The Jay Janson Archives are here! Celebrate the life of a nonagenarian antiwar, anti-imperial, anti-global capitalist hero!


By Jeff J. Brown

Pictured above: Jay Janson is an antiwar, anti-imperial, anti-global capitalist hero for the ages and a role model for us all!

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In Solidarity, Jeff


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Sixteen years on the streets, living and working with the people of China, Jeff


I am honored and humbled to create a special page for one of my antiwar, anti-imperialist heroes, Jay Janson.

Jay is turning 90-years-old this year, yet he continues to relentlessly fight the evil bastards of global capitalism. He recently was hit by a car backing out of a driveway in New York City, so he is in a lot of pain and having to get constant physical therapy. Yet, he’s still giving them hell!

Jay reached out to me about five years ago and we quickly became good friends via email, Skype and later WeChat. For me, he was a must guest on the China Rising Radio Sinoland Show (

Jay and I got to meet in NYC in 2017, which was a highlight of going back to the United States that year. He introduced me to his longtime fellow freedom fighter, Ramsey Clark, whom I interviewed while there ( Ramsey too is a nonagenarian, being born in 1927.

In my ongoing contacts, I later wrote an article celebrating the lives and indomitable convictions of Jay and Ramsey (

If you do not make it to my December 2016 interview with Jay, above, here is the introduction that got it going. All of us youngsters should tip our hats and express our admiration for committed activists like Jay and Ramsey. They could have taken the well-worn path of mainstream success, made a boatload of money and gained popular fame in their respective fields and endeavors. But no, they sacrificed all that to make the world a better place for Planet Earth’s 99%, while combating incessantly against the 1% oligarchs and their capitalist, worldwide Wehrmacht.

Please take a moment to send Jay an email, expressing your humble thanks and wishing him good health,


Ramsey does not use email, but if you include him, I’m sure Jay will relay the message. They live close to each other.

So, let’s all rise up, quit feeling sorry for ourselves, look to Jay and Ramsey’s unbelievable lifework, shout out loud,


 Roll up our shirtsleeves towards social justice for the 99%.

In Solidarity, Jeff


Jay Janson’s 2016 interview introduction

Every once in a while, we come across someone who has a story to tell that is so unbelievable and incredibly exciting, that we can’t help but be inspired and moved. Jay Janson is one of those people. Eighty-six years old and with the wisdom and experience that come with it, he could have taken the easy route, living the comfortable, soft life of conformity and apathy. Instead, Jay is actively involved in opposing Western tyranny and genocide, putting up a website, writing articles and books, all the time fighting the good fight.

 Jay’s musical career as a world class trumpetist spans decades, playing with megastars Leonard Bernstein, Andre Previn, Ricardo Muti, Zubin Mehta, Lorin Maazel and Karl Boehm. He was good friends with Spanish celloist Pablo Casals and still is with Wynton Marsalis and Yo-Yo Ma. Jay is a symphony conductor, leading orchestras in Thailand, China, Vietnam, India, Myanmar and Hong Kong. Mr. Janson is a composer, writing music for three documentary films by the United Nations and other international organizations. He is the author and co-author of several books to teach musicians. Fluent in Spanish, he also has an important body of work with Afro-Cuban musicians, such as “Perico” Luis Esteban Ortiz, Ray Vega, Charley Sepulveda, Piro Rodriguez and Tito Lara. Across this incredible professional CV, Jay has also been a professor, guiding numerous students to shining careers in symphony orchestras on four continents.

 Join Mr. Jay Janson in New York City and China Rising Radio Sinoland host Jeff J. Brown in Shenzhen, China, for a fascinating discussion about his spiritual and philosophical journey, to discover the truth about how our world and its leaders are creating history and current events.

 Jay Janson’s biography:

Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer; has lived and worked on all continents; articles on media published in China, Italy, UK, India and the US; now resides in NYC; First effort was a series of articles on deadly cultural pollution endangering seven areas of life emanating from Western corporate owned commercial media published in Hong Kong’s Window Magazine 1993; Howard Zinn lent his name to various projects of his; Global Research; Information Clearing House; Counter Currents, Kerala, India; Minority Perspective, UK; Dissident Voice, Uruknet; Voice of Detroit; Ethiopian Review; Palestine Chronicle; India Times; Mathaba; Ta Kung Bao; China Daily; South China Morning Post; Come Home America; OpEd News; History News Network; Vermont Citizen News have published his articles; Weekly column, South China Morning Post, 1986-87; reviews for Ta Kung Bao; article China Daily, 1989.

Is coordinator of the King Condemned US Wars International Awareness Campaign: (King Condemned US Wars) and website historian of Prosecute US Crimes Against Humanity Now Campaign. featuring a country by country history of US crimes and laws pertaining. Studied history at CCNY, Columbia U., U. Puerto Rico, Dolmetscher Institut München, Germany.

 Musician grassroots activist dedicated firstly to ending colonial power “genocide in maintenance of unjust predatory investments,” by Majority Mankind prosecution of Colonial Powers Crimes Against Humanity and Peace and mega immense compensation for wrongful death, maiming and destruction and magna theft of natural resources and forced labor and enslavement. Will be made possible when Martin Luther King Jr. demand that America, Americans, he included himself, [not government which he dismissed a greatest purveyor of violence in the world, not cause] because of being capable making atrocity wars and covert genocide unacceptable and inoperable through non-participation, non-support, not-acquiescence and conscientious objection, and that Americans would suffer at home as a result of killing the poor in countries already violated by colonial occupation. Dissident Voice supports the call to Prosecute US Crimes against Humanity Now Campaign with link bottom of each issue of its newsletter.

Jay Janson’s Archives


Up to date as of: 2024.08.14

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Will U.S.A. Continue To Help Israel Kill Palestinians and Steal Their Land Right Up to November?

Monday, July 8, 2024

IDF Killed 64 Children While Freeing 4 Hostages. An Exchange Instead Would Have Brought Happiness. NBC Rare Coverage of Israeli Defence Force Killing of 64 Children During Its Freeing of 4 Hostages. 8 Months of Western Media Tight Focus on Hostages.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Don’t Celebrate July 4th Birth of a U.S.A. Founded by Owners of African Slaves – Wait! Be Patient!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

We Watched Them Murder Many Thousands of Captive Children in Their Concentration Camp! Woe Unto Us It’s now June of 2024. Nearly 40,000 human beings, mostly women and children are dead, maybe 90,000 injured, many with limbs amputated, and another 10,000 lie buried beneath the ruble of the approximately 80% of the destroyed homes and other buildings of what were the cities of Gaza.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

‘D-day’ and WWII Examples of the Fake Reality Offered Up by U.S. Corporate TV News Programming. By: Jay Janson A very informative complement to Jeff J Brown’s exposé covering the genocidal Allied invasion of Europe on 6 June 1944. Jay’s reference list at the end of his article is outstanding for further study.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Money Making Military Will Praise War & Parade During America’s Memorial Day of Solemn Mourning

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

AntiSemitism? God’s ‘Chosen’ People Have Bombed to Death 25,000 Women and Children! World’s Future??

Monday, April 1, 2024

For 5 Months Evil USA Sent Bombs to Kill Palestinians and Let Israel Block Food to Starve Them For five long months world hegemonic USA stood by it’s beloved Israel ‘fellow’ ‘democracy’ and with its veto prevented the UN Security Council from ordering Israel to stop annihilating its captive, entrapped and outdoor imprisoned Palestinian population of Gaza, all the while America continued to supply Israel tons of bombs, missiles and shells and was quiet about Israel blocking food and water fuel and electricity from entering Gaza with obvious intent to bring about starvation.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Can’t Impeach-Prosecute Joe Biden For Illegally Continuing to Supply Bombs Dropped on Homes in Gaza Biden has been guilty of breaking a U.S. law against providing U.S. weapons to a nation using them against a civilian population as Israel has been doing openly for five months.  

Thursday, March 21, 2024

For 5 Months Evil USA Sent Bombs to Kill Palestinians and Let Israel Block Food to Starve Them The abjectly hypocritical West lost all rights to ever again speak in the name of human rights.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Netanyahue Is Criminally Insane a Monster! a Serial Killer of Captive Children! Global South! Awake! How can humanity allow an openly ongoing continuous mass murder of children, captive children at that, for over four months time, with the criminally insane maniac ordering the mass murder promising the world he will not stop the killing for the foreseeable future.

Monday, January 15, 2024

If Maduro Quoted Martin Luther King Deploring “Suppression by U.S. Military “Advisors”in Venezuela” If, On Martin Luther King’s Birthday and U.S. National Holiday, President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela would quote from King’s mainstream media’ long covered up 1967 New York sermon ‘Beyond Vietnam – a Time to Break Silence,'[1] which condemned his government’s atrocity wars to protect predatory investments, – he might start by quoting what King said about his own Venezuela: During the past ten years we have seen emerge a pattern of suppression which now has justified the presence of U.S. military “advisors” in Venezuela.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Mass Murder Bombing Gaza Cities Into Rubble Indicts Israel’s U.S. Patron’s Corporate World Hegemony Global corporate capitalism led by the hegemonic state, the United States, is a fundamentally immoral and irrational system. In capitalism, both states and corporations are designed to maximize short-term power and profits for the super-wealthy corporate elite.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

“Freedom! Justice!” Demand of Generations of Palestinians Will Not Be Denied All That Much Longer Israelis are very proud of their Biblical God given cry and order, ‘Let My People Go,’ but never seem to accept, nor hear, nor acknowledge, that ‘Let Us Have Our Freedom’ be the imagined cry of generations of captive Palestinians suffering Israel’s merciless, and very often deadly, illegal military occupation

Saturday, November 18, 2023

On Veterans Day US Veterans of WWII should know Hitler Was Empowered by US Corporations Years ago, Noam Chomsky suggested such a book be written.. Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, who would have written a foreword, expected it to be sent to key historians to knock America off it’s false pedestal of having protected the world from Hitler, who America”s greatest corporations had empowered with massive investments in, and joint venturing with his poor and disarmed Nazi Germany bringing it up to world’s #1 military in only six years. Every hyperlinked chapter has something astounding,

Friday, October 20, 2023

Einstein Cited Equally Horrific Terrorist Massacre Of Arabs + USA Origin Of Killing In Palestine “Attack on Arab Village: A shocking example was their behavior in the Arab village of Deir Yassin. This village, off the main roads and surrounded by Jewish lands, had taken no part in the war, and had even fought off Arab bands who wanted to use the village as their base. On April 9 (THE NEW YORK TIMES), terrorist bands attacked this peaceful village, which was not a military objective in the fighting, killed most of its inhabitants —— 240 men, women, and children —— and kept a few of them alive to parade as captives through the streets of Jerusalem. Most of the Jewish community was horrified at the deed, and the Jewish Agency sent a telegram of apology to King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan. But the terrorists, far from being ashamed of their act, were proud of this massacre, publicized it widely, and invited all the foreign correspondents present in the country to view the heaped corpses and the general havoc at Deir Yassin.”

Monday, May 26, 2023

Memorialize USA Lies About Each Mistaken Undeclared War Americans Remembered Today Gave Their Lives ‘Decoration Day,’ a day to decorate the graves of soldiers, who died fighting on either side of the American Civil War is the origin of today’s (changed name) ‘Memorial Day.’ Because  America’s subsequent wars have been in other people’s countries, the compassionate idea of a day dedicated to the families and friends decorating the graves in remembrance of loved ones, who were  soldiers of either side in a past war, is lost, since one side’s soldiers were not Americans

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

No WWII No Victory Parade in Moscow & No War in Ukraine Today If the West Had Not Rearmed Germany! With the world of the plundering Colonial Powers deep in the chaos of the Great Depression, a disastrous failure of rule by the banks of the capitalist countries and the United States internally threatened by local organizations of socialists and communists, US capital flowed into weaponizing Nazis.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Multi-nation Holocaust Mourning Best be Followed by Remembering Why and How it was Allowed to Happen There is no way Hitler could have begun a world war and a multi-nation Holocaust when he did without the mega enormous financial and technical help he received

Monday, January 16, 2023

A Reminder King Called His Government: “The Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World” Dear readers, the author regrets having inadvertently left out information that between 2014, the year of the US backed deadly violent right wing coup overthrowing the Ukrainian democratically elected government, and the time of the Russian 2022 invasion, the fascist dominated Ukrainian military had killed more than 16 thousand of their own former Ukrainian-Russian citizens, who had seceded from an undemocratic Ukraine. In spite of having signed two internationally organized peace agreements, the Ukraine military did not stop its war in the Donbass. The deaths of these 16,000 men, women and children are never mentioned Western media.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

CIA Controlled Media Heartlessly Not Reporting US Years of War Causing Starvation Death in Somalia

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Ukraine’s European Lives Matter! Iraqi Vietnamese Asian MidEast African Latin Lives Didn’t! An Element of Racism?

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Memorial Day Advisories by a 91 Year Old Vet Once Drafted During the Murderous US War on Koreans

May the reader permit a 91 year old Korean War vet to offer a review of his past Memorial Day advisories from today back to 2006

Wednesday, April 21, 2022

Horrific Homicidal Ukraine Invasion Has Entrapped Russia in a Wider War Long Sought by USA Deep State An Alert and Warning! NATO Secretary-general calls for “transformation” of NATO into a fighting force against Russia and China Noam Chomsky, 93, issues warning: ‘We’re approaching the most dangerous point in human history’. Let people throughout the world speak out now and organize against the posturing for, and promotion of a world war that could easily become a nuclear war that would engulf us all.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Super Bowl USA Murders Afghani Children Stealing Their Food Money After 20 Year Defeat by Taliban Gov. Before kickoff at the Super Bowl, a moment of silence for the Afghani children that have been starved to death by the American government impounding their food money would have been appropriate. It would have shown that Americans care and wish their government would unfreeze the more than 9 $billion so Afghani children can be fed and go on living. Some US Congressmen and women spoken out. 

