By Jeff J. Brown
Pictured above: Chinese President Xi Jinping is fond of giving, inspiring policy speeches in front of crowds of people. These of course get picked up and blasted all over the national media, to keep the citizenry on message. Here he is in Chaozhou, near Shenzhen, during his latest “Southern Tour”, happening this week. He is also fond of telling the crowds, 撸起袖子!加油干 ! (Lūqǐ xiùzi! Jiāyóugàn!), which means, Roll up your shirtsleeves! Get to work! You sure don’t hear many Eurangloland leaders exhort their citizens to make sacrifices. It’s more like, Shop and spend! And that my friends, makes all the difference for your future, wherever you may be.
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Sixteen years on the streets, living and working with the people of China, Jeff
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In The China Trilogy (see below), I wrote about Xi Jinping’s symbolic Southern Tour in 2012, right after he was elected General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC). He modeled it on Deng Xiaoping’s famous “kickstart the economy” visit to the same places in 1992. In fact, it was Xi’s father, Xi Zhongxun who went to Shenzhen in 1978-79 and came up with the idea of making Shenzhen a Special Economic Zone (SEZ), to emulate Hong Kong. He humbly gave the idea and credit to Deng and the rest is living history.
My wife and I lived in Shenzhen for three years, 2016-2019. It’s a dream city to be a part of and our quality of life was off the charts (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/search/?q=shenzhen). Shenzhen’s economy had grown from 270 million yuan (US$40 million) in 1980 to 2.7 trillion yuan (US$404 billion) in 2019, the fifth-largest of any city in Asia.
Huawei, ZTE, Tencent (all in information-communication tech), BYD (world’s biggest e-car manufacturer), BGI (humongo in genetic technology), and many more that are ranked in the Global 500 biggest companies are based in Shenzhen (https://www.value.today/stock-exchange-companies/shenzhen).
I have reported extensively on Shenzhen and its world beating corporations on my China Tech News Flash! platform (https://www.chinatechnewsflash.com/?s=shenzhen).
Xi Jinping also toured the South in 2018, to push high-tech and Baba Beijing’s Made in China 2025, where by that year, 70% of all advanced technology must be produced domestically. These kinds of targeted tours have a rich history, starting in the Mao Era, and frequently happen before important government meetings, to send a message and set the tone. Xi’s trip this week comes just two weeks before the Communist Party plenum (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/search/?q=plenum), where national leaders will approve the 14th Five-Year Plan, which is the people’s economic and social roadmap for the next half a decade (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2016/03/13/why-chinas-centrally-planned-communist-economy-runs-circles-around-capitalism-china-rising-radio-sinoland-16-3-13/).
Above: like all effective leaders, Xi Jinping loves getting out with the people, on the streets, in their businesses, facilities and homes. Here he is in Chaozhou, a cradle of Cantonese cuisine, being shown one of the local delicacies.
Here are a number of quotes Xi made during a speech in Shenzhen this week and at a nearby tech factory. The 50-minute talk was in front of 800 officials and leading entrepreneurs from the mainland, Hong Kong and Macau, to celebrate Shenzhen’s 40th anniversary as China’s first SEZ. Of course, it and its contents will be blasted all over the national media.
After each quote are my observations.
Xi: We must make production, distribution, circulation and consumption more dependent on the domestic market … and meet growing internal market demands with a high-quality supply.
Jeff: As Eurangloland is clearly on a mission to shut China out of world commerce, especially in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math), increasing domestic consumption will get boosted by producing higher-tech, value added goods and services, which require higher quality.
Xi: China should seek to lead the global technological revolution, and make innovation the primary driver of economic growth.
Jeff: With Made in China 2025, where 70% of all high-tech must be made domestically, the country is on track to meet this ambition.
Xi: Shenzhen is in competition with countries and companies around the world. Success means implementing new concepts and promoting high quality… We should take advantage of Shenzhen’s in-depth integration of industry with universities and research institutes.
