Merry Maomas! Mao Zedong was born 126 years ago today. China Rising Radio Sinoland 191226

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By Jeff J. Brown

Pictured above: the massive, open air statue of young Mao Zedong, in Changsha, Hunan, which I got to visit recently. Never forget that the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people agree with his socialist, anti-imperial, anti-colonial world view.


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Merry Maomas! Mao Zedong was born on December 26th, 1893, 126 years ago.  

It took me many years of research and writing to overcome a lifetime of rabid, foaming at the mouth, anticommunist hysteria, to finally understand the man. I made a number of historical errors about Mao in 44 Days, the first book of The China Trilogy ( and ). Thousands of hours of reading and research later, I made up for it in Book #2, China Rising, and expanded on Mao in a big way in Book #3, China Is Communist Dammit 

What I have come to learn and appreciate is that Mao Zedong was the most important and influential 20th century leader, as well as the most successful. Never has one person done so much good for so many people, in such a short period of time. Bar none. Not even close. This is why the West has been cranking up its Big Lie Propaganda Machine (BLPM) since the 1930s, to demonize him.

Don’t believe me? Outside of The China Trilogy, I have written quite a bit about Mao.

1. Mao Era’s phenomenal successes are airbrushed out of Western media and history books,

2. He was the world’s greatest liberator of women, 

3. Here is a good review of his life and times, and why the dazzling China we know today would not be possible without the Mao Era, 1949-1978, 

4. Someone on Quora asked the question, How would you react if someone says, ‘I hate Mao Zedong’ in front of you? and my response is here, 

5. I recently visited his hometown, Shaoshan, Hunan and reflected on my time there, 

6. Here is a nice opinion piece from a Chinese person, reflecting on Mao, 

7. No one can say the Chinese don’t have a tongue-in-cheek sense of humor about their heroes. Here is a post from local social media, with English translation, 


































8. The fact that Mao’s birthday is the day after Jesus Christ’s is also not lost on the Chinese. Here is an online question asking if Mao should be considered a saint. Someone concurred, while adding that he is the East’s rising red sun. 





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Why and How China works: With a Mirror to Our Own History



JEFF J. BROWN, Editor, China Rising, and Senior Editor & China Correspondent, Dispatch from Beijing, The Greanville Post

Jeff J. Brown is a geopolitical analyst, journalist, lecturer and the author of The China Trilogy. It consists of 44 Days Backpacking in China – The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass (2013); Punto Press released China Rising – Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations (2016); and for Badak Merah, Jeff authored China Is Communist, Dammit! – Dawn of the Red Dynasty (2017). As well, he published a textbook, Doctor WriteRead’s Treasure Trove to Great English (2015). Jeff is a Senior Editor & China Correspondent for The Greanville Post, where he keeps a column, Dispatch from Beijing and is a Global Opinion Leader at 21st Century. He also writes a column for The Saker, called the Moscow-Beijing Express. Jeff writes, interviews and podcasts on his own program, China Rising Radio Sinoland, which is also available on YouTubeStitcher Radio, iTunes, Ivoox and RUvid. Guests have included Ramsey Clark, James Bradley, Moti Nissani, Godfree Roberts, Hiroyuki Hamada, The Saker and many others. [/su_spoiler]

Jeff can be reached at China Rising, je**@br***********.com, Facebook, Twitter, Wechat (Jeff_Brown-44_Days) and Whatsapp: +86-13823544196.

Wechat group: search the phone number +8618618144837 or my ID, Jeff_Brown-44_Days, friend request and ask Jeff to join the China Rising Radio Sinoland Wechat group. He will add you as a member, so you can join in the ongoing discussion.

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