Pictured above: Richard Cook on the left and yours truly on the right.
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Bio: Richard C. Cook is a co-founder and Lead Investigator for the American Geopolitical Institute. Mr. Cook is a retired U.S. federal analyst with extensive experience across various government agencies, including the U.S. Civil Service Commission, FDA, the Carter White House, NASA, and the U.S. Treasury. As a whistleblower at the time of the Challenger disaster, he exposed the flawed O-ring joints that destroyed the Shuttle, documenting his story in his book “Challenger Revealed.” After serving at Treasury, he became a vocal critic of the private-finance-controlled monetary system, detailing his concerns in “We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform.” He served as an advisor to the American Monetary Institute and worked with Congressman Dennis Kucinich to advocate for replacing the Federal Reserve with a genuine national currency. His latest book is “Our Country, Then and Now” (Clarity Press, 2023- https://www.claritypress.com/product/our-country-then-and-now/ and https://www.amazon.com/Our-Country-Then-Richard-Cook/dp/1949762858/).
In this book, Mr. Cook postulates that our country has lost touch with its founding principles, among which is the Bill of Rights, which we must reaffirm to survive as a nation.
Articles: https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/?s=Richard+Cook
Books : https://www.amazon.com/stores/Richard-C.-Cook/author/B001JS4VU2
Substack: https://montanarcc.substack.com/
Quick recap
Jeff and Richard discussed various historical and political topics, including Richard’s upcoming book, the history of the United States, the rivalry between England and France, the role of central banks in the US, and the historical influence of the Rothschild family on American politics and economy. They also discussed the historical context of World War I and II, focusing on the role of secret societies, the British Foreign Office, and the Zionist movement. Lastly, they discussed the life and political career of Charles de Gaulle, the former French President.
Puritans, Ancestors, and American History
Richard discussed the history of the United States, tracing it back to the 16th century when his European ancestors arrived in Massachusetts as part of the great Puritan migration. He highlighted how his family has been involved in all of America’s wars and has worked for the government. Richard also touched on the transformation of America from being the “home of the free” to an imperial oligarchy. He emphasized that the breakaway from Catholicism in England, led by Henry VIII, was a significant event that contributed to the formation of the United States. Richard also mentioned the role of the Puritans, including his own ancestors, in the creation of the United States and their fight for individual liberties. Jeff asked about the connection between England’s break from Catholicism and the establishment of the Anglican Church, to which Richard explained the historical context and the persecution of Dissenters.
England, France, and Rothschild Rivalry
Richard discussed the historical rivalry between England and France, focusing on the 7 Years War and the French and Indian War. He explained how England gained control of North America and India, which contributed to their prosperity. Richard also highlighted the role of the Rothschild family in controlling European economies, including the United States, through the fractional reserve banking system and the Gold Standard. He mentioned Napoleon’s attempt to fight against England and his defeat in the wars that ended in 1815, emphasizing Napoleon’s anti-banking stance. Jeff participated in the discussion, asking questions about the rivalry between England and France.
Napoleon’s Military Tactics and Defeat
Jeff and Richard discussed the military tactics of Napoleon and the reasons behind his defeat. Richard explained how Napoleon formed alliances with Eastern European nations, including Russia, but was betrayed by the Russian royalty who sided with the English. He also mentioned how the British Ambassador to Russia worked with Russian nobility to assassinate Czar Paul the First, leading to a change in Russian leadership and a shift in their alliance. This led to Napoleon’s failure to defeat Russia and regain their sympathies. Jeff agreed with Richard’s analysis and added that the British supplied “gold, guns, and grenadiers” to the monarchies of Europe to fight against Napoleon, who gave French peasants the right to vote and abolished feudalism and slavery. They also briefly discussed the role of the Rothschild family in infiltrating and taking over countries.
Banking History and Central Bank Role
Jeff and Richard discussed the history of banking and the role of central banks in the US. Richard explained how the Second Bank of the United States functioned, including the use of government debt as collateral for printing paper money. He also mentioned the flaws in the system, such as the ownership of bank stock by financiers who prioritized their own profits. Richard highlighted the importance of understanding modern finance, which is still based on the use of government debt as collateral. He also mentioned the collapse of the economy in 1837 due to the absence of government debt as collateral. Jeff agreed with Richard’s points and added that the Rothschilds of London played a significant role in setting the price of gold and infiltrating the US banking system.
Rothschilds, Money Trust, and BRICS
Richard and Jeff discussed the historical influence of the Rothschild family on American politics and economy, particularly through their agent Belmont. They also touched on the role of the Federal Reserve and the Money Trust in shaping the US economy. Richard highlighted the contrast between the banking-dominated nations of the West and the indigenous financial systems of BRICS nations, such as China, Russia, and Iran. Jeff mentioned the role of Russia in saving the North during the Civil War and the sale of Alaska to the US to prevent British expansion. They concluded by noting the ongoing battle between these two financial systems.
Rhodes, Rothschilds, and British Empire
Richard discussed the historical influence of Cecil Rhodes and the Rothschild family on the British Empire and its expansion. He highlighted how Rhodes’ wealth from South African diamond and gold mines was used to build the modern British state, and how the Rothschilds financed and took control of these mines. Richard also mentioned Rhodes’ will, which stated that the money was to be used to create a secret society with the purpose of recovering America for the British Empire. He further explained how the Nationalist movement in America was countered by pro-British presidents, such as Theodore Roosevelt, and how this led to the formation of the Round Table, the Pilgrim Society, and the Council on Foreign Relations. Jeff listened to Richard’s account.