Jeff: A good example is the new Moscow State University-Beijing Institute of Technology campus (MSU-BIT) in Shenzhen, which opened in 2017, focused on language and cutting-edge STEM degrees. These are two of the top schools that develop world-class scientists and engineers (https://www.msu.ru/en/info/struct/depts/shenzhen-msu-bit-university.php)
Xi: We should make full use of the major cooperation platforms of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau to attract more Hong Kong and Macau youths to study, work and live in the mainland in order to bring them closer to the motherland.
We should also accelerate the construction of the intercity railway in the bay area to promote the efficient and convenient flow of people and goods… Shenzhen is an important engine in the building of the Greater Bay Area and it has to grasp this significant historical opportunity … to promote the integration of economic rules and mechanisms of the three places.
Jeff: Xi said that Shenzhen is an “important engine” for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Plan, which includes Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Macau, Guangzhou and seven other Pearl River Delta cities, to be integrated into a megacity with 160 million citizens, almost the size of Japan and South Korea combined (https://www.chinatechnewsflash.com/pearl-river-delta-integrated-science-cities-will-bury-silicon-valley-china-tech-news-flash-52/).
The process of beginning to integrate Hong Kong into the PRC began with the passing of the recent national security law. Now, it’s time to work with the Hongkongers themselves. In fact, Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam has confirmed that she will lead a delegation to attend the celebration in Shenzhen, postponing a planned policy address, and is expected to meet Xi during the event (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/search/?q=hong%20kong).
Xi: Shenzhen is a global development miracle that the Chinese people have created together… What they have achieved in that time (40 years as an SEZ) would have taken other countries a century.
Jeff: So true. Like I said, it is a dream city and only communism-socialism could make happen what Shenzhen has become in less than two generations. This year, Baba Beijing tasked Shenzhen to become a model SOCIALIST city, along with the high-tech. For China, they are inseparable, and this is again being emphasized in the national media this week. Yet, the West’s Big Lie Propaganda Machine (BLPM) intentionally censors the “socialist” half, because global gangster capitalism wants to brainwash you that communism-socialism is evil and depraved, not democratic and successful.
Xi: The city also must build the world-class industries of finance, design, accounting, legal and exhibitions… Shenzhen will be given a clear scope to introduce economic reforms without seeking the approval of the central government. By giving greater autonomy to the city, (we hope) it will come up with new economic reforms that could be replicated in the rest of the country… China will continue to build more special economic zones based on the model of Shenzhen, which itself would continue to be a testing ground for further reforms and opening up.
Jeff: Xi wants to give Shenzhen unparalleled latitude to be a national blueprint for future SEZs. Xi tasked Shenzhen to build globally competitive STEM and other high-tech innovators and help find new and creative supply chains to nourish future industries and the digital economy. This is due to the West’s steady choking off China from the rest of the world’s commerce, which will continue, regardless of who lives in the USA White House after the elections in two weeks. Time for Baba Beijing to prepare for a 21st century Mao Era, when one-fourth of humanity continually progressed and developed without Western cooperation, markets or capital.
Xi: Global security, economic development and politics are all in a period of change. And the world has gone into a shaky and revolutionary period… The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the drastic changes in the world, giving rise to economic globalization, protectionism, unilateralism, economic downturn and drastic shrinking in international trade and investment… [The] global economy, technology, culture and political landscape is undergoing substantial adjustments and the world has entered into a period of turmoil and changes.”
Jeff: This is pure, visionary Mao Zedong speaking, thinking long term, anticipating and preparing for the worst. I have written much about the man in The China Trilogy (see below) and on China Rising Radio Sinoland (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/search/?q=mao).
Xi: China’s [continued] reform is facing unprecedented issues… The complexity, sensitivity and arduousness of advancing reforms are no less than 40 years ago… We must have greater political courage and wisdom and combine ‘crossing the river by feeling the stones’ with strengthened top-down design to steadily deepen reforms in important areas and pay more attention to the system…
Jeff: Xi evoked Deng’s famous 1992 Southern Tour quote, that China should steadily be adaptable and flexible, “crossing the river by feeling the stones” (itself harking back to Mao’s famous swim across the Yangtze River – https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2018/07/14/maos-legacy-defended-and-famous-swim-decoded-for-clueless-academics-part-4-of-8-of-ramin-mazaheris-new-china-scholarship/). “Top-down design” is a reminder that when the going gets rough, the Chinese need the wisdom, experience and guiding hand of the CPC, to keep country safe and free from Western sabotage and color revolutions.
