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Joan Roelofs interview: searching for what is the good life, how can it be attained for all, and who has the power to prevent it or make it happen? China Rising Radio Sinoland 201022

NOW IN 22 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. CLICK ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER “TRANSLATE” TAB TO FIND YOURS! By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: left, Joan Roelofs and right, her book, Foundations and Public Policy: The Mask of Pluralism. Become a regular China Rising Radio Sinoland patron and get FREE BOOKS! Support all my hard work,…

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Latest global cost of living rankings show just how economical China really is. China Rising Radio Sinoland 200117

NOW IN 22 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. CLICK ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER “TRANSLATE” TAB TO FIND YOURS! By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: let the coffee shop and bar debates begin!. Statistics like these are always fun and get people riled up. For 2020, you have to go all the way down to the bottom…

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Jeff Kaye talks about his work with torture victims and book on Guantanamo gulag. China Rising Radio Sinoland 190210

                        By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: I consider myself to be a good researcher and synthesizer of information, but Jeff Kaye is much, much better. His gripping, Sherlock-Holmes exposé on the US’s Guantanamo gulag proves the point, as does his outstanding work in…

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Around the world with Peter Koenig on China Rising Radio Sinoland 180316

By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above left, guest Peter Koenig, who was in Lima, Peru and on the right, China Rising Radio Sinoland host Jeff J. Brown, who was in Shenzhen, China. Our interview was definitely a globe spanning talk. Downloadable SoundCloud podcast (also at the bottom of this page), as well as being syndicated…

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Baba Beijing and Big Bear smack down Uncle Sam in Iran and Venezuela, China Rising Radio Sinoland 20170924

  NOW IN 22 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. CLICK ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER “TRANSLATE” TAB TO FIND YOURS! By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: Ahh… What happened to the good old days of the Cold War, when rich, imperial America was doing battle with poor, agrarian Russia and China, and Iran and Venezuela were corrupt,…

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Why China’s centrally planned, communist economy runs circles around capitalism-China Rising Radio Sinoland 20160313

  NOW IN 22 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. CLICK ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER “TRANSLATE” TAB TO FIND YOURS! By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: for millennia, China connected Asia to Europe and the Middle East, via the celebrated Silk Roads. Baba Beijing is now taking this ancient concept of continental connectivity to 21st century heights,…

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Lunch with Fellini, Dinner with Fidel, by Deena Stryker (2013, Amazon) – A Book Review

            NOW IN 22 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. CLICK ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER “TRANSLATE” TAB TO FIND YOURS! By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: The cover of Deena Stryker’s autobiography. (image by Deena Stryker)     Thousands of dollars are needed every year to pay for expensive anti-hacking systems, controls…

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