Philippines: torment for suffering citizens, thanks to bribed and blackmailed slave politicians owned by Uncle Slaughter. How they miss Rodrigo Duterte, the only pro-people president since “independence” in 1946. China Rising Radio Sinoland 240421


Pictured above: US President William McKinley (1897-1901) keeping the Filipino niggers down, as Europe looks on enviously. Since nominal independence, 10 elite, billionaire families, descendants of Spanish colonialists, are keeping the people militarily occupied, poor and oppressed, which is exactly the way Uncle Slaughter likes its vassal states.

Sixteen years on the streets, living and working with the people of China, Jeff            

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Jeff J. Brown: Hello everybody. This is Jeff J. Brown China Rising Radio Sinoland and founder of Seek Truth from Facts Foundation. Today’s article and podcast is entitled “Philippines Torment for Suffering Citizens, Thanks to Bribed and Blackmailed Slave Politicians Owned by Uncle Slaughter. How they miss Rodrigo Duterte, the only Pro-People president since “independence” in 1946. And then if you get to the article page, I have a historic political cartoon from the late 1890s.

Pictured above, is US President William McKinley, president from 1897 to 1901 keeping the Filipino niggers down as Europe looks on enviously. Since nominal independence, ten elite billionaire families, descendants of Spanish colonialists, are keeping the people militarily occupied, poor, and oppressed, which is exactly the way Uncle Slaughter likes its vassal states. Then I have another picture below another historical picture from the early 1900s. Pictured above, another day in Empire, another trophy shot of all the dark-skinned natives slaughtered.

US soldiers are proudly showing off the hundreds of Filipinos massacred in Bud Dajo on March 7th, 1906. To bring the people of the Philippines to their knees, Uncle Sam exterminated over 1 million locals via massacres, forced famines, and the genocidal destruction of villages, towns, dams, irrigation systems, and crops. Populous Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte had the courage to hold this photo up at a big 2016 ASEAN summit while presenting at the podium.

In his last State of the Nation Address, Duterte demanded that the United States return church bells that were stolen after the 1901 Balangiga genocide where Americans slaughtered 50,000 locals over the age of ten. Shamed into doing so, the bells were finally returned in 2018. Imperial client state leaders are supposed to know their place as racial inferiors. Talk about speaking truth to naked power. For the Philippines, I’d like to get back to the beginning of its downfall, and that would be in the late 1500s when Spain invaded and colonized it.

As in other countries around Latin America where the Spanish and Portuguese went around the world elite aristocratic Castilian Spanish families moved to the Philippines and turned it into a private plantation with the dispossessed citizens of the Philippines working and living as feudal slaves. In Spanish, they’re called latifundios. And over the centuries, ten Castilian Spanish families took over the island. Of course, over the centuries, they intermarried with local elites. So today they have Spanish-sounding names like Marcos, but they look Filipino because of all the intermarriage.

The Spanish were no better than any other colonialist. The Filipinos were tough people. There were uprisings and rebellions against Spain’s occupation of the island. And that’s where at least in modern times, the first concentration camp started. The Spanish invented the idea of putting undesirables into concentration camps, starving them to death, and working them to death. That went on until 1896, almost 300 years later and the Filipinos really got serious about an uprising, and they called it the Philippine Revolution.

In 1898, in the interim, the United States was just dying to become an empire, or at least some elements of the society were. Joseph Pulitzer, the famous Pulitzer Prize like some great, great journalist. He was just a yellow rag a sensationalist journalist, but his newspaper and a senator named Hood in the US Senate were really, really pushing for the United States to go to war. They had a hard-on for a war. They wanted the United States to become an empire like Britain. They were green with envy that the United States along with France, Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands, those countries pretty much had the entire world sewed up except for Russia.

So actually in 1898, there were uprisings in Cuba. The United States sent a ship called the USS Maine down to Cuba. It’s too good to be true, but there was an explosion on the ship. That was the cause belli for the United States to go to war against Spain. Of course, if you believe that that was not a false flag, well, then okay. But it was obviously a set-up deal. To arouse the Americans to go to war against Spain because at least a significant portion of the Americans had always been isolationists and had no interest in going to war.

