Hong Kong 2019 unrest and riots: Violent and shocking phenomena! A full-scale American funded and organized color revolution! By Hidden Harmonies.


By Jeff J. Brown

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Sixteen years with the people on the streets of China, Jeff


Note before starting: Hats off to Hidden Harmonies (https://blog.hiddenharmonies.org/), for putting together the definitive database covering the ongoing Western color revolution terrorism in Hong Kong. BRAVO, and likely thanks to Wei Ling Chua, whom I shouted out in my previous post (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2019/11/28/hong-kong-ensnared-in-the-wests-color-revolution-hot-box-the-latest-news-and-analysis-china-rising-radio-sinoland-191128/), who has done journeyman’s work gleaning the web for evidence usually never seen behind the Great Western Firewall, thanks to the Big Lie Propaganda Machine (BLPM).

While there, be sure to sign up for their newsletter. They post all the stuff that the BLPM hates!

Crosslinked with:

The Hong Kong 2019 unrest and riots (part 2): A full-scale American funded and organized violent color revolution!

(For former links see: https://blog.hiddenharmonies.org/2019/09/06/links-on-hong-kong-2019-unrest/)

Did 2 million march in Hong Kong on June 16? (20/6)
The number 2 million was given by the anti-China organization «Civil Human Rights Front» (CHRF), the group that organized the marches in June, and the number was thereafter used in most Western corporate media – and also repeated many times. According to Jonathan Manthorpe in «Asia Times» CHRF has received funds from the US National Endowment for Democracy (NED), https://www.asiatimes.com/2019/08/article/xi-given-a-trump-card-to-play-against-hong-kong/

HK Police said however that 338,000 participated in the June 16 march. But that number was ignored or made questionable by Western corporate media.

In the research article, «Measuring the masses. The contentious issue of crowd counting in Hong Kong», Simon Scarr, Manas Sharma, Marco Hernandez and Vimvam Tong analyses the numbers – to CHRFs’ disadvantage.

Who is inciting Hong Kong youths? (10/8)
About Jimmy Lai, one of the masterminds behind the riots

Who is behind Hong Kong protests? (17/8)

Black terrorists destroy HK (25/8)

‘Pro democracy protesters’ brutally attack an elderly man (14/9)
Most of the attackers are wearing masks. They attack in turns from different angels, and supporters put up umbrellas to prevent the filming of the abuse. «Photographers» and «Press» block the way. Who the brave, helping man in blue shirt and the women are, is unclear.

Mobs attack civilians (22/9)

Rioters arrested (29/9)

Rioters with iron rods attack police (1/10)

Hong Kong Police Injured (2/10)

Violence against the Hong Kong police (3/10)

Allan Zeman on the necessity of having an anti-mask law in Hong Kong (3/10)

Rioters at Hung Hom station in Hong Kong try to break into the Hong Kong–Guangzhou train (4/10)

Rioters disrupt classes at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) (4/10)
(Twitter:) https://twitter.com/CarlZha/status/1180131706994491392

Chinese University of Hong Kong (4/10)
«How dare you guys study, when we are having a Revolution of our time!»
(Twitter): https://twitter.com/CarlZha/status/1180131706994491392

Hong Kong mobs set fire to the police, beat innocent passers-by, burned the subway (5/10)

What is happening in Hong Kong? (6/10)
Warning for violence:

The Straits Times (Singapore): HK protests: A family torn, a society divided (6/10)

Elderly woman vents frustration at Hong Kong protesters (7/10)

Hong Kong’s Polytechnic University (7/10)
Protestors shine lasers in the professor’s eyes and shout insults to him because he voiced disagreement with the use of violence in the protests

Daylight comes. Righteous citizens clean up (7/10)

Russia Today: Hong Kong peaceful demonstrations or ‘purge’? (7/10)

Terror attacks on MTR, Chinese banks, shops, public facilities (8/10)

SCMP: Meet the mainland Chinese who are living in fear in Hong Kong (8/10)

Hong Kong Rioters’ Deception (11/10)
Warning for violence:

Transport workers in Hong Kong: We fear for our safety (12/10)

A lone woman in Hong Kong is beaten by organized, black clad ‘protesters’ – for taking away a road block. Some of the ‘protesters’ use umbrellas to block filming. ’Press’ and ‘reporters’ film the beatings, instead of helping her (13/10)
(Another video shows that after the abuse she confused and shocked gets away. But some in the ‘press’ group follow her and harass her.)

