Why did the US and UK exterminate 60,000+ French people during their “liberation”? To colonize France and all its territories, using a puppet fascist government. China Rising Radio Sinoland 240721




Pictured above: William the Conqueror’s home base, the city of Caen, where my family lived and worked for five years, after being “liberated” by Allied bombing in 1944. More than 85% of it was destroyed on purpose, along with 1,500 other French cities and towns. Uncle Slaughter had big plans to turn France into a fascist puppet. Only Charles de Gaulle prevented this from happening.

Sixteen years on the streets, living and working with the people of China, Jeff








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Referenced articles about the D-Day invasion

Dirty, dark secrets of D-Day France, 6 June 1944, with crucial background in World War II China and Japan. China Rising Radio Sinoland 240606

Les secrets sales et sombres du Jour J en France, le 6 juin 1944, avec des antécédents cruciaux de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale en Chine et au Japon. China Rising Radio Sinoland 240606

English / 中文 : Dirty, dark secrets of D-Day France, 6 June 1944 / 法国D日肮脏和黑暗的秘密,发生在1944年6月6日



This is Jeff J. Brown China Rising Radio Sinoland Seek Truth From Facts Foundation, the China Writers Group, and the Bioweapon Truth Commission. I have covered in spades the Anglo-Saxon Allied invasion of France on June 6th, 1944, popularly known as D-Day. I will leave the links. The article is in English, French, and Chinese. I consider that important that I had it translated into other languages. And it was definitely genocide.

I will get into this in just a few minutes. I had heard about AMGOT (American Military Government in Overseas Territories) and I knew that the United States established an American military government in Japan, in the Philippines. And I knew that they were planning it in France. And I thought that that was something that was done after the invasion, after the arrival of the American troops.

However, I just ran across this article here. I ran out of white paper, so I found some stationery paper to print out from Le Monde Diplomatique. Of course, Le Monde is the leading left newspaper in France, and one of them, Le Figaro, of course, is on the right. And it’s by Annie La Croix. She actually wrote a book about the relations between the United States and France from 1944 to 1948. And she’s a professor of contemporary history at Paris so she obviously knows her stuff.

She’s been studying the French American relations during the war period extensively. And she wrote an article that is entitled “When the US Wanted to Take Over France”. Now let’s flashback to before D-Day, of course, the Germans annexed part of France in 1940, and then they invaded France and I think it was 1940 right after that, in fact. And they got the northern part and the western part of France, including, of course, Paris. And the part that they did not get was called Free France.

And that was essentially the south-central part of France. And then even Mussolini got the southeastern part of France occupied. And a government was established in Vichy that was the fascist government that worked with the Nazis in Germany for the occupied territories. Free France was of course represented by General Charles de Gaulle who was a nationalist and a patriot and was against the Vichy government. So I’m just going to read a few passages from this article, and then I’ll just tell you what’s going on.

Miss La Croix wrote, In 1941 and 42, the United States intended that France together with soon-to-be-defeated Italy, Germany, and Japan, was to be part of a protectorate (a colony) run by the Allied Military Government of the Occupied Territories, also abbreviated AMGOT. According to the agreement of November 1942, now remember, this was a year and a half before the invasion, a year and a half before they were planning this.

Between Admiral Jean-Francois Darlan on the French side and US General Mark Clark, of course, on the Allied side, which secured France’s commitment to the Allied cause, AMGOT would have abolished its national sovereignty, including its right to issue currency. Some historians believe this plan stemmed from President Franklin Roosevelt’s antipathy towards Charles de Gaulle. Roosevelt saw him as a dictator in training and sought to prevent him from ruling postpartum.

Marshal Philippe Petain led the pro-Nazi government of unoccupied France at Vichy, from 1940 to 1944. The argument that that Roosevelt intended to establish universal democracy is compelling, but wrong. So she’s suggesting that the high ideals of Roosevelt were not completely 100% clean as far as spreading universal democracy around the world, the United States wanted to colonize France. I continued.

The US was concerned that France, although weakened by its 1940 defeat might reject the plan to be colonized by the United States, especially if its presidency went to de Gaulle, who had vowed to restore French sovereignty. It feared France might use its nuisance capacity. In other words, standing up for your country and your people and your nation to be independent and free of Anglo-Saxon tyranny as it had when it had opposed pro-German US policies after the First World War.

Of course, everybody if you don’t know, of course, World War One was completely mapped out by Britain and they enlisted France and Russia up until the Russian Revolution in 1917 to destroy Germany and they did. But then after that, they still wanted Russia. They didn’t get Russia’s resources because of the Russian Revolution. And so then they planned out World War Two by plucking Hitler out of obscurity, just like Obama and Macron, out of obscurity and sculpting a Pygmalion leader to do the dirty deeds of the Deep State, the City of London, Wall Street.

