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Jeff J Brown: Good morning, everybody. This is Jeff J. Brown, known as JB West on the coast of Normandy here in France. And I’ve got my good buddy and partner, JB East, all the way halfway around the planet in Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. How are you doing, James?
James Bradley: I’m doing great because today is a special day. It’s your birthday.
Jeff: Yeah, but it’s even more important historically.
James: And, well, it’s your birthday. I mean, it’s your one life, so it’s pretty important. And then also today, in 1975, people might remember Americans fleeing onto a helicopter in Saigon. And I just came from the presidential palace for the famous picture of the tanks bursting through the gates and the helicopter pad that is in that picture is still here. It’s just a few blocks away. And we’re going to eventually talk about it. So, let’s start with the book. Jeff asked me to talk about my book, The China Mirage.
Jeff: This is a follow-up. Thank you, James. This is a follow-up to a show that we did on February 24th called “Who’s in Charge? How the Fate of Three US Presidents is a Lens on Postwar Democracy” ( And over 25,000 people watched, listened to, or read that show. James has written four books. And I think everybody out there should read them. They are likely in your public library in the United States or Britain or any other English-language country “The Flags of Our Fathers”, “Flyboys”…
And then what got James and me hooked up years ago was I read “Imperial Cruise” and “The China Mirage”. So, all four of them, the last two are really focused on China, the China Lobby. How China was seen and handled by the United States in the 20th century. And today we’re going to be talking specifically about the “China Mirage”. And of course, mirage is a great word for it, because as James will point out in this show, we both have a lot of respect for Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
But even sometimes in reading James’s book, you sometimes have to ask who’s in charge?. And just like with John F Kennedy, Richard Nixon, and then Donald Trump. So, this actually precedes those three presidents who were taken out of action. And we’re back in the 1940s with FDR. So, it’s just a great book. And I reread the chapters to prepare for this show. I reread the chapters on this called “The War Over Oil”. And you write about Washington Warriors. Who were they and what defined them?
James: The term Washington Warriors came from Henry Morgenthau, who was Secretary of the Treasury. And the idea was simply that FDR and his Secretary of State, Hull, were running foreign policy. And they said, we’re the foreign policy czars. And you guys keep your hands off it. But Treasury wanted to get involved and everyone was excited. Why? You know, we’re at war with Russia right now. It’s 2023. But you can see that we’ve been conditioned since 1917 with the McCarthy era in the 1950s and then with the Russia, Russia, Russia, and the takedown of Trump. We’ve been conditioned to think negatively about Russia. And now guess what? We’re at war with Russia.
In 1930, there was a committee called the American Committee for the Nonparticipation of Japanese Aggression. And simply put, the Chinese noble peasant, as I call them, was almost a caricature. The number one book of the 20th century in terms of sales was Pearl Buck’s The Good Earth. And she made the Chinese into these cuddly people that Americans absolutely fell in love with, in a bestselling book and movie. But guess what?
The Chinese couldn’t come into the country. We didn’t want to live next to a Chinese. It was illegal for them to come. We didn’t want our sons and daughters kissing the Chinese, but we loved them at a distance. We loved the noble Chinese peasants. And there’s this huge propaganda agency based two blocks from the New York Public Library that said, if we stop helping Japan invade China, the war will end and China will withdraw and there will be peace. China will never or Japan will never bomb us.
Bomb Pearl Harbor? You’re out of your mind. Look, the way to peace is to stop selling oil to Japan. Hey, folks, do you know the Japanese war machine that’s crunching the Chinese, they’re getting their steel and their oil from us. Franklin Delano Roosevelt is feeding the Japanese war machine. We’ve got to stop this. Now, if you just cut the oil, cut the steel, the Japanese will say, oh, we can’t fight the United States and they’ll just retreat to Japan and there will be peace. So, I’m simplifying it.
But millions and millions of pamphlets went out and they went out to local editors, pastors, and heads of Rotary. And all of a sudden, you had Judge Jeff J. Brown in Oklahoma giving a speech about we just have to stop participating in Japanese aggression. And it was as if he came up with that idea. But he was being pumped by this committee and pastors and editorialists, and there became a groundswell of demand that we cut Japan’s supplies.