Widespread vandalism during 19th straight weekend protests (13/10)

Rioters bully a mandarin-speaking lady (13/10)
Rioters in Mong Kok area bully a mandarin-speaking lady and call her 整容雞 : plastic surgery whore – and other insults. Her boyfriend, who understands the danger in the situation, tries to calm her down, and a man with a caps tries to keep the mob at bay. Two masked men move up from behind and pour water at her. ‘Cameramen’ and ‘press’ narrow the space around her, put their camera up in her face, confuse her – and do absolutely nothing to help. A man in blue and a girl in white try to help. Again a black-clad, masked man pours water at her from behind and then runs away. After that the couple hide inside the entrance of a shop/office building.
In a similar, but longer video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g72bJbTXkMk  , one can at 4:45 see that ‘the press’ together with two masked, black-clad rioters – stand by the entrance door and block the way. But finally at 9:00 more than 20 police arrive, the rioters run away, and she is safe.

Answer by Kelvin Kwok, who lived in Hong Kong 1988-2017, to the question «How do you think the current unrest in Hong Kong will turn out in the longer term?» at «Quora» forum (article) (13/10)

Larry Romanoff: «The History of Hong Kong, Britain’s Colonial Legacy. Fast Forward to 2019» (article) (13/10)

How British people view what is happening in HK SAR (13/10)

English Chief News Editor Yonden Lhatoo, South China Morning Post (15/10)
«End of innocence as Hong Kong’s revolution devours its own children»

The Standard (HK): «Charles Ho says protests manipulated by outside forces» (15/10)
Sing Tao News Corp chairman, Charles Ho Tsu-kwok, said the unrest is not a simple demonstration for democracy, but a movement supported by outside forces. In an interview with state broadcaster CGTN, Ho said the rioting is well financed and well organized. “They are even better organized than the police on logistics,” he said. The media boss disputes allegations of police brutality. “I tell them [reporters] to make a balanced reporting, but surprisingly all my staff come and tell me… they always complained about the rioters.”

Sing Tao News Corp chairman, Charles Ho (part 2):
«HK young people’s attitude toward seeking opportunities» (15/10)

Hong Kong Legislative Council (the city parliament) meeting disrupted (16/10)

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong: «No easy way forward» (16/10)​

Hong Kong tour guide shares thoughts on city’s unrest (17/10)

Hong Kong business leaders condemn U.S. bill (17/10)

A cafe in Hong Kong becomes beacon of courage amid chaos (19/10)

Clashes in Kowloon on 20th straight weekend (20/10)

Russian television: Hong Kong protesters break their promise (21/10)

MTR (Mass Transit Railway) bears brunt of violence in HK (21/10 article)
MTR runs the subway, the trains and the MTR busses in Hong Kong, and are famous for its high on-time rate

Two residents’ voice on the riots in Hong Kong (21/10)

Three interviews with Mark Pinkstone, Chief information officer for the British colonial administration in Hong Kong up to 1997 (22/10)
On the riots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dx4q_vwyoo
On media bias: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4q1u4xignWw
On separatism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1GaNt2g7WU

Hong Kong taxi drivers fall victim to prolonged unrest (23/10)

John Ross, senior fellow of Chaoyang Institute, People’s University (Beijing): Foreign countries intervene in Hong Kong affairs (28/10)

The training of the rioters (30/10)
From watching the unrest in Hong during the last months, one understands that the rioters are well organized and trained. They dress in black and hide their identity behind masks. They shout and scream in order to create fear – and attack people who disagree with them: citizens, elderly, women – especially if being alone. They throw petrol bombs, acid liquids and stones at the police, and use sharp and blunt weapons. They vandalize government buildings and public facilities, and block roads and trains.

How the rioters are organized (30/10)

CNA (Singapore): Hong Kong protests plunge city into recession (31/10)

Malaysian Wong Chun Wai about the very young people involved in the unrest (31/10)

‘The Triad Attack’ – What happened in the Yuen Long neighborhood of Hong Kong on July 21st. (Note that it’s not proved that the persons in this video with white shirt actually are triads. Some even say that the triads in Hong Kong are largely long gone.) (2/11)

Largest number of arrests so far (2/11)

Hong Kong police use water cannon as protesters throw petrol bombs (2/11)

Man brutally beaten and humiliated by rioters (2/11)
Warning for extreme violence:

Liberal newspaper South China Morning Post’s report on Saturday unrest and vandalism (2/11)

Expat cleans up roadblocks (3/11)
(To avoid negative coverage in international media, the rioters usually don’t attack Westerners)

People with yellow vests with ‘Press’, ‘Photographer’ and ‘First aid’ on, are frequently in the front line between the police and the rioters. Their aim is to create small incidents, provoke the police and document it on video – as well as to distract and delay the police in their work (3/11)

Channel 4 News-video showing the rioters’ mentality and ‘tactics’ (4/11)

The insane assassination attempt on lawyer and member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, Junius Ho (57) (5/11)
The attacker poses as a supporter of Ho giving him flowers, saying: – Thank you. It’s so kind of you. Then: – Do you mind… for us to take a photo together. … Let me take my phone out. Then the man takes out a knife, and stabs the politician. … Lying on the ground the attacker shouts: – Junius Ho, go to hell! Kill Junius Ho! Kill Junius Ho!

