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The Cultural Revolution’s solving of the urban-rural divide-Ramin Mazaheri’s New China Scholarship series, Part 5 of 8

By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: All US presidents are members of a very exclusive club, privilege, sycophancy, and fame writ large, but also, unpunished Nuremberg class criminals who should be hung for nonstop genocide, expropriation and exploitation. You can start with George Washington. Crosslinked with: The Greanville Post is the best anti-imperial website, bar…

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Western Demonization of Xi Jinping-Let the Slime Begin: 44 Days Radio Sinoland, 2015.4.4

  Join Jeff in Beijing for his 44 Days Radio Sinoland Show. He discusses news and events about China, at home and around the world – information you almost never see and hear behind the Great Western Firewall. Each show is a quick 15 minutes, so you can get on with your day.   In…

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