Friday, January 14, 2022

If USA was reminded of 1967 Headlines! KING CALLS U.S.“GREATEST PURVEYOR OF VIOLENCE IN THE WORLD”  If, during the three day Martin Luther King birthday holiday, a world attention getting source, for example, a Chinese government spokesperson, would point out that the government of the United States of America was condemned as the most violent in the world by America’s own idol, this writer believes it would be a sensation, and a most difficult moment for the U.S. government and America’s wars supporting mainstream media.

Friday, January 8, 2022

“What if it was your family starving to death?” UN World Food Program Director Asked Musk and Bezos. Our lives are now shaped by the pursuits, products and priorities of the world’s wealthiest people. Like it or not, we are now in Musk’s world.

Friday, December 24, 2021

No USA Christmas Charity for Afghani Venezuelans Cubans Syrians Iranians North Koreans This Christmas season, as always, CIA controlled mainstream media is filled with unctuous images of the hungry homeless in America being charitably served food by private citizens and institutions. 

Monday, December 20, 2021

20 Years Unable to Defeat Taliban Now USA Freezes Afghanistan’s $9B Bank Deposits Causing Starvation According to an analysis by the United Nations World Food Program and Food and Agriculture Organization, 8.7 million people are nearing famine — putting Afghanistan on the brink of a mass starvation. And children are among the most vulnerable… 

Thursday, November 11, 2021

How Would Americans Feel if Bombed & Invaded by Their Veterans Like 13 Smaller Countries Were? If Americans could only imagine what it was like for the citizens of thirteen much smaller nations to have been bombed and invaded by the American veterans who are celebrated on Veterans Day in the USA every November 11.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Nuclear War is Being Planned! Henry George & Thorstein Veblen Warned War Is Capitalism’s End Game Social arrangements not based on the fundamental and equal human right to the earth lead inevitably to a gross imbalance of political power and thus to government corruption, odious public debt, war, and preparations for further war. ( “Henry George’s Perspective on War and Peace”).

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Foreseen! A Celebrities Led Movement To Halt USA Nuclear War Preparations (with a preamble article before Jay’s fine piece.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

How About ‘Taking a Knee’ Against USA’s Infamously Greater Racist Homicide in Other Peoples Countries

Monday, August 16, 2021

What? A World Boycott of US Products Until US Stops Its Embargo of Cuba and Leaves Guantanamo? A Half-century Long Brutal USA Embargo Against Tiny Cuba! 184 Nations Vote For its End & Against US & Israel.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Taliban Falsely Called an Insurgency! Taliban WAS the Government of Afghanistan When USA Invaded in 2001  Chronology: 1978, Afghani King overthrown. Popular women liberating Socialist gov. installed in Kabul. July, 1979 Prez Carter secretly funds its overthrow by fundamentalist war lords. Dec, 1979, Soviet  comes to Kabul’s aid. CIA invites bin Ladin et al. to Afghanistan. 1988, bin Ladin organizes al Qai’da. 1989 Soviets withdraw. 1992 Kabul gov. falls. US backed war lords civil war. 1996 Taliban gov.. 2001 US invades.

Friday, August 6, 2021

Who Told a US President to Nuclear Bomb Women and Children? Watch Out! They Might Do It Again! Shall we understand that US crimes against humanity, including the use of nuclear weapons on civilians in cities, have been committed in a democracy and under a democratic system of government? Or shall we realize that the source of all this continuing genocidal mayhem and nuclear threat are the wealthy and powerful investors in war headquartered mainly on Wall St. in New York City, who own and control the government.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Public Awareness of Deadly Racist History versus Celebratory Feelings for Birth of Slave Owners USA A lot has happened since the July 4th Independence Day celebrations of 2020 when yours truly saw published:Not All Americans Celebrate the Birth of a Racist Slave Owning USA Homicidal at Home Genocidal Abroad

Monday, June 28, 2021

Sadly China & Russia Remain Quiet Re US Past Genocides & Ongoing Genocide in the Middle East & Africa The world facing desperate situations of climate change, planetary degradation and nuclear war preparation desperately needs protection from inhumane deceiving war promoting Western media, and from where shall it come if not from the bountiful and powerful two great designated adversaries of the Western powers, China, the world’s most populous nation and largest economy, and the Russian Federation with 11% of planet’s land.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Illegal UN Sham Partition Torching Palestine Into Civil War a USA-UK Colonial Crime Against Humanity The murderous founding of the state of Israel at the cost of Arab and Jewish lives was brought about by the torching of Palestine into permanent civil war precipitated by an illegal and sham incendiary partition resolution forced through a incomplete incipient UN by American pressure and threats.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Mourn Not Honor Americans Who Died in Dishonorable ‘Mistaken’ Wars for GOP DEMS & Wall St. Deep State Humankind is in an ugly period of suffering in the bloody hands of imbecilic investors in war, who own the American government and media and who cannot stop themselves from planning war, even terminal nuclear war, since they know that wars make money. Their funded elected politicians and media praise war on Memorial Day.

Monday, May 10, 2021

​Ramsey Clark Described His Government As Humanity’s Ever More Threatening and Treacherous Enemy During this time in which many of us are still mourning the recent passing of former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark it seems appropriate to reflect on Ramsey’s many warnings to humanity like, ‘The government of Americans will lie, deceive, kill, do whatever it must to dominate – investors in war who control it insanely insensitive to the beauty of life and planet.’

Friday, April 2, 2021

Like Floyd Vietnamese Were Victims of a “Flourishing US Culture of Excessive Force Racism & Impunity” The 27 $million to the family of George Floyd answering allegations that his civil rights were violated within a flourishing American culture of excessive force, racism and impunity by implication puts protective value on all lives in the USA. Remaining valueless are the millions of lives taken overseas by Americans, including by Black GIs who afterward return home to face mortal racist danger themselves.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Britain Threatens Humanity with Nuclear Winter Extinction Without Explaining Why It Foresees War Why do the rest of us allow the British (the former genocidal colonial power) to get away with claiming the right to destroy the world if Britain comes under some sort of less than clearly defined non-nuclear attack? Is there no legal authority to sanction the UK and its officials involved in threatening Humanity – the UN Monitoring Verification and Inspection Commission, the IAEA, the WHO, the international Criminal Court?

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Americans Murdering People & Dear Children In the Middle East and Africa Hasn’t Mattered – Not Yet! The issue of deadly racism in the USA has been brought to the attention of all Americans by the persistent efforts of impassioned activists, especially by carrying placards with photographs of African-American victims of deadly police actions. Article suggests how the greater toll of darker skinned people murdered by Americans overseas could become a burning issue of concern for American activists fighting racism at home.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

“King, ‘Americans Betrayed Their Country In Vietnam!’ Now in Yemen, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan”. During his 1967 New York sermon, which made bold headlines in newspapers across the world, Martin Luther King cried out ”A time comes when silence is betrayal.” And that time has come for us in relation to Vietnam.” What would Rev. King say today about Americans bringing massive death and destruction to the innocent citizens and their children in Yemen, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Iraq and Afghanistan

Saturday, January 2, 2021

“It Was a Stupid War Anyone Who Went Was a Sucker” A US President Reportedly Enlightened Americans. Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later that someone of high notoriety would blurt out the truth about the American genocide of Holocaust proportion in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, and lift for a moment the tacky iron curtain of imbecility that keeps why-me-worry silly American society, self-indulgent in sales and sports, gung-ho slap-happily accepting what its criminal media tells it about being proud of its Vietnam War veterans and proud of today’s American soldiers, who have invaded whatever little countries on criminal orders or are stationed in active duty in 150 countries.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Anniversary UN Partition Plan Torching of Palestine – Albert Einstein Running Commentary. An Archetypical Anglo-American Colonial Crime Against Humanity! In order to militarily penetrate the oil rich Middle East, a courageous and noble socialist Zionism and despised Holocaust survivors, denied refugee status, were used by an Anglo-American colonial business elite that was anti-Semitic in outlook, coldly indifferent and even complicit, during the Holocaust its investments in rearming Germany made possible.

Friday, November 5, 2020

Worldwide Genocidal Killing Machine. Good people of the 3rd World should not let themselves be taken in by worldwide satellite beamed CIA-fed media prattling on continuously about American democracy during ongoing presidential elections. Sadly, Americans are duped into participating  in elections that back crimes against humanity ordered by the ruling genocidal Wall St. plutocracy which militarily and financially plunders 3rd World humanity.

Thursday, September 25, 2020

Imagine Trump or Biden In Church Praying For Yemeni Children Facing Starvation and US missiles? Noting the history of the child genocide in Yemen as only one example of America’s genocidal foreign policy and cruel criminal media managed political distraction away from compassionate public interest, article seeks to awaken enough of a feeling of outrage to promote public demand for a halt of what is the ongoing murder of a massive amount of children.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Americans Can Imagine How Non-Nazi Germans Felt As Their Soldiers Murderously Invaded 22 Nations. Germans witnessed their radio and newspapers hail the Nazi invasion and occupation of most of Europe while praising fallen German soldiers for their service to the fatherland; a fatherland representing the world’s most wondrously superior people. Sounds similar to the indiscriminate praise monolithic US corporate media heaps upon exceptionally marvelous and righteous USA and her many proud invasions and occupations.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Americans Are Guilty of Genocide Right Now in Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria. Many tens of thousands of precious Yemeni children have already starved to death, died of cholera, or been blown to bits by US made and managed missiles. It is the American public’s cruel indifference that makes Americans guilty of genocide. As Martin Luther King once said, “comes a time when silence is treason.”

Sunday, May 25, 2020

Mourn On Memorial Day & Indict Our Ruling Criminally Insane Murderous Investors in Wars on Wall St. On Memorial Day, after mourning our loved ones, taken away from us by our ruling criminally insane murderous investors in Weapons of Mass Destruction on Wall Street, let us at least indict these pathetic racist colonial powered accumulators of capital in our hearts and minds and look to the day when pale skin bankers will no longer wield such incredible power over the planet and humanity

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Venezuela Can Be Protected by Quoting Martin Luther King and Other Famous Condemners of US Crimes King cried out “The greatest purveyor of violence in the world is my own government.” Obama’s pastor, “God Bless America? No! God damn America for her crimes against humanity!” Michael Moore, “sick and twisted violent people that we’ve been for hundreds of years, it’s something that’s just in our craw, just in our DNA. Americans kill people, because that’s what we do. We invade countries. We send drones to kill civilians.”

Friday, January 24, 2020

World ‘Leaders’ at Auschwitz Anniversary Skip Wall St. Arming & Empowering Anti-Semitic Hitler There is simply no way an impoverished and utterly demilitarized Nazi Germany, with no air force, a tiny navy, no armored vehicles, no heavy weapons and a tiny army, could have on its own, built its armed forces up to the most powerful military in the world during the first six years of Hitler’s rule of Germany in depression without the colossal and crucial investments in, and joint venturing by, top US corporations

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

WWII & Holocaust COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED Without Corporate USA Rearming Germany to Destroy the USSR That the Second World War Was A ‘Good War,’ ‘Good’ Triumphing Over ‘Evil,’ has been a Gargantuan Deception, Ominously Conditioning All of Humanity to Tolerate Profitable Genocide Ad Infinitum!

Friday, August 11, 2017

27 Million Died in Russia Because Wall Street Built Up Hitler’s Wehrmacht to Knock Out Soviet Union With criminal corporate monopoly media masking the US created prosecutable genocide ongoing in Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan by focusing attention on Russia, fantasized as a dangerous enemy needing military confrontation, it might be a good time to review past US planned, facilitated and at times perpetrated genocidal crimes in Russia. Article recalls those after WW I and before WW II

Monday, August 27, 2018

Dead ‘Yemeni Kids? Murdering Children By the Millions For Money and Power Is An American Way of Life 3rd World must demand justice for her kids! Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s, cry “God bless America? No, no, God damn America for her crimes against humanity!” And American film maker Michael Moore’s “sick and twisted violent people that we’ve been for hundreds of years, it’s something that’s just in our craw, just in our DNA. Americans kill people, because that’s what we do. We invade countries. We send drones in to kill civilians

  3/12/2019       Tuesday, March 12, 2019

How To Enjoy Dinner Knowing Fellow Americans Have Caused 85,000 Yemeni Kids to Starve to Death? The news that one’s compatriots have brought death to 85,000 darling Yemeni children being hard to stomach, the author wonders how other Americans feel or manage not to feel.

         Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Now That US Gis Have Been Duly Honored Let Everyone Everywhere Remember Their Invasions Were Criminal US Gis have been duly honored on Veterans Day. Now let everyone remember regarding any order to invade and or kill in another country: “An order which is unlawful not only does not need to be obeyed but obeying such an order can result in criminal prosecution of the one who obeys it. Military courts have long held that military members are accountable for their actions even while following orders — if the order was illegal’

11/12/2017  November 12, 2017

GIs Who Invaded Vietnam, Iraq, etc. Were Criminals By International Law & US Army’s Own Law Regarding any order to invade and or kill in another country: “An order which is unlawful not only does not need to be obeyed but obeying such an order can result in criminal prosecution of the one who obeys it. Military courts have long held that military members are accountable for their actions even while following orders — if the order was illegal.”

         M1/January 20, 2020

Holiday? King Murdered by Gov. Conspiracy Blacked-out by Wall St. Owned CIA Controlled TV & Press One year to the day before Rev. King received a bullet to his head, bold headlines in overseas newspapers all around the world read, KING CALLS US “GREATEST PURVEYOR OF VIOLENCE IN THE WORLD.” The same morning, in the United States of Wars, Wall St. owned, CIA controlled, TV and newspapers, which all defended and praised the war in Vietnam, vilified King as a traitor of his country and an embarrassment to the African-American

2/13/2019     Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Former UN special rapporteur, “US Economic Warfare Is Hurting the Economy and KILLING Venezuelans” US sanctions on Venezuela are illegal and are crimes against humanity under international law. If only this genocide could become a topic of conversation throughout the world, especially in the plundered and militarily attacked or targeted nations of the so called Third World, Americans would not be able to get away with it.

