BILINGUAL English-Chinese transcript: 华为仍然是西方绝望地努力地想摧毁中华民族但是注定要失败的完美故事:最新报道。中国科技新闻快讯-Huawei continues to be the perfect allegory for why the West’s desperate efforts to destroy the Chinese nation are doomed to fail: the latest reports. China Tech News Flash #103 / China Rising Radio Sinoland 210503

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卜杰富 (Jeff J. Brown)写的



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团结一致, 卜杰富


住在中国16年的大街上, 卜杰富 



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双语成绩单 / Bilingual Transcript

Good morning, everybody. This is Jeff J. Brown, China Rising Radio Sinoland and China Tech News Flash!

大家早上好这是卜杰富, 崛起中的中国电台和中国科技新闻快讯!

Just wanted to give you an update: when we finally got our shipment back from Thailand, where we were hoping to retire, but moved back to France to take care of my wife’s family’s ancestral home and also her mother’s in a nursing home nearby. So we retired here permanently in cold and northern France. I just got my nice, big Rode-NT USB mic fixed here locally. So that’s going to be added back to where it used to be.

想给大家一个更新:我们终于从泰国运回我们的物品。那里曾经是我们想过退休生活的地方,但后来搬回法国照看我妻子的祖居,也为了照顾住在附近的疗养院的岳母。所以我们在寒冷的法国北部永久退休了。我刚刚将我一个非常好用的很大的Rode-NT USB麦克风修好。所以,这将把它放置到它曾经在的地方。

And then I got my computer, which was unfortunately a little bit broken in the shipment from Thailand. I got it fixed and I’m going to pick it up next week. So hopefully in the next couple of weeks, I’ll be back with the green screen for China Tech News Flash! and important China Rising Radio Sinoland articles.

然后我拿到了我的电脑,不幸的是,从泰国邮寄回来的途中有点被损坏了。我把它拿去修好了,下周再去取回来。所以希望在接下来的几周里, 我会带着绿屏回到中国科技新闻快讯,和重要的崛起的中国的文章。

First off, audio visual fans, you really need to get to the CRRS, the China Rising Radio Sinoland page for all the links, because there’s just pages of links.


I do want to point out that my daughter does work at Huawei. She was first in Germany in HR, Human Resources and is now in France, where she is the admin assistant at two of the company’s top research centers here, including the new €200 million Lagrange Center for Mathematics. In addition to everything else about the allegory of Huawei, I do have a family connection and have learned a lot from her about why she enjoys working there so much.


This post is entitled,


Huawei continues to be the perfect allegory for why the West’s desperate efforts to destroy the Chinese nation are doomed to fail: the latest reports. China Tech News Flash! #103 / China Rising Radio Sinoland 210503

华为仍然是西方绝望地努力地想摧毁中华民族但是注定要失败的完美故事:最新报道。中国科技新闻快讯!#103 / 崛起的中国广播电台 210503

Before we get started, my two recent posts are a great primer, also based on living and working in China for sixteen years,


Jeff J. Brown reviews, “Huawei Stories: Pioneers”, by Tian Tao and Yin Zhifeng… After reading this book, is it any wonder that Huawei is the global leader in ICT? China Rising Radio Sinoland 210423

卜杰富评论, “华为故事: 先锋者”, 由 Tian TaoYin Zhifeng。。。看完这本书,对于华为是信息通信技术的全球领导者还感到奇怪的吗?崛起的中国广播电台210423

This one talks about Huawei’s work in France and the Lagrange Center, with photos,


Invited to Huawei’s “Protecting IP-Driving Innovation 2021 White Paper Forum”, here is my analysis and what you need to know for your (ICT – Information, Communication and Technology) future. China Rising Radio Sinoland 210320


And since Huawei  is the perfect allegory and metaphor for China, its governance and people, especially vis-à-vis the West, I created a Huawei Online Resource Collection. This even has Chinese articles. And the link is here,


Huawei Online Resource Collection. By: China Rising Radio Sinoland and China Tech News Flash! / 华为在线资源收集。 崛起中的中国的常客和中国科技新闻快讯!写的


我的报告 / My Report


The West’s Big Lie Propaganda Machine (BLPM) tsunami against Huawei and China are part and parcel of the same MSM psychological warfare, since Eurangloland (NATO, EU, Five Eyes, Israel) can’t compete openly and honestly on a level playing field.

