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West’s Hong Kong color revolution still making a mess of the place and totally backfiring. China Rising Radio Sinoland 190720

By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: a sign posted in a Macanese taxi driver’s car. It says, “Solo Hongkongers supporting dogs are not allowed to ride”, with the obvious suggestion that they are in fact dogs. “Solo” in this case means the rioters, who do not represent the moral majority, thus they are isolated. At…

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Confucius, Laozi and Buddha are humbly winning against the imperial West, in troubled Hong Kong. China Rising Radio Sinoland 190708

                            By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: left to right, a depiction of the famous allegorical story of Confucius, Laozi and Buddha each tasting vinegar in a vat, and the interpretation of their results. Today’s Hong Kong could be represented by the…

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