2/23/2019    Saturday, February 23, 2019

Venezuela MUST Sue US in Int’l. Court for Creating Famine by Sanctioning All Oil Sales & Seizing $ Nuremberg Principles of International Law 6: Crimes against humanity: Such as (c) Inhuman acts done against any civilian population. United Nations Convention on Genocide Article II genocide means acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national or other group, as such: (c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”

Thursday, July 4, 2019

July 4th Flag Is a Bloodstained Symbol of Falling Bombs Napalm & Horrible Death for Millions Americans, who flinch at the sight of their nation’s flag, never forget the rage in the voice of former President Obama’s pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright during TV news bites of him shouting, his finger pointing to heaven, “God bless America? No, no! God damn America for her crimes against humanity,”

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Time to Expose Media Manufactured Uprising CIA Terrorists US-NATO Air Strikes On Wealthy Libya Libyans in Tripoli are again under siege, anti-imperialists should be encouraged to use this window of topicality to have the public know the truth about the colonial powers’ annihilation of Africa’s most prosperous nation. Let us look back at a peaceful and prosperous Libya, just five weeks before the UN Security Council voted to bomb it. the UN Quality of Life Index of 2010 ranked Libya 53rd highest nation in the world – higher than 9 European nations.            Saturday, May 25, 2019

Memorial Day! Mourn US Soldiers Killed in Criminally Dishonorable Wars in Other Peoples’ Countries! Imagining What Many GIs Who Lost Their Lives Might Be Saying On Memorial Day If They Could Speak From Their Graves: ‘While our family and friends mourn our absence, conglomerate owned media, ‘after having used our patriotism to have us fight criminally unjust wars based on lies, now hypes our inglorious death as beautiful military service, blacking out our senseless massacres of millions over the last 60 years.’


King Damned US Wars Was Vilified in Media Shunned by Friends & Church & Murdered by Gov. Agencies Martin Luther King deserves being the only American whose birthday is celebrated with a three day holiday, but not only as the successful US civil rights movement’s leader, but even more for having been martyred confronting the American killing machine at its source, investors in military atrocities, covert violence and predatory finance.

1/10/2019An American Senator Writes of ISIS “Hellish Filth We’ve Recruited, Armed and Trained for 8 Years!” “The Syrian War had ” much to do with clandestine actions of CIA, MI-6, Mossad, Turkish MIT, French DGSE, Saudi GID and others. “would never have occurred without American planning and execution.” (and criminal CBS NBC ABC CNN FOX PBS genocidal fake news)

Sunday, December 23, 2018

During Christmas USA Christian Americans Killing Jesus’ Brethren Goes On In Many Lands If commensurate responsibility for the death from starvation and bombing of 85 thousand Yemeni children has no sobering effect on Christian Americans enjoying Christmas, then there is no Jesus Christ in USA CHRISTmas nor in the CHRISTian religion as practiced by the great majority of CHRISTian Americans No wonder Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s loud and angry cry, “God bless America? No! God Damn America for her crimes against humanity”


Either Way They Vote Americans Remain Suckered Into Being a Worldwide Genocidal Killing Machine Americans being suckered into focusing on voting for one of the two parties of the ruling genocidal Wall St. plutocracy, US CIA controlled media informs of Yemeni children dying from bombs & starvation knowing its captive audience will not turn against the American killing machine. Once USA-EU loses hegemony, the many nations that have seen their children murdered by USA and European empires will sue for justice at a new UN

Monday, February 5, 2018

Holding the American People to Account Anyone able to imagine one’s own child in a pool of its own blood would have to be against a society that writes off millions of dead children as collateral damage. US military action in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Iraq alone, brought death to 5 million dead kids! If one is a normal human being and loves all children as one’s own, being anti the Americans doing, or in agreement with, the killing, is a loving attitude.

    10/20/2018     Tuesday, October 2, 2018

People Worldwide Will Soon Demand Americans Stop Planning Nuclear War Endangering Us All! “We are moving in the direction of a multipolar world,” UN Secretary-General. China is again the world’s greatest economic power as it was through most of human history. As USA loses its economic hegemony it will eventually lose the power to shut people up by threat of imposing crippling economic sanctions. A wave of voices across the world will tell USA to stand down from its threatening nuclear war and nuclear winter

6/28/2018 Saturday, July 28, 2018

A Nationalist Faction on Wall St. Challenges the War Faction Which Owns the CIA and Media The handwriting is on the wall that reads ‘pale skin folks will not keep power over six times as many folks of color toned skin for all that much longer.’ Realizing this, a block of important investors within the 1/10th of 1%, who rule USA have been in fraternal confrontation with the war establishment & its CIA-fed media pushing for investment in the neglected US instead of in the low wage 3rd World that China will soon lead

7/4/2019 Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Celebrate July 4! Missiles in Silos Subs and Bombers Set To Obliterate Moscow & the Rest of Russia Majority humanity must not wait for Americans to free themselves from the deception, egoism, ignorance and violence that is seeded and psyoped into the minds of Americans as children to justify killing of tens of millions of poor to ‘protect US interests overseas,’ Wall Street’s criminal interests, the predatory investments of the powerfully wealthy. Genocides began 1776 – African Slaves, Native Americans, Mexicans, Filipinos etc.

6/26/2018      Tuesday, June 26, 2018

World Cup Soccer Fun in a Moscow Targeted by Nuclear Missiles in US Silos, Submarines & Bombers Imagine before each match of the World Cup the FIFA World Soccer Federation making an appeal over the loud speaker asking all the fans in the name of the future of soccer to tell officials of their government to demand Americans stop threatening the future of the World Cup with nuclear war. Soccer stars President of Liberia & UN Good Will Ambassador George Weah and world #1 Diego Maradona to lead FIFA’s appeal.


Negotiations? 3rd World Nations Be Aware! Americans Napalmed & Bombed Out All 38 N.Korean Cities! The US Air Force bombed and napalmed cities, towns and villages across the North. Dean Rusk, a supporter of the war and later secretary of state, said the United States bombed “everything that moved in North Korea, every brick standing on top of another.” After running low on urban targets, U.S. bombers destroyed hydroelectric and irrigation dams in the later stages of the war, flooding farmland and destroying crops.

5/27/2018   Sunday, May 27, 2018

What Dead GIs Would Say To the World on Memorial Day About Being Praised As Heroes If they could speak from their graves, GIs who died shamefully killing, maiming and destroying within innocent populations would appeal to Majority Humanity in the ever targeted for plunder 3rd World to effect the same level of solidarity that the racist neocolonial investment banker driven imperialists of the 1st World of mostly Caucasian population display, and bring their five centuries of genocidal plunder to an end.

9/5/2018September 5, 2018

Poor John McCain Bombed Women and Children and “I Was Following Orders” Is Not a Legal Defense Majority Humanity, especially people whose 3rd World countries have suffered bombing by Americans, as did Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Syria, Guatemala, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Panama, Grenada should take carful note of the adulation awarded a pilot, like McCain, who dutifully bombed cities with women and children in a non-Caucasian nation, for some time soon there will be a reckoning.

5 May 6, 2018

Where Was the 3rd World While Americans Armed & Supplied Terrorists To Destroy Syria? The title question is directed to people in nations that have been invaded and bombed by Americans or Europeans in uniform. Article points to an inevitable thunderous awakening of voices from this overwhelming majority of Humanity.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

World’s Greatest Military Has BRAVELY Bombed a Smaller Nation Again – Its 27th Small Nation Bombed Americans bombed Syria again just as the its army with the help of Russia, had finally defeated the terrorist groups armed by USA and Saudi Arabia.List of 27 bombed nations show that Millions had to die, murdered right in their homelands, because of the support or indifference of ordinary Americans, with enough of them willing to follow orders, even when unlawful orders, to bomb and invade whatever nation instructed to

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

King Held All Americans Including Himself Responsible for US Atrocity Wars NOT His Government Click on the link and read and/or listen to King’s sermon that made headlines in bold print on newspapers around the world fifty years ago, and notice it is NOT addressed to the government but to all Americans. (King’s nightmarish sermon came 4 years after “I Have a Dream” at the March on Washington) King spoke to the people not the government which he dismissed as “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world.”

         Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Wake Up! Prez Advisors Bolton Brzezinski Kissinger Mere Hirelings of Powerful Investors in WMD CIA fed criminal mainstream media constantly keeps the focus on government officials to the detriment of public understanding that it is the ruling unhinged investors in WMD and war, who war promoting government officials like Bolton represent. Before both WW I and WW II too many people watched the continual build up of more and more WMD in fascination instead of fear and action. Are we just watching again now?

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

No Uprising Gaddafi Loved by Libyans Confessed Italian PM Berlusconi As Italian NATO Planes Bombed “If you don’t know history, it’s like you were born yesterday; anyone up there in a position of power can tell you anything and you have no way of checking up on it.” Howard Zinn (author of A People’s History of the United States).Libya greatest media scam ever! fully documented! Not one photo of any popular uprising. A million wildly demonstrating pro-Gaddafi during NATO bombing blocked news. UN Quality of Life Index higher than nine European Nations.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Russians Calling Medvedev a “Traitor” for Not Vetoing UN NATO War on Libya in Larger Context Article’s larger theme is the willingness of humanity to accept white world profitable investments in genocide until world economic power shifts from Europeans and their descendant nations overseas to the six sevenths of humanity they plunder. Realizing this, speculative investment bankers have Donald Trump demanding policy changes. Article portrays the immediate before and after of preposterous destruction of Libya.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

World Sees Florida’s 17 as a Tiny Backfire! Invading Armed Americans Kill Millions of Kids American college kids only asking for stricter gun laws, should instead ask Iraqis, Libyans, Afghanistans, Somali, and Yemeni what to do about Americans killing Americans, and they will answer, stop invading and killing our people; ask Vietnamese, Koreans, Laotians, Cambodians, Panamanians, Dominicans, Cubans & Grenadines, and they will advise to stop praising GIs sent to kill us as heroes even when they failed to kill enough.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

That WW II was a ‘good war,’ ‘good’ triumphing over ‘evil’ a madman had brought about, has been a gargantuan deception solidified in Wall St owned media & movies ominously conditioning us to tolerate profitable genocide ad infinitum! Criminally insane Hitler was used by wealthy capitalists to invade the USSR. Even Jewish Holocaust survivors quietly support new genocides by the same Wall St that facilitated Jewish genocide

Saturday, December 12, 2015

A Nuremberg Trial for US Funding Slaughter of Syrians Destruction of Libya Iraq Afghanistan “Assad killed his own people peacefully protesting!” Sound familiar? Substitute ‘Gaddafi’ for ‘Assad,’ and one is on one’s way to bring to mind so many other similarities made to be forgotten in TV, radio and printed news and entertainment in Western media, media owned by corporations profitably investing in the illegal and unconstitutional use of US Armed Forces and CIA. CIA creation and use of ‘Islamic’ terror is reviewed.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

At UN Syria Failed to Call for Nuremberg Justice re US Funded Terrorist Invasions Years from now when the East resumes world leadership after five centuries of savage European racist domination and the UN is free of colonial powers control, people will look back in astonishment to UN debates in which nations bombed and invaded by the US and NATO were unable call for justice under the Nuremberg Principles of international law. Syria allowing the US to get away genocide in 2015 one example.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

By Never Calling For Prosecution ‘Left’ Journalism Protects Investments In Continuous Genocide Western society’s progressive writers leave their readers with the impression that citizens of the US and allied nations will never be prosecuted for their mega massive crimes against humanity. Legal and moral implications and future ramifications are discussed and contrasted with ongoing litigation and warnings Martin Luther King gave.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day! Americans Honor Military that Collaterally Slaughtered Millions of Non-Caucasian Children How Memorial Day will evolve into a day of mourning not only the military deaths of friends and family, but for having been deceived by a media owned by profiteers in the genocidal use of America’s Armed Forces all around our blessed world, and be of intense interest in the prosecution of everyone responsible for their shame in the eyes tens of millions of victims of their lamentable ignorance.