And this ground, obviously, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt appointed somebody as secretary or assistant, they came from the American population. And just like the American population now hates Russia, the American population believed if you could cut Japan’s supplies, there will be peace. So, Washington Warriors were all these people underneath FDR who said, what is it? Why is FDR supplying the Japanese? Let’s just cut the supplies and we’ll have a peaceful world. So that’s where Washington Warriors came from.
Jeff: Okay, that’s interesting. Your account I reread and it was just like, it was shocking how FDR obviously wanted to avoid the war in the Pacific. He wanted the oil to still go to Japan. And obviously, as we will learn, people underneath him betrayed him and disobeyed him. And we ended up in a world war in the Pacific.
But your account of Japanese and US diplomats totally misunderstanding each other, it is almost like a Groucho Marx movie. I couldn’t believe it. Due to no cross-language skills is shocking. So, we had the Japanese diplomat Nomura who was trying to talk with, I think it was Hull, the Secretary of State, and their cross-English and Japanese were almost non-existent and fatal. Fatal decisions were made because of gross miscommunication. Did they not have translators back then? I mean, it just seems unbelievable that this happened.
James: Where are you going to get a translator for an Asian language? The first course on Chinese was taught at Harvard, I think, in 1934. John Fairbanks. Where are you going to get a translation? Nobody would study Chinese or Japanese. Those were Asian languages. Those were loser languages. Even now, it’s almost impossible to get somebody who speaks fluent Chinese in the Biden administration. Condoleezza Rice got a degree in Russian studies. Who in the CIA can speak Chinese?
Well, no, no, no, no, you studied German or French or if you want to go into national security, it was all Russian. And back then, what kind of weirdo? I mean you’ve got to be, let’s say in your 40s or 50s to be able to be in a position of power back in 1930, they were going to study Chinese in the 1890s. It was illegal for the Chinese to come in. United States Senate said in the Chinese Exclusion Act that the Chinese brain wasn’t capable of taking in democracy. They were people whose brains didn’t work correctly. Who’s going to be studying the languages of these loser Asians?
Jeff: Okay, well, that answers that. I hadn’t thought about that. Translators just weren’t there.
James: And in another part of the book, Roosevelt sends a personal emissary to China, and Madame Chiang Kai-Shek translates between Chiang and the emissary. Chiang doesn’t even have his own personal translator. China was unknown. The name of the book is The China Mirage. The reality about China didn’t exist in America. And even today, I mean, no one goes to China. Yes, I know. You know, Joe’s uncle went to Shanghai on vacation.
And my cousin worked in Shanghai for one year. But in terms of if you know, I gave speeches all over the country. People would come up to me, oh, Mr. Bradley, my niece, is going overseas to study. And I would say, where is Burma? No, I knew where they were going. They were going to Rome or they were going to London. They’re not going to Kunming. So, we have very little contact with Asia. When I went to school in Japan in 1974, it was like I went off in the air.
Jeff: Okay. Another part that was fascinating, it wasn’t only a problem of FDR’s undersecretaries and lower-level people completely disobeying him, but you mentioned and this really caught my attention, the War Department stalled, sending military equipment to Russia for the front in Europe. Was this intentional or was it just red tape? Because those delays may have changed history, just like the anti-FDR plot to deprive Japan of oil.
James: Well, FDR had a loosey-goosey administration and it was loosey-goosey by design. And that was his style that people could argue and the argument would come up to him and he would make a decision. And just like Trump said, let’s get out of Syria. And then we didn’t get out of Syria, Trump said, let’s get out. I’m going to get you out. Obama said, I’m going to close Guantanamo, and Guantanamo is still open. So, this is not new. You know, Roosevelt said, let’s support Russia. Russia? We didn’t recognize Russia for years. The commies were going to get things. There was resistance in the bureaucracy.
Jeff: Okay, well, that sounds pretty familiar. I guarantee you it sure does. You have a whole section really fascinating where FDR created a secret air force in Burma, which nowadays is called Myanmar. And he tried twice to sell it to the army, and then, well, once to the army and then to the Navy and was rebuffed. They said no, they didn’t like the idea, but yet he’s commander in chief. So why didn’t FDR just put his fist down and order them to do it?
