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60 Seconds over Sinoland: China’s 360-degree, zoomable, quantum satellite photos will knock the eyes out of your sockets!

By Jeff J. Brown   Pictured above: Shenzhen atop the Ping’an Finance Center, looking towards Hong Kong. Using China’s amazing quantum satellite program, you can zoom in, see people smiling, read car license plates and then move around 360 degrees to explore some more. Amazing…   f you find China Rising Radio Sinoland‘s work useful…

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60 Seconds over Sinoland: quantum satellite camera used to do moveable, panoramic photo of Shanghai.

By Jeff J. Brown Downloadable SoundCloud podcast (also at the bottom of this page), YouTube video, as well as being syndicated on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, RUvid and Ivoox (links below), This photo of Shanghai was taken with China’s quantum satellite camera, atop the Oriental Pearl Tower, boasting 195 billion pixels of space age technology. You…

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