Britain’s Rivalry and World War II
Richard discussed the historical rivalry between Britain and Germany, with Britain fearing a union between Germany and Russia. He explained how Britain instigated the Bolshevik Revolution to prevent this alliance, and how this led to World War II. Richard also debunked the myth of Theodore Roosevelt as a great reformer, stating that his actions were part of a strategy to capture the Democratic vote and undermine the Democratic party’s reform efforts. Jeff listened and asked questions to clarify Richard’s points.
Secret Societies and World War Planning
Jeff and Richard discussed the historical context of World War I and II, focusing on the role of secret societies, the British Foreign Office, and the Zionist movement. They highlighted the involvement of the Rothschilds, the Queen of England, and the British government in planning and executing these wars. They also discussed the formation of the Zionist movement, its infiltration into Anglo-American governance, and its aim to create an apartheid Jewish state in Palestine. Richard introduced the book “The Controversy of Zion” by Douglas Reed, which provides a primary source for understanding these events. They also discussed Charles de Gaulle’s efforts to save Europe from the grips of the Anglo-Zionists.
Charles De Gaulle’s Political Career
Richard and Jeff discussed the life and political career of Charles de Gaulle, the former French President. Richard highlighted de Gaulle’s strong character, his role in the Free French movement during World War II, and his leadership in the French provisional government. They also discussed de Gaulle’s economic philosophy, dirigiste, and his opposition to the Rockefeller-controlled CIA. Jeff mentioned de Gaulle’s recognition of Mao Zedong, his opposition to the Vietnam War, and his decision to pull French gold from the New York Federal Reserve. They also touched on de Gaulle’s role in the Syrian crisis and his eventual resignation due to riots in 1968. Jeff recommended reading Vincent Cronin’s biography of de Gaulle and Ramin Mazaheri’s book on the Yellow Vest movement.
Jeff J. Brown: Good morning. This is Jeff J. Brown, China Rising Radio Sinoland. And I’ve got a good friend again on the show, I think for the third time now, Richard Cook. How are you doing, Richard?
Richard Cook: Pretty good. How are you?
Jeff: We have a really interesting program today. I do want to read his introduction because he’s got quite a resume. Richard C. Cook is co-founder and lead investigator for the American Geopolitical Institute. Mr. Cook is a retired U.S. Federal Analyst with extensive experience across various government agencies including the US Civil Service Commission, FDA, and the Carter White House. Rest in peace. Nassau and the U.S. Treasury.
As a whistleblower at the time of the Challenger disaster, he exposed the flawed O-ring joints that destroyed the shuttle and documented his story in his book “Challenger Revealed”. After serving at the Treasury, he became a vocal critic of the private finance-controlled money system, detailing his concerns in “We Hold These Truths Of The Hope Of Monetary Reform.” He served as an advisor to the American Monetary Institute and worked with Congressman Dennis Kucinich to advocate for replacing the Federal Reserve with a genuine national currency.
His latest book is “Our Country, Then and Now” (Clarity Press, 2023). I will put all of these links on the show page. Richard, tell us what you’re going to read a summary of an article that you have expanded on several platforms. So please read us what you have written, and I have it and I’ve underlined it and annotated it so you’re going to get some questions. So take it away.
Richard: Okay. And maybe we should just do this like a section at a time.
Jeff: All right.
Richard: Intersperse it with questions and discussions.
Jeff: All right, good.
Richard: What this article is, is really a summary of the book that I published about a year and a half ago called “Our Country, Then and Now”. And that is the history of the United States as it unfolded over a 400-year period. And I interweave that with my own family background in history because my first ancestors arrived, my first European ancestors, because I have also some Native American ancestry. But my first European ancestors arrived in Massachusetts In the 1630s. And they came here as part of the great Puritan migration as it’s known in history.
And I traced that all the way up to the present time because my family has been in all of America’s wars. We’ve worked for the government. We’ve been all across the nation. I was born in Montana. My father had just returned from World War II on Atu Island, which is the westernmost reach of North America. And the Aleutian Islands of Alaska. And so all of this kind of is interwoven to try to look at and explain how America came to be what it is today. What it became and what it is today is very far from the principles that the country was based on during its pre-independence days compared to the early days of independence and going on into the modern era.
A lot has happened to change America from being the home of the free to essentially an imperial oligarchy today that thinks it’s got to conquer the entire world or else it won’t be able to go on living another day. And that’s where we get to the catastrophe that we’re in right now. And I’ve been writing about this pretty much ever since I retired from the government in 2007. I published a lot of material on global research, which is my main venue other than my Substack. And I’m very grateful to Global Research for being such a great place to publish. They really do a fantastic job of presenting my material.
So what I’m going to do as you say, I’m going to kind of go through this one-page summary page for 500 book pages have been crammed into and then we can talk about it as we go along. So, here we go. So, today’s crisis dates from 500 years ago when England denouncing Catholicism embarked on a project of world conquest. And let me just say, everything I’m telling you is documented. In the book and articles announced for nothing here is pulled out of thin air except maybe the money that we use now. When we go down to the store, that was pulled out of thin air by the Federal Reserve. But nothing I’m saying here is pulled out of thin air.