西方对华为和中国的天大谎言的宣传机器(BLPM)像海啸一般抹黑和对抗华为, 同样是MSM心理战的一部分,因为欧盟(北约、欧盟、五眼、以色列)不能在公平的竞争环境中公开和诚实地竞争。

And there are these tech websites. They all have dishonest, distorted, blatantly propagandist articles. They also do some good reports, I mean, there’s no doubt about it, they do. When it comes to China, the reporting becomes dishonest and distorted and very propagandistic and anti-China. These include websites like Totaltel, Telecoms, Light Reading and Total Telecom; as if it’s perfectly normal for the West to declare war as a business plan on China – as I have reported before – actually the United States, but in tandem with vassal Europe. What it is doing against companies like Huawei and against China was exactly what Franklin Delano Roosevelt did to get Japan to attack the United States, so that the United States could get into World War Two to boost the economy, because the economy was really, really flagging. What is going on, is historically way more for a country to respond with a hot war, but that’s not something the Chinese are ready to do.

这里还有一些科技网站。他们有大量的虚假的,扭曲的,公然的宣传文章。他们还做了一些好的报到,我的意思是,不用怀疑他们确实有。但是当一报道到关于中国的消息,这些报道机会变成虚假的的扭曲的反中国的宣传。这些网站包括Totaltel, Telecoms, Light Reading 和Total Telecom。 西方社会对中国宣战当作一个正常事情,就像我之前报道的那样,其实美国和附庸欧洲勾连一起。他们做一些反对华为和反对中国的事情完全就是当年富兰克林对日本做的那样,使得日本攻击美国,从而让美国参与到二战从而使美国经济得到发展,因为当时他们的经济是真的低迷。他们所作的一切,其实是想让历史重演让一个国家卷入战争,但是中国并没有做好准备。

All right, let’s go. It’s just I just want to run through quickly about ten of the articles from these websites that just love to come out with these snarky, insulting, threatening, chest beating articles against Huawei and everybody else in China,

好吧,让我们开始吧。我只想快速浏览这些网站的大约十篇文章, 这些文章只是喜欢拿出这些尖刻、侮辱、威胁、直击心脏的文章来对付华为和中国的其他人,

Huawei dishonesty continues to argues that people who call Harmony operating system…

华为不诚实地继续辩称称鸿蒙操作系统的人 。。。

That’s their new cross platform for computers, phones, cars, consumer electronics, everything. That’s their new operating system,


just an Android skin, have no idea about software.


You know, Linux was the original operating system, but now there’s all kinds of different Linuxes out there that are not the same. Huawei started out with Android, but then they have changed it so much that it’s not even recognizably Android, just as there are now at least four or five Linux systems that, yes, they started out with Linux, but they’re now their own unique systems.


Huawei is proving as hard to stop as movie supervillian!


Huawei is short on answers to chip crunch as growth stalls.


Well, yeah, because the United States has completely shut down their ability to purchase chips outside of China. What do you expect?


Starved of chips, Huawei pivots to cars and software.


Well, you would, too, if your smartphone business is going to take a big hit. Of course they did. They’re diversifying.


Huawei gives another thumbs-down to Open RAN – or so it says! Open Radio Access Network (RAN) is the China Syndrome!

华为又一次反对开放无线网络Open RAN -或者这么说,  开放无线网络接入网(Open RAN)是中国症结!

You know, the reference to the movie, with, I think it was Jane Fonda, about the nuclear power plant meltdown. They use these emotive trigger words to elicit negative impressions in your head.

你知道,让我想起一部 Jane Fonda的电影,关于核电站的毁坏。他们用这些情绪化的触发词来引起你头脑中的负面印象。

Why would Huawei want to cooperate with Open RAN? I’m sure it would cooperate with Open RAN if they were treated equally like Ericsson and Nokia and not have war declared on it. You have to read the whole article. Ericsson and Nokia not wild about Open RAN either, but they want to give you the impression that it’s Huawei that’s trying to diss Open RAN.

华为为什么要与开放无线网络合作?我相信, 如果他们受到爱立信和诺基亚的平等对待, 而不是宣战, 它会与开放无线网络合作。你必须阅读整篇文章。爱立信和诺基亚对开放无线网络Open RAN 也不狂热, 但他们想给你的印象是, 是华为试图解反对开放无线网络。

Anyway,  不管怎么样

Huawei navigates US sanctions to make a profit in 2020.


Which they did, of course, never questioning the the logic of why are the sanctions even in place? And of course, the reason is that they can’t compete against Huawei. This has nothing to do with – I will report later – has nothing to do with national security. It’s just the inability to compete on a level playing field.


Huawei will play no part in in the UK’s 5G future.


And another one,


German security law may tighten the screws on Huawei.


And then here’s a couple of more that I discussed in the white paper piece I just told you about. I mean, this was blatantly racist in this article,


Nokia will cut up to 10,000 more jobs after Huawei gained 16,000 positions.


