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World events forever changed: Putin’s national speech highlights, 300k-reservist mobilization and Eastern Ukraine voting to join Russia. JB West and JB East present: See You in The Hague! #38

Pictured above: starting 30 September 2022, Russia will add the land mass of South Korea and 6-9 million new citizens to its census, after 20% of (Eastern) Ukraine votes to secede from the Ukie-Nazis controlling what is left. Donate   Video, Audio podcast (download at the bottom of this page),   To see all our…

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Leaked report shows US plans to use Ukraine to destroy Germany and all of Europe, to save the American economy and hold off national disaster. JB West and JB East present: See You In The Hague! #37

Donate   Video, Audio podcast (download at the bottom of this page),   Downloadable PDF of the leaked report, Rand Corporation report- ‘Weakening Germany Strengthening the US’ 220125   To see all our shows: https://chinarising.puntopress.com/search/?q=JB   We’ve got your back, JB West and JB East   Remember, it all starts with the mother lode. Download…

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Jeff Kaye exposes another shocking Guantanamo Gulag “suicide”. Western psychopaths never look back. China Rising Radio Sinoland 190311

By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: a slide from a PowerPoint presentation for Guantanamo training, an exhibit in the AR-15-6 release, disclosed by Dr. Jeff Kaye. Even though it was unclassified, they still redacted the subtitle below Joint Detention Group, where it is marked (b)(7)(E). Notice the HONOR BOUND. Psychopaths love to serve empire and…

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Jeff Kaye talks about his work exposing the West’s historical and ongoing use of germ warfare around the world. China Rising Radio Sinoland 190211

                        By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: I consider myself to be a good researcher and synthesizer of information, but Jeff Kaye is much, much better. His gripping, Sherlock-Holmes exposé on the US’s Guantanamo gulag proves the point, as does his outstanding work in…

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Jeff Kaye talks about his work with torture victims and book on Guantanamo gulag. China Rising Radio Sinoland 190210

                        By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: I consider myself to be a good researcher and synthesizer of information, but Jeff Kaye is much, much better. His gripping, Sherlock-Holmes exposé on the US’s Guantanamo gulag proves the point, as does his outstanding work in…

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David Pear talks with Jeff J. Brown on the hair trigger tinderbox in Korea-China Rising Radio Sinoland 180128

By Jeff J. BrownPictured above, guest David William Pear on the left and China Rising Radio Sinoland host Jeff J. Brown on the right.   Downloadable SoundCloud podcast (also at the bottom of this page), as well as being syndicated on iTunes and Stitcher Radio (links below)   Note: When finished reading, listening to and/or…

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