It’s all thoroughly documented. So this was to be accomplished worldwide mercantile colonization in war against a succession of leading European continental powers (Spain, France, Holland, Germany). I added in there Austria-Hungary, The Ottoman Empire, and finally today Russia. Great Britain has been at war against the world for over 500 years. And it’s just a constant state of conflict and violence that has played out on the world stage due to this. But the one country, the one rival that Great Britain could not suppress was the United States which broke away and gained independence in 1776. Okay. So, we’re okay so far?
Jeff: Yes, what I’d like to know is what is the tie, the fact that England broke away from Catholicism, and I assumed at that time established the Anglican church or around that era because the Spanish and the Portuguese got a jump on the British or the English in the new world and they were Catholic and pretty brutal people or very brutal people. So, what is the breaking away from Catholicism? Why is that noteworthy?
Richard: What the trigger was Henry the Eighth’s marital troubles. His wife couldn’t give him a male heir and the Pope wouldn’t give him an annulment. And so Henry the Eighth took the English church out of the Catholic church but it was also an excuse for a looting of all the Catholic assets in England. Henry the H shut down the monasteries, stole all the monastic properties and he, the king himself became the head of the Anglican church and the Anglicans immediately launched into a tremendous persecution against all dissenters.
And my family forebears were among those dissenters who were literally dragged through the streets of London behind horses thrown into prison and killed because they would not submit to Henry the Eighth’s church, which at that time was run by his daughter Elizabeth and his daughter King James I, who came out of Scotland. There was tremendous religious strife. So the Puritans rebelled and left England, fled for their lives, and came to Massachusetts.
And it was these Massachusetts Puritans including my own ancestors who was far away from England in the following century linked up with the gentleman planters of Virginia and created the United States. But it was the Puritans who came over who had the ideals of individual liberty, and freedom of worship, freedom of expression. The Puritans have a bad name. Of course now because they were they’re looked upon as gloomy people who wouldn’t let you do anything. That’s a tremendous historical misnomer.
The Puritans were the original freedom finders of America who stood up for individual liberties and we would not have had The Bill of Rights, for example. Had it not been for the Puritan people, farmers. My first ancestor was a blacksmith. Hardworking, educated people because they learned to read so they could read the Bible. And these were the people who spread across the North American continent and created America as it came to be. So the breakaway of the catholic church and what came out of that was a big, big part of the background to what became America over the next couple hundred years.
Jeff: Interesting. And besides the United States, a thorn in the side of England was France. Tell us about that.
Richard: Right. Okay. So let’s read on. The nation that resisted most vigorously was France. England, which was gradually evolving into what we know today as Great Britain attacked France by infiltrating its monetary system and destroying its currency by the creation of speculative bubbles refer to the South Sea bubble, for instance under a Scotsman named John Law. And it was this destruction of the currency which was at that time independent of the banker’s currency that had taken over England and the destruction of the French currency led to a century of declining economic stability. Inflation went up.
There was no medium of exchange for industry to use. France collapsed during the 1700s. And even though they were still fighting with England. England was gradually overcoming them and the key event of that period was the Seven Years War, which was known in America as the French and Indian War. It was through the Seven Years’ War that England took the French possessions of North America the way which new France which became Canada. And in India, the English defeated the French in battle and the Indian subcontinent and became the masters of India.
And it was the looting of India that was the backbone of English prosperity as we go on into the 19th century when the modern French Empire was really created. So, the fractional reserve banking system which depends on usury and compound interest to gain control of an economy was essentially installed in France during the 18th century in imitation of the Bank of England. This system, the money had a very small amount of gold as backing and that’s known as the gold standard.
And it was the Rothschild family during this period that gradually became the central controlling force first of the British economy, later of the French and German economies, and then all of Europe. And it was the Rothschilds who actually set the price of gold once they had currencies in Europe and later America a key to the gold standard. And starting around 1835, the Rothschilds and other Jewish bankers began to infiltrate the United States with the Morgans and the Rockefellers becoming their American agents, setting up the money trust as U.S. Partners.
So it was the defeat of France. Napoleon attempted to fight against England and regain control of France, but he lost in the wars that ended in 1815 when he was duped really into invading Russia. He was attempting to force onto Russia what he called the continental system, which was essentially a boycott of British manufacturers that were being poured into Europe at low prices to undercut the indigenous economies of France and other European nations.
Napoleon made the error of invading Russia and that was his downfall because of using bankers’ money, Britain was able to buy off the other nations of Europe and form a succession of coalitions that they used to defeat Napoleon. And the final coalition was the one between England and Prussia which defeated Napoleon at Waterloo and put a stop to Napoleon’s attempt to reestablish French sovereignty and to reestablish the French monetary system. Napoleon was very anti-bank. He was very much against the usurers of Europe, including the Rothschilds. And so it was imperative that the British take him down. And they did.
Jeff: Well, he won 54 out of 56 battles. It’s not bad.
Richard: Right, right.