But they basically – this article – they basically said we can’t trust Huawei’s numbers because they’re Chinese, can’t trust the Chinese, which is just blatantly racist. And I talk about that in my work following that white paper.

这篇文章他们基本上说, 我们不能相信华为的数字, 因为他们是中国人, 不能相信中国人。 这只是公然种族主义。在那篇白皮书之后,我在工作中谈到了这一点。

This was the BLPM meme they propagated around the world,


Huawei too begin charging phone makers for 5G patents.


As if other companies don’t charge for their patents and as I pointed out in the article, it’s so darn cheap, it’s irrelevant. Huawei does not make very much money off of them, I think it’s three billion (dollars) a year. It’s insignificant, but they give you the impression that is Huawei that charges for its patents. But, so does Samsung. So does LG. So does everybody else. So does Apple, so does Google, if they have patents they want to charge for. Of course they do.

如果其他公司不收取他们的专利费, 正如我在文章中指出的, 那产品就太便宜了, 根本不相关。华为从中赚的钱不多,我想是一年 30 亿美金。对他们来说这是微不足道的,但他们给你的印象是,是华为收取其专利。但是,三星也是如此,LG也是如此,其他人也是如此。苹果也是如此,谷歌也是如此,如果他们拥有他们想收取的专利,当然会收。

And so, these totally dishonest, distorting psychological warfare soldiers, they are all very, very happy because finally, after all this time, after being totally deprived of chips for the last couple of years, the big announcement came out,


Revenues fell 16.5% to $23.5 billion in the first quarter of 2021 for Huawei.  华为2021年第一季度收入下降16.5%,至235亿美元。

Of course, it was all almost all in smartphones overseas. And I reported a lot about this on China Tech News Flash!!


There is a quote from Eric Xu, Huawei’s rotating chairman. I’ve also written about this, how they rotate chairmen, they rotate CEOs. Just unbelievable.

这是引述了华为轮值主席徐直军先生的话。我也写过这个, 他们如何轮换主席, 他们轮换 CEO。真是难以置信

2021 will be another challenging year for us, but it’s also the year that our future development strategy will begin to take shape,” said Eric Xu, Huawei’s Rotating Chairman. “We thank our customers and partners for their ongoing trust. No matter what challenges come our way, we will continue to maintain our business resilience. Not just to survive, but do so sustainably. As always, we will remain focused on the needs of our customers and keep delivering practical business value.


His quote, you could go back to that quote. Everywhere where you see “us”, you could replace “us”, “we”, “Huawei”, you could replace that with China. “Twenty-twenty-one , another challenging year for China”. You just go back and replace them. This just goes to show you… And customers would be citizens, diplomatic partners, the Belt and Road Initiative, you know, in terms of delivering practical business value,


This is a total allegory of China and Baba Beijing (the leadership).


This is what the Westerners and probably most people around the world do not understand, is that an outside attack on Huawei, ZTE and any other Chinese business is looked upon by the people as an attack on them. Chinese citizens are patriots, first.


I can go on and read in Chinese in the national press and the social media, they are full of,

我可以继续用中文阅读国家媒体和社交媒体, 他们充满了,

We’ve got to show support for…


And then just plug it in Huawei, ZTE, any of them, be it an airline. Whatever. High speed train company, automobile company, mining company, shipping company. The Chinese are ready to back to the hilt their businesses if they feel like there is an attack from the outside.


And it goes both ways. The companies in China, an attack on them is an attack on China and the Chinese people.


And this goes back to Mao Zedong Thought, I mean, you can go back and read what he wrote. This is exactly how the Chinese, not only the people, but the business, the government – their mission, and their business and their governance with the outside world.


All right. I have in another file which I went through. I pulled out all the Huawei ones and I still have like nine pages of China Tech News Flash! hyperlinks to report on. I mean, I just cannot keep up. But you know, there were so many about Huawei because Huawei is, you know, in the gun scope of the West. And so there’s a lot of information out there about Huawei.

When times are good, the pay is better, when times are tough. The 200,000 employee owners of Huawei step up to help out.


And so there’s an article here,


Huawei seeks to raise fresh funds from the employees…


Because they’re the owners there. You can’t buy Huawei stock. It’s the world’s largest employee owned company.


…Amid US trade sanctions.


This one was interesting,


Fake, dumb, and poor’ – Huawei exec unloads on China 5G


Ryan Ding, the head of Huawei’s carrier business, has tipped a bucket of ice water on China’s 5G.

