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Book review- I’ll Ruin Everything You Are: Ending Western Propaganda on Red China, by Ramin Mazaheri

By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: the front cover of Ramin Mazaheri’s new book, “I’ll Ruin Everything You Are: Ending Western Propaganda on Red China”.     f you find China Rising Radio Sinoland‘s work useful and appreciate its quality, please consider making a donation. Money is spent to pay for Internet costs, maintenance, the…

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Ramin Mazaheri’s questions after his 8-part New China Scholarship series. China Rising Radio Sinoland 180722

By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: the colorful and informative New China Scholarship. Downloadable SoundCloud podcast (also at the bottom of this page), YouTube video, as well as being syndicated on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, RUvid and Ivoox (links below), [dropcap] R [/dropcap]amin Mazaheri is the author of the New China Scholarship series. It was originally…

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