James: Because it was completely illegal. Okay, folks, what we’re talking about is the Flying Tigers. So, google the Flying Tigers. You’ll see these heroic guys led by Claire Chennault our big heroes. And they helped the Chinese fight the Japanese. And it’s just a bunch of hokum. Claire Chennault was a nut and he had been drummed out of the US Army Air Force. There was no Air Force. The US Army Air Corps is what it was called. And he just had crazy ideas, and then through a bunch of friends and some Chinese friends, sold the idea that he was going to beat Japan with air power. Now, the air power was brand new, right?
We’re talking about the late 1930s and World War One, when we saw the first airplanes in combat. So, air power was relatively new and it had kind of a magical quality to it. And here was this crazy loco guy, loco like loco crazy in the head guy saying, I’ll win the war, give me a few planes and we’ll sneak into the back door China through Burma, and we’ll beat the Japanese. Well, that idea was sold to FDR and his friends and they took it to the War Department. And it was just it was a waste of time. Chennault was a nut. And why waste resources on this nutty plan? We’re not going to beat Japan with a few airplanes in China. So, the War Department opposed it.
Jeff: Well, FDR did end up creating this secret Air Force in Burma and outside government channels. And as soon as I reread that, I thought, well, how is this different from Ronald Reagan and his Contras in Central America back in the early 80s, or George W Bush’s what ended up being 135 post-9/11 presidential secret armies? Most of whom are in Africa. Was FDR the first president to “go rogue”? Or were there others before him?
James: You know, I don’t know in the 19th century, I mean, James Polk put troops in illegally into Texas, and Mexico, and then declared a border and let’s support the troops. And there were finagling executives finagling back then. But the first-time airpower was used in this illegal way was FDR, because airpower had just been invented. Now, this Claire Chennault program in China later became the CIA’s Air America that bombed. Still, today, in one-third of Laos you can’t walk on it because it’s full of bombs. And Air America is a whole nother story. But this Claire Chennault illegal Air Force grew into this horrible thing called Air America.
Jeff: Yeah, it’s true. I’ve been to Laos and I’ve seen the museum there. It’s a shocking war crime, that’s for sure. I was thinking about Churchill because as the war progressed, of course, FDR and Churchill worked together with Stalin. And as I finished rereading this section of your book, I found that FDR and Stalin come across as being men of their word. And yet Winston Churchill comes across as a complete serial liar and a saboteur. That was my takeaway. What are your thoughts on that?
James: Noam Chomsky has a line that Churchill, after defeating the Nazis, realized that he couldn’t continue Nazi techniques in India and they had to give up. I mean, there’s the whole Winston Churchill is kind of a large subject, but Stalin ridiculed Churchill. They’d get drunk during their dinners at their conferences. And Stalin was upset with FDR and Churchill because they were too timid to open another front. Look it, we went to war in 1941. How come the United States didn’t invade the mainland of Europe in 1942? Stalin was like, hey, boys hey, we got a war going on here.
I’m the only one fighting Hitler. My boys are dying and your boys are in North Africa. Hey, Churchill you afraid, you little boy Churchill? Stalin would get drunk and just retch Churchill for not coming through. But it’s a big subject. I wrote in Flags of our Fathers that 75% of the German soldiers who died in World War Two died from a Russian bullet, not an American. And nobody has ever criticized that. And many people say that it’s over 80% of Hitler’s troops who died were killed by Stalin. So, Russia really did win that war and we came in at the end.
Jeff: I agree. It’s a fascinating account in your book about how people under FDR sabotaged his desire to continue sending oil to Japan to avoid a war in the Pacific. But let’s just say let’s just play hypothetical here. What would the history books be saying today if FDR and Wells and Hall, the people who were supporting him, had been able to keep Japan supplied with oil until the Soviets finished grinding the Nazis into dog food in 1944 and 1945?
James: Okay, let’s step back and tell the listener what we’re talking about with oil. The chapter is about a war over oil. What are we talking about? Japan had no oil. Japan had a huge military machine dispatched to China. They needed oil to keep this puppy going, to keep the country going. There were only two oil spigots. One was California and the other one was Dutch East Indies, which is now Indonesia.
