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My Substack posts from the last few days. Be sure to subscribe (see link at bottom). I do shorter and guest posts there!

China is Bigger, Get Over It. By: Dean Baker @ CEPR https://seektruthfromfacts.org/guess-submissions/china-is-bigger-get-over-it-by-dean-baker-cepr/ Two revealing China-focused guest submissions on Seek Truth From Facts: Zhang Weiwei from the inside and Dean Baker @CEPR from without. https://jeffjbrown.substack.com/p/two-revealing-china-focused-guest Doomed by decoupling. The West falls further behind. By: Godfree Roberts. Member of the China Writers’ Group. https://seektruthfromfacts.org/guess-submissions/doomed-by-decoupling-the-west-falls-further-behind-by-godfree-roberts-member-of-the-china-writers-group/ Servant of the…

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The Greanville Post and China Rising Radio Sinoland are combining forces for greater outreach!

Video message, Audio message, can download at the bottom of this page,   Transcript, Hello, everybody. This is Jeff J. Brown, China Rising Radio Sinoland. Patrice Greanville of the Greanville Post and I are very proud to announce something extremely important. Patrice Greanville, of course, is the Editor-in-Chief of the Greanville Post. I am the…

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