South China Morning Post’s report on the assassination attempt on Junius Ho. In the second part of the video, SCMP shows unacceptable disrespect for the victim (5/11)

Hong Kong police: 85 metro stations damaged by rioters (5/11)

Interview with Hong Kong student leader Joey Siu, by journalist Tim Sebastian on Deutsche Welle’s program Conflict Zone (7/11)
(There are more than seven thousand comments to this video on YouTube).

Earlier in September Joey Siu had been to Germany and met with members of the European parliament, as part of a «Hong Kong Higher Institutions International Affairs Delegation», https://www.dimsumdaily.hk/joey-siu-of-hkiad-meets-german-politician-reinhard-butikofer-to-discuss-current-situation-in-hong-kong/
On behalf of the HK delegation she made these suggestions:

  • Member states of the European Union should grant asylum to Hongkongers who experience political suppression.
  • Ensure victims of unlawful arrest could apply for visas in future times.
    This shows that asylum/visa to the West is high on the riot leaders’ agenda.

Mobs continue their destructive acts in Hong Kong Friday night (8/11)

Hong Kong street: Innocent residents bullied and beaten (9/11)

Violence is a major obstacle for fair elections (video and article) (9/11)

«Best Mart 360» vandalized in Tsuen Wan district (10/11)

Rioters damage a Maxim Palace restaurant in Shatin, because Annie Wu 伍淑清, one of Maxim’s owners, earlier during an appearance at the United Nations Human Rights Council denounced the vandalism (10/11)

Rioters throw bricks down the metro’s escalators (10/11)

Man clearing barricades in Wong Tai Sin beaten by rioters (10/11)

Thugs coming to 上水 Sheung Shui town, New Territories (10/11)
市民避曱瘟!The citizens flee the ‘cockroach plague’

An insane person throws petrol at a beaten, bleeding man, and then sets him on fire! (11/11)
The victim is 57-year-old Leung Chi-cheung. He has two daughters and is now in hospital with severe burns fighting for his life. Such a felony is in Hong Kong classified as attempted murder which carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment

Nathan Rich comments (11/11)

An old taxi driver severely beaten by thugs (11/11)

What happened at the 11/11 police shooting in Sao Wan Ho?
The incident happened then the police tried to clear the street so that traffic could start to move again. One police chased some rioters, but they came back in order to attack him – two men in black, one in white, and one in grey

Evidence of paid destruction: Tsui Wah Restaurant (11/11)
Woman’s voice: «Reporters please record!»
Commander’s voice: «We still have another one to go after this Tsui Wah. … Take a hammer to smash it …. …. If it’s not done perfect, it won’t be accepted. … … Ask someone to look out for ‘dogs’, otherwise you won’t get your salary.»

Rioters set Christmas tree on fire inside a luxury mall (12/11)

Angry, brave Westerner resolutely clearing road blocks (12/11)
Because he is a Westerner the rioters are reluctant to attack

Hong Kong City on ‘brink of collapse’ after night of violence – police (13/11)

Police suspect Chinese University of Hong Kong used as ‘weapons factory’ (13/11)

Stay or go? Hong Kong’s international students pack their bags amid protest chaos (13/11)

Campuses have become protest battlegrounds in Hong Kong (13/11)

Hong Kong residents remove barricades after riots (13/11)

The Sheung Shui murder (13/11)
In the video black clad rioters are moving in from the left – and attacking citizens clearing the blocked road in the Sheung Shui area. The citizens fight back, but a 70-year old street cleaner and bystander, Luo Changqing, is hit in the head by a brick thrown by one of the rioters. He falls backwards and hits the asphalt with the back of his head. On November 14th he dies at Prince of Wales Hospital. He is the first resident of Hong Kong directly killed in clashes since the unrest started five months ago. HK police reportedly investigate the case as attempted murder.

