Jeff J. Brown’s new website: China Rising

As a fan of 44 Days, you have probably noticed that this website is slowing falling apart. I have quit investing in it for a reason. The good news is that I have a new website that will replace 44 Days.


Please go to,


It is in the early beta stages, so be patient, as more and more functionality is added to it. I am proud to say it is my new internet home.


I am very proud to also announce that Punto Press is my new publishing company and soon to release my new book, which will be out in early 2016,


China Rising-Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations
The True Face of Asia’s Enigmatic Colossus
Incorporating Jeff J. Brown’s Geopolitical Chronicles


I will soon be posting all my columns and interviews there, as well as regularly updating the photos.
44 Days Radio Sinoland is being renamed China Rising Radio Sinoland and is still available at,


Sound Cloud:
Stitcher Radio:

I am very excited about all these wonderful developments, as I’m sure you are too. 44 Days has had a great run for the last two years. It is time to move on and move up. Thank you for following China Rising and please share.

Happy New Year from Beijing, the belly of the New Century Beast,


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