Vaccine hunt, injure and kill season is upon us. How do I know? The government has sent out 50 million letters in France to browbeat us to get jabbed. China Rising Radio Sinoland 241006




Pictured above: DON’T DO IT! Alexis Lorenze was forced to get the flu jab and two other vaccines before they would treat her. This was her reaction to the poison shots. She’s going to live, but will be scarred for life. The only reason we know about it is because she had her mobile phone and got it out on TikTok. Otherwise, all the vaccine damage and death are willfully censored and suppressed by doctors, hospitals and Big Pharma/medical companies. Vaccines spin trillions in money for all of them and that profit stream can’t be threatened. Same for the flu shot giving me Guillain-Barré syndrome. They will deny, deny, DENY!

Sixteen years on the streets, living and working with the people of China, Jeff








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I suffer terribly 24/7 because of a flu vaccine I got in 2010. It took me 14 years to learn the name. I have Guillain-Barré syndrome and it is daily hell. China Rising Radio Sinoland 240923


Today’s podcast article is entitled “Vaccine Hunt And Kill Season Is Upon Us”. How do I know? The government has sent out 50 million letters in France to browbeat us to get jabbed.

Pictured above: DON’T DO IT! Alexis Lorenze was forced to get the flu jab and two other vaccines before they would treat her. This was her reaction to the poison shots. She’s going to live, but will be scarred for life. The only reason we know about it is because she had her mobile phone and got it out on TikTok. Otherwise, all the vaccine damage and death are willfully censored and suppressed by doctors, hospitals and Big Pharma/medical companies. Vaccines spin trillions in money for all of them and that profit stream can’t be threatened. Same for the flu shot giving me Guillain-Barré syndrome. They will deny, deny, DENY!

This is Jeff J. Brown China Rising Radio Sinoland Seek Truth from Facts Foundation, the China Writers Group, and the Bioweapon Truth Commission. Well, it’s, September, October, and governments around the world are propagandizing and browbeating people to get the flu shots, the flu vaccines, and the Covid vaccine. I got this in the mail in French. But I think [Company Name] medical insurance.

You can see up here from the government “Vaccinate yourself against Covid 19”. It says here that vaccine effectiveness diminishes with time. You need to really get that shot. And especially for people over 65. So they, especially those over 65. So they really want to kill off the old people. And so since vaccines diminish over time, you need to keep getting jabbed. And then they’re saying, but you can still get Covid even though you get the Covid and vaccine, the jab, you can still get Covid, but it’ll be less serious. Everybody we know who got the jab got Covid.

And all the people I know who didn’t get the Covid jab and caught Covid naturally, like me and my wife. We haven’t gotten it since because we have natural immunity. They’re also saying that it can have some undesirable effects. Like at the point of injection, it can be sore, and you may have a little bit of a fever. Well, the fact of the matter is, is that after the last campaign in 2021 and 2022, it has been statistically proven that there were 20 million excess deaths around the world. 20 million because of the Covid, Western Covid jabs, and the Chinese jabs are attenuated viruses, dead, dead viruses.

But even there they’re having difficulty. They’re having problems with people having some illnesses but nothing like in the West. 20 million people outside of China have died from the vaccines. And all you have to do is just get on the internet and look at myocarditis, pericarditis, strokes, and blood clots. And we know people. We know people. Of course, we know a number of people who are dead, who are not able to listen to this because they’re already dead after getting jabbed, blood clotting paralysis like me, my last report. My hands and feet and my right knee are paralyzed from a flu shot I got in 2010.

I have Guillain-Barré syndrome, turbo cancers, pancreatitis, and it’s a lot more than that. Pfizer and Moderna were forced by a judge to release all their secret information about the results of their jabs around the world, and they wanted to wait 76 years to release the information they had. They were forced to release it, and there were more than 1200 side effects and many of them are extremely serious. But it’s only going to cause a little bit of a pet tenderness around the injection point and maybe a little bit of a fever after you’re dead from a stroke. And so they’re saying also here don’t get one except every six months.

You can get jabbed twice a year. But if you’re over 80, you can ignore that and get injected four times a year every three months if you’re over 80. We don’t want you around for very long. I remember when my mother-in-law here in France got jabbed in 2021, and she was in a nursing home, but she was never the same after that. She was never the same after that. And after that and the booster, she got two jabs. She just was not the same person. And so then they’re talking about of course that the down here at the bottom, of course, with cute little icons to seduce you into getting jabbed.

Of course, you know that these are the mRNA vaccines are not even vaccines. They’re patented as genetic treatment. The Pfizer and Moderna jabs are not vaccines. They are genetic modification treatments. So if you want to go ahead and genetically mutate yourself, you can take a little bite of uranium or plutonium and do the same thing. But if you want to genetically modify yourself, if you want that Covid spike protein RNA to get into and it’s already been proven, get into all of your cells, your brain, your eyes, your lungs, your kidneys, your liver, your pancreas, your intestines, your muscles and everything else, and you want that MRI to get into your cells and get embedded into your DNA, go right ahead.

All right. And then, of course, not to be outdone with Covid on the back side you got to get yourself vaccinated for the flu shot for flu. Grippe in French is flu. And here they’re talking about when you need to get jabbed every year because the virus changes over time. Well, it doesn’t change over time. Bacteria and viruses reproduce every 20 minutes. And there’s one mutation in every 1 billion bacterial or viral reproductions and with trillions of the flu bugs circling throughout your body, you are a walking, talking virus and bacteria mutation machine. All of us are, whether we’re sick or not. The mutations are happening.