China might have the world’s biggest rollout and the largest number of customers, but compared to other countries – in particular South Korea – he says China’s 5G is “fake, dumb and poor.”

Dyan Ding,华为运营商业务的负责人,给中国的5G发展浇了一盆冷水。中国可能拥有世界上最大的规模的客户和首次展示,但是和其他国家相比,特别是韩国,中国的5G就是假的,愚蠢的和穷困的。

Well, that was not meant for the outside world. That was meant for Huawei’s employees. To get them fired up, Now, Huawei’s employees will be motivated to show their patriotism by working bigger, better, faster and cheaper



The book that I reviewed up above describes this and is just unbelievable.


Let’s look at China domestically. Huawei is mopping up stakes in domestic chip suppliers.


Of course, if Trump and now Biden are going to deprive Huawei of being able to buy chips to run its business, they’re going to start looking domestically. So, they’ve been buying interests in various chip companies in China.


Here’s another article.


China has reached about 96 percent of its target to build 500,000 base stations.


Of course, many of those, if not most of them, will be Huawei. So, as the West continues to try to destroy Huawei internationally, those 500,000 towers will provide a lot of the service revenue for Huawei domestically.


Here’s an interesting one. This is something that’s very, very Chinese, very Confucian, very Daoist, very, very Buddhist,


China Tech Veterans Launch Domestic Replacement Fund amid U.S. sanctions.


In other words, Chinese businesses and perceived competitors work together for the greater good, especially when the chips are down, and pardon that pun. They will actually help each other to make sure that the pie stays big.


China’s Manhattan Microchip Project,


New Shanghai plant reportedly to rid Huawei of dependency on foreign chips in light of U.S. sanctions.


I will report later on about this. Trust me, China will be producing its own chips within the next few years.


Here’s another one.  另外一个

Huawei and China Mobile… 华为和中国移动

My phone company, 我手机的运营商

…Pitch Network Smarts Together. 一起推销智能网络

Called Intelligent Connectivity. Huawei and the three big phone companies work together to increase customer satisfaction and lower costs for everybody.


Internationally, 在国际上,

Huawei launches Go Global Alliance to boost Chinese gaming tech firms and using Harmony operating system platforms

华为创立Go Global 走向全球联盟,从而发动中国游戏厂商使用鸿蒙操作系统。


Huawei updates pedal maps with a major upgrade rivaling Google Maps in a bid for tech self-sufficiency.

Brazil trialling 5g agriculture with Huawei tech.

Huawei is all over Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Oceania. Read that book review I did about how they got established in African and o


Kenya hails Huawei’s role in boosting youth ICT skills. ther parts of the world. It’s just unbelievable.


Here’s another one.


Huawei sets out stall for 5.5G.


To connect the world, calling for new standards to support high speed uplinks, drones and hundreds of billions of connections. Again, looking out globally across the world.


And why is everybody wanting a Huawei? Here’s another article,


Huawei is still top dog in the global telecoms market.


If you go back (on China Tech News Flash!), I have a chart that shows Huawei’s global revenue compared to ICT companies, Samsung and Nokia and Ericsson. I mean, it’s just several magnitudes greater than the competition.


And it’s not just Huawei, it the U.S. war on China Tech.


Here’s another headline,


Chinese firms accused of posing a national threat.


U.S. banning sanctioning embargoing Huawei, ZTE, which is also another ICT company, US banning, sanctioning an embargoing Huawei Technologies Co (ICT), ZTE Corp (ICT), Hytera Communications Corp (walkie-talkies, radios, comm equip), Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co (CCTVs) and Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co. (CCTVs), SenseTime, the world’s most valuable artificial intelligence startup (at least before the ban), the large AI company Megvii, and facial recognition firm Yitu Technologies were among those put on the Entity List, where they cannot have any relationship with the United States and of course, then the United States extorts the rest of the world to not do business with them.


Also listed were voice recognition company iFlytek, cybersecurity group Meiya Pico and nanotech firm Yixin Science and Technology, plus tens more.



Now, USA just banned six supercomputer companies, including Sugon and microprocessor designer Hygon. Which I also reported on. In fact, my very first China Tech News Flash! is about the fact that China is now more and more dominating supercomputing globally,


Why are they banning all these companies. Because they can’t compete, it’s just all there is to it, they’ve got bigger, better, faster, cheaper software and hardware. And this is this whole idea of, you know, where the West, especially the United States, has literally declared war on China and the Chinese people and all of their businesses.