So obviously the United States and England were very pro-Hitler since they created him and cultivated him because they wanted him to take over Russia and get all the resources that they wanted before World War One. Here we go. It feared France might use its nuisance capacity as it had when it opposed pro-German US policies after the First World War. France would not have wanted to relinquish its empire. Of course, Africa mainly, but also Southeast Asia. Rich in raw materials and strategic bases.

The US had long called for an open-door policy for goods and investments in all colonial empires. Obviously, America only had the Philippines, Cuba, Guam, and Puerto Rico and it was obviously France and England that had the vast global empires that the US wanted to also profit from. The US relied on twin strategies, ignoring de Gaulle and dealing with Petain the fascist leader for Hitler. With Petain’s regime, with a combination of accommodation and toughness, it realized that Vichy like the Latin American regimes, in other words, all the fascist dictatorships in Latin America that the United States controlled, like the Latin American regimes dear to its heart was more malleable than a government with broad popular support. In other words, the United States did not want a democratic France that would be against America colonizing France. They wanted a fascist government in France along with Spain and Portugal right next door which were already fascist.

So they could control France and get their hands on France’s incredible natural and human resources in its colonial empire around the world. The US plan for a Vichy-sans-Vichy, in other words, fascist without the Vichy government took shape. French elites supported the idea. They clung to the Vichy regime, which had restored privileges taken away by the pre-war republican government, and were eager to make a painless transition from German rule to the Pax Americana.

In other words, the rich and the elites, the bourgeois and France were happy to live under a fascist regime controlled by the United States so that they would have all of their perks and privileges of aristocracy and wealth. Moving on here next, General Clark had Darlan sign an agreement on 22nd November 1942, placing North Africa at the disposal of the United States and making France a “Vassal” state subject to “Capitulations”. In other words, capitulations mean you pull your pants down and get it in the backside by Uncle Slaughter and you become a puppet for Washington.

The US assumed unprecedented rights over French territorial extensions in Africa, including overseeing troop movements, ports, airfields, military defenses and munitions, communications, networks, and the merchant navy. Not much left, the agreement also provided for US requisition of goods and services like tax exemptions, and extraterritorial rights which means, of course, the Americans in colonized France could rape a French girl or you murder a French guy and you would not be tried in court just like in Hong Kong and all the other colonies around the world. And US-determined military zones.

So the United States would determine the military zones and occupy and colonize France. Joint commissions would be responsible for law and order, current administration, censorship, and economic policy. This is actually very similar to the agreements that they were forced into what the Chinese called unequal treaties or unfair treaties that the Japanese forced the Chinese to sign after 1937 when they moved down into the rest of China and even before when they occupied the northeast of Manchuria and turned the same similar terms, the Chinese were there and the administrative capacity, but the Japanese were making all the decisions.

Laval had sealed his fate by hoping for “A German Victory”, assisted by his son-in-law, etc. Darlan, right after was one month later was assassinated by an anti-Vichy fight with Gaullist connections. In other words, Charles de Gaulle’s freedom fighters killed Darlan on 24th December 1942, just 22 days after he signed. He signed away his people. He signed away his nation. He signed away his sovereignty. He signed away the freedom of the French people. Continuing on, I’m skipping through, of course. I’m just doing some highlights.

The US depicted de Gaulle as a right-wing dictator and a puppet of French communists in the USSR. This is hysterical because de Gaulle was actually very anti-communist. But they paint anything to tar your enemy. He was a very conservative Catholic and was definitely not pro-communist. In fact, he very deftly neutered the Communist Party after the war. The US depicted de Gaulle as a right-wing dictator and a puppet of French communists in the USSR. How can you be a right-wing dictator and a communist pawn? You tell me that.

But it had to abandon plans to impose the dollar in liberated territories. On 23rd October 1944, that would have been June, July, August, September, and October about four and a half months after the invasion, the Allies officially recognized de Gaulle as head of the French government. The USSR had recognized France’s true government, in other words, de Gaulle’s government two and a half years before. So the Soviets were way ahead of the rest of the world in recognizing de Gaulle as the legitimate leader of the French people.

On 10th December 1944, France signed a treaty of alliance and mutual security with Moscow to offset US power. De Gaulle described it in glowing terms. Excluded from Yalta, of course, the French, just like the Chinese, were completely excluded from Yalta. The Yalta Conference in 1945, in other words, when Stalin Roosevelt and Churchill carved up the postwar world, and dependent on the US.

