Sixteen years on the streets, living and working with the people of China, Jeff
For donations, print books, ebooks and audiobooks, please see at the bottom of this post.
Text and audiovisual.
Downloadable audio podcast at the bottom of this page, Brighteon, iVoox, RuVid, as well as being syndicated on iTunes, Stitcher Radio and Reason.fm (links below),
Brighteon Video Channel: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/jeffjbrown
Audio (download at the bottom of this page),
Part 1 about Chinese New Year and Dragons,
- 新年快乐
xin1 nian2 kuai4 le4 [pinyin]
Happy New Year
2. 龙马精神
long2 ma3 jing1 shen2 [pinyin]
Dragon-Horse Spirit: wishing one full of health and vitality (new year blessing)
3. 龙精虎猛
long2 jing1 hu2 meng3 [pinyin]
Dragon Spirit and Tiger Fierce: fit as a fiddle
4. 生龙活虎
sheng1 long2 huo2 hu3 [pinyin]
To be as lively and energetic as a dragon and tiger
5. 唔係猛龙唔过江
wu2 xi4 meng3 long2 wu2 guo4 jiang1 [pinyin]
If you don’t belong to the Dragons, you can’t cross the river.
This last proverbial expression is often used to convey the idea that only those who are strong, brave, or capable can overcome challenges or obstacles. It suggests that success or achievement often requires determination and strength, using the image of a fierce dragon crossing a river as a metaphor for overcoming difficulties.
Downloadable images
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A to Z support. Thank you in advance, Jeff
Alipay and WeChat: Chinese phone number: +86-19806711824
Checks or cash: mail to: Jeff J. Brown, 75 rue Surcouf, Cherbourg 14117, France
Donorbox: www.donorbox.com, find China Rising Radio Sinoland
Euro bank wires: 44 Days Publishing, Bank: TransferWise, IBAN: BE70 9672 2959 5225
FundRazr: https://fundrazr.com/CRRS_2021_fundraiser?ref=ab_78aX23
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/China_Rising_Radio_Sinoland or https://www.patreon.com/China_Tech_News_Flash
Payoneer: www.payoneer.com, Jeffrey Jennings Brown, Account Number: 4023795169624
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US bank wires: Jeff J. Brown, Bank of Oklahoma, Routing Number/ABA: 103900036, Account: 309163695
Do yourself, your friends, family and colleagues a favor, to make sure all of you are Sino-smart:
Google ebooks (Epub) and audiobooks:
44 Days Backpacking in China: The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=YBKHEAAAQBAJ
China Rising: Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=YNmLEAAAQBAJ
BIG Red Book on China: Chinese History, Culture and Revolution
Amazon print and ebooks (Kindle):
44 Days Backpacking in China: The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass
China Rising: Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations
BIG Red Book on China: Chinese History, Culture and Revolution
Author page:
Praise for The China Trilogy:
Why and How China works: With a Mirror to Our Own History
JEFF J. BROWN, Editor, China Rising, and Senior Editor & China Correspondent, Dispatch from Beijing, The Greanville Post
Jeff J. Brown is a geopolitical analyst, journalist, lecturer and the author of The China Trilogy. It consists of 44 Days Backpacking in China – The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass (2013); Punto Press released China Rising – Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations (2016); and BIG Red Book on China (2020). As well, he published a textbook, Doctor WriteRead’s Treasure Trove to Great English (2015). Jeff is a Senior Editor & China Correspondent for The Greanville Post, where he keeps a column, Dispatch from Beijing and is a Global Opinion Leader at 21st Century. He also writes a column for The Saker, called the Moscow-Beijing Express. Jeff writes, interviews and podcasts on his own program, China Rising Radio Sinoland, which is also available on YouTube, Stitcher Radio, iTunes, Ivoox and RUvid. Guests have included Ramsey Clark, James Bradley, Moti Nissani, Godfree Roberts, Hiroyuki Hamada, The Saker and many others. [/su_spoiler]
Jeff can be reached at China Rising, je**@br***********.com, Facebook, Twitter, Wechat (+86-19806711824/Mr_Professor_Brown, and Line/Signal/Telegram/Whatsapp: +33-612458821.
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