And so they have to pick out a certain strain of the virus. The flu virus that they think is going to affect the people later in the year. And of course, by that time it’s already mutated several times. And so in fact, I even found here in Lancet it says here and it’s dated September 5th, 2024, next-generation influenza vaccines based on mRNA technology. So maybe you’re not right now, but in the future, they are going to have genetic modification jabs in the flu viruses. It says here several antigenic clades and subclades of H3N2 influenza viruses can circulate during a single season, either simultaneously or gradually replacing each other in different geographic regions.

So this is just basically stating the obvious. Clades are grouped. You start out with one flu virus, it mutates and you’ve got two and mutates, you’ve got four, and then it mutates and you’ve got eight, et cetera and you probably maybe you’ve seen these wheels where it shows these trees branching out as one virus has a common genetic code with various mutations. And then another one is doing the same thing. And it looks like spokes coming out of a wheel. Eventually, it’ll mutate so much that one of them will hop over and create a new clade.

So this is going on all the time anyway. So basically the flu shot that you’re getting is based on bugs that no longer exist or have been replaced by mutated sons and daughters. Because licensed seasonal influenza vaccines contain only one H3N2 component, vaccinated individuals are highly likely to contract the infection during the epidemic season with an H3N2 virus from a different clade, often making vaccine campaigns ineffective. So basically what Lancet magazine is saying is the flu jabs don’t work. One possible solution to overcome the constantly evolving nature of H3N2 influenza viruses is the development of a universal influenza vaccine, that is code language for mRNA.

And so a colleague of mine contacted me after I blasted my story out about my hands and feet and right knee being paralyzed from the shot I got in 2010 for flu that her father was healthy as a horse all his life, never got vaccines, and was finally propagandized and browbeaten into getting the flu shot. It made him so sick he was in bed for two weeks like me after 2010, that was the last jab he ever got. And I have talked to more than one person who got the jab and got sick as a horse, healthy as a horse, and sick as a horse. Leave it to the English to have the same animal for both health and sickness.

And they’re saying masks are not enough, distancing is not enough, washing your hands, and using alcohol gel is not enough. You’ve got to get the flu jab. Yeah go on and get paralyzed like me. And so you got to get it done now because the virus is mutating, you got to get it now to catch the wave. I mean, they’re just basically saying they don’t work. That’s what they’re saying. It takes 15 days for the vaccine to take effect. So don’t hesitate. Get in there and get it done. Get jabbed. And of course, all vaccines cause a lot of different secondary effects. And we know that MMR for children causes autism.

We know that hepatitis A causes autism. I talked to another colleague and her husband got the I think it was the no it was TB. He got the TB vaccine and it cratered his lungs. And he had reduced lung capacity for months and months and months. And he’s only now getting kind of getting back to normal really? Seriously. Not to be outdone by my Emily, mine is Emily. You can see here is Emily. Emily got hers in the mail. She got hers in the mail same thing. This one is for Covid. This one is for flu. You gotta get them both. You gotta get them both. And it tells you what to do.

You just go to the pharmacy and it’s free. It’s free. It doesn’t cost you anything to hurt yourself and to get genetically mutated. And so you just go in with this form here, both of them I’m sorry I’m having a hard time with the injection, the vaccine out people, vaccinated people. And the pharmacist will just jab you right there on the spot in the pharmacy, or they’ll give you the little vile, and you can take it to your doctor and let them do the damage. And then, of course, with Covid again, they will also do the vaccine right there on the spot in the pharmacy or you can take this to your doctor and get jabbed.

Of course, what people don’t realize is, is that for both flu and COVID, in all the Western countries, the doctors and nurses get paid with taxpayers’ dollars to jab you. Every time, a pediatrician in the United States gives one of the 71 vaccines that a child is supposed to get between birth and 18 years of age, they get paid by taxpayers money deposited in their bank account. And they actually have scorecards to try to jab as many people as they possibly can. They can make 30,000, 40,000, $50,000 a year for jabbing as many children and adults as possible. Well, how can they afford to pay a doctor 50 grand extra a year to jab you?

Because you get sick. And so you’re back and you’re taking medication and you’re going to labs and you’re going to clinics, and you’re going to the hospital and you’re going to the doctors because these vaccines make you sick, and sick and sick, and sick. And for many people, you’re sick for the rest of your life, like me with my Guillain-Barre, which I will undoubtedly have until I die. So anyway, if you got the same thing in the mail, send me a picture and I’ll be happy to share it. And of course, you know where these are going to go in the trash. This is Jeff J. Brown China Rising Radio Sinoland signing out.



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JEFF J. BROWN, Editor, China Rising, and Senior Editor & China Correspondent, Dispatch from Beijing, The Greanville Post

Jeff J. Brown is a geopolitical analyst, journalist, lecturer and the author of The China Trilogy. It consists of 44 Days Backpacking in China – The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass (2013); Punto Press released China Rising – Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations (2016); and BIG Red Book on China (2020). As well, he published a textbook, Doctor WriteRead’s Treasure Trove to Great English (2015). Jeff is a Senior Editor & China Correspondent for The Greanville Post, where he keeps a column, Dispatch from Beijing and is a Global Opinion Leader at 21st Century. He also writes a column for The Saker, called the Moscow-Beijing Express. Jeff writes, interviews and podcasts on his own program, China Rising Radio Sinoland, which is also available on YouTubeStitcher Radio, iTunes, Ivoox and RUvid. Guests have included Ramsey Clark, James Bradley, Moti Nissani, Godfree Roberts, Hiroyuki Hamada, The Saker and many others. [/su_spoiler]

Jeff can be reached at China Rising,


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