Jeff: He just lost the last two, Russia and Waterloo. No other military leader has ever bested Napoleon and that’s why Mao Zedong, I’ve just learned, studied Napoleon’s military tactics, and you can see why. I read Vincent Cronin’s book and it’s just entitled Napoleon. It’s really brilliant. And I also read the one by the French guy, but it’s very, very snooty and aristocratic. I can’t think of the guy’s name right now. But Cronin talked about obviously, Napoleon going to Russia. I know that the Russian royalty betrayed him and got in bed with the English. How do you feel like he got duped? I’m really curious about that.
Richard: Well, Napoleon had made alliances with alliances with the nations of Eastern Europe, particularly the Austro-Hungarian Empire. They never quite got along too well with Prussia because Prussia at that time was growing and trying to establish its own control over central Europe. But Napoleon made an alliance with Russia. And he made an alliance specifically with a czar that people don’t think too much about. His name was Lazar Paul I.
And Paul I, I think he was the son of Catherine the Great if I’m not mistaken. He’s the son of the grandson of Catherine the Great. The Russians at that time were very, very adamantly against England because England, we’ve all heard of the great game. And that came out of the growth of the Russian Empire toward the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East, but also towards Central Asia and eventually Afghanistan. But the British had a tremendous fear that Russia was going to penetrate into India.
Jeff: Yeah, much.
Richard: Because India was the crown jewel of the British Empire, a vast amount of wealth in gold and jewelry, spices were essentially looted from India. And you see all those fantastic, you watch Downton Abbey on TV and you see these mansions that the English gentry built across the English countryside. Those were built with money that was looted out of India. That was the engine of British prosperity in the 18th, 19th, and even going up to today, because, well, Rishi Sunak the Prime Minister of India is in billionaire example of the wealth of India being taken into Britain to feed British power.
But in this alliance between Napoleon and Paul I of Russia, Paul I actually assembled an army to invade India. This army consisted largely of Cossacks from the area of Ukraine, the Caucasus area that is part of Russia. And they were about to march on India in alliance with Napoleon. And Napoleon also saw the value of Egypt as a linchpin so they fought with England over that. But when Paul I put his army in motion, the British ambassador to Russia worked with Russian nobility, and noble dissidents and assassinated Paul I.
In step his successors, Alexander I who is the famous czar who presided over the defeat of Napoleon, the Congress of Vienna, and so on the British had gained so much power and influence in the court of Russia to the point where they could engineer whether a czar was going to live or die. The British were able to influence Alexander I to turn against Napoleon and refuse to implement Napoleon’s continental system.
So Russia continued to import cheap English goods in defiance of Napoleon and so Napoleon decided he needed to put a stop to that. And that he had to go in and defeat Russia, regain Russia’s sympathies, recreate the alliance with Russia. And that’s where he failed to do so because the Russians had gotten their backup and they were not going to let Napoleon do that to them, but they were already in an alliance with Britain and could not get out of it. Now, of course, the British betrayed them in the 1850s by attacking Russia in the Crimean War.
Jeff: Oh, yeah.
Richard: Which kind of showed Britain’s true colors. We’re not going to be Russia’s permanent ally. But they were influential enough to turn them against Napoleon, and that was Napoleon’s downfall.
Jeff: Yeah, I’m glad you mentioned the coalition wars because they really were. They call them Napoleonic Wars, but he was simply rising up against all the monarchies of Europe, and the British famously supplied gold guns and grenadiers, you know, to all the monarchies in Europe to fight Napoleon, who was giving French peasants the right to vote.
Richard: Right. Yeah.
Jeff: And building schools and bridges and canals and hospitals and roads for the common people and getting rid of feudalism and slavery which is what the monarchical economy was based on. I know that the original Rothschild sent his sons to Paris and I guess it must have been Berlin at that time, but he sent his sons to Paris and at least somewhere in Germany.
Richard: Hamburg was the biggest restaurant center in Germany.
Jeff: Okay, was Hamburg. Literally to infiltrate those countries and take them over. And I guess that’s what happened. I’ve read some quotes by Napoleon that he detested the bankers. And he basically said that they get you in debt and then they own you. That’s correct. Let’s move on to, oh yeah, 1830. I wrote down 1830. It’s really interesting that you mentioned the Rothschilds of London set the price of gold starting around 1835, the Rothschilds and other Jewish bankers began to infiltrate the US. That was right after Andrew Jackson. That was right after Andrew Jackson and they tried to assassinate him. And he got rid of the central bank right in 1832 or something like that.
Richard: This was an interesting episode. Jackson was an interesting character because up until Jackson was elected in 1828, the Second Bank of the United States was functioning fairly smoothly. It had many flaws including the ownership of bank stock by financiers who mainly were looking after their own profits. But it did provide a functioning currency for the U.S. Government. But what happened was that when Alexander Hamilton created the first bank of the United States. And this is very important.
He brought in the same system that was used by the Bank of England and the key to this system was using central government debt bonds as collateral for the printing of paper money. And that’s the system that today is still in place. Now, in my book and other writings, you can go through the Alternatives to that system. But what you do is you create what is called a permanent funded debt. So the government has to go into debt. Even if the government doesn’t need to go into debt, it has to go into debt, issue bonds, pay them back out of taxes with interest in order to fund the banking system because that becomes the collateral along with a very small amount of gold. In some cases, gold and silver.
