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Jeff J. Brown’s work on Seek Truth From Facts, 8-15 June 2024

2024-06-08 Amarynth and Eric go to Russia, Matt to Africa, Cynthia back in time, and Jeff takes you on a Sino-stairway to heaven. https://open.substack.com/pub/jeffjbrown/p/amarynth-and-eric-go-to-russia-matt 2024-06-09 Thomas talks AI, Ramin on “EU-icide”, Pepe on Western genocide, Metallicman on humanity’s zeitgeist and Jeff takes you on a little Sino-trip. https://open.substack.com/pub/jeffjbrown/p/thomas-talks-ai-ramin-on-eu-icide 2024-06-09 Patrice Greanville breaks a leg and…

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Jeff J. Brown’s work on Seek Truth From Facts, 1-7 June 2024

2024-06-01 Ramin reports live from Mexico, T.P. does Tucker and Sachs, Cynthia goes all Poe, and Jeff looks at China’s scientists. https://open.substack.com/pub/jeffjbrown/p/ramin-reports-live-from-mexico-tp 2024-06-01 Ben Tóth: his weekly summary is DYNAMITE! https://seektruthfromfacts.org/guess-submissions/ben-toth-his-weekly-summary-is-dynamite/ 2024-06-02 Godfree proves the NASA Moon landings are a hoax, Gerald goes Sinoland, Ben has another killer outline, and Jeff on why you should…

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Patrice lays out 24 mind-improving gems for you, on this Father’s Day! Share them with Dad! Best gift ever…

15-Jun  — Hezbollah’s Quarterly Report https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/06/15/hezbollahs-quarterly-report/ 14-Jun  — DECADENT IMPERIALISM: WITH JOTI BRAR EPISODE 15 – EU ELECTIONS AS ECONOMIES COLLAPSE https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/06/14/decadent-imperialism-with-joti-brar-episode-15-eu-elections-as-economies-collapse/ 14-Jun  — Scott Ritter: Biden’s PROVOCATIONS Forced Russia To Bring Nuclear Missiles to Caribbean https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/06/14/scott-ritter-bidens-provocations-forced-russia-to-bring-nuclear-missiles-to-caribbean/ 14-Jun  — INSIDE RUSSIA: Garland Nixon interviews Dmitry Zolotarev https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/06/14/inside-russia-garland-nixon-interviews-dmitry-zolotarev/ 14-Jun  — My Nuseirat https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/06/14/my-nuseirat/ 14-Jun  — The…

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Patrice Greanville breaks a leg and his personal best: 32, count ’em 32 articles, interviews and videos to boost your knowledge.

8-Jun  — D-Day did not turn the tide against N*zism https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/06/08/d-day-did-not-turn-the-tide-against-nzism/ 8-Jun  — Anti-War Activist Passport Confiscated & Pulled Off Plane By State Dept. – Scott Ritter https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/06/08/anti-war-activist-passport-confiscated-pulled-off-plane-by-state-dept-scott-ritter/ 8-Jun  — From Marx to MAGA: Addressing the Failures of the American Left https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/06/08/from-marx-to-maga-addressing-the-failures-of-the-american-left/ 8-Jun  — Israel Prepares to Open a Second Front in the North https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/06/08/israel-prepares-to-open-a-second-front-in-the-north/…

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Patrice Greanville offers 25 rock’em-sock’em articles, essays, interviews and reviews from around the world, for your spiritual diet; while getting his second cataract surgery-so wish him good health!