Friday, April 17, 2015

International Jazz Day at a Failed UN Some, if not most, of the most accomplished jazz musicians in the world performed brilliantly at the United Nations on International Jazz Day, April 10, 2015, at the same time sanctifying with music a failed United Nations, which, since its creation by the colonial powers, has facilitated genocide for profit of the amoral wealthy elite of Western speculative interest banking. Role-model celebrities citizen irresponsibility.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Civil Rights Leaders, Progressives, Family, Will Again Betray Martin Luther King on His Birthday TV specials of criminal deception! King’s outrage, hellish descriptions of US atrocities meticulously whisked out of existence.But not without the help of the silence of Kings own family, comrades, fellow civil rights leaders, peaceniks, and progressives, who have made no serious effort to expose wars-supporting media’s iron tight blackout of King’s condemnations and his taking personal responsibility along with all Americans

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Ramsey Clark, “Without Demands for Compensation for Wrongful Deaths/Destruction, AntiImperialist Journalism is Hypocrisy World Economic power shift Eastward will bring a reconstituted UN that will certainly establish a Nuremberg Principles court to adjudicate the lawsuits for compensation for millions of wrongful deaths, injuries, deformed babies, destruction of property and theft of natural resources filed once the US can no longer intimidate victim nations with crippling sanctions. Lets make this prosecution arrive sooner to spare lives.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tuesday’s Electorate! the Most Suckered, Desperate, Egoistic, Depressed, Proudly Ignorant, Dangerous People on Earth This self-indulgent blind, deaf and dumb US electorate is dangerous for the genocide and eventual WW III it mostly unconsciously continues to vote for.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Blaming God for ‘All-Living-Things’ Massacre in Jericho Set Hair Raising Precedent Another slaughter of men, women and children in the land of the Bible. Probably many have heard the voice of God demanding it. The Jewish Bible is in the Christian Bible. Intelligent understanding of sacred scripture might make it more difficult for the mega genocidal thieving and enslaving amoral private speculative banking backed neocolonialist media and military to overcome Mankind’s natural spirituality and humanity.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Arundhati Roy: ‘Civil Rights Movement in US Has Become a War Supporting Movement’ Article bemoans how selective it is to bemoan the lack of civil rights, but only in America, and even for those Americans who return from willingly denying the very right to remain alive in their own beloved countries overseas.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Complain? No! Stop Israel’s Genocide! Demand Special Nuremberg Court! Netanyahu Arrest! Working, with former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark’s support, to seed confidence that Nuremberg Principles law will soon come down on citizens of US, of NATO nations and the still contested state of Israel, which exists primarily on seized, stolen and ethnically cleansed land, are freaking sick of reading, even during ongoing genocide, excellently and professionally written, moralistic journalism of horror and helplessness

Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 4 Weekend Reality-Check Chronology of US Speculative Investment Banking Instigated Genocide This in part biographical chronology of genocide represents an updated outline of Howard Zinn’s People History of the US. and is dedicated to Nuremberg Principles law appropriate to one’s own personal humanity and desire to escape from the farcical but deadly and insidious false propaganda and psyop of the financial-industrial-military-complex owned mainstream media that has created egoistic and deadly indifference.        Sunday, May 25, 2014

You Know Who is Planning to Kill Your Family, Yet You Don’t … Article speaks to a typical nation-family presently in the sights of the speculating interest banking industry of the plundering self-anointed ‘International Community,’ formerly similarly self-euphenized as ‘The Free World’ and for centuries known as ‘The Colonial Powers’. It asks why their spokespersons fail to call for prosecution of the Neocolonial Powers’ so blatantly self-indicted in heinous crimes against humanity.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Prosecutable ‘International Community’ Funds Terror in Democracies Ukraine Syria Venezuela Funding creation or bloody appearance of civil wars has been the weapon of choice for post Second World War US imperialism. 32 such US promoted civil wars are listed. US backs fascist terror in Ukraine; makes the Venezuelan economy scream; Obama mouths a CIA fed imperial edit, ” Assad must go!” never mind Assad has overwhelming support. 23 presidents overthrown,18 dictators+ put in office. Why Americans will be prosecuted!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Not Demanding Prosecution Facilitates Further US-NATO Genocide Concerned with present danger to their citizens, leaders of nations under double attack of invasion and covert violence/ media slander seem unaware of the crippling effect world attention to now-obvious past US covert, sponsored violence would have on US media deception--that represents the greatest threat to their ability to defend their people. Awareness will make deadly broadcast absurdities inoperable.

Friday, February 28, 2014

MADURO! Please Remind Obama! MLK Condemned US Atrocities Covert Violence on Three Continents Pres. Maduro, slanderous Western media, promoting war and violence for capital gains of the mercilessly amoral automaton functioning speculative interest banking industry, has put you in their spotlight to better target you with defamation. This is then your opportunity to be heard a bit world-wide. In telling the truth about the USA, you will be protecting all of us, Venezuela included. Quote King’s condemnation of US Wars!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Presidents Day! USA Honors 12 Commanders-in Chief Prosecutable for Wrongful Deaths in 26 Nations Eminent historian Prof Noam Chomsky, has said over and over again, without provoking much negative outcry, “If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged.” US Chief Prosecutor Robert Jackson at the Nuremberg trials of Germans in 1945, felt obliged to point out that “these laws are not meant only for Germans, but for the citizens of all nations.” Why do Americans not get it?

Sunday, February 2, 2014

F**K Your SuperBowls! Afghani Kids Starve Freeze to Death (Nuremberg Justice Coming) Pathetic heartbreaking photos of tiny Afghani children in rags freezing without enough food to survive, every winter of US occupation. Sports distracted Americans pay no mind, as they didn’t to photos of dead Korean babies or Vietnamese napalmed children running naked down burning village streets, or piles of Iraqi dead – children’s cadavers without heads arms Ignorant criminal patriotism celebrated at these sporting events        Wednesday, January 22, 2014

On War-Promoting Media’s Snow Job and King’s Condemning US Wars for Predatory Investments Mainstream media vilification of King as a traitor followed his world shaking sermon “Beyond Vietnam – a Time to Break Silence.” Media calumny only halted with the assassination that would protect a safe return on trillions of dollars invested in wars from a charismatic leader determined to stop these massive crimes against humanity for overseas as he had led the halting of horrific unprosecutable racist crimes at home.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

America Betrayed Rev. Dr. King Gagged His Condemning US Wars for Predatory Investments On TV, the week-end of the MKJjr’ birthday holiday, see all the celebrities, black, white, Asian, Latino. They will come to praise King and bury again King’s condemnation of US atrocity “wars meant to maintain unjust predatory investments on three continents.” They will hail King to heaven, loudly, to drown out anyone whispering that King called their dirty government “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world.”

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Jesus’ Birthday in an Apostate USA that Kills HIM Everyday Multiple Times USA places itself above Jesus. Shoots an Afghani, Pakistani, Yemeni, Somalia, Bang! Boom! there goes Jesus, shot down again at the same time, for in Matthew 25:40: Jesus says, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.” All who draw the sword will die by the sword. (Matt. 26:52) “you know the commandments: you must not kill” Mark 10.18 Nuremberg Principles say the same!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

[SURPRESSED] Mandela in 2003: “USA Has Committed Unspeakable Atrocities in the World!” Just as war investing industry owned corporate conglomerate media cartel has for 44 years blacked out all mention of Martin Luther King Jr.’ condemnation of US atrocity wars and covert genocide on 3 continents in maintenance of predatory investments, does it black out Mandela’s denunciations of US atrocities and his love and appreciation for Fidel Castro for Cuban sacrifices and for Gadaffi aid to the ANC fighting Apartheid

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Few American Progressives Joining Ramsey Clark’s Call for Prosecution of US Genocide! Survivors of heartless bombings, invasions, occupations, and covert violence ware aware that US antiwar intellectuals never seem to say or write that America should be brought to justice. What is now unthinkable and unimaginable in majority mankind, will become first plausible, then possible, then expected, then inevitable and necessary in a sane and just world, able to deal with the problems that affect survival.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

UN Day Films – Gloating Faces, Libya Syria Destroyed, Somalian Korean Genocides Augur Nuremberg UN Trial A devious, abhorrent UN film is described to emphasize how the UN has been continually used as the handmaiden of genocidal military interventions arranged when predatory investments of the powerful private usurious amoral speculative investment banking industry politically referred to euphemistically as the ‘international community of nations’ read investors controlling the Neo-colonial Powers are threatened or inhibited.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Merciless US NATO UN Genocide in Somalia Brought Nairobi Shopping Mall Blowback! Equivalent shock for Kenyans as 9/11 was for Americans. Background of these two massacres are pathetically similar. Both were blowback on US genocidal foreign policy. Osama bin Laden in his 2002 Letter to Americans, included “attacks on Muslims in Somalia” in his list of reasons for the al Qaeda 9/11 attack. Synopsis, chronology of US genocide in Somalia given. Every American should consider his or her possible involvement

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thanking Dear Pres. Evo Morales, but Please! “PROSECUTABLE” US Crimes Against Humanity Mankind is indeed indebted to the President Evo Morales of Bolivia and President José Mujica of Uruguay for their wonderful addresses to the 68th UN General Assembly. President Morales listed in some detail Crimes Against Humanity and Peace by the USA. However without the menacing adjective ‘Prosecutable’ before the various “US Crimes cited, this statement of obvious was more a complaint than the warning it could have been

Friday, September 13, 2013

No Vengeance No Prosecution of Deadlier CIA 9/11 Attack on Chile 1973 No calls for vengeance or justice for Chileans murdered on the 9/11 arranged, funded, and facilitated in 1973 by the Nixon-Kissinger, administration to benefit and protect vast US corporate investments in that country. No attempts through courts for compensation for wrongful death, injury and suffering. More than 2 million innocent Muslims lives taken and hailed as payback for 9/11/2001. Prosecutable crime against humanity!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

CIA Admits It Masterminded Iran’s 1953 Coup! Will US Face Prosecution? Is that it? No mention of a law broken. Will Americans call for justice for Iran, compensation for wrongful death, injury, destruction of property, theft of natural resources? Will Iran sue under the Nuremberg Principles Law on Crimes Against Humanity, Crimes Against Peace? Will America offer Iran compensation? Will Antiwar journalists raise such a disagreeable thought for fellow Americans? A weaker US will face trial.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

“God Damn America for Her Crimes Against Humanity” Rev. Jeremiah Wright 2008 Non-white majority Mankind, mostly descendants of the planet”s earliest humans educated in the arts and sciences, long plundered by savage descendants of ferocious Vikings and other primitive Germanic tribes, will soon force America, and the white Colonial Powers it leads, to pay compensation for wrongful death, injury, stolen property and natural resources as condemned by Jeremiah Wright in sermon. Video

Friday, July 5, 2013

Majority Mankind Watched July 4 Fireworks Recalled Spectacular US Cruel Night Bombing Baghdad Baghdad, ancient exotic marvel in the cradle of human civilization, Mesopotamia, ‘the land between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers,’ where the first cities on Earth were created. Did Independence Day bring uneasy feelings about America eventually being brought to justice for so much firing on the poor overseas and denying other nations independence from subservience to America’s Wall Street? Majority Mankind will seek justice

Monday, June 10, 2013

Nuremberg Principles Trial of Americans: WHEN? Multiple-Choice Question for Antiwar Journalists Blaming policy, politicians, media, corporations, but never holding America, Americans, responsible as MLKjr did, antiwar journalists expose mass-homicide for thievery by Americans in dozens of poor nations beginning with America’s bloody overthrow of democratic governments in Greece, Guatemala, Congo, Korea, Vietnam, and Laos thru today’s crimes in Syria, Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan, Libya, and murderously occupied Afghanistan,

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Good Americans Mourn First the Millions America Slaughtered, Then Mourn US Soldiers Veterans For Peace Memorial Day Press Release should say that VFP, or at least many if not all VFP, first mourn the patriots of US invaded countries that fell fighting against overwhelming odds, and their civilian countrymen and children who fell in harms way of those US invading forces. Nothing less than this can dent the Memorial Day adulation for dying for what King called “atrocity wars to maintain predatory investments

Sunday, May 19, 2013

If Our Re-elected Prez is WarCriminal, What Are We? King would have asked! Rev. Cornel West, most outspoken anti-imperialist and defender of Black and minority civil rights since Martin Luther King,  says Obama is a war criminal, a black puppet of corporate plutocrats, head of the US killing machine. Will West tell us that King said America, Americans, are responsible for the atrocity wars, being capable of making them unacceptable and inoperable through non-participation and conscientious objection?

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Guatemala’s Ríos Montt Genocide Conviction Omen for US Presidents and Their Hired Assassins Presiding Judge, “he knew about everything that was going on and he did not stop it, despite having the power to stop it from being carried out.” US President Ronald Reagan also had the power, greater power, to stop the massacres being perpetrated by dictator General and President Ríos Montt, instead visited him in Guatemala City and praised Rios Montt as “a man of great personal integrity and commitment. Who is more guilty?

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Antiwarriors Belatedly Cry Meaninglessly, “Hands Off Syria!”…Never “Nuremberg Trial for America!” Antiwar leaders do not call for the prosecution of US homicidal crimes against humanity ALREADY committed in Syria, nor of crimes committed in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan, Grenada, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Cuba, Lebanon, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Guatemala, Congo, Korea and Greece. Crimes committed without fear of arrest, arraignment, indictment, punishment, imprisonment, or hanging.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Now Lady GIs Can Kill the Poor Overseas Too & Be Spit On Big step forward for society’s ruling rich adding half of the population to its reservoir of cannon fodder as they heavily invest in WMD and their deployment surrounding Iran, China and Russia. But potential recruits should consider how difficult it will be to avoid self-incriminating themselves in obvious crimes against humanity and peace. An Nuremberg style trial is inevitable.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Pope Thanks a CIA Panetta Sure to be Indicted for Crimes Against Humanity Panetta said the Pope said to him, “Thank you for helping to protect the world,” and said that he replied, “Pray for me.” Fellow Catholics can only hope that the Pope said something else that Panetta was reluctant to mention to US foreign-policy-promoting reporters. Panetta’s illegal war crimes are more obvious than the Papacy being some day accused of collaboration with the wealthy and powerful in their crimes against the poor.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Prosecuting Crimes of Hyper-empire Inverview of OEN Writer by Dissident Voice Interview of OpEdNews writer jay janson by Kim Peterson published in Dissident Voice – ‘a radical online newsletter in the struggle for peace and social justice. “I’ve been taking issue with prominent journalists who expose US crimes but are careful not to call for their prosecution and consistently ignore the 1967 teaching of Martin Luther King Jr. a teaching that was such an enormous threat to investors in war and thievery”

Monday, December 24, 2012

Michael! Call For US Crimes Prosecution End Our Being Accessories After the Fact! Michael Moore, If we know Wall St. runs “the biggest criminal operation this country has ever seen, and not one of them has gone to prison, we invade countries, send drones to kill civilians, five wars going on right now where our soldiers are killing people,” yet do not call for the prosecution of these crimes, are we not acting as Accessories After the Fact, in “hindering the felons apprehension, trial, or punishment? ”