And the money is printed in multiples of that reserve in order to make loans the loans that are made are very frequently for speculation by land speculators, by commodity speculators even getting involved in the slave and drug trades which are capitalized with bankers’ money. Britain and America both were heavily involved in during the 19th century. So there’s this use of government debt as collateral that is the key to understanding modern finance. All the way up until today.
And that’s why, you know, people come in and say, oh, we got so much government debt. The federal government’s $36 trillion in debt. Well, you take away the money supply for the nation because you have to have that debt. But of course, it balloons all out of proportion and creates these tremendous bubbles like the housing bubble that collapsed around 2007, 2008 because of the government debt, because they have a debt-based system. It doesn’t have to be that way.
And systems have been used and proposed throughout history, including Kucinich’s legislation in 2011. That would replace a debt-based monetary system with one based on using the productivity of the nation as collateral rather than the government having to borrow trillions of dollars from everybody. This is a very difficult thing for people to wrap their heads around. I tried my best to explain it, but the system that was put in place and that the Rothschilds took full advantage of managing throughout Europe and then in America and Andrew Jackson pulled out of this system.
He took U.S. Government assets out of the Second Bank of the United States and put them in small state and local banks and eventually in the Treasury’s own system. It was called the independent treasury that Jackson and his successors set up. And what happened was the economy collapsed. Because without the government debt to use as collateral, the whole thing just collapsed. And in the panic of 1837, Rothschild’s agents came into America. The main one was named Belmont, August Belmont. That was not his German name. But you’ve heard of Belmont Racecourse. He was the guy who set up the Belmont Racecourse in New York.
He came in and he bought with Rothschild gold tremendous amounts of business and industry in the United States that had collapsed during this panic that resulted when Andrew Jackson pulled the money out of the bank. Now, Jackson also had personal wealth that he invested. And he invested it in Europe and his agents for the Rothschilds. Pretty ambiguous position to be in. And then Belmont stayed in America. Remember, you hear Belmont, that’s Rothschild. Belmont rose to be the chairman of the Democratic Party of the United States. And during the Civil War, when Lincoln was president.
And they ran a Democrat against Lincoln in 1864, General George McClellan, he was run for president by Belmont, who was the Rothschild agent. So the Rothschilds By 1864, controlled the Democratic Party of the United States. And some will tell you they still do. And if it’s not the Rothschilds, it’s the Morgans whereas the Rockefellers who are also in Lee with the Ross channels as part of the money trust part of the money cartel that really took over the United States in earnest in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act.
Jeff: The private Federal Reserve, yeah. Well, a good example of a country using its productivity as a benchmark and creating its own money and not borrowing it is the People’s Republic of China.
Richard: Correct.
Jeff: You know, I mean, that’s why it’s doing so well. They don’t pay interest to the Rothschilds for their debt. They plow it into productivity.
Richard: Jeff, that’s the key to the world crisis that you just said because Russia’s trying to do the same. Putin’s great achievement was to kick the banker-connected oligarchs out of Russia. No, some are still there. People argue back and forth. But the fact is that Russia has taken over central banking the government of Russia and they’re doing the same thing the Chinese are and Iran is doing the same thing that China and Russia are doing. They’re the backbone of BRICS.
And the key to understanding the whole situation is that BRICS is building a financial system that does not depend on privately owned central banking. Indigenous economic development is based upon the commodities and the productivity of these great nations. And that’s where the battle lines have been drawn. And in my latest eBook on global research, I go into this because the title I gave it is “World War Three is On But the Empire Has Already Lost”.
The battle lines that have been drawn are between the banking-dominated nations of the West And the indigenous financial systems of the nations of BRICS. And that’s where the great divide is today. And there’s no way that a banking system can fuel indefinite economic growth because it collapses into a black hole of debt. And that’s where the West is today, and that’s where the United States is. There are people who know this and recognize this. But whether the U.S. can escape from that whirlpool is very much in doubt.
Jeff: Right. Yeah. Well, let’s go to the next paragraph. It’s very interesting again that we’ve discussed some of this. Well, we’ve actually discussed Paul I and Napoleon invading Russia Britain tried yeah of course a lot of people don’t realize that Russia saved the North and the Brits during the Civil War, which was basically, the Brits wanting that nice long fiber cotton grown in Mississippi and Louisiana.
Richard: Something else that people don’t understand about Russia is that after the Civil War was over and Lincoln was assassinated by the British, run out of Montreal with a guy named Booth found with a check from the Montreal bank in his pocket. Russia sold Alaska to the United States, you know, it was called Seward’s Folly because who wanted that piece of frozen real estate but Russia assaulted the United States, so Britain wouldn’t get it. Because there was Britain sitting in Canada. The United States had tried but failed to conquer Canada.
During the revolution in the War of 1812, the British built a railroad all the way out to the West Coast and Russia did not want Britain to get Alaska because if the British got Alaska, then they would be five miles from Russia up in the Bering Strait. So that’s another part of it. Let me just take the next step here. We all know about Cecil Rhodes. I go into this in my book in a lot of detail because the Boer Wars of the late 1800s going up to the year 1900 was when Britain took over the diamond and gold wealth of South Africa and used this as their own collateral to build a modern British state that took the British all the way into World War I.