The Chinese will continue to thrive and prosper because Mao Zedong and his Mao Zedong Thought inspires them. Remember, he was the one that came up with the plan called the Third Front, where they they moved huge amounts of industry and manufacturing into the interior of the country, because there – I mean, it was really, really serious with the United States threatening to wipe out China with atomic bombs back in the nineteen fifties – Mao said,

Go ahead. America’s atom bombs are just a paper tiger. If you do, we will just move everybody to the to the other half of the country and we’ll still survive.



Of course, that was used as propaganda that, “Oh, Mao, doesn’t care if half his people get wiped out”. That’s not what he said. He said if the US bombs with A-bombs, we are not going to cave in. We’re just going to move west, start over and rebuild. Not only that, but during the Mao Era, there was I mean, they went from strength to strength in tech and ag and manufacturing and everything else.


Here’s another one.


China Deploys Sun Zi’s The Art of War to win the chip war.


I reported on this several times this year (here paraphrasing the article),


With or without a sanctions juggernaut, China simply won’t be expelled from the global semiconductor market. Beijing has a plan to become the indispensable tech core of East Asia, linking ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations), Northeast Asia and even both Koreas. And we can’t forget that in the next few years. Made in China 2025, which I’ve reported on several times, remains in effect. The Chinese will be manufacturing the necessary equipment to produce five-nanometer chips as good as or even better than what’s being made in Taiwan, South Korea and Japan. And that is absolutely true.


Not only that, but all of the Chinese companies are backed and supported by Baba Beijing. They will do whatever it takes to make sure that their one hundred core industries, including ICT, are not going to be destroyed by outside declarations of war.


Here’s a couple of articles.


China slams U.S. Bullying Tech Firms, unveils data security.


So they now are coming out with their own data security regulations and architecture to compete against the United States.


Here’s the other one.


China urges neighbors…


Again, ASEAN, East Asia, etc.,


…to back its data security idea, not the U.S.


It’s hard for the West to compete against that kind of integrated, patriotic, harmonious, let’s-grow-the-pie, not try to each have the entire pie. Very, very Confucian. Daoist and Buddhist.

In the U.S. nothing to say, except the Commerce Department has their entity list.



Commerce Department adds nine Chinese entities related to human rights.


Commerce Department adds 24 Chinese companies.


Commerce Department adds 11Chinese entities Implicated in human rights violations.


 U.S. sanctions Chinese companies for South China Sea island building.


Go ahead!


U.S. Department of Commerce adds to Chinese organizations to its entity list.


Commerce Department further restricts Huawei access to U.S. technology.


U.S. Undersecretary of State says there really is no future with Huawei.


Here’s a good one.


Ex-diplomat reveals how Trump administration managed to persuade EU states to ditch Huawei 5G.


I will tell you how. It’s the imperial toolbox: blackmail, bribery and extortion. Nothing’s changed.

Then, here we go,


Huawei being banned in the U.S. by the Joe Biden administration.


It now puts new limits on Huawei. This, even after Trump actually lifted a couple.


Pompeo expresses confidence that Western telecom providers will effectively compete with Huawei.


Well, this is of course the former Secretary of State for Trump, given what you all have done, maybe. I’m not even sure that you will be able to compete in spite of everything that you have done, to try to destroy Huawei and China.


More chip makers apply for U.S. licenses to sell to Huawei.


As sanctions kick in, Intel gets U.S. licenses to supply some products.


White House reportedly invokes at least one Intel license to sell to Huawei.


That was Joe Biden. Biden takes it back. Petty domestic one-upsmanship between Democrat Russia haters and Republican China haters.


The United Kingdom, loyal Anglo-Saxon Siamese twin to the United States.


The U.K. plans to rip out Huawei’s 4G, install new 4G, non-Huawei, and then try to find non-Chinese 5G suppliers – billions of pounds that will be added to Britain’s customers. And that’s not even capitalism. It’s not free trade. It’s desperate imperialism.


Here are some of the headlines.


UK’s post-Huawei 5G landscape needs new suppliers.


This task force, they can’t find anybody to replace Huawei, at the scale that they need for national 5G.


UK’s Huawei 5G network replacement may cost the economy £182 billion and £163 billion in GDP as Britain loses 5G lead.


What kind of government would do something like this? I mean, this is nuts.


UK to lose 100 billion in economic gains, 350,000 potential jobs over 10 years due to Huawei being replaced.


OK, go ahead, a drop in the bucket UK – £250 million aide to replace Huawei in 5G plan, but will lose billions in the long run.


And then, 还有

BT and Vodafone balk at the prospect of removing Huawei from UK networks.


Because, they don’t have anything to replace them with!


And then, Lord Browne, who used to be the CEO of BT, came out and said in an interview (paraphrasing),

还有,Lord Browne,曾经是英国电信的CEO,站出来在一次采访中说(片段)

There is nothing that we cannot verify with Huawei. We know they are not spying on us. We can control all the back doors. We can control everything.