Saturday, December 22, 2012

NRA says War Promoting TV is Teaching Kids the Glory of Killing! Americans watch the same war promoting and hero death glorifying entertainment and newscasts their children are exposed to, rarely demanding otherwise from corporations who lease the public airwaves – five Nazi media celebrities convicted at Nuremberg forgotten. No gun control in US militarily occupied nations, reelected politicians ordering liberal use of guns are protected from criticism or possible indictment.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Chickens Always Come Home – Armed Americans Have Killed Millions of Children Abroad Another school shooting massacre. Of course everyone is shocked and saddened.But why is it not expected that occasionally an armed America will turn on his own? lists 54 massacres by Americans in the US since 1950. Violence and heroic gun play is in the air in the US. Children expected to be ready to go overseas to ‘protect American freedom’ in wars ordered by US presidents. 9 homework assignments for all parents.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Give Thanks You Weren’t Bombed and Murdered by Americans Because You ARE Americans Give thanks that there are no drones armed with Hellfire and Predator missiles in the sky above as you wonder if there be someone frighteningly nearby being targeted scientifically a half a world away who you cannot reassure, and that so far you have not been charged as being implicated in your government’s crimes against humanity for not seeing to it that the above mass murdering of millions was not done in your name.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Law-Abiding Nations! Call for Prosecution of a Bestial Homicidal French Government France, infamous history of murder and inhumanity in its colonies, Haiti, Vietnam and Algeria and during a thirty year occupation of Syria, in part as fascist Vichy France, is committing Crimes Against Humanity, arming, funding, secretly leading murdering gangs invading and destroying Syria, obviously for the benefit of the world ruling international private investment banking community centered for years in the USA.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Veterans of Atrocity Wars! Stop Parading! Call for Prosecution of Illegal Homicide! Veterans, instead of parading, will be joining the call for prosecution of all crimes against humanity, present and past, that Congressman Ron Paul calls undeclared illegal, unconstitutional and therefore criminal wars from war in Korea up to those of today. Past deceitful and treasonous war propaganda history recounted.       Thursday, October 25, 2012

October 25, 2012

  1. Korean President Championing US Wars Saw Own Siblings Killed by US Bombs Lee Myung-bak’s continuing loyalty to America’s mass-homicidal foreign policy is somewhat striking, considering his memory of having watched his five year old brother and sister slowly die after being wounded in a US bombing of his family’s farm. His belligerent acts toward North Korea while building longer range missiles and supporting the US and NATO in Afghanistan is detailed in context of historic US crimes in Korea        October 6, 2012

Protest to Our Elected War Criminals – Protect Them from Prosecution and Punishment Those intending to stop fellow Americans from continuing to mass murder in defenseless nations must no longer be silent about fellow peace advocates protesting ad infinitum to divert the rest of us from calling for the immediate prosecution of those responsible for the millions slaughtered. Perpetrators of homicidal crimes are not normally protested to. Activists should call for their prosecution 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

America Put Thousands of 9/11s on Defenseless People Overseas that Remain Unavenged Vengeance seekers of victimized countries without weapons to defend themselves from collateral murder of their families, blow up their bodies among the families of their persecutors and point out that the citizens of all countries are ultimately responsible for the crimes of their government’s military because they are fully capable of making atrocity wars inoperable by not participating and prosecuting their war criminals.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Asking Jimmy Carter to Help End the Deadly Occupation of Poor Afghanistan Jimmy Carter of late has made his name synonymous with seeking peace. Could he not step forward and defend this innocent population by recounting the ‘Cold War’ history that played out in 1979 in Afghanistan? Carter’s Advisor Rockefeller’s cohort Brzezinski had Carter order the CIA to attack a popular women liberating Socialist Kabul government by funding, arming and training extremist Islamic hill-tribe war lord led terrorists. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Demonic David Rockefeller Fiends Dulles Kissinger Brzezinski – Investor Wars Korea thru Syria History of David Rockefeller led global arrangements of financial-political control thru public information management culminating in “The International Community’ (formerly, “The Free World’, earlier The Colonial Powers), arraying covert agencies and military of US-NATO-UN, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, in war on Syria and Iran. China and Russia’s pathetic resistance after having acquiesced to the destruction of Libya

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

US Live Fire off N. Korean Coast Celebrates US War 10 Facts of History Condemn US “U.S. troops participated in the live-fire training exercise, June 22, three days prior to the 62nd anniversary of the start of Korean War.” This is an appropriate occasion to review the horrible truth about Wall Street’s key investment program for Korea reaching back to 1905 at a time when the Yankee trader was breaching the monopoly of European Colonial Powers in Asia, butchering in the Philippines and looting Beijing.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Better NO Health Care, Housing or Jobs for Amers Continuing to Mass-murder Overseas Better health care, housing and jobs for soldiers of the great nation crucifying the poor overseas? continuing to destroy homes of non-Americans (with their children inside)? No, If Amers got zero health care, housing and jobs from their Wall Street investor rulers, they might stop participating in, paying for, and silently accepting Wall Street created illegal undeclared killing-field wars on majority humanity.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Post Memorial Day MLKjr Cautionary: “My Country Greatest Purveyor of Violence in World” In direct and absolute contradiction to MLKjr’ teaching, Obama, on Memorial Day 1012, told us the soldiers fallen in Vietnam [in a war King called an atrocity and genocide] “had kept America free.” Does Obama believe he can get away with it because every president since Truman praised invasions and attacks on small nations engineered by Rockefeller confidants Dulles, Kissinger and Bzrezinski? History will record Obama guilty of genocide.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Vets Ask “Mourn For Those Killed By Americans in Battle in US Wars of Aggression!” “On this Memorial Day, Veterans For Peace asks you to mourn not only for Americans killed in battle, but also for those killed by Americans in battle, to accept that these war deaths did not have to happen–that they are actually in vain. Hundreds of thousands of innocent people have died in American wars of aggression. That is a tragedy and is a truth that must be accepted and for which we must take responsibility.” VFP Pres

Friday, May 25, 2012

US/NATO to Stop Killing Taliban in 2014 as US Stopped Killing Vietcong in 1975 This week in Chicago, militarized politicians of wealthy nations pretended to sit in discussion of how much more death they will deal to the poorest nation on earth. In reality, they are powerless to do otherwise. Our real rulers, the elite of the community of private investment banking are whom the public should be focused on. In the meantime those who sign orders for killing in illegal wars will soon be facing prosecution

Saturday, May 19, 2012

US Armed Forces Day Pride in the Mass-Murder of Millions in Illegal Undeclared Wars President Obama’s proclamation of Armed Forces Day as heard by the good people of Majority, mostly non-white, Mankind, mindful of six decades of US bombings and invasions to protect the business interests of the ruling wealthy.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Whoops! Coming End of US Wars for Wall St. – Demonstrators Indicting Not Protesting Former Veterans For Peace Director Elliot Adams and the Coalition to Ground the Drones indict military and personnel of Hancock, NY Drone Air Force Base along with their chain of command up through Obama. History of the court of public opinion’s power. Goals of the new ‘Prosecute US Crimes Against Humanity Now’ Campaign noted.        Wednesday, April 18, 2012

April 18, 2012

Syria Savaged by US UK France Israel Turkey Arabia Qatar al Qaeda & Media for Whom? Death, destruction in Syria, arranged by armed insurrection sustained covertly by foreign powers including the US, NATO nations, Israel, Arabia, Qatar, al Qaeda, and made into an “Arab Spring’ by imperialist media managed “reporting.’ Armed insurgents belonging to Islamist organizations cross the border from Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. US State Dept. proudly admits involvement. Why? for whom? brought into historical context

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Not Just Our Soldier but You and I Mr & Mrs US Citizen Murdered Those 17 Uncountable atrocities of an expansionist US,”Eleven members of my family are dead. They are all dead,” Haji Samad, Kandahar province. CNN demands to know what our commanders are doing to protect our soldiers from Afghan wrath,” This US soldier, cannot be morally prosecuted separately from those who sent him, maintained him and ordered him to kill anyone in opposition to his being there frightened for his own life, namely us       Friday, February 24, 2012

Feb. 24,  2012

Ten Years Murdering Afghanis as before Iraqis Vietnamese Koreans Shames Every American No one is innocent Everyone is involved in one way or another. we at the time occupied, enjoying concerts, ball games, movies, our own families, only some few upset about the loss of life, as their relatives, friends and countrymen were killing in invaded countries. Sound familiar?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

King Who Condemned US Wars Again Betrayed by War-Supporting Clergy’s Praise We have just witnessed the annual birthday highlighted betrayal of Rev. King, with clergy leading the way, a betrayal of what King taught and was dedicated to when he was assassinated, namely, exposing the US overseas crimes against humanity for predatory investments, that were draining away men, money and resources.A review of clergy support of all US Wars no matter how blatantly unjust as if the 1967 King had never existed

Jan. 13, 2012Friday, January 13, 2012

Americans can Choose Between Being American or Human but Not Both Presently Americans urinating on Afghani corpses, killing for sport, murderous house raids, posing with souvenir body parts? “Just drop out”advised flower children, the Beat Generation Kerouac, black jazz greats, Jack London, Walt Whitman. But Tom Pain, Helen Keller, Paul Robeson, as did anarchist heroes Proudhon, Bakunin, Kropotkin, Tolstoy, Hugo, Zola, and Zeno, Lao Tzu, Mo Ti, Buddha, Jesus refused to choose ,fought to end empires

Monday, December 12, 2011

Korean Traitor US Stooge UN ‘Terror Council’ Sec. Gen. in Somalia “Dressed in a black flak jacket with “United Nations” stamped across his chest, Mr. Ban met with leaders from Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government, a weak, divided and thoroughly unpopular entity that the UN has been trying to prop up.” Ban Ki-moon is happy to describe the case of UN genocidal war in his homeland in the same glowing terms he describes UN genocidal armed intervention in Somalia to prevent a popular and efficient democratic conservative Islamic Courts Somali government unacceptable for criminally insane investors on Wall St. who require a US investor serving Somali warlord government.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Unveiling The Monument But NOT King’s Condemnation Of U.S. Wars for Wall St. How do the  vibrant with emotion eulogies of King’s daughter, sister, son, and two men who held the dying King in their arms (and went on to successful political careers), sound t when all mention of King’s condemnation of U.S. wars and the “unjust predatory investments they meant to maintain” is calculatedly omitted. “Silence is betrayal!” cried out King at Riverside Church in 1967.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

What Tony Bennett Said About 9/11 Martin Luther King Jr. Would Have Also Jazz singer Tony Bennett, a W.W.II veteran and pacifist, speaking about 9/11 and American militarism on the Howard Stern Show comments, “But who are the terrorists? Are we the terrorists or are they the terrorists? They flew the plane in, but we caused it…Because we were bombing them and they told us to stop.” The Holocaust, like 9/11 has been sold as brought about by one man who made himself powerful without American help

Thursday, June 9, 2011

US Invested Heavily in Hitler Compensated Europe’s Jews with Arab Land – Therefore: [Part 1] Israel is in bed with a US business elite that once heavily invested in Hitler, was itself anti-Semitic in outlook, coldly indifferent and even complicit during the Holocaust its investments made possible. A popular quip in Yiddish goes, “with such friends, who needs enemies?” Arabs saved Jews from Christian persecutions in 637, 1187, 1492. Now Christians are persecuting Arabs. Needed! Jewish-Arab Semitic solidarity. PART 1

Thursday, June 9, 2011

US Invested Heavily in Hitler Compensated Europe’s Jews with Arab Land – Therefore: [Parts 2 & 3] PARTS 2& 3

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A Nation Always Murdering in Smaller Countries for its Rich Investors Is Evil During Memorial Day moments of silence to honor those who “gave’ their lives, exclude my six bunk mates buried somewhere in North Korea. They would be really pissed, being thanked for dying while killing dirt poor people in their own country because of phony radio, newspaper praise of how we were protecting Koreans from Koreans. Lies re US, UK French destruction of Libya.

Monday, May 9, 2011

China Gave Go-Ahead for Neocolonial Capitalist Destruction of Socialist Libya Why? Part I China, after indicating it was against military intervention, abstained instead of voting no on a UN Security Council resolution calling for war on the Libyan government with the fig lief of enforcing a no-fly zone to protect civilians – a war by white neocolonialist powers on their former African colony that had raised its living standard to be higher than nine European nations including Russia- why?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bizarre Adulation? Gaddafi’s Son Grandchildren Murdered by Queen’s Royal Air Force after Royal Wedding? NATO has murdered the son and grandchildren of the leader of Socialist Libya, a former colony of imperialist nations now bombing a Libya that had risen to giving its citizens a higher standard than nine European nations including Russia – far and away #1 in Africa with free health care and free higher education. Real reasons for targeting Gaddafi and an media manufactured civil war are noted.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

US Depleted Uranium on Libya 10th Muslim Population Generations of Cancers & Malformed Babies Never much from the Central Intelligence Agency, CNN or the NY Times on the consequences of these wars for the locals, so don’t expect to hear much about the effects of depleted uranium on the Libyans now and in the years to come. No US public interest in grotesquely malformed babies horribly deformed and vast increase of cancers where US has massively used radioactive depleted uranium-tipped bombs, bullets, shells and missiles.