Hong Kong residents pay their respects to the late 70-year-old street cleaner (15/11)

Hong Kong residents take oath to safeguard justice (14/11)

University students flee Hong Kong (14/11)

Toll booths at key tunnel set on fire by rioters (14/11)

DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited on fire (15/11)

Rioters attack an elderly man (15/11)

Rioters attacking a police car (15/11)

Hong Kong’s Justice Secretary Teresa Cheng attacked in London (15/11)

Hong Kong commuters endure another day of misery (15/11)

An expat view about Hong Kong Protesters (15/11)
Warning for violence:

Why has the situation escalated in Hong Kong? (23 min. video) (15/11)

Hong Kong Protest Funding (15/11)

«We’ve had enough of violence in this city» (16/11)

Police officer gently trying to persuade protesters outside a police station to leave (16/8)

Thousands of Hong Kong residents take part in praising the police rally (16/11)

Hong Kong protesters lose international support as violence escalates (16/11)

How They Organize (17/11)

Wife of the man who were set on fire by rioters explains her family’s pain (17/11)
Her husband, Mr. Lee, a construction worker, was 11/11 involved in a tug-of-trest with a group of black clad men who had damaged facilities at the Ma On Shan Metro Station. He was then traced by them to the footbridge linking Ma On Shan Park and Haiyu Garden. From 0:25 in the video you see Mr. Lee in green shirt being chased for saying «We are all Chinese!». He was also beaten. One of the rioters then drenched him in a flammable liquid and set him on fire right in front of shocked bystanders. According to South China Morning Post 44% of his body got second-degree burns. Thereafter he was in coma and in intensive care for ten days. According to his wife, Lee still does not recognize his own daughter and suffers from panic attacks in the presence of unknown people. He is the sole provider for the family.

Former dignitaries condemn Hong Kong violence (17/11)

Outside Polytechnic University: Rioters try to burn a police armored vehicle although there is a driver inside (17/11)

Clashes around Hong Kong Polytechnic University (17/11)

«Arnie Barnie TV»: The Truth and Deception (18/11)

Clashes, escapes and arrests as stand-off continues at Polytechnic University (18/11)

Police accuse protesters of ‘murderous act’ (19/11)

Inside the occupied Hong Kong Polytechnic University campus (19/11)

Scenes of destruction in streets surrounding besieged Hong Kong Polytechnic University (19/11)

Families, school staff persuade teenage protesters to leave PolyU (19/11)
(Note that those with helmets are not the police)

Inside the university 2 (19/11)

Cars set on fire in Tsim Sha Tsui area (19/11)

Interview with chief correspondent for The Australian Hedley Thomas (19/11)

Clean-up crews move into Polytechnic University area (20/11)

HK police use loudspeaker to induce surrender at HK PolyU (21/11)
One melody is 四面楚歌 «Sìmiàn Chǔgē»: On all sides, the songs of Chu. Meaning: Surrounded by enemies, isolated and without help, and 十面埋伏 «Shímiàn Máifú»: Ambush from Ten Sides from Zhang Yimou’s movie House of Flying Daggers (2004)

A Hong Kong court ruled that two juveniles – 17 and 15 years old – each must compensate local railway operator MTR more than HK$140,000 ($17,900) for vandalizing light-rail facilities during a violent protest in September (21/11)

Protesters set fire to Lui Che Woo building on the Hong Kong Polytechnic University campus (23/11)

Hong Kong And The Perils Of Nativism (article) (25/11)

Activist jailed for 46 months over Mong Kok riot (26/11)

Russian Television: Hong Kong Unmasked (29/11)
Sara Flounders: «There is an agenda they may not be aware of – these young people without a future…»

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Why and How China works: With a Mirror to Our Own History



JEFF J. BROWN, Editor, China Rising, and Senior Editor & China Correspondent, Dispatch from Beijing, The Greanville Post

Jeff J. Brown is a geopolitical analyst, journalist, lecturer and the author of The China Trilogy. It consists of 44 Days Backpacking in China – The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass (2013); Punto Press released China Rising – Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations (2016); and for Badak Merah, Jeff authored China Is Communist, Dammit! – Dawn of the Red Dynasty (2017). As well, he published a textbook, Doctor WriteRead’s Treasure Trove to Great English (2015). Jeff is a Senior Editor & China Correspondent for The Greanville Post, where he keeps a column, Dispatch from Beijing and is a Global Opinion Leader at 21st Century. He also writes a column for The Saker, called the Moscow-Beijing Express. Jeff writes, interviews and podcasts on his own program, China Rising Radio Sinoland, which is also available on YouTube, Stitcher Radio, iTunes, Ivoox and RUvid. Guests have included Ramsey Clark, James Bradley, Moti Nissani, Godfree Roberts, Hiroyuki Hamada, The Saker and many others. [/su_spoiler]

Jeff can be reached at China Rising, je**@br***********.com, Facebook, Twitter, Wechat (Jeff_Brown-44_Days) and Whatsapp: +86-13823544196.

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