And he’s the former CEO of BT British Telecom, one of the biggest global behemoths. And in fact, I think he knows what he’s talking about. And so he even came out and said that there’s nothing to worry about.


This doesn’t really get published. This was on a minor website. It doesn’t get published on the front page of the Financial Times or the Independent or the other major papers.


Since 2015, the UK began to scrutinize Huawei, now the fifth Huawei security evaluation report. It continues to confirm no evidence of Huawei backdoor activities.


This the BLPM sensors. This information, it’s really hard to see. In fact, this is from the UK government. It’s a UK government website. And as I reported, Ren Zhengfei, the founder and former CEO of Huawei, offered to provide every algorithm, everything to Western companies. Of course, they would have to pay for it because its licensed.


So, they can see exactly what they’re getting. But again, they can’t compete. And so they came up with this phony national security lie, the Big Lie Propaganda Machine.


In spite of all this, you know, especially since Huawei got its start in Europe working with BT, if you see the book review above, why,


Huawei is not giving up on U.K. 5G just yet.


There are a lot of companies that would just say,


To heck with you, we’ll go someplace else.


But that’s not the way Chinese businesses work, with their Confucian, Daoist, Buddhist mentality.


OK, let’s move to France.


As I reported in my white paper article above, Huawei loves to work with the French because their education system cranks out well-trained blue collar and educated white collar workers, especially in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). They’ve got some of the best engineering schools in the world.


And here we go,


Huawei to build network equipment factory in France as E.U. battles for tech policy on Chinese.


So, they just built the Lagrange Center for Mathematics. They continue to have like, six research centers in France. Now they’re going to do manufacturing in France, in spite of everything being done to try to destroy them and the Chinese nation.


Germany, even though they are threatening to pull out Huawei in-country,


Berlin, plans to back Deutsche Telekom China 5G bid as U.S. pressures E.U. in trade and tech war.


So, you know, they’re sitting there threatening to pull out Huawei from Germany, but they’re going to go ahead and try to do business in China. I mean, you have to choose war or cooperation. Funny enough, the Chinese would let them have an opportunity in any case.


These articles in the press, like “France is going to let Huawei and ZTE do this”, and then two weeks later, oh, “France is going to stop their plans”. This is because of the imperial toolbox. As soon as a Western empire vassal state comes out with something favorable to say, announces that they’re going to continue to work, et cetera, what does Washington do? They send their goons over to Brussels and Paris and Berlin and London and they pull out their imperial toolbox – blackmail, bribery and extortion. And then the headlines change.


Sweden has really become a battleground.


Huawei makes a stand against Sweden’s 5G ban.



Huawei appeals Sweden ban.


Sweden halts 5G auction after court allows Huawei to build 5G network.


And then, of course, Ericsson is one of the best ICT companies in the world, they’re Swedish.

And so here you have the chief executive of Ericsson coming out and saying,


Europe risks falling behind again in 5G rollout amid Swedish Huawei ban.


So, here you have the CEO of one of Sweden’s flagship high-tech companies saying we need to work with Huawei. And then when that didn’t really help – and by the way, I’m finding these on alternative media, Sputnik and R.T. and elsewhere, because I don’t know how much of this is actually being reported and fully explained in the Big Lie propaganda machine,


(Swedish) Ericsson threatens to leave Sweden unwilling to lose the Chinese market over Huawei ban.


So the CEO, apparently what he said about 5G fell on deaf ears. Again, the imperial toolbox, blackmail, bribery, extortion in the halls of government. He is basically saying Swedish Ericsson will leave Sweden if Sweden bans Huawei.


Is this capitalism? Is this free markets? Is this, you know, open trade? Fair trade? Unbelievable.


I know people who work for Ericsson in China and Ericsson is making very good money there. And so they’re making a lot more money in China than they ever could in Sweden.


Australia. Loyal, bootlicking imperial vassal, Australia. They cannot stop shooting themselves in the head with everything from agriculture to mining to trade, letting the US build bases and whatever else is going on to threaten China, sending ships to the South China Sea.


China offers to help Australia with 6G.


Here again, 6G, you know, the West can’t even get 5G going well and and China is already working on 6G, which I’ve reported on several times.


But Down Under keeps committing high tech suicide as a partner, being one of the Five Eyes, you know, the Anglo-Saxon countries, to spy all over the world. Yet, China is still offering to help the Australians. Will they take it, or keep doing the stupidest things to satisfy the United States’ demands?