Monday, March 7, 2011

We’d Kill those Vietnamese etc., All Over Again Without Blinking an Eyelash Sixty years of the messy butchering of designated “bad guys’ in poor countries is a proud part of the American Way of Life. Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer, Chris Matthews, Jim Lehrer, George Stephanopoulos, Katie Couric, Diane Sawyer, Christiane Amanpour, Rachel Maddow protect this tradition as did Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, David Brinkley, Walter Cronkite, Chet Huntley, Ted Koppel, Harry Reasoner and company reporting on Vietnam. Five Nazi media personalities convicted at Nuremberg.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Capitalism’s Warplanes: CIA & al Qaeda Destroy Socialist Libya’s 53rd Highest Living Standard An imperative more basic than keeping US backed dictators in power and eliminating non-capitalist regimes is at work in Libya and the Middle East. An imperative that has created all wars. It is imperative for private investment financial capital to accumulate, and to accumulate at an ever increasing rate, pushing the wealthy owners of capital into ever new variations of same ancient conspiracy of the rich against the poor. Documented day-by-day chronology.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

No One Curious What CIA is Working On at the Moment in Egypt? What does the CIA have in store for Egypt? What chores will it assign its agents both American and Egyptian? To what degree has CIA infiltrated military factions, political organizations and revolutionary groups to make some “spontaneous’ events take place? American progressives and socialists are overly cooperative with mainstream media and Congress in hardly ever asking after our secret CIA shadow government.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

King Would Have Stopped Vietnam and TODAY’S WARS as He Stopped Segregation! King today, would be fighting against the wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen and a war on Iran. Blacks would be in the forefront with him. Blacks are dying in greater numbers than their percentage of the population today just as they did in Vietnam. King would see the war against terror as just as phony as the war on communism, would again denounce CIA support for predatory investments in cheap labor abroad.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Gates Warns China US Will Outspend Its Attempt at Defense Capability Sec. Robert Gates, in charge of wars and preparing for wars, forewarns China on attempting to build for parity with US armed forces. It should remember trying to match US expenditure on WMD eventually disabled the USSR economy. The history and origin of capital growth requiring war when capital accumulation at home is made impossible for lowered prices caused by technology advancing mechanized production discussed.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Carter Had CIA Armed Fundamentalist Terrorists War Against Afghan Women’s Liberation & Education A CIA covert cruel attack on the people of Afghanistan as a pawn in the Cold War gave birth to US backed civil war, 8 yrs of Soviet military intervention,11 yrs of terrorist war lord devastation; 5 of Taliban restoration of peace, 10 yrs of US invasion/occupation war. Who can stop the gunning down of Taliban as if they, and not David Rockefeller’s wealthy America, had 9/11 guilt for creating al-Qaida? Jimmy Carter could!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Veterans Day! Long Live Violent Death! WMD! and Rule by Investment Bankers! Disappointment not to have seen or heard of some flying contingent of brave tough members of Veterans of Peace or a Howard Zinn peace activist brigade tussling with pro-war veterans and military officers, seeking to disrupt the praise of war. American acceptance of horrific implications of what is preached on Veterans Day. We are veterans who know we were duped into “serving’ in criminal wars       Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Merchant of Death Obama Sells $Billions in Weapons – Dooms India’s Starving “The Real Reason For Obama’s Trip To India: The Sixth Biggest Arms Deal In U.S History.” With this sales trip Obama tacitly underwrites the continuing death of millions from starvation and malnutrition caused disease annually. PM Singh accommodates Obama, buys expensive weapons of mass destruction while millions of his countrymen die of hunger. President Obama has made himself a partner in this crime against humanity!

Friday, September 3, 2010

With Each Cowardly Massacre America is a More Abhorrent Egotistical Place to Live US Drone Destroys House Full of Children in Pakistan. Six Afghani children killed while collecting scrap metal in a mountainous area. Sec. of State Clinton shrugs, “there’s a war going on.” No war was ever declared on Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia, Yemen, Sudan, Iran, Panama, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Korea and Yugoslavia – but all cowardly and mercilessly bombed. USA is an uncomfortable place to reside in Post Traumatic Stress!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Superpower Democracy Mass-murders Abroad! Largest Democracy Mass-murders its Own Children US media have never called millions killed in their own homes, by US military during invasions and occupations since Korea through Iraq, mass murder. Likewise, the annually legislated starvation of millions of Indians in the largest democracy in the world, is never called mass murder. India buys WMD, with money saved, seeks to use the market to solve the problem. Amazingly, even NY Times asks, “Should food be a Right?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

When the Harry Truman Who Dropped the A-Bomb Gave a Downbeat at the Philharmonic Harry Truman stood on the podium before the Kansas City Philharmonic. He began to tremble and shake in stage fright , as self-consciously as anyone might with so many watching. We musicians saw before us an average guy who had been made into the genocidal commander of millions and shown how to give the order to drop the Atomic bomb on women and children, how to begin war against the Vietnamese and oversee the devastation of Korea

Saturday, July 24, 2010

City Trees Pollinate Asphalt, Concrete! Progressives Try to Reform Capitalism! City trees are incapable of awareness that pollen can never penetrate concrete. Just so, are Progressives incapable of understanding the uselessness of trying to implant human growth in a political economy based on, and controlled by and for unyielding sterile, machine-like private capital accumulation. Progressives persist as if Einstein, MLKjr, Zinn were as irrelevant as corporate controlled U.S. media has made them.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Really Gets To Me, Our Killing So Many People in Their Homes! Am I Sick? US drops cluster bombs in Yemen, kills 35 Yemeni women and children! Many Americans upset? Would psychologists and mental health experts deny that millions of kind and compassionate Germans experienced a type of Post Traumatic Stress as their German armies invaded dozens of nations.Treating sensitivity to the pain of others as a serious malady would make society aware of the cure: halting the use of explosives on human beings

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Bloodstained July 4 Flag Symbol of Falling Bombs Napalm Death for Millions Many think July 4 is some sort of flag day though proud flag displays are seen everyday everywhere. For many of us against our nation’s world wide violence and bloodletting, the sight of the flag is now more than uncomfortable. Not the image not of a dear and beloved nation under attack, but that of a self-proclaimed superior nation. Someday we’ll celebrate the birth of the America Ray Charles sang of in ‘America The Beautiful’

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

  1. Korean Torpedo Accusation Fizzles – Strong Probability of US Mine Strike InvestigatedThe self-righteous scowling countenance of Sec. of State Clinton reminded us of a serious Colin Powell pointing to photos of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction trucks, of Adelai Stevenson’s photo evidence that planes that bombed Cuba were not U.S. planes, of Robert McNamara on the Gulf of Tonkin attack on innocent U.S. warships, of the John Foster Dulles proving that communists, not capitalists, were out to conquer the world.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Clockwork Orange Memorial Day Praising Those Sent To Die Killing Innocents Around the world via satellite TV, families still mourning their children watch clips of Americans public honoring US military who fell attacking their countries. No, a millions times No! Celebrating, mourning, let alone honoring your own with parades dying dealing death to a thousand times greater number of fellow Earthlings Americans refuse to mourn, or even remember, is a Clockwork Orange, chilling, inhuman freakiness.

Monday, May 31, 2010

VFP Shuns Memorial Day Remembering of “Enemy’ Soldiers Killed by Us How many tens of thousands of conscience stricken veterans of US wars in small countries can forget faces of “enemy’ dead? – finding smiling photos of beautiful children and wives in the caps or pockets of their clothes? How many of us were ashamed to be murdering guys defending their country against our bombing and invasion. Remembering them would shake up the war mongers and challenge lies past and present about our wars

Monday, May 31, 2010

MOURNING THEIRS (ALONG WITH OURS ) VERSUS HONORING OURS & OUR WARS A pretty slick suckering-in, that military use of the word “honor.’ as indiscriminate praise for killing designated enemies of the corporatist governed US, as if they were enemies of the American people. Honoring them as heroes draws a boy in to prove his manhood. Mourning dead military is a turn-off for boys considering enlisting. Mourning is anti-war! Bad for war profits. “Honoring’ is pro-war! Good for the stock market.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Memorial Day Press Release From Some American Veterans We will no longer participate in selective mourning only America’s war dead. We will mourn all victims of war, the millions of civilians, the hundreds of thousands of our designated enemies fallen in their motherlands, and then, having put others first, as in common humility, will we mourn the tens of thousands of our very own fellow citizens who sacrificed their lives for evil, thinking it was for the good, and not shame, of our nation.

Monday, April 12, 2010

No US President Hanged Under Nuremberg Principles Obama Bellicose Bombs On Tempts Fate Obama is playing out his front man role in the world political economy of America’s wild devastating and genocidal capitalist imperialism. That we, with all the wonderful ordinary Americans around us follow a fool is lamentable. Those who accept his leadership and encourage his homicidal foolishness are even more pathetic than Obama. If he ever stands trial for crimes against humanity, in the eyes of the world, we will be in the dock alongside him.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

How Many Americans Does It Take to Slaughter a 3rd World Child? Seven multiple answers to how many Americans are involved in each collateral slaughter of a precious and lovely child made poor and disadvantaged for its country’s history of brutal colonial occupation and plunder by industrial powers that continue to exploit it through neo-colonialist financial oppression, finally, dispatched by foreigner invaders of American nationality.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Haiti: Clinton’s Apology (for Private Capitalist Exploitation of the Lives of Millions?) “It may have been good for some of my farmers in Arkansas, but I had to live everyday with the consequences of the loss of capacity to produce a rice crop in Haiti to feed those people because of what I did; nobody else.” [“farmers”? – perhaps a euphemism for giant Agro-industry corporations]. Clinton is mentioned twice in Randall Robinson’s An Unbroken Agony: Haiti, From Revolution to the Kidnapping of a President.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

China 1980, Germany 1950, A Personal Encounter with Sane Pleasant Mass Transportation Peak oil, global warming, a planetary absurdity of powerful petroleum and automobile interests retaining the private car as primary mode of mass transportation. IMF, World Bank, IDB fund new roads, but little efficient mass transportation and facilitating the use of bicycles. Corporate media anchors point to photos of 3rd world icy smoky traffic jams as a sign of progress in development. The sane biographical pleasantries of years of travel by bike reviewed.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Fascists Were Driven Out of Occupied Lands; So Will US Imperialists. Contrition? In Germany and Japan, the general feeling is now one of contrition for the atrocities committed during brutal occupations, not one of innocence as grandparents professed claiming themselves co-victims. When all the U.S. troops, ships and planes have exited all the places they didn’t belong, will Americans’ sense of innocence be replaced by similar pangs of conscience, and shame for the disappointing behavior of their parents?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Someday: A President Who Is Not 1st an Imperialist, 2nd a Capitalist, and only 3rd an American Obama’s State of the Union Address is examined as a weak defense of imperial capitalism from both American and world viewpoints. The challenges that will someday be overcome by a compassionate, uncorrupted American president with plain common sense are described. More Americans realizing that Obama is another president of a country that doesn’t belong to them. A world wide American Empire has replaced a nation of people

Monday, January 25, 2010

That Gift $ Could Have Created a Socialist Bank Like Healthy N. Dakota Has Nobel Prize Laureate Joe Stiglitz has explained in simple words how the trillion $ given to mammoth private investment banks could have been better used to create a government bank which could more easily, naturally and patriotically provide credit. N. Dakota has the only state-owned bank. 46 other states are insolvent, could be filing Chapter 9 bankruptcy proceedings in the next two years. Public/private coexistence is discussed.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Jeremiah Wright Repeats MLKjr Condemning Predatory Capitalism’s War on 3rd World King’s speech condemning the Vietnam War was vilified by the NY Times, ABC, et al as treasonous, Wright pilloried in commercial media as anti-American. Both men base condemnation of violence on love. Both had the same divinity school teacher. Comparison with King’s thundering during his 1967 “Beyond Vietnam” is obvious. “God damn America for her crimes against humanity”

Sunday, January 10, 2010

They Hate Us From The Bottom of Their Souls – Capitalists Couldn’t Care Less America’s high-rolling bankers, military officials and their obedient government office holding politicians are unruffled by the latest in an unending stream of suiciders who before making their supreme sacrifice arrange to leave behind videos, letters, testimonials of feelings of dedicated rage toward Americans.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Shooting Handcuffed Children. The Word Swine Comes To Mind Burning an effigy of Obama and the American flag, Afghans have taken to the streets over the execution of children, ranging in age from 12 to 18, who were pulled from their beds by Special Operations forces in the middle of the night, handcuffed, and shot. Karzai demands foreign troops responsible for the killing of 10 civilians be handed over to the custody of the government. US insists that the victims were armed militants

Friday, January 1, 2010

19 New Year Resolutions to Not Accept Clergy’s Just War Apostasy Protecting Government Immorality 19 resolutions re Church authorities collaborating with government in violation of “Church and State principle, a principle turned on its head to keep sincere clergy from opposing war publicly by threat of heavy taxation. Clergy embedded with troops should be embedded in the poor populations under under US attack. Permissive homicide is taught, 5th commandment disregard. Christian apostate evangelists of the sword praise war as purifying.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Reject the Christmas Style of a War Criminal President Who Said “Jesus Is My Lord” Obama dismisses the teaching of Jesus as impractical along with that of Martin Luther King and Gandhi. Is rage arising for the apostasy of Obama and for those who enthusiastically carry out immoral homicidal commands meant to destroy “evil in the world” while murdering nearby children? Many Americans refuse to turn their heads away from the blood on American hands and hypocritically celebrate merrily the birth of Jesus.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How Does Obama Look His Two Girls in the Eye While Killing Children in Many Lands? Whatever Obama thinks of about the steady flow of reports of children like his own dying for his military plan, now also in Yemen, it is obvious that the images of dead Muslim women and children will fuel the fanatical movement which sees itself as devout Islamic warriors exceedingly willing to die killing in attacking a superpowerful destroyer of life materialist empire controlling much of the Muslim population.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lies For Death Much More Eloquently Than Any White President Before Him Read and grind your teeth as President Obama, with high flown words, justifies greater slaughter of innocent poor people at his command in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech. No analysis necessary. Preposterous lies twisted into double-talk expressions of love and honor despicably invoking the names of anti-war heroes of humanity Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi are best read without commentary. Must we stomach this?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Kids Freezing To Death In Kabul. A U.S. Christian President Ignores Them? Eight years of children starving and freezing to death in that area of Afghanistan occupied and controlled by U.S. troops. Jesus said for us to feed the hungry and clothed the naked. So why don’t the American’s do so in Afghanistan? Is a superpower unable to do so? President Bush was a Christian, President Obama is a Christian. Why does the U.S. ask someone else, the UN to do it as charity? Americans caused them to freeze.

Friday, November 27, 2009

34,000 Additional Troops Not Worth the Life of One Afghani Child Think back on childhood. Childhood will have been just as precious for each next Afghani child destiny choses to be sacrificed by a U.S. holding on to control of oil rich Central Asia.