So, remember folks, there are only two oil spigots, and the best quality one in terms of quality of oil and efficiency of delivery was in the United States, in California. So, Roosevelt kept that oil spigot open. And as you see in the book, he says to the public and he says to the cabinet, if I cut off the California oil, Japan will go south to the Dutch East Indies and we’re going to have a world war. I want to fight in the Atlantic. I want to fight Hitler with Churchill. I don’t want a two-front war. So, I’m going to keep the oil supply.
And the Chinese are dying and everybody’s crying. I’m sorry. There are no minerals or supplies that China has that we can’t get somewhere else. So, Roosevelt was just practical. Chinese are dying. I’m sorry. I got to take care of Hitler first, and then we’ll get over to the Pacific. But I can’t fight a two-ocean war, so keep the oil spigot open. But this propaganda was going across the country that was highly emotional, saying we are killing the Chinese by giving oil to the Japanese.
So, Roosevelt’s policy stuck until when? Until Japan went into Vietnam. Why did they go to Vietnam? To cut the back door of supplies into southern China. Well, why would we only get excited when Japan went into Vietnam? We didn’t get excited when they went to Hong Kong, Shanghai, or everywhere else because Vietnam had things that we needed like rubber. There was no synthetic rubber. So, the reason that Vietnam was a colony of the French and the reason that America fought a war there later was this. This was the hairspring.
This was the hair on the camel’s back that started World War Two in the Pacific when Japan went into Vietnam. And I’ll just continue the story. Roosevelt was very busy in the summer of 1941. His number one assistant, Missy LeHand, who ran his life, his social life, and his executive life was felled with a stroke. And he’s got to go meet Churchill up in Canada. And there’s a lot of stuff going on. And while he’s away, some underlings underneath him, Dean Acheson and some of these others, what we would call neocons, shut Japan’s oil in a complicated bureaucratic process. But Roosevelt didn’t know.
So, Roosevelt’s up in Canada meeting with Churchill. Yeah, we’re going to fight the Nazis. And yeah, don’t worry, we’re not going to have war in the Pacific. And Dean Acheson and Henry Morgenthau and these guys are surreptitiously cutting Japan’s oil. So, folks read the book. Here’s the amazing fact. The Emperor of Japan knew that America cut the oil before the president of the United States knew. I’ll repeat that. Your history books all said FDR cut the oil and then Japan hit Pearl Harbor.
FDR did not cut the oil. The guys underneath him did. The emperor knew it before FDR did. It’s in the book. It’s amazing. So, Japan had their oil supply cut and they did exactly what FDR predicted. They went south into the Dutch East Indies to get the oil to survive. They had to. So, these things, cut the oil believing that Japan would just say, oops, oh well, we’ll just give up. We’ve been in China for ten years. We’ll just give up because they cut the oil. No, they had to jump off the cliff and go to war with the United States. We forced them into that, and it was all accidental.
Jeff: Yeah. It’s interesting that you as you described how tortuous this decision was for the Japanese to feel compelled to go to war against the United States in order to have the opportunity to get oil from the Dutch East Indies, today, Indonesia and I were really fascinated to the quotes that I that some of the quotes that you gave, how the Japanese leaders cited the suffering of their citizens. As a reason to attack the USA in hopes of getting this Dutch Indies oil.
You know, Chinese leaders throughout history often brought or even today bring up Xi Jinping and modern presidents. Modern leaders of China are concerned about the people’s well-being. And for me, maybe other than a few isolated cases, except for FDR during the Great Depression, we don’t hear much along these lines in the West. I mean, what’s the difference? Is it an Asian point of view to have this concern for the common people?
James: No. The Asian point of view at that point was extreme cruelty to their people. Chiang Kai-Shek was running China. I mean, one of the cruelest Chinese dictators ever. The Japanese saying welfare of the people. That was just total stuff that was said to the emperor in conferences. The Japanese military had secret police torturing people. The Japanese military was as cruel as leaders could ever be. The Japanese military leadership sent 110,000 Japanese boys to New Guinea with no supplies.
I’ve been to New Guinea. There’s no food in New Guinea. You know, they sent 110,000 Japanese boys. Guess how many returned? 10,000. So no, they didn’t care about the Japanese people. And Chiang Kai-Shek didn’t care about the Chinese people. There was, I don’t think it was Asian at all. I think that Mao, he was a smart emperor. You got to take care of the people. The people have power. And, the Japanese eventually had better leadership and listened to their people.