Australian Cold War on Huawei to cost one hundred million dollars and 1000 jobs amid Canberra’s 5G ban to support the US China trade war.


I say they’ll commit suicide. 我说的这就是在自杀。

Software: basically what’s going to happen is that until Huawei can get the chips they need, they’re going to become like Apple, and they will become a bigger, better, faster, cheaper Apple. They’re going to move into applications and they’re going to move into laptops in a big way. And consumer electronics and smartphones, just like Apple does.


EMUI is Huawei’s Android Drive mobile phone operating system developed by Huawei. It is used in the company’s smartphones and tablets. Unfortunately, my old Huawei Nova2i that I bought in Vietnam, that has a cracked screen, they will not get that low to get the new EMI 11, Version 11, because it’s just too old.

EMUI 是华为在安卓系统的手机操作系统基础上开发的。它被用在这个公司的智能手机和平板电脑上。很不幸的是,我的老华为手机Nova2i,在越南买的,手机屏幕被摔烂了,他们不会出兼容那么老手机的EMUI 11版本的。

Because I my Huawei P40 Plus Pro that we bought in Thailand before we left, got stolen here in France. And in fact I’ve already decided I’m going to get a newer Huawei phone, probably not a P40 Pro, because they’re much more expensive, but maybe a P30 from China – with the Huawei Harmony operating system to test it.

因为我的华为P40 Plus pro,在我离开泰国之前卖的,在法国这里被偷了。实际上我决定去买一部更新的华为手机,可能不是P40 Pro,因为太贵了。但是可能是从中国购买的P30,安装了华为鸿蒙系统的手机用来测试。

So anyway,


EMUI 11 users exceed one hundred million.

EMUI 11用户将超过1个亿

The next stop is Harmony operating system. So what they’re going to do is they’re going to get as many phones – they’ve gone back – I think they got back to about Huawei 5 or 4. Unfortunately, “2”, I don’t think they are going to do so. Then people can convert their phones for free from the Android based operating system to the Huawei operating system. In fact, I’m so upset with Windows right now. They have screwed me over so badly. I think I’m going to get the Harmony operating system for my laptop that I’m using right now to ditch Microsoft Windows 10.

下一站是关于华为鸿蒙系统。所以他们会尽可能让更多的手机使用鸿蒙系统,或许他们会支持到华为5或者4。但是不幸的是,“2”应该不会被支持了。然后人们可以免费的从安卓系统切换到鸿蒙系统。事实上,我为Windows感到悲哀了,把我的电脑严重搞砸了。我将会把我的笔记本电脑的操作系统从Windows 10切换成鸿蒙操作系统。

Huawei’s app gallery rivals Google and Apple with 530 million users major growth in 2020, despite US trade bans.


They have spent millions of dollars in India, working with app developers there to stock the Huawei Store. When I was using my P40, there was only one program that I could not find that would not work without having Google Play. And that was quite a while ago. Now, when they come out with their Harmony operating system, I am sure there’s going to be more even more applications. Thus now, of course, Huawei is becoming like Apple. You know, let’s do applications and also software.

他们在印度话费了数百亿美元,和app开发者合作在华为商店上开发应用。当我还在使用P40的时候,只有一款应用在Google Play商店上找到,而在华为商店找不到。这是很久以前的事情了。现在,当他们发布了他们的鸿蒙操作系统之后,我很确定他们会开发出更多的应用app。 所以现在,当然,华为变成更像苹果公司了。让我们开发应用和软件吧。

Huawei turns to AI pig farming to bring home the bacon.


So they’re using their artificial intelligence and their software, big data, everything else to work with pig farmers.


Huawei launches a powerful A.I. processor, the Ascend 910.

华为启动一个非常强大的人工智能芯片项目,Ascend 910

That’s just in software.


Now, let’s get to cars. This is really interesting.


A couple of years ago, Ren Zhengfei said,

Oh, we’ll never do cars.


But that was before the West declared war on China and on Huawei and all the other companies in China. And if you don’t know, China is the world’s biggest car market. That includes Western Cadillac, in the United States, Buick, Mercedes Benz, BMW, Audi, VW, Peugeot, they’re all there, Citroën, Renault, they’re all there.


And so, whatever happens in China in terms of automobiles will undoubtedly, for these, Western companies, whatever technology they adopt in China, will undoubtedly come back home to Europe and North America.


Huawei signs 18 carmakers to drive 5G adoption.


So now 18 carmakers, and I can guarantee you that includes the Western ones, because they don’t want the Chinese carmakers to have a technical advantage. And they’re in the biggest car market in the world, and are adopting Huawei’s 5G for connected vehicles.