But that false flag pushed the United States into a Spanish-American War in 1890. It only lasted for a few months. Spain was at the end of its tether. It had been an empire since well, the Jewish Italian pirate called Columbus went to the Caribbean on his first voyage, thinking he was in China. He was such a good sailor. He thought he was in China. But Queen Isabella of Spain financed his trip. So, they got the booty, and from that point on Spain raped and plundered and killed tens and tens and tens of millions of natives all across the Americas.

So, they were worn out. It was an easy war for the United States. As a result, the United States got from Spain, Cuba, and Puerto Rico, those were, of course, in the Caribbean, and in the Pacific, the United States got Guam, which is now a military base for the United States. And they got the Philippines. When the United States got there during the fight, the Americans went to the Philippines to fight the Spanish there for the few months that the war lasted. And they promised the Filipinos, they said, “If you will help us defeat the evil colonial Spanish, we will give you independence”.

Yeah, sure. So as soon as the ink dried on the treaty, the Americans just took over from the Spanish and began exploiting and raping and plundering and pillaging the Filipinos. And they rose up against the Americans. And there was a civil war, well, a war of independence to try to for the Filipinos from 1899 to 1902. And it was during that time that the United States killed a million Filipinos through mass genocide at every level as I pointed out in the citation for the photo above. And then at that time in 1897, the Philippines had a population of 5.6 million. So, the Americans wiped out a million.

That’s getting close to 20% of the population. The Americans, of course eventually starve them and burn them out of their villages and starve them to death. And so, the Americans took over. It was a brutal American colony from 1902 until 1946. At that point, the World War II was over. And America was trying to show its good colors in the developing world and couldn’t have a colony. And so, in 1946 nominally gave the Philippines independence. And it’s really funny. I mean, it was such an American lapdog that the Philippines celebrated their independence.

So-called Independence Day on July 4th, the same date as the United States. And that went on until about in the 1970s, I think when the Philippines finally changed it to some significant date in their history. And I always send Happy Independence Day messages to my Filipino friends when it rolls around. In 1946 from that point on the United States put into power Ferdinand Marcos and, of course, his infamous wife, Imelda. He was anti-communist. That’s all that mattered. And to be an American whore, all you have to do is be against communism.

And you can rape, plunder, kill, massacre, starve, and genocide as many people in your country as you want. You can also just be as corrupt as hell, it doesn’t matter. But as long as you’re an anti-communist, that’s all that matters. And that’s the way it was for Marcos. He was known as Mr. 10%. Everything of any value in the Philippines had to go through him and he pocketed 10% of everything.

That went on until about 1986 and the country was in such a mess because of him and all of his family and his cronies and all of the corrupt politicians and the so-called Senate and House of Representatives and all the local politicians who were corrupt and part of the Marcos gang. The country was really falling apart. So, he left and flew to Hawaii in 1986 with several hundred million dollars in gold and money, just cash on pallets gold money jewelry totaling several hundred million dollars, and lived out the rest of his life in Hawaii. I think it was maybe 3 or 4 years. But since he left in 1986, the same Castilian family lines have run the country.

And so, there’s the same corruption, the same misery for the people. It’s just a different name. This went on until 2016 when Rodrigo Duterte was elected president. At that time, we were actually my wife and I were in Mindanao his home area. He was governor of Mindanao before he became president or maybe mayor of Davao, the capital of Mindanao. So he was already in politics, and he was a bit like Donald Trump. He wasn’t supposed to get elected. He’s a populist. And other than the fact that he’s against communism, he’s actually really pretty much a socialist. But he was a maverick.

He wasn’t supposed to get elected. And like Trump was in 2020 or in 2014. Excuse me. And so, he shocked the world. The first thing he announced was, is that to support the people, he had to get rid of the corruption, and the corruption was based on drugs. And of course, when you’re talking about drugs, the CIA, which runs all the cocaine and heroin trade around the world, and the United States military, which transports the drugs on military planes so that they’re not inspected. And so, the US Army, which runs the Filipino army, and the CIA were basically in control of the country.

He gave, I think, it was a grace period of one month or something like that, for everybody in the drug trade to get out of it. And he said after that one-month grace period, if we catch you, we kill you. And that was very sensational for all the fake plastic liberal Westerners who were shocked that he was the government was killing drug dealers and drug distributors and stuff. But he really had no choice because it was just street dealers. The police were corrupt. The local politicians were corrupted by drugs. The representatives and Congress were corrupt.