Monday, November 9, 2009

“A Federated State Like Switzerland is the ONLY Solution for Israel/Palestine” Yehudi Menuhin Yehudi Menuhin, “they never spoke of the Slav Holocaust, the Gypsy Holocaust; they kept it on a Jewish basis and tried to make the most of it…The only solution is keep intact the territory and create a federated union, allow people to live where they were, together, apart, schools apart or together, what ever they want, with Jerusalem capital of both like Bern is the capital of German Switzerland and French Switzerland”

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I Was One Reason Why They Build The Berlin Wall We performed a week in West Berlin. A couple of us spoke German and decided visit East Berlin. We came upon good size music shop. The prices were ridiculous. Educational and cultural items were highly subsidized in the East German socialist economy. Though we had not the required East Zone ID that all residents were supposed to show we bought as much as we could carry away – music meant for economically poorer GDR citizens.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Che Guevara Would Have Approved 2009 Nobel Economics Prize Guevara might have congratulated the Nobel Economics Jury for fostering the study of common culture, human cooperation and the organization and coordination of enterprise around a purpose higher than the accumulation of wealth. Nobel winner studies on the well functioning and overall benefits of the commons underscore Che’s firm belief in, and commitment to, the common ownership of the earth and its treasures.

Monday, September 7, 2009

UN Judicial Observer Found Lockerbie Trial a Miscarriage of Justice Statement by Dr. Hans Koechler, international observer of the International Progress Organization, nominated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, at the Lockerbie trial in the Netherlands (2000-2002), on the agreement between the United States, the United Kingdom and the Libyan Jamahiriya on the remaining issues relating to the fulfillment of all Security Council resolutions resulting from the bombing of Pan Am 103.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

No Afghani Ever Attacked the US, UK, EU, Australia or Anywhere Else Americans have been killing Afghanis for 8 years. And in 1979, President Carter attacked the women’s liberating socialist Kabul government by covert funding, arming and training fundamentalist hill tribes who did not want their daughters in school. Brzezinski correctly advised it would scare the USSR into coming to the Kabul government’s defense. That no Afghani ever attacked the US is unimportant. Neither did the Vietnamese

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Imperialist Media Hails Democratic Elections Under Murderous US Occupation Once Bush II gaffed, “We cannot accept that there can be free democratic elections in a country under foreign military occupation”. Slipped his mind Afghan and Iraq elections were being held under violent US occupation. Colonial democracy? Human rights? Not even the right not to be suddenly blown to pieces. Real freedom for the dead. That NO Afghani attacked the US or elsewhere unimportant.No right to fight US & Co. invaders

   Friday, August 14, 2009

No US Sec. of State Apology For Ike Ordering the Murder of Lumumba Imagine an America big enough to apologize. Though not yet officially admitted, Eisenhower ordered Congo’s only elected PM, Patrice Lumumba, murdered. Hillary could have apologized for the CIA criminal role in his assassination and 36 years of support for the brutal dictator Mobutu. The death of millions has its origin in CIA covert crimes in many African nations.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Should Indian Leaders Who Spend Billions on Submarines While Others Starve Go Unpunished? While 2 million children die of malnutrition and starvation, India builds and buys submarines at the cost of this pathetic death and the stunted development of over 40% of its children who along with their parents suffer hunger. Lets help bring public awareness to bear on this homicidal horror of misplaced values by India’s political leaders. We speak up to save the children.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Impressions of Wall St. Dictatorship & Another Obedient President Treasury Sec.Geitner can not look the camera nor the person he is talking to in the eye. Geitner looks frightened, uncomfortable, speaks in vague abstract terms pretend to answer straightforward questions. Meanwhile we learn bailed-out banks owned by the wealthy are hoarding cash waiting for better profit conditions. Obama and the media cartel Wall St. owns sells us on sticking to capitalism, but the world is moving on.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

UN Universal Health Care Right – Cuba Si! Yankee No 1948 UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 25: “Everyone has the right to medical care and necessary social services, to security in the event of sickness, disability, old age.” Why desperate corporate attempts at masking how more modestly endowed societies provide care the superpower known to control nearly half the world’s wealth and resources does not. Cuba shames U.S. in quality care/longevity/infant mortality.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cronkite Belatedly Called War in Vietnam Unwinnable, Not An Atrocity The death of one of corporate media’s own is being used to portray him as having been trustworthy, and extend that trustworthiness to the U.S. media cartel justifying continuing brutal wars of occupation and promoting the predatory financial globalization of human and planetary resources. Sadly, Cronkite for years, like other reporters, cooperated, did not report what would have made the public stop a murderously immoral war.

Friday, July 17, 2009

With the Drone Bombing Victims? Or With Who Ordered the Strikes? How many Americans in their hearts are on the side of the humble families of Pakistani citizens slaughtered in Predator drone airplane Hellfire missile attacks, and how many are on the side of the angelic, charming, Harvard Law School educated first black president of the United States, who, a few days after his inauguration, ordered these drone airplane Hellfire missile attacks in the name of 9/11? How many are neutral?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

McNamara & Vietnam Veteran Hero Status Sept, 2007, a musician who had painfully agreed to perform in rehearsals and concerts attended by resigned Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara fourty years before, wrote him a letter in the name of the common bond of music. The letter asked McNamara to go beyond the confessions in his recently published books, and help the current peace movements with five simple public statements, one regarding Vietnam veteran hero worship.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July, Old, ‘n Sick n’ Tired of Being Killer Americans We elderly are tired of a lifetime of counting bodies, and we don’t smell ourselves so good as torturers. How ’bout we take a break from listening to body counts of our perceived enemies in the various Third World nations we are currently occupying and at war in? – just on holidays. Each body has a family that is not going to forgive our kill for peace game. Stop planning for higher counts of dead.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

$2,000 for a dead Afghan Child, $100,000 for Any American Who Died Killing it. Shocking? Shame provoking? Embarrassment for the discrepancy betw the value of an American soldier’s life and the the value of lives of people in US forcibly occupied countries? In imperialist America, there is no interest in such ‘war casualties,’ considered ‘inevitable’ as a popular Obama continues to react violently worldwide (except in Saudi Arabia) to a 9/11 attack by Saudis. Obama not value AfPak kids equally as his own?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Buchenwald, D-Day, Communists, Hitler’s Backers, Capitalism and Media Missing from Buchenwald and D-Day observances is the awareness that famous and wealthy US industrialists and bankers made enormous profit from heavily investing in Nazi Germany’s rearming. And while media presents Muslim hostility to Zionism as being virulently hateful of Jews while burying deep the memory of the extreme anti-Semitic climate in the US before, during and even after the Holocaust experienced by the author.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

U.S. Threat to Atom Bomb North Korea Never Forgotten On Nov. 30, 1950, President Truman at a press conference, remarked that the “use of the atomic bomb was under active consideration.” Koreans heard this as menacingly foreboding apocalypse, for U.S. forces were in retreat, and had suffered losses when China sent ‘volunteer’ forces to N. Korea 45 days earlier. Eisenhower ran test A-bomb runs over North Korea. N. Korea going to great expense to acquire nuclear capability in memory of that U.S. threat to Nuke fueling paranoia?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

American Values? Obama: ‘Americans don’t resent the rich, they wanna be rich’ No, Mr. President, not most Americans. All religions and conventional wisdom warn the ‘wanna be rich’. Jesus especially warned them. “Rule by financial capital- by money and those who have it-in disregard of all non-financial values, has triumphed over democracy, markets, justice, life, and spirit.”– David Korten. Article asks what we, who want our COUNTRY and WORLD to be rich, shall do?

Friday, April 17, 2009

On the Need for Truth and Reconciliation Commissions in America In 2005, in keeping with its maturation as a constitutional democracy, the South Korean National Assembly established a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to seek to “reveal the truth behind civilian massacres during the Korean War and human rights abuses during the [South Korean] authoritarian period and recent evidence of U.S. and South Korean responsibility for the massacre of 100,000 civilians before and another 100,000 during the Korean War.” Such a Truth and Reconciliation Commission for 40 US illegal invasions might well take place in a future socialist USA.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

English Capitalists Starved Millions of Irish to Death For Profit – George Bernard Shaw Ancestors of millions celebrating St. Pat’s Day 2009 emigrated to escape starvation in an Ireland of plentiful food for export. That 19th century capitalist orchestrated slow mass-murder is worth remembering now, as mega-massive capitalist banking frauds for profit begin to have their inevitable loss-of-life effect in the neo-colonized 3rd World. And UK deMOCKracy is seen in its gerrymandered retention of northern Ireland.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Suffering Post-Traumatic Stress for Having Killed Them In Their Own Home Country Post-Traumatic Stress, until recently, a therapy reserved for something like ‘shell shock’, not for emotional pain, guilt, shame for OUR having bombed, invaded other peoples’ countries killing and maiming to conquer, occupy for U.S. corporate interests. A multitude of us applying for treatment for PTS syndrome might be a truthful tactic for veterans and peace activists to raise public consciousness of its complicity in wars

Friday, February 27, 2009

MLKjr’ Condemnation of Predatory Capitalism Again Deleted in Black History Month King’s anti-imperialism speech in New York one year to the day before his assassination remains an embarrassment for all members of the establishment, an establishment which felt obliged to make King’s birthday a national holiday. When King’s thundering teaching about imperialism, becomes known by America’s young, the nation’s true interests will become more important than the interests of its capitalists.

Monday, February 2, 2009

EU Capitalist Neocolonialists Tighten the Screws on Cholera Weakened Zimbabwe The cruel neo-colonialist image the European Union creates for itself in African eyes seems to be of little concern, as it continues its financial war on Zimbabwe causing extreme suffering. An investment driven E.U., U.K., U.S. conspiracy depends on silence from conglomerate owned international media, its dutiful disinformation and propaganda that Robert Mugabe, is the sole author of the destruction of his own nation’s economy

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mr. President, They Did Not Die For Us When Killing Vietnamese in Khe Sahn, Vietnam Dear President Obama, In your inaugural address you said, “For us, they fought and died in places like … Khe Sahn” If the US is to change, don’t Americans have to be honest about their past?They did not die for us while they were killing Vietnamese in Khe Sahn, They were shaming their country. King called it an atrocity. Afterward, most veterans felt angry and deceived. What kind of message are you sending to Vietnam and us

January 20, 2009

Reality: America and Americans Invaded Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam etc., Not BushCheney Americans followed murderous orders, again, within memory of the murderous war on Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia How bad is America for not impeaching its president(s) who lied, broke laws, and gave the murderous orders? for pretending to believe preposterous lies? for continuing to believe conglomerate owned media to be honest

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Condemn “International Community” Acquiescence During The Slaughter of Children It is not Zionist Israelis that deserve prime condemnation, for they have obviously been acting out of an somewhat understandable emotionally unbalanced state of mind. No, it is the so called “international community” made up of First World authorities, the UN Secretariat, and civil society movements that participated in the few debates they agreed to have while children in Gaza were slaughtered, that merits our prime condemnation

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

No Difference for an Iraqi Mother – Whether Death Was Ordered by a Bush or Clinton. With all decent Americans focusing on President Bush’s military orders causing the death of hundreds of thousands, one tends to forget President Clinton’s orders also took thousands of innocent lives with missile attacks in three countries. In this article published in Hong Kong in 1993, the author berates commercial mass media for presenting official & political justification for military strikes that kill innocent children.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Next! Impeach the Child Murderer Who Okays ‘up to 30’ Innocents per Strike What should be shocking for everyone in the world is the homicidal official policy calmly expressed on 60 Minutes by a air-strike controller: “If you’re gonna kill up to 29 people in a strike … that’s not a problem.” before January 20th, how many more Afghani, Iraqi, Somali Pakistani and now Syrian children will die in cowardly U.S. air-strikes to kill ‘insurgent’ leaders who will be replaced by more fervent U.S. enemies.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

U.S. Nuremberg Trials Prosecutor Would Have Proudly Prosecuted McCain As a War Criminal A chief U.S. prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials after World War Two, told CBS Editor Richter that he strongly supported the idea of trying the U.S. pilots captured in North Vietnam as war criminals. Then U.S. Navy Lieut. Commander John McCain, who was captured a year later, would have been among the group Taylor wanted to prosecute – By the courts decision, military personnel cannot claim that they were simply following orders

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Stop Celebrating Columbus, the Enslaver and Murderer of Americans? Knowing what we know today, Columbus Day seems to be celebrating murderous racism, and as such is an embarrassing admission of the ethical inferiority of the white man centuries ago. White people best be quiet about that 1492 voyage whose success was that it made slaves of Americans. Best rename the October holiday, Native-Americans Day.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Capitalism Condemned in Scriptures; Let’s Dump It “The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The most astounding sleight of hand ever invented. “If you want to be slaves of bankers, and pay the costs of your own slavery, let the banks create money.” Lord Josiah Stamp, Director of The Bank of England. The Bible encourages loans to help the poor, but forbids charging interest. “Those who persist in usury, incur Hell, wherein they abide forever” Qur’an 2:275

Monday, September 29, 2008

A Nation of Jerks? Culpably Accepting of Basic Dishonesty and of Unscrupulous Big Shots “admit the obvious: It is conglomerate owned and cartelized media that is unpatriotic supporting lies & criminality in high places. America can be whatever it wants to be, rather than a captive of misappropriated technology!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

ECONOMIC TERRORISM, CIA and MILITARY TERRORISM CAUSES TERROR BLOW-BACK Haiti is continually in the news as an example of violence, political incapacity, and extreme suffering caused by endemic economic exploitation common to the great majority of third world nations today. Mindless business-for-business’s-sake world wide trampling & co-opting the commonweal to increase the wealth of the wealthy has spawned unofficial lawless terror in response to economic, C!A and ‘lawful’ military terror.