And the owner of that wealth started out to be Cecil Rhodes a boy from central England who was pretty well educated and just happened to have his brother working down there discovering gold went down and they needed financing. So where are you going to get financing to capitalize on your gold mines? Well, you’re going to go to the Rothschilds and borrow it. And so Nathan Rothschild from England London the first Rothschild to be on the British Privy Council lent him a whole bunch of money and gradually took over the mines. But Rhodes also made Rothschild the executor of his will.
We know that Rhodes set up the Rhodes scholarships, bringing American young men and women over to indoctrinate them into British imperial ideals. But he spelled out in his will, and Rothschild was the executor of his will that this money was to be used to create a secret society for the purpose of recovering America for the British Empire. I’m quoting. This is not speculation. It’s part of the thoroughly documented history of the era.
And the problem was that the nationalist movement that began with Lincoln as the Republican president in 1860 extended all the way up in a succession of Republican Party presidents to William McKinley who was a very big advocate of high tariffs to protect American industry and keep out the British. Well, a lone gunman and we know about lone gunmen shot McKinley dead in 1900.
Now, McKinley at the Republican nominating convention had been prevailed upon to point Theodore Roosevelt as his vice presidential candidate and so Roosevelt stepped in as president in 1900. Roosevelt was the most pro-British president, we’ve ever had. And that stemmed back to the Civil War when two of Roosevelt’s uncles were privateers smuggling British arms and other material into the South to fight against the North.
And so just by his own genealogy, Roosevelt was a rebel and a Confederate and so a British agent. And it was Roosevelt who swung the whole polity of the United States government into British hands. The Round Table was formed as the secret society to implement Cecil Rhode’s plans. The Pilgrim Society was formed as a kind of a melding together of the American industrial aristocracy and the British political aristocracy and the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States was created as a parallel organization to Chatham House.
And the whole purpose of this massive conglomeration of oligarchs with Rothschild money backing them and Rothschild control coming into play was to annihilate Germany. Because after France had been knocked over under Napoleon, Germany was next in line. The whole program of the British Empire during the 20th century and up until today is to destroy Germany. And they have done that. Even with NATO, the motto was to keep Germany down, keep America in, keep Russia out, and keep Germany down. The great fear of England during this whole period was the chance of a union between Britain and Russia. And that’s why we have the Ukraine war.
Jeff: Between Germany and Russia, right? They were afraid of Russia and Germany getting together, right?
Richard: Exactly.
Jeff: Okay. All right.
Richard: And that’s why Britain fomented the Bolshevik Revolution after World War I because Germany had defeated Russia. There was every possibility then that the German military leadership and the Russian military leadership who’d been defeated in the war were going to come together and go after Britain as your common enemy but the British were able to instigate the Bolshevik Revolution along with the American bankers to overthrow the Tsar, to assassinate the Tsar and to create a communist revolution in Russia that would ally with Britain against Germany. And that’s how we got into actually into World War II. So all of this stuff has been going on. But the key was the recovery of America for the British Empire.
Jeff: But to me to say that Theodore Roosevelt or Teddy Roosevelt was British counterintuitive because he went after the trust. He went after the monopolies. He was trying to take down the powerful the rich and the wealthy. What’s with that?
Richard: That’s a myth. It’s a myth. The progressive movement was starting up. The Democrats ran on the progressive movement. During the latter part of the 19th century and into the 20th century. And their major rallying cry was, you have crucified mankind on a cross of gold because they wanted to introduce silver as a backing of money along with gold to expand the money supply.
And of course, the Republicans already stood against that. But in order to capture the Democratic vote, Theodore Roosevelt set himself up as a great reformer. They got the courts to split up Standard Oil but since Rockefeller’s friends and relatives ran all of the subsidiary companies that were broken up into that was a flop. Roosevelt railed against the trust but he didn’t break up the trusts. And the one trust that he didn’t touch and could not touch was the most important.
Jeff: The banking trust.
Richard: And money trust. The banking money trust run by JP Morgan and by this time by John D. Rockefeller Jr. And Roosevelt knew very well those money trusts, which were now beginning to control the Steel Trust, the Tobacco Trust, and the Railroad Trust was sacrosanct. So the whole idea that Roosevelt was a great reformer was the myth that they used to undercut the Democratic Party that was trying to do some reforms themselves. Yeah.
Jeff: I’m sure you have probably heard about or read the two books by Jerry Dougherty and Jim McGregor called “Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War”.
Richard: Yeah.
Jeff: They, I mean, and then the second one was prolonging the agony, how the Anglo-Zionist, was it Anglo-Zionist? Anyway, the Anglo something basically the Americans and the Brits force the continuation of World War I for three and a half years to destroy Germany. And it’s amazing. I mean, they planned World War I starting in 1904. The Brits just the secret society. It was like a college or a pro football game.
I mean, they had their playbook. I mean, the whole thing, the assassination of the Duke was done by the Brits. Everything was done by the Brits. They got the Belgians in bed with them. They got the French in bed with them. And reluctantly, the Russians got in bed with him for a while. But World War I was a playbook. It was planned by the Rothschilds. And the Queen of England was, of course, involved too. And it’s just amazing. Unbelievable.
Richard: Okay, do we have any more time left?
Jeff: Yeah, let’s go. Let me see. Well, that was really interesting. Let me see.
Richard: Let’s go down to meanwhile, Europe’s Jews used Rothschild money.
Jeff: Yeah, let’s just do that. That’s a good one.
Richard: Did you see that one?