The Philippine Army was corrupt. When he got there, his entire administration had been corrupted by it. No one knows how many people he killed. Estimates his government estimates are from 2000 to 7000 but he cleaned up the country and those that were rich enough to get out just left the country. And I remember when we were there in 2016 before he got going, Filipinos told us they were afraid to go out at night. In fact, they even told us, to stay close to our hotel. Don’t go out at night.

It’s dangerous even go to a park, a public park, or go on a hike or something in the mountains even during daylight. And the weekend was dangerous because there were so many gangs and it was a scary place to live. And after 2 or 3 years, the place was completely safe. We talked to friends who were there after that. And they said after that the streets were busy at night. You could go take walks in the mountains and not worry about getting raped or killed or beaten or stabbed or whatever.

And I mean that much I knew. But what I didn’t know was all the other stuff that he did. And I will include this in the written article. And this is not some Duterte propaganda. This is actually from Gulf News from the Middle East. So, they don’t have any reason to support Duterte. But here’s his report card. And I’m not going to read all of these. But just look at what he did in six years from 2016 to 2022. They rescued 4110 children during anti-drug operations, and 1.2 million people involved in illegal drugs. They surrendered because they didn’t want to get killed.

24,253 villages were cleared of drugs. And then 124 military projects were completed. All this in six years. 289 hectares of land was distributed from apparently corrupt officials and corrupt business people and it was distributed to poor Filipinos to farm and live in. 451 seaport projects completed. 2 million individuals assisted through the Malasakit centers. This is like a center where a poor Filipino can go if he has a problem with health, lodging, work, etc. 214 airport projects completed. 29,264 kilometers of road. 1.623 million students are given free tuition.

64% drop in crime. 5950 bridges completed in six years. And then this one, the 9/11, 9/11 national emergency number installed. Who owned the phone companies in the Philippines? The ten lineal Spanish families owned the country and owned most of the big businesses. They didn’t want to do 9/11 because if the people can dial 9/11, we have to change our software and we have to spend more money and we don’t want that. And so for years and years and years, the Filipinos were asking for 9/11. Duterte forced them to do it.

937,040 farmers who benefited from the Free Irrigation Act. And then 150,149 classrooms were completed for a total of 6 million. 109 million Filipinos got universal health care. That’s why the entire population. The United States doesn’t have universal health care. But thanks to Rodrigo Duterte, the Filipinos do. Not only that, but the metro from Manila, the capital through the island of Luzon who was doing all of this building? The Chinese. The Chinese were doing all of this building. Because Duterte had the courage because he knew the Americans.

They don’t do a damn thing except occupy the country and rob it and steal from it and just rip it off. And so, and bring in drugs and everything else. So, he kept his distance from the United States and his first foreign visit after he got elected was to Beijing to meet XI Jinping. And this is a country that is basically an occupied backyard of the vassal lapdog of the United States since 1902. So, he went to Beijing, met XI Jinping, and said, we need your help. We are an agricultural country. We need you to buy our agricultural products, and we need you to help us build our infrastructure.

And that’s exactly what China did. She went to the National People’s Congress and said, listen, let’s get these laws passed. And all of a sudden, billions of dollars worth of goods were moving from the Philippines into China, and billions of dollars of investment from China were moving into the Philippines. In six years, the lives of the Filipinos increased, and the quality of their lives increased dramatically. He even had the courage. There was this, I think every five years, a military agreement that would allow the United States to continue occupying the Philippines with X number of bases.

He actually, I think in 20 or 21, he had to leave in 2022. He actually refused to renew it. And I’m surprised they didn’t assassinate him. I think there maybe was one assassination attempt known. And he actually kept the US Army at bay. I remember he bought a small firearm from China, like the equivalent of an AK 47 from China instead of from the United States. And you can imagine that the people love him. They absolutely love him. The only problem is, is that according to the Philippine Constitution, which the United States wrote, he can only be president for one term, one six-year term.