Jeff: Speaking of Chiang Kai-Shek and the Soong family, he married into the Soong family. It’s just unbelievable. They come across as incredibly corrupt. I mean, as I was reading, what in your chapters reminded me of the Philippines, you know President Marcos and Ukraine’s President Zelensky today, who are often, at least in my circles, are called Mr. 10% because they took a 10% cut on all the business being done in the country. How bad was it and what percent of the US loans and gifts ended up in their bank accounts?
James: Nobody knows. Truman said that these were just crooks surrounding FDR and that they stalled Chiang-Kai-shek and the Soong Family, which he married into, he either married into them or they captured him. You can make the argument, but they were. Look at FDR just think listeners think of the amount of money we spent on the atomic bomb. The atomic bomb was $2 billion in 1940. And unbelievable. Hundreds of thousands of people worked on the atomic bomb all across the United States.
We gave Chiang Kai-Shek through the Soong Family more money than we spent on the atomic bomb. People don’t realize that. I mean, listeners think of this. We give this terrible dictator, Chiang Kai-Shek, more money than we spent on the atomic bomb. And then this loser, we support him in the Chinese civil war. The Chinese civil war just got erased from American history somehow. I mean we know about Vietnam, but the Chinese Civil War was like a pre-Vietnam. We were on the wrong side.
The Chinese people did not want Chiang Kai-Shek. He was a completely corrupt Zelensky. It’s a repeat. The Chinese Civil War is a repeat of what we’re doing in Ukraine. Look it up north. There’s a terrible commie named Putin. No. His name’s Mao. Oh, look, here’s a Democrat called. No, his name is Zelensky. You know, it’s the same propaganda, the same corruption. And we did it first in a big way in the Chinese Civil War.
Well, that led us to be on the wrong side in the Korean War. And then that led us to be on the wrong side in the Vietnam War. So, the China mirage is not just about a few dollars going wayward in China in 1930. It’s about millions of people dying. It’s about my dad having to fight in Iwo Jima. It’s about my brother being shot in Vietnam. And all of this was because FDR was bamboozled in 1930, as the American people were.
Jeff: Yeah. Another thing that I really appreciated because it confirms all of my research that how Chiang Kai-Shek, who was nominally supposed to be fighting the Japanese, was, in fact, doing everything he could to avoid taking on the Japanese. And he was so obsessed with destroying the communists, he called them bandits. We kill, we wipe out the bandits first, and then we go after the Japanese. And what that meant was that Mao and the Red Army had to fight two anti-fascist fronts the KMT, Chiang Kai-Shek’s Army, and Japan. So that being the case, how did Mao and the company win the war? I mean, it seems almost miraculous.
James: They won the war the same way the Vietnamese did: people’s war. If you have the people on your side in Asia you’ve got intelligence networks, you’ve got generals getting messages from women, women with vegetable baskets on their heads walking to the market and underneath those vegetables are coded messages for a general over the next hill. You’ve got the people throwing grenades at American bases. I mean people’s war.
The Americans looked at Vietnam. We’ve got an air base here. We got an air base there. We got this. We got that. We got Saigon secure. Well, the Vietnamese looked at it as we have the Americans surrounded. You know, the population is surrounding all these bases. And when they’re sleeping, we’re going to throw some grenades and gasoline at their planes. I mean people’s war. So, Mao had the people on his side and Ho Chi Minh had the people on his side. And you just can’t beat that. It doesn’t matter how much power you have.
Jeff: Well-spoken. One last thing I’d like to ask you about because I have read on a number of occasions that there are some historians who contend that FDR, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was hoping, in fact, in other words, contradicts what you wrote, that Japan would attack the US to get the economy back on a war footing, since the New Deal had run out of gas and the country was falling into recession. And the story goes that they knew there was going to be an airstrike, but they thought it would probably be Guam. And they were shocked that the Japanese made it all the way to Pearl Harbor. Your comments on that and what evidence are they using to come up with that?
James: Well, here can you narrow the question? I mean, are you asking about Guam? Are you asking about just narrowly? This is a large area. So, what are you asking?