Jeff: Yeah.
Richard: Right. Meanwhile, Europe’s Jews used Rothschild’s money to form the Zionist movement and began to infiltrate Anglo-American governance with the aim of creating an apartheid Jewish state in Palestine. The underlying cause of World War I, World War II, and the annihilation of Germany and today’s World War III was to create the state of greater Israel as a world-dominating force. The takeover of Christianity by Christian Zionists was to play a major role. This was funding from the 3 million Jews, mainly Russian and Eastern European who had immigrated to the US and begun to take over US media, finance, and eventually the government. Well, that’s a pretty broad statement, isn’t it?
Jeff: But it’s true. Unfortunately, it’s true.
Richard: But let me give you my primary source just so our listeners can have something to go to. There was a British journalist named Douglas Reed. Douglas Reed was the London Times correspondent in Germany just prior to the outbreak of World War II. In fact, his apartment was overlooking the main square in Vienna. And he was looking out his window at the German army marching in 1938 when the Anschluss took place Germany took over Austria and Austria no longer existed.
So this guy was pretty well informed about what was going on in Europe at the time. And he wrote a book toward the end of his career called The Controversy of Zion. And it goes back to the beginning of the Zionist movement, which actually came out of the British Foreign Office. It was not originally a Jewish movement; It was a movement of the British Foreign Office to take over Palestine as a way to control Middle Eastern oil and also transport through transport Suez Canal.
It was the bright idea of Palmerston, Balfour, and other British higher-ups to seize control of Palestine. You can even read in there that the reason they wanted to get America into the war and get America to send a million men to France to fight on the Western Front against Germany was so that the British Army could be freed up to go around to Palestine and take over Palestine from the Ottoman Turks.
And that’s exactly what happened. That’s how Britain got hold of Palestine. And their ownership of Palestine was secured through the League of Nations when they got a mandate on Palestine, whereas France got a mandate on Transjordan and on Lebanon. But that was all part of the British decision to implant Europe’s Jews into Palestine but the trouble was Europe’s Jews didn’t want to go there. Nobody wanted to go to this sandy, rocky place on the east coast of the Mediterranean and take over their government.
So eventually what happened was during World War II, the Zionists who by that time were firmly in control of the key figures in the British government and in the American government allied with Stalin, who was trying to implant his Influence everywhere, rated the refugee camps in Eastern Europe and actually literally drafted Jewish prisoners or refugees in refugee camps to arm them with weapons from Czechoslovakia, which by then Russia controlled sent them to Palestine to take over and that’s where the Nakba came from in 1937-48 that created the state of Israel. So all of that was going on behind the scenes during this period of time.
Jeff: Yeah. This is really interesting. Amazing. Oh, man. Let me see what else. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I’m a big fan of Charles de Gaulle and I read Jackson, what is his name? The biography, hang on just a second. Anyway, it’s really good. His first name is Jackson and his book de Gaulle. It’s really, really, really, really good and Julianne Jackson. And it’s just called de Gaulle. What is it? Anyway, it’s brilliant. I read it in French, even though it was originally written and he’s British.
And it’s, yeah, his name is Julian Jackson. And it’s just, unfortunate, it’s 1200 pages long but it’s a big book. But it’s a big man. I mean, he, in part with Mao Zedong and a few others, Roosevelt and a few others dominated the 20th century. But I admire the man a lot. And you mentioned him here about how he was trying to save Europe from the grips of the Anglo-Zionists. So tell us about that before we leave.
Richard: If I believe the reincarnation, this would have been Napoleon Reborn a truly great man. He fought in World War I. He was wounded, I think, five times.
Jeff: Six, six times.
Richard: Six times. He spent 20 months in German prisoner war camps and
Jeff: Escaped three times.
Richard: Escape three times and he came back and worked his way up through the ranks of the military hierarchy. And his big thing was tank and armor cavalry-type units that he ended up I think the French were still riding horses into battle during World War I. So he was a real rebel but the people who could see greatness loved him and the people who couldn’t just be jealous of him and couldn’t stand him. He was six foot five. His nickname in military college was the Great Asparagus. But he was just so imposing. And France was surrendering to Germany during World War II.
You said, heck with this and he got heck the British to take him to London where he set up the free French and Winston Churchill supported him. The Americans despised him. They didn’t want to have a free French leader, particularly de Gaulle, have anything to do with their great military machine and victories. But eventually, they had to relent because he was such a strong character. He insisted that the French be the first ones to go into Paris during the liberation of Paris in 1944 and he became the head of the provisional government in France.
And I won’t go through all the troubles having to do with Algeria and everything during the 40s and 50s. But by popular acclaim, I think you won a 79% vote when he finally ran for president under the Fifth Republic Constitution that he wrote In 1958, he was tremendously popular. And there’s a word that I’ve been using that we haven’t mentioned yet. It’s called Dirigisme. It’s an economic philosophy where the government directs the private sector in developing policies, investing in infrastructure for the best of the nation. Show us kind of a working partnership between the government and the big manufacturers and the bankers are very subservient to all that.
The bankers are not directing the government. And so the bankers hated to go. The banker’s government was then the US government because that was falling under the control of the Rockefellers. And the CIA was the Rockefeller’s instrument. It was implanted in Europe after World War II to take control of Europe and knock down any movement toward real independence. Well, de Gaulle wanted nothing to do with that. And so de Gaulle pulled the directorship of France out of NATO. He picked all the American troops out of France. There’s not a single American base in France today, I don’t think.
