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Why it is so important for you to know just how seismic Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Saudi Arabia, the Gulf and Arab States truly is. China Rising Radio Sinoland 221216

NOW IN 22 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES. CLICK ON THE LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER “TRANSLATE” TAB TO FIND YOURS! By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: Asia includes all the Middle East, with the Gulf States and Iran. They, along with Africa are looking towards China for the 21st century. Eurangloland is losing its Cold War full spectrum…

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60 Seconds over Sinoland: Chinese democracy shuts down fracking project. Western citizens are told “F.U. deplorables”!

By Jeff J. Brown   Pictured above: Chinese protesters letting their leaders know how unhappy they are that South Korea allowed the US to install its THAAD missile system aimed at them, this in 2017. The vast majority of China’s 300-500 daily protests are for internal reasons, but the citizens do vent their feelings about…

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Russians are much admired and Putin is loved by the Chinese, for good reasons. China Rising Radio Sinoland 180618

By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: Looking back at the rocky, mutually suspecting and disrespecting relations between Russia’s and China’s leaders, 1917-2000, this photo speaks volumes about the depth of Putin’s and Xi’s mutual friendship and the importance of Sino-Russian cooperation on the world stage, highlighted at last week’s SCO summit in Qingdao. They are…

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In just 7 weeks, China’s petroyuan has captured 12% of the world’s market. China Rising Radio Sinoland 180515

By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: Give me a pink Mao any day, over a green Benjamin. Downloadable SoundCloud podcast (also at the bottom of this page), as well as being syndicated on iTunes and Stitcher Radio (links below), [dropcap] A [/dropcap]mazing. On March 26th, only seven weeks ago, Baba Beijing (China’s leadership) launched its…

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A 44 Days Radio Sinoland Reality Map: If China Were the USA… China in the Americas, 2015.6.5

    Map: If China Were the USA… China in the Americas   Created by: Jeff J. Brown, 44 Days Radio Sinoland & Publishing, www.44days.net   There is an old Native American axiom: to understand how someone feels, you must walk two moons in their moccasins. This reality map and its reference key say it…

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