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How the Chinese people are conquering the West’s deadly color revolution campaign in Muslim Xinjiang Province. With 12 pictures explained. China Rising Radio Sinoland 240306

TRANSLATION MENU: LOOK UPPER RIGHT BELOW THE SOCIAL MEDIA ICONS. IT OFFERS EVERY LANGUAGE AVAILABLE AROUND THE WORLD! Pictured above: the Chinese people have conquered terrorism, not by oppression and authoritarianism, but by education. Sixteen years on the streets, living and working with the people of China, Jeff              …

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Why would countries not support fighting racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia on the world stage? Most Western countries say NO! Are you surprised? I’m not. China Rising Radio Sinoland 211105

NOW IN 22 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. CLICK ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER “TRANSLATE” TAB TO FIND YOURS! By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: European/American colonial settlers coolly and calmly slitting the throats of Native American women and children. No other race of people, outside Europeans, can even come close to the billion or more they…

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Max Parry interviews on China Rising Radio Sinoland. Take that, Evil Empire! Past, present and future! 190322

By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: Max Parry visiting an anti-Soviet KGB Museum in New York City.       f you find China Rising Radio Sinoland‘s work useful and appreciate its quality, please consider making a donation. Money is spent to pay for Internet costs, maintenance, the upgrade of our computer network, and development…

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Time to get real about China’s 25 million Muslims. China Rising Radio Sinoland 180827

By Jeff J. Brown   Pictured above: the mosque in our former Beijing neighborhood, with its prominent, onion-shaped dome, so commonly seen in the Middle East. If it’s changed in the last two years, that will help determine how much the government intends to standardize the look of China’s Muslim houses of worship.   Downloadable…

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The Face of Western Imperialism Exposed by Ebola, from “China Rising-Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations”

By Jeff J. Brown Above: Lon Chaney acting in Phantom of the Opera, unmasked, channeling Western Empire (Image by wikipedia.org) Downloadable SoundCloud podcast (also at the bottom of this page), as well as being syndicated on iTunes and Stitcher Radio (links below), Note: to honor the establishment of the nascent Bioweapons Truth Commission (BWTC: https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2018/06/25/bioweapon-truth-commission-and-global-online-library-bwtc-gol-www-bioweapontruth-com/)…

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Slavs and the Yellow Peril are “niggers, brutes and beasts”, in the eyes of Western Empire. China Rising Radio Sinoland

  By Jeff J. Brown Above is a visual from a reputable, 19th century British scientific journal, “proving” that the Irish descended from subhuman Negroes. The British enslaved and exterminated the Irish long before they used the same genocidal policies on Africans, New World First Nations and Asians. Irish, Russian, Chinese: they are all niggers…

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China versus the West. Another shocking comparative vignette. China Rising Radio Sinoland 171119

By Jeff J. Brown Above: top row, known sexual perverts and predators Harvey “Casting Couch” Weinstein, on the left and Bill “Orgy Island” Clinton on the right (http://theduran.com/secret-service-agent-ready-blow-open-bill-clintons-lolita-express-orgy-island-trips/). Our elites cultivate early on susceptible pawns like this (starting in college), who are then promoted, bribed, blackmailed, extorted and when need be, entrapped (Monica Lewinsky) and…

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