Xi: The world economy is facing many complex challenges. We must not be intimidated by headwinds and undertow. We must stand on the right side of history to unswervingly expand opening-up, to promote an open world economy, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for humanity.
Jeff: Headwinds and undertow? This is an obvious metaphor for Mao Zedong, aka the Great Helmsman, who guided the Chinese nation like a great revolutionary, communist-socialist ship – and still does. Marxism-Leninism-Stalinism-Maoism-Xi Thought is all about solving complex contradictions with historical and analytical dialectics, while thinking big – the fate of Planet Earth and looking out for all the world’s peoples.
During a tech factory visit in Chaozhou, near Shenzhen
Xi: Seize the opportunity… Have confidence in the future… We are on the cusp of unprecedented changes in this century, and we must take a path towards self-reliance, and this means we must become independent in our innovation drive… [I urge you all] to appreciate the strategic intent of the central government, and pick your position correctly so you can make your contribution as we build our country into a strong, prosperous, and modernized country.
Jeff: Xi visiting a factory again harks back to Deng’s celebrated 1992 Southern Tour. At that time, the whole country was under severe, Western economic sanctions, embargoes and blockades, after the Tiananmen Square protests in 1989 (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/search/?q=tiananmen). Again, Xi talked about the self-reliance of Made in China 2025. He inspired his citizens to rise to their patriotic duty and defend the motherland. “Strategic intent of the central government and pick your position correctly”? Again, that’s Mao. The CPC is the vanguard party to lead the country in the right direction, keep it free and liberated from Western imperialism and global capitalism. Now is not the time for individual self-interest, but collective sacrifice.
Xi chose the Shantou-Chaozhou region, since it is just east of the Greater Bay Area plan. He wants the rest of China’s most economically powerful province, Guangdong to know they are in the mix. In the future, expect him or Premier Li Keqiang to go to Zhanjiang, on the western fringe of the bay area, to drive home the same message.
My wife and I have been to both of these areas and they are very beautiful, with wonderful ancient Chinese history, Cantonese culture and cuisine.
Xi: When we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic [in 2049], we will have built China into a much stronger and more beautiful country.
Jeff: I have written much about how visionary Baba Beijing is and how much they plan for the future (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2020/07/29/why-eurangloland-has-decided-to-do-everything-possible-to-destroy-the-chinese-peoples-way-of-life-before-it-is-too-late-even-if-it-means-sacking-the-rest-of-the-world-china-risin/). Meanwhile, capitalist leaders prep for the BLPM’s 24/7 brainwash cycle, saying whatever it takes to stay in power. Nothing else matters.
In closing
With the current global trends, the Chinese people will continue to surge ahead of Euranglolanders, economically, technologically and socially. This has been true since China’s liberation in 1949. The West will keep trying to strangle China and decouple it from the global economy, to try to prevent this from continuing. China rapidly developed and progressed during the Mao Era, when it was completely shut off from global capitalism. It was a lot less rich than today, therefore it’s sure not going to work now.
When these vain attempts are exhausted, Western colonial imperialism has its favorite go-to option: hot war. If it is conventional, NATO loses trying to conquer China, no question about that. The People’s Liberation Army strategy has always been to defend the borders, nothing more. China has no need to invade anybody.
If it goes nuclear, and the West’s many psychopathic kakocrats would love to pull the trigger – the human race will pay the ultimate price – extinction.
No matter for the West’s gangster bankster oligarchs. For them it would be a sweet victory, indeed. Communism-socialism will have finally been destroyed.
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In Solidarity, Jeff
Why and How China works: With a Mirror to Our Own History
JEFF J. BROWN, Editor, China Rising, and Senior Editor & China Correspondent, Dispatch from Beijing, The Greanville Post
Jeff J. Brown is a geopolitical analyst, journalist, lecturer and the author of The China Trilogy. It consists of 44 Days Backpacking in China %
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