decided that they would stop the American invasion. And so they had managed to sneak a couple hundred thousand PVA troops into North Korea at night and they set forest fires to create smoke screens and stuff so they could move their troops into North Korea.
And it’s very wooded and mountainous. So they were able to hide out. And when the U.S. got to Chosin, it was about 15,000 troops. Well, they were totally overwhelmed by the Chinese who then started it, who attacked them at night with night fighting and with gongs and whistles and everything and pushed the Americans very quickly out of North Korea that the Americans fled in about three weeks, they had to clear completely out of North Korea.
And then the Chinese pursued them into South Korea and then gave up ground slowly over a period of about two months, the Chinese backed up while their engineers built the underground Great Wall across the isthmus of Korea and built all these tunnels and rail lines underground so that they could maintain a wall there and keep the Americans from moving back north. And then the war stalemated at that point and nobody really moved. It was vicious and there were some horrific battles over hills and locations and stuff. But essentially the battle line never moved.
Jeff: That’s the 38th parallel.
Thomas: It’s called the P’eng Dehuai Line what the Chinese called it because he was the general in charge of their army. And essentially, it’s the 38 parallel, but it’s an S curve. It goes above it on the east. It drops below it on the west. And so it’s this sort of S curve across the waste of Korea there.
Jeff: Keep going. This is fascinating.
Thomas: Well, let’s see.
Jeff: About your book.
Thomas: About my book, yes. So that’s what this history, I’m going to explain but there are many other histories about the Korean War already. And so what I want to talk about is the things that have been ignored by other historians. I want to talk about Koji Island and the camps because that’s been routinely ignored. I want to talk about the massacres that occurred in South Korea under the government of Syngman Rhee. He is responsible for three horrific massacres of you know close to 500,000 people were killed in these three different episodes of killing sprees of the South Korean army and that’s really what initiated the war and you know, forcing North Koreans to intervene to get rid of him.
And that was their intent was unification and getting rid of this butcher who had he was an expatriate. He had not even lived in Korea for close to 40 years prior to his being pretty much pimped the job of president of the country. And so I want to talk about that, what led up to the war, what the conditions were after World War II, and what the conditions were during the Japanese occupation.
And then there are other things, I want to talk about the pilots that were shot down spreading bacterial warfare across Northern Korea there were 25 pilots that gave confessions so I want to spend quite a bit of time. I’ve discussed them in The Secret Ugly, but I want to discuss them a bit more. I want to talk about the American POWs who were captured and what their lives were like at the Yalu River prison camps. And so there are many subjects that I want to go into and not the sort of blow-by-blow description of the war that many other historians tend to focus on.
Jeff: Before we leave, how did you get up onto the ship 1091 or whatever? How did you get into it? You took pictures there. You took pictures of the mouse cages where they kept the mice to breed dysentery.
Thomas: Yeah, these two Navy gentlemen were very forthcoming. They were quite generous with their time. And they let me look, go through the ship, you know.
Jeff: Do they have a ladder?
Thomas: Well, the ship’s got interior ladders you know it’s got a stairway and it’s, well, I don’t know it’s pretty much a ship. It doesn’t have passageways on the outside of the house like most ships do. You know, that the house goes all the way to the bulkheads, exterior bulkheads of the ship and you have to go through the house or up over the house on ladders to get fore to aft or aft to four, whatever direction you’re going. And so the one thing about this boat is that it is an ugly boat.
I mean, it’s very functional and it worked. Obviously, it was adaptable for all these different functions of being a launch site for drones and, you know, and being a service vessel for the atomic bomb explosions and then later, you know, a cannery ship and a fishing ship. It doesn’t change the fact that it’s not an attractive boat. The profile is not interesting. And it doesn’t have any portholes in it and no lifeboats and you know it’s stripped down.
Jeff: Well, Thomas, my hat off to you to find the famous General Sam Bubonic flagship. And prove that with the mouse cages and everything else that you connected all the dots, it definitely was used to inoculate North Korean and Chinese prisoners in Koji island to make tens of tens of thousands of them sick and undoubtedly a number of them died in the process. What a find. And I hope you send a signed copy of this article to Milton Leitenburg.
Thomas: I think the death toll was something like an 11% mortality rate on the hospitalized. That’s what it was sort of which I remembered.
Jeff: Well, if they inoculated 90,000, then that means 9,000, 10,000 died. That’s brutal, man.
Thomas: No, the number of hospitalized. I think there were 90,000 cases something like 30,000, I don’t know exactly how many were hospitalized, but 11% of the hospitalized ones died. That brings it down a bit. But still, that’s a hell of a lot of people.
Jeff: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. What a way to go. Shit yourself to death. My God.
Thomas: Yeah.
Jeff: Well, this is Jeff J. Brown, China Rising Radio Sinoland, and I am so proud and honored to have Thomas Powell back on the show today to tell us about his amazing discovery about the bubonic flagship and his planned book, which will be released later this year. Thank you for coming on, Thomas.
Thomas: You’re very welcome, Jeff.
Jeff: Dinner time for you and breakfast for me. See you later.
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Why and How China works: With a Mirror to Our Own History
JEFF J. BROWN, Editor, China Rising, and Senior Editor & China Correspondent, Dispatch from Beijing, The Greanville Post
Jeff J. Brown is a geopolitical analyst, journalist, lecturer and the author of The China Trilogy. It consists of 44 Days Backpacking in China – The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass (2013); Punto Press released China Rising – Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations (2016); and BIG Red Book on China (2020). As well, he published a textbook, Doctor WriteRead’s Treasure Trove to Great English (2015). Jeff is a Senior Editor & China Correspondent for The Greanville Post, where he keeps a column, Dispatch from Beijing and is a Global Opinion Leader at 21st Century. He also writes a column for The Saker, called the Moscow-Beijing Express. Jeff writes, interviews and podcasts on his own program, China Rising Radio Sinoland, which is also available on YouTube, Stitcher Radio, iTunes, Ivoox and RUvid. Guests have included Ramsey Clark, James Bradley, Moti Nissani, Godfree Roberts, Hiroyuki Hamada, The Saker and many others. [/su_spoiler]
Jeff can be reached at China Rising, je**@br***********.com, Facebook, Twitter, Wechat (+86-19806711824/Mr_Professor_Brown, and Line/Telegram/Whatsapp: +33-612458821.
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