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We decided that Xi is our president-China’s participatory and petitioning democracy succeeds online. China Rising Radio Sinoland 190119

                    By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: everywhere you go in China, there is a government office people can go to complain and petition, called the State Bureau of Letters and Calls. Its concept goes back millennia into Chinese history.        Do your friends,…

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A China Rising Radio Sinoland Reality Map: If China Were the USA… China in the Americas 180101

      NOW IN 22 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. CLICK ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER “TRANSLATE” TAB TO FIND YOURS! By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above- Map: If China Were the USA… China in the Americas. Created by: Jeff J. Brown, China Rising Radio Sinoland     Thousands of dollars are needed every year to…

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A timely book for Trump: “China Rising: Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations”. Book review by: Wei Ling Chua 20170118

  NOW IN 22 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. CLICK ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER “TRANSLATE” TAB TO FIND YOURS! By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: let the battle royale begin!     Thousands of dollars are needed every year to pay for expensive anti-hacking systems, controls and monitoring. This website has to defend itself from tens…

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