He could not run again. And so, after he was forced to leave the office, the next president and the current president is Bongbong Marcos Jr. Does that ring a bell, Marcos? And so, it’s Ferdinand Marcos’s son. And I saw on Twitter a picture of him as a young man standing in front of one of his mother’s Rolls-Royces. And since he has been in office, the country has just gone to hell again. Inflation, the economy is cratering because he is a lackey, a bootlicking lackey for the Americans. He says and does whatever the Americans tell him to say and do.

And so, the country now canceled all the infrastructure projects with the Chinese. The Americans are going to come in and do it. The Americans haven’t done any infrastructure since the 1960s. They just don’t do it. And Duterte bragged a lot about private public cooperation with the Philippine government money to build roads and bridges and ports and all that, airports, etc. But the private money was coming from China. The ten elite families in the Philippines are not going to invest a nickel in infrastructure, because infrastructure is too slow of a return and a single digit at best.

And billionaires don’t accept single-digit returns. They want double-triple-digit returns. And that’s what happened. Since then, there’s been a lot of protests against Marcos. The Filipinos are miserable. They’re back to where they were before he was in office. And so, what I have done. Oh, and also another thing about Duterte was the Spratly Islands. The Philippines have claimed the Spratly Islands since China was liberated by the communists in 1949. And it’s really interesting. I saw a little clip. I think it was on TikTok.

I am so sorry I didn’t save it, but it was an English historian and he talked in that little clip that was maybe 2 or 3 minutes long that he quoted an American official back in the 1950s who said, we know that the Philippines have no claim to the Spratly Islands. The treaty that the United States signed with Spain when after the Spanish-American War, specifically stated that the Spratly did not belong to the Philippines. And then he also mentioned that the French, which of course, have had a huge presence in Southeast Asia, Indochina said they had a dossier from they studied the situation from 1974 to 1979.

PS note: found the researcher!

And the Philippines has no legitimate claim to the Spratly. But the United States, of course, you know the official in the 1950s, we want to push the Filipinos to go after the Spratly to piss off China and frustrate China. Even though America knew it was bogus. And so the Filipinos a few years ago took an old Filipino warship and scuttled it on one of the Spratly Islands. And they put people on it to claim that island. And during his meeting with Xi Jinping, they agreed to just stop all the tension. Both countries would be able to fish in the waters of the Spratly and the Philippines would no longer push to do stuff to piss off the Chinese.

The Chinese would quit doing stuff to piss off the Filipinos. They even started discussing oil exploration together, the way the Chinese like to do it win-win. And now with Bongbong Marcos Jr., it’s the same stuff that was going on sending out people to the Spratley, running boats into the Spratley to piss off the Chinese, etc… And of course, this is the Americans doing it. So, whatever Uncle Slaughter says, Bongbong Ferdinand Marcos Jr. does. What I have done is in my article page, I have put in several references for your reading. And actually, one of them is a video. And I will just go through them quickly. I highly recommend you take a look at them.

Of course, it has the two pictures. And then there’s actually a picture of Rodrigo Duterte showing images of the Bud Dajo massacre, which really upset a lot of Westerners. And then I have an article that I wrote back in 2017, a year after he became president, that is very, very informative, that you can read. And then I have this report card. I have it here so you can see it in detail. I have that here. It’s very long. Then I have an article from the South China Morning Post between Marcos Jr. and the US, it’s the family ties that bind and it just my title is Marcos Family Past and Present or Grifting gangsters and they are.

It points out in the article that Marcos Jr. Bongbong is beholden to the Americans because his father took hundreds of millions of dollars to Hawaii in 1986. But there are still 10 billion that they supposedly can’t find. Well, guess who knows where that 10 billion is? The Americans know and Marcos Jr. knows. So, they’ve got him over a barrel. If he does anything that the United States doesn’t like, they can expose him and ruin him and expose where that money is. So that’s a very good article by Alex Lowe, who’s a really good writer at this South China Morning Post.

Then number three is really good it’s only 13 minutes. It’s a video of Duterte talking about what’s going on. And he says in there the lady asked, well, when will things get better in the Philippines? And he says, well until there’s a change in the government, he said because the current president does exactly what the Americans say. And so that and one of his great lines is, is that as the United States is pushing the Philippines into war with China, his line, “The US will not die for us”, and that’s for sure. Just like they’re not dying for the Ukrainians in Ukraine.