So France was excluded from the Yalta Conference in 1945 as was China and dependent on the US, France became a key part of the US sphere of influence, but only vigorous resistance, internal and external, had saved it from becoming a US protectorate. And who else? And who was that? That was Charles de Gaulle. Without Charles de Gaulle, France today would be like a big Greece or a big Portugal completely subjugated by the City of London and Wall Street.

In fact, in 1964, when de Gaulle was president, he recognized the People’s Republic of China. France was the first major power after the war to recognize China and be recognized back so they had mutual diplomatic recognition long before Nixon did in 1972. And then in 1966, de Gaulle kicked NATO out of France. I mean, he literally gave them one week to get out of France. And so they scuttle butted to Brussels. And that’s why NATO is in Brussels today.

And kept France out of the NATO sphere of influence until the CIA, Nicolas Sarkozy, the president from 2007 to 2012, let the CIA into their white House, called the allies, and put NATO back in control of the French military. Since then, since 2007, along with the Lisbon Treaty of 2009, which is an Anglo-Saxon City of London Wall Street Trojan horse for austerity and to privatize everything, France and Europe have been going to hell. It’s really interesting. De Gaulle hated the Anglo-Saxons. He hated the English. He hated the Americans. He hated their leaders. And for very good reasons because they lied to him. They backstabbed him. They tried to kill him. De Gaulle had

22 assassination attempts and many of those were perpetrated by the CIA, MI6, and Britain. And he knew who the enemy was. He knew that the Americans and the British were a bunch of lying, thieving, stealing, greedy, hegemonic bastards. And in fact, his staff would constantly remind him during the war that the enemy is Germany, the enemy is Germany, because he was so concerned about the United States and Britain trying to fuck over France and the French people, which they were.

And he could see what others did not want to see in this article, the fact that they were planning this 18 months, well, we can even go back to two years before the invasion will tell you everything you need to know about America’s intentions and how unknowable the invasion actually was. And this, of course, helps explain why they bombed France, Italy, and Germany into oblivion during the invasion and that’s what I report on. And I’m going to have to up the number from 50,000 to 60,000 to 75,000 because I’ve done more research. I started looking into other articles when I read this.

In fact, the consensus is, is that the Americans and the British exterminated 60,000 to 75,000 French people right in the months after June 6th, 1944, bombing 1500 cities, destroying hundreds of thousands of homes, and putting almost a million French out, making them homeless. So it was obviously to soften up and destroy France to prepare it for America’s occupation and colonization of France and to get their hands on all of France’s vast colonial countries in Africa and eventually Southeast Asia.

Extremely fascinating. And I will post all of this just to let you know that sometimes what we see is not always what is the truth. And I knew the invasion was a complete and total plan to subjugate France, Italy, and Germany, the heart of European industry and agriculture. But I didn’t realize that it was to the point where they were going to actually colonize and that they had planned it so far in advance that that was obviously the main intention of the invasion was not to liberate.

It was not to take it to the Germans because it was the Russians who were grinding Nazis into dog food on the Eastern Front and losing 25 to 35 million people doing it. It was Mao Zedong and the Chinese people who also lost another 35 million in Asia, grinding the Japanese into dog food and the fascist US supported Chiang Kai Shek KMT. So history is written by the victors. And clearly, the United States and England have written the history of what happened during the Allied invasion. But this article here puts in perspective what really happened. This is Jeff J. Brown signing now. Have a wonderful day.


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44 Days Backpacking in China: The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass


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Why and How China works: With a Mirror to Our Own History



JEFF J. BROWN, Editor, China Rising, and Senior Editor & China Correspondent, Dispatch from Beijing, The Greanville Post

Jeff J. Brown is a geopolitical analyst, journalist, lecturer and the author of The China Trilogy. It consists of 44 Days Backpacking in China – The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass (2013); Punto Press released China Rising – Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations (2016); and BIG Red Book on China (2020). As well, he published a textbook, Doctor WriteRead’s Treasure Trove to Great English (2015). Jeff is a Senior Editor & China Correspondent for The Greanville Post, where he keeps a column, Dispatch from Beijing and is a Global Opinion Leader at 21st Century. He also writes a column for The Saker, called the Moscow-Beijing Express. Jeff writes, interviews and podcasts on his own program, China Rising Radio Sinoland, which is also available on YouTubeStitcher Radio, iTunes, Ivoox and RUvid. Guests have included Ramsey Clark, James Bradley, Moti Nissani, Godfree Roberts, Hiroyuki Hamada, The Saker and many others. [/su_spoiler]

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