Jeff: Oh no, no, no.
Richard: And he advocated for the European Union. But a European Union, not bureaucrats controlling Europe but independent European nations with their own interests working together cooperatively, and the phrase he used was from Lisbon to the Euros. So we included Russia. He was also the first French president ever to go to Germany.
Jeff: He spoke German. He gave public speeches in German.
Richard: Okay, yeah.
Jeff: I’ve actually seen his videos of him with thousands of Germans in front of him giving speeches in German. It was pretty amazing. There was another thing very common between him and Napoleon. They were both impeccably honest. They were incorruptible which helps explain their success.
Richard: There were 30 assassination attempts made against de Gaulle. There are pictures of his citrine full of bullet holes. Which is why he liked that car so much. And it’s never been proven. We do know for a fact from documentation that French dissidents came to the American CIA seeking their help to assassinate de Gaulle. Of course, they claim they didn’t get involved. There is this famous memo that came out not too long ago. It was reported in the Irish Times of a bitterly angry memo from the CIA to President Lyndon Johnson tearing de Gaulle to shreds. And the riots that took place in 1968 that preceded de Gaulle’s resignation, don’t they kind of look like a color revolution?
Jeff: Yeah, yeah. I have two passports. I’m French and American and so I’ve really dig deep into French and there’s a lot of talk about that that was orchestrated by the Anglo-Zionists, for the lack of a better term.
Richard: Yeah. Right.
Jeff: And another thing that did that just pissed off everybody in the West is he recognized Mao Zedong and the People’s Republic of China in 1964.
Richard: Okay. Long before anybody.
Jeff: Yeah. And so he was a thorn in the side of the Anglo-Zionists. I mean, they hated his guts. And he put off letting Britain, which is basically letting in the enemy into the European Union until he finally relented in 1968. And of course, that was the end of the European Union as he dreamed of it.
Richard: And he also was against the Vietnam War.
Jeff: Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Richard: Which was probably the thing that the US most hated about him.
Jeff: Yeah. He was also sending ships over to New York to take French gold out of the Gold vaults in New York. And they didn’t like that either.
Richard: Right. Well, it is sad. I mean, I’ve read good sources. That’s what got Nixon to pull the gold standard.
Jeff: Yeah, the gold standard. Yeah, exactly.
Richard: France coming over. And another thing that de Gaulle did — And I guess this goes back to World War II— he sent a French force to Syria in order to keep Syria.
Jeff: Out of the British hands.
Richard: Out the British and British had given orders to shoot and fire on the French army in Syria. De Gaulle backed out from there but they almost went to war over Syria. And of course, the purpose of Britain’s interest was to preserve Palestine. Palestine was under British control.
Jeff: Unbelievable.
Richard: Yeah, truly great man. And now I got to put your Julian Jackson now on my
Jeff: Okay. Oh, yeah. And also Vincent Cronin, if you have not read that, it’s really… And it was Ramin Mazaheri’s book “The Yellow Vest” that got me on to Vincent Cronin. And I’ll send you the French guy. He’s very much an aristocrat, and so he is very snarky. It’s the most famous French-language biography. I can see the guy, the guy’s face, but I can’t… Anyway, but I don’t recommend it because he’s like a Thermador.
He really doesn’t like Napoleon and he uses all the tropes of being a psychopath and a dictator. But Vincent Cronin, God, that book is just unbelievable. And he’s British. He also wrote a book about Louis XIV. So that would also get the destruction of France. I actually should get that book too and read that one too. Well, listen, Richard, this has been unbelievable. Another wonderful discussion and I really appreciate you taking the time. It’s 9 o’clock in the morning here in China, and it must be what?
Richard: Eight at night.
Jeff: The day before. You’re Friday and I’m Saturday morning. So you’re going to go have dinner and I’m going to go have breakfast.
Richard: I’m about to go to bed in our winter wonderland.
Jeff: Well, I’m going to give you a nice Buddhist bow and thank you for being on the show again and I’ll let, you know, when it’s up and running.
Richard: Okay, great. Thank you so much.
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Why and How China works: With a Mirror to Our Own History
JEFF J. BROWN, Editor, China Rising, and Senior Editor & China Correspondent, Dispatch from Beijing, The Greanville Post
Jeff J. Brown is a geopolitical analyst, journalist, lecturer and the author of The China Trilogy. It consists of 44 Days Backpacking in China – The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass (2013); Punto Press released China Rising – Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations (2016); and BIG Red Book on China (2020). As well, he published a textbook, Doctor WriteRead’s Treasure Trove to Great English (2015). Jeff is a Senior Editor & China Correspondent for The Greanville Post, where he keeps a column, Dispatch from Beijing and is a Global Opinion Leader at 21st Century. He also writes a column for The Saker, called the Moscow-Beijing Express. Jeff writes, interviews and podcasts on his own program, China Rising Radio Sinoland, which is also available on YouTube, Stitcher Radio, iTunes, Ivoox and RUvid. Guests have included Ramsey Clark, James Bradley, Moti Nissani, Godfree Roberts, Hiroyuki Hamada, The Saker and many others. [/su_spoiler]
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