And then the next article is “Unrealistic for the Philippines to encourage Chinese investment while provoking China, hyping the China threat with the US and Japan”. And unfortunately, that’s what’s happened is now that he canceled the BRI (the Belt and Road Initiative). He’s expanding military bases across the Philippines for Uncle Slaughter. And yet he expects the Chinese to keep investing in the Philippines. Well, they’re not, because they know that they could be taken away from them at any moment because they have no faith in Bongbong Marcos Jr.

So that’s why the economy is doing so terribly because the Americans don’t invest in the economy. They just steal and occupy and bring in drugs. And so, the country is not doing well economically, and the Chinese are not going to come back until something changes. And then there is a Quora discussion thanks to Metallic Man, a China writer’s group member sending this and asking Filipinos what was going on. And most of us, these are just quotes from Filipino citizens. Most of us hate him and we want him removed that’s Bongbong Marcos Jr as soon as possible.

There are large rallies and press conferences from the leaders of the regions of Bisaya Visayas and Mindanao condemning Marcos for his foreign policies, drug use, corruption, and poor handling of key domestic issues, namely the economy and safety. Again, the drugs are back and so the safety is just as dangerous as it used to be. They are demanding peaceful cooperation with China and rejection of American war-mongering, including the demand for the immediate removal of American bases in our country, urging the military to remove Marcos from power and replace him with Vice President, Sara Duterte.

That’s quite interesting. Bongbong knew how popular Duterte was and so, he brought in his daughter to be vice president. But she’s pretty toothless as a vice president. But then criticize Marcos’s handling of the economy and safety, and expose Marcos’s alleged cocaine use. That wouldn’t surprise me. Of course, Zelensky is a cokehead. And the Ukraine, everybody knows that Zelensky is a massive cocaine addict. And that’s what the Western empire does. They will compromise a leader, either with pedophilia, child pornography, or drugs and then they can blackmail them into doing whatever they want.

Expose Marcos’s corruption and theft of public funds, and reject the changing of the Constitution by Marcos and his allies. So, I really feel sorry for the Filipinos. My wife and I became good friends with a number of them. We were teaching in China from 2010 until 2017. They’re in a lot of international schools around the world because they’re very talented and they’re very professional. And so, we had a number of our colleagues who were Filipinos. And they’re just lovely people. And they do not deserve what’s happening to their country.

But this is an unfortunate example of what the people, the 99% pay the horrible price they pay when you are a US prostituted vassal and which is not the way the Chinese do business, which is why the BRI and wherever where China goes in Africa and South America and Asia, the countries and the people love to work with the Chinese because they actually invest and they don’t overthrow governments and put in corrupt stooges and they don’t occupy the country militarily. So, I wish my Filipino friends the best and hopefully Rodrigo Duterte, he’s too old to run again even if there’s a space if he could come back again after not running consecutively maybe his daughter you know, might try to run next time but it will be interesting to see what happens. This is Jeff J. Brown China Rising Radio Sinoland and founder of the Seek Truth from Facts Foundation. Signing out. Bye-bye.


Pictured above: another day in empire, another trophy shot of all the dark-skinned natives slaughtered. US soldiers are proudly showing off the hundreds of Filipinos massacred in Bud Dajo, on March 7th, 1906. To bring the people of the Philippines to their knees, Uncle Sam exterminated over 1,000,000 locals, via massacres, forced famines, and the genocidal destruction of villages, towns, dams, irrigation systems and crops ( Populist Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte had the courage to hold this photo up at the big 2016 ASEAN summit, while presenting at the podium. In his last State of the Nation Address, Duterte demanded that the United States return church bells that were stolen, after the 1901 Balangiga genocide, where Americans slaughtered 50,000 locals over the age of ten. Shamed into doing so, the bells were finally returned in 2018. Imperial client state leaders are supposed to know their place as racial inferiors. Talk about speaking truth to naked power. ( and

President Rodrigo Duterte shows images of the Bud Dajo massacre during his speech at the 2016 Metrobank Foundation’s Outstanding Filipinos awarding ceremony in Malacañan’s Rizal Hall on September 12. REY BANIQUET/PPD