Huawei pivots to China’s smart car market.


And so, again, they weren’t planning on it. But they’re adaptable. They move fast. And you’ll see here below that they have moved very, very fast in the last year.


Huawei shifts focus to its connected car business.


This is the connected cars, where the car will be using Harmony operating system and will be plugged in to satellites and GPS and your home and the Internet of Things and eventually self-driving cars.


This is really, really interesting. Huawei starts selling smart cars and flagship stores across China to offset smartphone losses.


Of course, those smartphone losses are outside of China. So, you go into a Huawei store in China, you buy your new P40 or P50, and the salesperson says,


Hey, while you’re here, why don’t you buy an electric car?




So they have come out with the new S5F model and it has been jointly launched by the Shenzhen based tech giant and carmaker SERES. Xiaomi is actually investing like 10 billion dollars to come out with their own car. Huawei has opted to just put a billion into this project and work with this Shenzhen company. Of course, for those of you who don’t know, I lived in Shenzhen for three years before moving to Thailand in hopes of retiring there and then now in France.


5G with Harmony operating system to seamlessly connect car to all Huawei devices.


No other company has been able to do this. Not Apple, not Google, not Microsoft, not Samsung. Nobody has been able to seamlessly connect, across platforms, with one operating system. When I get my Huawei phone and eventually my laptop with which I’m talking to you, I can even, you know, connect what my daughter gave me – a Huawei watch because they gave it to her in Dusseldorf when she transferred and she thought it was a little bit too masculine.  So she gave it to me and I’ll be able to hook all these things together with Huawei.

They’re also going into self-driving cars. Their self-driving car is better than Tesla’s.

Get a load of this,


Huawei sold 3000 driverless cars in two days using a navigation system far superior than Tesla.


So, take that Elon Musk!


I’ve reported about him too.


All right. I hope you all enjoyed this. I can sit there and write about this all day. Thus, instead of doing a lot of short ones, I thought I’d do one big, long one to show you all where Huawei is and that it is an allegory for the Chinese people, for the Chinese nation, for the Chinese government, for Baba Beijing.


There’s nothing to stop them. They are not going to be stopped no matter what the West does, how desperately the West tries to crush them, declare war on them. It’s not going to happen.  Even if there’s a hot war with Mao Zedong, they’ll just move. They’ll still adapt. They’ll survive.


And the West may not.


This is Jeff. Thank you very much. Have a great day. China Rising Radio Sinoland and China Tech News Flash! signing out.


Please make a contribution to all of my hard work. Thank you.



相关链接排列讨论 / Referenced hyperlinks in order discussed: 

Huawei is proving as hard to stop as a movie supervillain | Light Reading 

Huawei short on answers to chips crunch as growth stalls | Light Reading 

Starved of chips, Huawei pivots to cars and software | Light Reading 

Huawei gives another thumbs-down to open RAN – or so it says | Light Reading 

Huawei Revenue Drops As Warning Of A Challenging Year | Elostaz Tech 

‘Fake, dumb, and poor’ – Huawei exec unloads on China 5G | Light Reading  

China deploys Sun Tzu to win the chip war – Asia Times 

Intel gets U.S. licences to supply some products to Huawei | Reuters 

Huawei sets out its stall for 5.5G | Light Reading 

Huawei still top dog in the global telecoms kit market – 

US war on China tech: Five firms accused of posing national threat (—report/—report/—report/ 

Huawei turns to AI pig farming to bring home the bacon | total telecom 


结束 / END




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Why and How China works: With a Mirror to Our Own History



JEFF J. BROWN, Editor, China Rising, and Senior Editor & China Correspondent, Dispatch from Beijing, The Greanville Post

Jeff J. Brown is a geopolitical analyst, journalist, lecturer and the author of The China Trilogy. It consists of 44 Days Backpacking in China – The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass (2013); Punto Press released China Rising – Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations (2016); and BIG Red Book on China (2020). As well, he published a textbook, Doctor WriteRead’s Treasure Trove to Great English (2015). Jeff is a Senior Editor & China Correspondent for The Greanville Post, where he keeps a column, Dispatch from Beijing and is a Global Opinion Leader at 21st Century. He also writes a column for The Saker, called the Moscow-Beijing Express. Jeff writes, interviews and podcasts on his own program, China Rising Radio Sinoland, which is also available on YouTubeStitcher Radio, iTunes, Ivoox and RUvid. Guests have included Ramsey Clark, James Bradley, Moti Nissani, Godfree Roberts, Hiroyuki Hamada, The Saker and many others. [/su_spoiler]

Jeff can be reached at China Rising,


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