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Give it up for Patrice Greanville! He brings you 27 articles, podcasts and videos for your week’s watching, reading and existential knowledge.

China Writers’ Group is your one-stop knowledge shop to understand reality behind the West’s Big Lie Propaganda Machine headlines!   1-Feb  — Joe Biden’s Marxism https://www.greanvillepost.com/2025/02/01/joe-bidens-marxism/ 1-Feb  — Democracy doesn’t exist in the United States: Chris Hedges | UpFront https://www.greanvillepost.com/2025/02/01/democracy-doesnt-exist-in-the-united-states-chris-hedges-upfront/ 1-Feb  — Trump’s billionaires will accelerate American decline. Dr. Richard Wolff explains how. https://www.greanvillepost.com/2025/02/01/trumps-billionaires-will-accelerate-american-decline-dr-richard-wolff-explains-how/ 1-Feb…

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Jeff J. Brown’s Taiwan Province Library. Years of articles, podcasts, interviews and TV shows. 100,000s of visitors are accessing these works. Time to get smart! China Rising Radio Sinoland 250202

TRANSLATION MENU: LOOK UPPER RIGHT BELOW THE SOCIAL MEDIA ICONS. IT OFFERS EVERY LANGUAGE AVAILABLE AROUND THE WORLD! ALSO, SOCIAL MEDIA AND PRINT ICONS ARE AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST! Pictured above: the little green circle on this Taiwan population density map is where we live, Puli Town, in Nantou County, at 530 meters…

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