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After cyber-attack re-post: China’s huge, just concluded Two Sessions meeting to plan the country’s progress is explained. Prima facie evidence on why the Chinese people continue to race past the West. China Rising Radio Sinoland 210311

NOW IN 22 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. CLICK ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER “TRANSLATE” TAB TO FIND YOURS! By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, where important meetings are held. Before starting, please support all my hard work, research and presentation via PayPal, FundRazr or Patreon. Right here, it takes…

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Western Big Lie Propaganda’s newest smear against the Chinese people: Handmaid Tale baby factories. China Rising Radio Sinoland 190318

By Jeff J. Brown Women of China! Flee the country or run for the hills NOW to keep from being turning into a Communist Party of China baby factory machine! Baba Beijing is coming to get you, lock you up and control your uterus… gimme a break, puh-LEEZ! Unfortunately, Western propaganda brainwashing works around the…

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