Jeff: I’m asking that some historians say that FDR knew the Japanese were going to attack the United States in the Pacific and that he was hoping it would happen, because the New Deal, the US economy was faltering and going into recession and he needed a war in order to revive the economy. And so that’s the question.
James: I mean, you can’t find any proof of that. So right now, in Congress, you can hear Congress people talk about it. The 2016 Russian hack of the DNC. While there was no Russian hack. But you can hear congresspeople and you know newspeople talk about the Russian hack of the DNC. There was no hack. The computer experts had testified that there was no hack. There is zero evidence, but it’s been repeated so much that it just gets repeated. There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that FDR was anticipating an attack from Japan.
He did not want war with Japan just before they cut the oil without his knowledge, he made a public speech to explain that we’re going to continue to sell the oil to Japan. So, there will not be a war. In terms of getting the economy going, he was planning a war with Hitler. Japan was looked at like tiny thing that he didn’t have to deal with because they were absorbed with China. So, the idea he’d want war with Japan to stimulate the economy. No, no, no, no, no. He was supplying Moscow with arms. Look at the size of Russia. Look at the troops in Nazi Germany.
So, in terms of economic stimulus, he had all he needed over in Europe. And Roosevelt was with Churchill. Roosevelt wasn’t in California planning war against Japan with the Navy. He was with Churchill planning war in Europe. In terms of his foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor, it’s just like the Russian hack. It’s repeated all the time. But when you use the word historians, really? Could you send me the evidence and the footnotes that they have? Because I’ve been asked this question hundreds of times in my public speaking career.
And no one has ever shown me any evidence. In Flyboys, I do a deep dive into what the US did know. What they did know is that the Japanese were getting excited and that they were going to attack somewhere and the attack they thought was to go south to Malaysia. What was then called Malaya, to Malaysia? And you know what? Eight hours after Pearl Harbor, they did go to Malaysia. But the aircraft carriers that Yamamoto sent out to hit Pearl Harbor went out completely secretly and were a surprise.
So, radar was supposed to pick up airplanes, right? Do you know the first guys that saw enemy airplanes through radar? The very first time in history was at Pearl Harbor. They looked at the Japanese planes coming in and they looked at each other and said, oh, this must be some American planes coming in from an exercise. They couldn’t believe what they were seeing. They didn’t even see the Japanese planes on the radar and didn’t even warn anybody because it was just so farfetched. There was no warning that this was going to happen. So, Roosevelt was taken by surprise. And people repeat the idea that he knew in advance, but there’s no proof.
Jeff: Well, thank you for that clarification. Well, first off, thank you for inspiring me. After we did our show about JFK and Nixon and Trump all being disposed of and we started talking about FDR. I dug out your book from my collection and read those chapters again. And it’s incredibly informative. If anybody out there has an interest in China and its role in modern history from the 19th century on, I really, really recommend reading Imperial Cruise and the China Mirage.
If you’re more interested in World War Two, the Pacific Theater, then definitely Flags of Our Fathers and Flyboys. Most likely, because James is a very successful writer, those books are probably in your public library. But if they’re not, ask your librarian to order them because librarians love people, love the public, to make recommendations and they love ordering books for people to stock the library. So, you don’t even have to buy it. Just go to the library and they’ll do it for you. And then you can read them and everybody else in your town or your neighborhood can too. So, James, this has been incredibly informative.
James: There’re in New Zealand Libraries, English Libraries, there’re in the China libraries. They’re in the Taiwanese libraries. So, they’ve been translated into a number of different languages.
Jeff: I didn’t know that.
James: Oh yeah. Oh no. The Taiwanese translated the China Mirage and, it’s also translated in Beijing, two Chinese translations of both those books, The Imperial Cruise, and China Mirage. But I want to say on this day I was 20 years old and about to go around the world in 1975. And I remember seeing Saigon fall. And in America, we say the fall of Saigon in the Vietnam War. And the Vietnamese say the liberation of Saigon in the American War. So, a different way of looking at it. And I want to say as I sign off here JB East, I want to say happy birthday to JB West, who’s 70, who’s 69 years old today.
Jeff: Yeah, don’t call me 70 yet. I’ve got one more year.
James: So happy birthday. And we’ll talk when you’re in China soon.
Jeff: This is JB West in France. Thank you, James. Bye, bye.
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