China Writers’ Group: your one-stop knowledge shop to understand reality behind the West’s Big Lie Propaganda Machine headlines! 1-Jun  — THE WEST IS HELL-BENT ON PROVOKING RUSSIA INTO A HOT WAR https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/06/01/the-west-is-hell-bent-on-provoking-russia-into-a-hot-war/ 1-Jun  — “Wokeness” Is A Corporate Plot To Divide Us! w/ Dave Smith https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/06/01/wokeness-is-a-corporate-plot-to-divide-us-w-dave-smith/ 1-Jun  — ‘OPERATION AL-AQSA FLOOD’ DAY 237: INVASION OF…

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Jeff J. Brown’s work on Seek Truth From Facts, 15-31 May 2024

2024/5/15 14 fab posts from Dr. Kwan Lee. Where else but China Writers’ Group! Apologies to Kwan for getting backed up. I’m exploring the wild lands of Northern Guangdong, along the Hunan border. YOWZER! https://open.substack.com/pub/jeffjbrown/p/14-fab-posts-from-dr-kwan-lee-where 2024/5/15 Ben Tóth’s topical outline 14 May https://seektruthfromfacts.org/guess-submissions/ben-toths-topical-outline-14-may/ 2024/5/15 China Writers just LOVE Wednesdays: Amarynth Flower, Matt Ehret, Gerald Thierren…

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Patrice Greanville serves up a 23-dish banquet of articles, analyses, videos and interviews – just for you. Bon appetit!

25-May  — Craig Murray: The Drive for War https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/05/25/craig-murray-the-drive-for-war/ 25-May  — Aryan Idols and the Search for Indo-Europeans: The Prehistory and History of Fascist Mythology Part II https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/05/25/aryan-idols-and-the-search-for-indo-europeans-the-prehistory-and-history-of-fascist-mythology-part-ii/ 25-May  — OBSCENE: Conference Of Big-Tech War Criminals Portray The Moral Vacuum Of America https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/05/25/obscene-conference-of-big-tech-war-criminals-portray-the-moral-vacuum-of-america/ 25-May  — Democrats Will Never Choose Transformative Change – So Give Them…

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Jeff J. Brown’s work at Seek Truth From Facts Foundation, 1-15 May in China.

2024/5/1 China Writers’ Group author Dr. T.P. Wilkinson has a new book hot off the press! “Unbecoming American: A War Memoir”. Check it out. https://open.substack.com/pub/jeffjbrown/p/china-writers-group-author-dr-tp 2024/5/3 China Writers’ Group is the anti-New York Times-Washington Post-CNN-BBC. Now do you see why it is so popular? Here’s four of the authors… https://open.substack.com/pub/jeffjbrown/p/china-writers-group-is-the-anti-new 2024/5/3 Ben Tóth goes all…

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Jeff J. Brown’s work at Seek Truth From Facts Foundation, 16-30 April 2024.

2024/4/16 MH370: a ten-year cover-up. China Writers Dr. Kwan Lee and Jeff J. Brown have you covered, including a special publication of two chapters from the book, “China Rising”. https://open.substack.com/pub/jeffjbrown/p/mh370-a-ten-year-cover-up-china-writers 2024/4/16 Four brilliant China Writer ways to get smart: Pepe Escobar, Chet Ozmun, Gerald Therrien and Cynthia Chung. China Writers’ Group: your one-stop brain shop…

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Patrice Greanville lays out 18 great posts to finish out your weekend. China Writers’ Group: your one-stop brain shop for understanding our reality behind the West’s Big Lie Propaganda Machine headlines!

18-May  — The developing conflict between anti-communist “antifa” anarchists, & the Marxists who align with the masses https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/05/18/the-developing-conflict-between-anti-communist-antifa-anarchists-the-marxists-who-align-with-the-masses/ 18-May  — Scott Ritter: Israel is losing https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/05/18/scott-ritter-israel-is-losing/ 18-May  — In Slovakia, the Lone Gunman Strikes Again https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/05/18/in-slovakia-the-lone-gunman-strikes-again/ 17-May  — Biden & Congress Seek to ‘Trump-Proof’ Permanent War in Ukraine https://www.greanvillepost.com/2024/05/17/biden-congress-seek-to-trump-proof-permanent-war-in-ukraine/ 15-May  — UKRAINE THE CLIENT STATE…

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