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Why you should buy this book: “WHEN CHINA SNEEZES-From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis”. Edited by Cynthia McKinney

NOW IN 22 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. CLICK ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER “TRANSLATE” TAB TO FIND YOURS! By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: don’t buy this book because I contributed a chapter. Read it since it is the most comprehensive look at Covid, which is the most defining event in human history, at least since…

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Why Eurangloland has decided to do everything possible to destroy the Chinese people’s way of life – before it is too late – even if it means sacking the rest of the world. China Rising Radio Sinoland 200729

NOW IN 22 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. CLICK ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER “TRANSLATE” TAB TO FIND YOURS! By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: from Confucius to Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping, China’s ancient communist-socialist way of life is antithetical to Western global capitalism’s rape, plunder, occupations and wars.   Become a regular China Rising Radio…

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My next to the last Covid swansong article? Looking back, what I think has happened and what is going on today. China Rising Radio Sinoland 200702

NOW IN 22 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. CLICK ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER “TRANSLATE” TAB TO FIND YOURS! By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: since the 15th century, never has such a vast amount of natural and human resources been out of the control of the West’s deep state global capitalist oligarchy. For them, this is intolerable….

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