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Patrice Greanville offers 25 rock’em-sock’em articles, essays, interviews and reviews from around the world, for your spiritual diet; while getting his second cataract surgery-so wish him good health!

China Writers’ Group: your one-stop knowledge shop to understand reality behind the West’s Big Lie Propaganda Machine headlines! 1-Jun  — THE WEST IS HELL-BENT ON PROVOKING RUSSIA INTO A HOT WAR https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/06/01/the-west-is-hell-bent-on-provoking-russia-into-a-hot-war/ 1-Jun  — “Wokeness” Is A Corporate Plot To Divide Us! w/ Dave Smith https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/06/01/wokeness-is-a-corporate-plot-to-divide-us-w-dave-smith/ 1-Jun  — ‘OPERATION AL-AQSA FLOOD’ DAY 237: INVASION OF…

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Jeff J. Brown’s work on Seek Truth From Facts, 15-31 May 2024

2024/5/15 14 fab posts from Dr. Kwan Lee. Where else but China Writers’ Group! Apologies to Kwan for getting backed up. I’m exploring the wild lands of Northern Guangdong, along the Hunan border. YOWZER! https://open.substack.com/pub/jeffjbrown/p/14-fab-posts-from-dr-kwan-lee-where 2024/5/15 Ben Tóth’s topical outline 14 May https://seektruthfromfacts.org/guess-submissions/ben-toths-topical-outline-14-may/ 2024/5/15 China Writers just LOVE Wednesdays: Amarynth Flower, Matt Ehret, Gerald Thierren…

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