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TRANSCRIPT: David Pear shares his impressions and experiences of two months in Russia. It’s not the country and people the BLPM blasts in your face. China Rising Radio Sinoland 200404

NOW IN 22 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. CLICK ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER “TRANSLATE” TAB TO FIND YOURS! By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: yours truly on the left and David Pear on the right, discussing his interesting and informative two-month stay and traveling around Russia. Become a regular China Rising Radio Sinoland patron and get…

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“自决”与“为人民服务”:黑豹党幼崽组织主席小弗雷德·汉普顿及其成员所进行的之革命,所开展的反美种族压迫之斗争 ——富有远见的斗争与希望之宣言. 《崛起中的中国》200527期

现在可以看博客用21不同的语言. 点击一下在下面左边“TRANSLATE”的标记就找到你的母语! 卜杰富 (Jeff J. Brown)写的   上图:主席小弗雷德·汉普顿,与富有远见的意识囚犯委员会(POCC)和黑豹幼崽。 崛起中的中国的常客 (CRRS),并获得免费书籍! 支持我所有的努力工作,视频,播客和采访在CRRS通过贝宝! 支持我许多小时的研究和文章CRRS通过资金筹集! 成为中国科技快讯!现在就来看看你的未来吧! 所有这些都是为了实现同样的双赢目标:独特的研究、报道和讲述真相,以支持全球99%的人,为了一个更加公正和互利的21世纪。 团结一致, 卜杰富 帮你的朋友、家人和同事一个忙,确保他们是聪明的中国崛起电台Sinoland 新闻学: https://chinarising.puntopress.com/blog-2/  书: http://chinarising.puntopress.com/2017/05/19/the-china-trilogy/ 和 https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2018/06/18/praise-for-the-china-trilogy-the-votes-are-in-it-r-o-c-k-s-what-are-you-waiting-for/   网络: www.chinarising.puntopress.com   推特: https://twitter.com/44_Days   脸谱网: https://www.facebook.com/44DaysPublishing LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeff-j-brown-0517477/ 微信/WhatsApp: +8613823544196 VK (俄罗斯): https://vk.com/chinarisingradiosinoland   关于我的: https://chinarising.puntopress.com/about-the-author/   住在中国16年的大街上, 卜杰富    可下载的PDF文件来分享和分发: 自决”与“为人民服务”:黑豹党幼崽组织主席小弗雷德·汉普顿及其成员所进行的之革命,所开展的反美种族压迫之斗争   “自决”与“为人民服务”:黑豹党幼崽组织主席小弗雷德·汉普顿及其成员所进行的之革命,所开展的反美种族压迫之斗争   ——富有远见的斗争与希望之宣言   《崛起中的中国》200527期   翻译,郑还杏, 20**********@ma**.cn   (注:可点此链接获取访谈音视频及转录稿) https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2020/05/27/chairman-fred-hampton-jr-the-black-panther-pantha-cubs-their-revolution-for-self-determination-to-serve-the-people-and-fight-the-us-governments-ongoing-program-of-domestic-genocide-on-china/…

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My next to the last Covid swansong article? Looking back, what I think has happened and what is going on today. China Rising Radio Sinoland 200702

NOW IN 22 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. CLICK ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER “TRANSLATE” TAB TO FIND YOURS! By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: since the 15th century, never has such a vast amount of natural and human resources been out of the control of the West’s deep state global capitalist oligarchy. For them, this is intolerable….

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PLA’s new Red Arrow 12 is a tank and helicopter killer. China Tech News Flash! #71

NOW IN 22 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. CLICK ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER “TRANSLATE” TAB TO FIND YOURS! By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: Xi Jinping tells his military that everything they build must be bigger, faster, better and cheaper than the US equivalent. The developers are listening.  Become a China Tech News Flash! patron and…

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Beidou, China’s version, already overtaking US GPS in Asia and has extra consumer tools too. China Tech News Flash! #70

NOW IN 22 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. CLICK ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER “TRANSLATE” TAB TO FIND YOURS! By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: I reported earlier that China has more GPS satellites than the US does now, but when I learned that Thailand has adopted the prior system, and living here, I got curious and…

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Baidu Conquers The Next-Gen AI Race By Beating Tech Giants In A Language Test. China Tech News Flash! #69

NOW IN 22 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. CLICK ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER “TRANSLATE” TAB TO FIND YOURS! By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: The stuff of sci-fi movies, like talking to HAL the computer in “2001: A Space Odyssey”, is rapidly becoming a reality. What Baidu, Google and others are doing is way more sophisticated…

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WHEN CHINA SNEEZES: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis. Cynthia McKinney, Editor. Clarity Press

NOW IN 22 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. CLICK ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER “TRANSLATE” TAB TO FIND YOURS! By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: the ultimate and most authoritative source on the whole coronavirus saga. I am honored to have contributed two chapters to this must read book, on what is undoubtedly the most important global…

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TRANSCRIPT: John Potash talks about his explosive book, “Drugs as a Weapon against Us: The CIA’s Murderous Targeting of SDS, Panthers, Hendrix, Lennon, Cobain, Tupac, and Other Activists”. China Rising Radio Sinoland 200229

NOW IN 22 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. CLICK ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER “TRANSLATE” TAB TO FIND YOURS! By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: John Potash and his explosive, jaw-dropping book, “Drugs as a Weapon against Us: The CIA’s Murderous Targeting of SDS, Panthers, Hendrix, Lennon, Cobain, Tupac, and Other Activists”. And Americans think they live in…

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Coronavirus and capitalism. They go together like a hotdog and a bun. They’re made for each other. China Rising Radio Sinoland 200622

NOW IN 22 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. CLICK ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER “TRANSLATE” TAB TO FIND YOURS! By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: In only a few months, trillions of dollars/euros have been stolen from the global 99% and transferred to the oligarchic 1%, under the guise of coronavirus, the hyped pandemic and the destruction…

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TRANSCRIPT: John Potash talks about his explosive book, “The FBI War On Tupac Shakur and Black Leaders – U.S. Intelligence’s Murderous Targeting of Tupac, MLK, Malcolm, Panthers, Hendrix, Marley, Rappers & Linked Ethnic Leftists”. China Rising Radio Sinoland 191217

NOW IN 22 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. CLICK ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER “TRANSLATE” TAB TO FIND YOURS! By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: John Potash and his explosive, jaw-dropping book, “Drugs as a Weapon against Us: The CIA’s Murderous Targeting of SDS, Panthers, Hendrix, Lennon, Cobain, Tupac, and Other Activists”. And Americans think they live…

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