My post Duterte-election article is essential background,

1.President Duterte’s remarkable achievements for the good of the people

2. Marcos family past and present are grifting gangsters

Between Marcos Jnr and the US, it is the family ties that bind

  • The political dynasty and Washington go way back and the breach of an undisclosed deal with Beijing explains a lot about the Spratlys stand-off

3. GT exclusive: Former Philippine president Duterte warns Manila to turn back from detrimental path, resolve disputes through dialogue

‘US will not die for us’

4. Unrealistic for Philippines to encourage Chinese investment while provoke China, hype China threat with US, Japan: experts

5. Quora (thanks to China Writers’ Group member Metallicman ( for sending this)

Asking of Filipinos currently in The Philippines: what is your opinion of Bongbong Marcos? What are your thoughts, and the general feeling “on the street” of his closeness to the United States, and his feelings towards China.

Sawaga Bisayawa

Lives in The Philippines (2022–present)

I can only speak for the Bisaya people, who form the majority ethnic group in the Visayas and Mindanao regions.

Most of us hate him, and we want him removed as soon as possible.

SWS: Satisfaction with President Marcos lowest in Mindanao

There are large rallies and press conferences from the leaders of the Bisaya regions of Visayas and Mindanao, condemning Marcos for his foreign policies, drug use, corruption and poor handling of key domestic issues, namely the economy and safety.

A large rally against Marcos just happened last night in Tagum City, Mindanao, attended by more than 10,000 people.

The theme of these rallies are the same.

  1. Promoting peaceful cooperation with China and the rejection of American warmongering, including the demand for the immediate removal of American bases in our country.
  2. Urging the military to remove Marcos from power, and replace him with the vice president Sara Duterte.
  3. Criticize Marcos’ handling of the economy and safety.
  4. Expose Marcos’ alleged cocaine use.
  5. Expose Marcos’ corruption and theft of public funds.
  6. Reject the changing of the constitution by Marcos and his allies.

Marcos’ trust rating is currently at a low 33% according to the latest Publicus Asia survey.

From the same survey, distrust for Marcos is highest in the Visayas and Mindanao regions at 34% where the Bisaya people form the majority ethnolinguistic group.

Below, we see approval ratings of the previous Aquino and Duterte administrations compared to the current Marcos administration from Pulse Asia.

As you can see, Marcos’ popularity has dipped heavily (red) even after only being two years into office, while the previous Duterte administration (green) enjoyed a relatively high approval rating during the 7th quarter of his term (2nd year in office).

Source for graph: @IanIsland3 on X.

Marcos’ unpopularity is in sharp contrast to the still very popular Rodrigo Duterte, who is labeled as “pro-China” and authoritarian by his critics, both locally (neoliberals and communists terrorists) and abroad (mostly neoliberal and liberal Westoids).

Duterte remains to be the most popular president in Philippine history.

The biggest concern for Filipinos is the economy, while the dispute with China is at last place at only 9%.


Inflation remains Filipinos’ biggest worry: survey


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JEFF J. BROWN, Editor, China Rising, and Senior Editor & China Correspondent, Dispatch from Beijing, The Greanville Post

Jeff J. Brown is a geopolitical analyst, journalist, lecturer and the author of The China Trilogy. It consists of 44 Days Backpacking in China – The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass (2013); Punto Press released China Rising – Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations (2016); and BIG Red Book on China (2020). As well, he published a textbook, Doctor WriteRead’s Treasure Trove to Great English (2015). Jeff is a Senior Editor & China Correspondent for The Greanville Post, where he keeps a column, Dispatch from Beijing and is a Global Opinion Leader at 21st Century. He also writes a column for The Saker, called the Moscow-Beijing Express. Jeff writes, interviews and podcasts on his own program, China Rising Radio Sinoland, which is also available on YouTubeStitcher Radio, iTunes, Ivoox and RUvid. Guests have included Ramsey Clark, James Bradley, Moti Nissani, Godfree Roberts, Hiroyuki Hamada, The Saker and many others. [/su_spoiler]

Jeff can be reached at China Rising, je**@br***********.com , Facebook, Twitter, Wechat (+86-19806711824/Mr_Professor_Brown, and Line/Signal/Telegram/Whatsapp: +33-612458821.

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