Friday, September 5, 2008

So How Many Poor Vietnamese Did McCain’s Bombs Kill in 23 Runs? Given all the praise heaped upon McCain, the bomber of Hanoi, this is a natural question – especially for millions of us who remember the inexpressible shamefulness of this genocidal war on the agrarian Asian population of a brutal French colony that suffered Japanese occupation and fought both the Japanese and Vichy French as a U.S. ally; painful question for a teacher who has 100 Hanoi students who lost family to Americans.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Immigration Solution? Kindness! Tex, Cal, Nevada, Utah, Parts of AZ, CO, NM, WY was Mexico Most Mexican “illegals” live in a land that was still Mexico at the time some of their grandfathers were born. President Grant, “bitterly opposed” to the war on Mexico, called it “one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation” The essay is directed at those self-righteous and outraged at comparatively much smaller misdemeanors and illegalities of Mexicans caught in an unfair world economic arrangement

Friday, June 6, 2008 MAYBE MAYBE MAYBE USE

Greatest Homicidal Con Game Ever is Led by New York Times Credentials The Times, the academic leader within the conglomerate owned cartel of ninety-five percent of all print and electronic entertainment and information media deceiving our nation and world, continues its pro-glory and war justifying propaganda.The blood of millions is upon the hands of media CEOs who manage public deception

Monday, May 26, 2008

U.S. Military Deaths Glorified – Indifferent Scorn for the Non-American Millions Grieving Memorial Day, originally intended as a solemn day of mourning for families has long become an opportunity for jingoistic media, deceiving politicians and recruiting officers to glorify warfare as a means to entrap the young. Loved ones cut down for having gotten ‘in harms way’ of invading & occupying U.S. military are not considered. Author recalls the hype of each war. We honor the dead best by mourning our ignorance. H. Zinn

Monday, May 26, 2008

On Subway & Bus Veterans For Peace Denounce Media, Urge Calling Congress, Clergy Author quotes from his veteran’s subway lectures. Wonderful way for peace activist organizations to reach the hearts and minds of fellow citizens. E.g. “Folks, we are trying to end these wars! We need your help. This message comes to you from Americans who have been trained to KILL, go overseas and kill people very OFTEN IN THEIR OWN HOMES. Problem is we FELL IN LOVE with the PEOPLE WE WERE KILLING. Please use your cell phones!”

Monday, May 12, 2008

Cruel Americans Always Enjoy Hearing Enemy Body Counts  So do Suicide Bomber Recruits Associated Press daily reports how many “suspected insurgents” were killed yesterday. Americans don’t imagine ‘enemy’ cadavers as bringing suffering and destruction to lives of family members. Bodies of America’s ‘enemies’ are counted with the same satisfaction, that one feels while removing the opponents eliminated counters when playing a board game. The U.S. plan remains the same: Get higher body counts before the ‘they’ do.

Monday, April 21, 2008

First, His Holiness Visited the Homicidal Strongman of the World Superpower The President and Pope Benedict, two powerful men  one is using every ounce of power he has at his disposal, even quite cruelly, to promote the agenda of the out-of-control corporate world he is beholden to. We kept our fingers crossed that the Pope would make some public comment about the sin of continuing these wars of occupation. Thinking of Iraqi children dying one shuttered to see holy man and murderer shaking hands.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Iraqis, Afghanis Don’t, as Vietnamese, Koreans Didn’t, Fight Well For US Against Their Own Iraqi Unit Flees Post, Despite American’s Plea  shades of Vietnam/Korea. The perennial problem of empires: how to get an indigenous army to cooperate with an occupying force? Iraqi refusal to attack will be portrayed in U.S. media as Iraqis lacking courage, or having ingratitude for all that the American occupiers ‘have done’ for Iraq.

Friday, April 4, 2008

MLK Was Murdered Exactly One Year After Condemning U.S. Imperialist War and Capitalism It is widely believed that King’s condemnation of imperialist war madness and the capitalist “insanity of putting profit above humanity” cost him his life and cost the U.S. the loss of his much ‘too effective’ leadership. Historian Howard Zinn supports awakening Americans today by quoting from King’s “Beyond Vietnam” speech. Read UN Ambassador Andrew Young testimony in the King family’s successful Memphis conspiracy trial.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Black History Month Ignored MLKJr. Condemnation of U.S. Wars, Predatory Capitalism What keeps even black leaders from quoting Rev. King Jr.’ ’67 condemnations of U.S. wars and predatory trade? Why does no highly profiled American pick up where King left off? Quoting words of the only American allotted the national recognition of a public holiday honoring his birth, dangerous? Almost like quoting the bible. “My country, greatest purveyor of violence in the world! Silence is treason! Everyone must protest!”

March 15, 2008

NY Phil Plays in a Korea Once Destroyed by U.S. Invasion, Flattened by U.S. Bombers Beautiful telecast. Koreans interviewed spoke of avowed resolve to protect their country,they knew Americans were their enemies, spoke softly, politely, with calm pleasant countenance. Americans can go on thinking they were good guys doing good. But they might like to remember that ‘good’ was done in Korea, to Koreans, all of whom were not in agreement that it was for their own good. Picasso’s Cheju Massacre Painting sobering

 Monday, February 25, 2008

In “Charlie Wilson’s War” Carter’s CIA Funding Islamic Terror to Sucker in the Soviets is Left Out ‘Charlie Wilson’s War’ could have won an Oscar in a category Best Public Deception. Film hides Carter’s having secretly funded, armed and trained the fundamentalist hill tribes, attacking a modern women emancipating government in Kabul, to sucker the Soviets into entering Afghanistan SIX MONTHS LATER. Photo of men lying face down, hands wired behind their backs  the caption reading “Teachers executed for having taught girls.”

Monday, February 4, 2008

Respect Vietnamese Patriots Gunned Down by “Beloved” Swift Boats Jolted to read in Jan. 23, Huffington Post article, “Swiftboating”, John Kerry’s insensitive references to, “the Swift Boats we loved while we were in uniform on the Mekong Delta” –“the boats we honored when we were in uniform in Vietnam”. Kerry experienced the death these boats brought, called the war an atrocity. Remarks especially sickening for those who, like Jane Fonda, sided with Vietnam fighting Japan, France, and U.S.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

“Capitalism – a threat to life on Earth” OpEdNews Discussion Group 1 of 3 Lead Articles Capitalism Presents Itself as Unreformable, by Definition Marginalizing Ethics and Social Well-being. This article completes the four lead-in articles for the OpEdNews Disscussion Group, “Capitalism  a threat to life on Earth”, following Richard Mynich’s, “Capitalism as the Engine of Global Crisis”, Cameron James’ Why I Say Capitalism is the Problem, & JJ’s HOPING TO REFORM CAPITALISM MAKES YOU COMPLICIT IN ITS INIQUITIES

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Anti-war Alternate Media Again Allows ‘Big Brother’ to Handkerchief King Holiday Tragically, progressive community’s editors and writers, including Afro-American writers, again did NOT take advantage of the national holiday to feature martyred King’s 1967 -68 anti-war, anti-imperialism, anti-international predatory capitalism speeches which since his assassination remain completely media suppressed from public attention; did NOT seek to publicize King’s thundering condemnations into public awareness. Why?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Corporate Media Keeps King “in his place”! Buries King’s Fiery Condemnation of US Wars King thundered eloquently against U.S. genocidal imperialist wars, international predatory capitalism, factually denounced CIA overseas crimes, the cruel indifference and blind immorality of America. Corporate media blocks public knowledge of the fury of King’s outcry over U.S. wars of occupation and the powerful and vehement anti war pronouncements from his Beyond Vietnam speech, that made bold headlines news around the world

Monday, December 10, 2007

Descendents of Bloody Racist Colonizers of Africa Pretend to Care, Keep Sanctions on Zimbabwe 80-year-old President Robert Mugabe, seen by millions of Africans as a liberator, continues to be condemned by white EU celebrity politician grandchildren of the masters of Africa’s murderous military occupation of enslavement and plunder, silent about their cruel punishing of Zimbabwe over many years with strict and severe EU and US economic sanctions. A preposterous pretense of concern as Europeans continues to bilk Africa.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

HOPING TO REFORM CAPITALISM MAKES YOU COMPLICIT IN ITS INIQUITIES/4 Books Whatever one wants to call whatever takes its place, it is the inhumanity, murderous criminal insanity, of totally materialist, mindless capitalism that we are living through right now. Those of us who merely try to make it a bit less monstrous, are more acquiescent to its continuance, than to its being replaced with something more intelligently human. Extricate mind from complicity in Capitalist Crime with a four book course!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Veteran Awareness of The Real Hero of the Vietnam War,Champion Muhammad Ali During Veterans Awareness Week, lets finally be candid about who deserves to be called a ‘Vietnam War hero.’Ali is an honest American hero of the Vietnam War who inspired millions. How wonderful if America could take a time out and recognize the suffering of the non-American victims of its many wars. “No, I am not going ten thousand miles from home to help murder and burn another poor nation simply to continue the domination of white slave masters of the darker people the world over. QUOTE ALI!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Vet With His Face Burned Away Is Visited By His President & Commander in Chief On Veterans Day, there will be foolish pride in smart looking uniforms, but millions of veterans have woken up to having been used! Used to kill and maim and be maimed for some few desperate, pathetic and immoral rich folks to get richer. Those vets who realize they have been taken for a ride, will not be not be further taken in by ‘honors’ bestowed upon them by citizens asleep to murder for money hailed ‘defending freedom’

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Iraqi and Somali Kids Jump for Joy on Bodies of Americans! Don’t Ask Why. In media coverage of lawsuit against Blackwater USA, no mention of those Iraqi teenagers and kids jumping up and down on the burned out vehicles of the Blackwater mercenaries and cheering on the burning and dragging of their bodies in the street and the hanging of two from that bridge in Fallujah on March 31, 2004. Media promotes wars of occupation as benevolent and underplays disturbing expressions of hate for US military

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Carter Funding Fundamentalists to Sucker Soviets into Afghanistan a History Channel No-No No mention of President Carter having secretly funded, armed and trained the fundamentalist hill tribes, attacking a modern women emancipating government in Kabul, in order to sucker the Soviets into entering Afghanistan SIX MONTHS LATER in History Channel special on fundamentalists in Afghanistan. Cover up of now documented presidential homicidal crime by conglomerate owned entertainment/news industry is our shame.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Could a Vietnamese Court Fine the U.S. $ Trillions for a Thousand 9/11 Equivalents? 9/11 should have been a wake up call. If violence against America is awful, violence by Americans can be understood to be awful as well. Article traces U.S. lawlessness throughout the world, thumbing its nose at the International Court of Jusitice and the International Criminal Court. Calls for U.S. citizen action for a kind law abiding world leadership.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Pity America! Bombed, Invaded, Occupied by Vietnamese. Now by Iraqi and Afghani! So terrible to recall that the combined air forces of the Vietnamese, Laotians and Cambodians bombed our beautiful American homeland with twice the tonnage dropped during WWII, even carpet bombing areas of Mexico and Canada. Today, the desperate wasteful consumer society of gas guzzling Iraq and Afghanistan bombs and occupies the U.S. to control the huge Texas oil fields. Everyone wonders who will be invaded next.

Friday, August 17, 2007

MLK Jr. & Acceptable Killing of Children by Air Strkes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia What if the heartbreaking photo had instead been that of an AMERICAN father clasping his dying infant son to his chest staring vacantly into the camera, holding an AMERICAN child with shrapnel wounds. Amoral Mr. & Mrs. America approve sending terror under the American flag! MLK Jr said, “Every man of humane convictions must protest.” Its easy. Just quote King! We need his moral leadership.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Rev. King Jr. Re: U.S. Extermination Programs and 1/2 Humanity living on $2 a Day An Anglo-American terror tactic of extermination is traced up to present indiscriminate air strikes in Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia stopping off at genocide in Vietnam to quote MLK Jr., who is also quoted regarding capitalism’s horrendous effect on most of the non Western world, making a breeding ground for communism then and today’s savage suicide bombing reaction to the brutal violence of the superpower over control of oil.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Files: Focus On The President Who Ordered Each Specific CIA Crime Against Humanity The Head of the CIA by law executes directives of the President of the United States of America. When we hear of CIA criminality, think of the U.S. President that had to have ordered said covert crimes against humanity. These files give a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde side of two of our most highly regarded Presidents. Speak out if you don’t want covert crime presidential power. Suicide bombers target our indifference.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Confessions: Cindy re Casey, Bill Moyer re Vietnam, Jimmy Carter re Funding Terrorism Cindy Sheehan, “I bought into this system for so many years and Casey paid the price for that allegiance. I failed my boy.” Bill Moyer could stop media Vietnam War worship, by telling how the lies worked during dark days when he was Press Secretary to Johnson. Jimmy Carter please ‘fess up’ to secretly arming fundamentalist tribes against the socialist (women liberating) government in Kabul, six months BEFORE the Soviet entry.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Honor Our Fallen by Remembering All Those Fallen ‘Foreigners’. How best to serve our fallen soldiers’ memory while remembering the millions of ‘foreigners’ who were killed by our countrymen? Put ourselves in the shoes of Korean, Vietnamese, Laotian, Cambodian, Panamanian, Iraqi and Afghan bereaved families. Could we even imagine such bombings upon US towns and countryside? We can improve the whole world and ourselves with such imagination. Make a War Victims Day to foster war prevention.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Silence of Clergy Today versus Rev. King’s “Silence is Betrayal!” At the polls, citizens have finally expressed themselves against the war in Iraq. Candidates and incumbents feel the need to call for an end to the war. But we rarely hear even a peep from Clergy. Is this for its observing the doctrine of ‘Separation of Church and State’ or because the Church has become BOUND to the State and SEPARATED from its faith?

Thursday, April 5, 2007

MLK Assassination Anniversary Yesterday Unnoticed, Useful Today A Memphis jury’s verdict on December 8, 1999, in the wrongful death lawsuit of the King family versus Loyd Jowers “and other unknown co-conspirators,” found that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by a conspiracy that included agencies of his own government. Read UN Ambassador Andrew Young testimony. put King’s condemnation of U.S. wars to use today as ‘peoples historian Howard Zinn does in his radio interviews!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

CNN Sold Us the War. Now It Sells Us the Heartbreak with Unctuous Consoling, “Heroic! Brave!” Duplicity in CNN news presentation is recalled in detail, marketing war on Iraq.. CNN holds special responsibility, along with all conglomerate owned media, for all casualties, including the deaths of the young American members of the ‘Striker’ armored car/tank urban warfare unit killed at meal-time by a Iraqi suicide bomber as seen in the heart rending documentary shown on CNN’s Anderson Cooper news hour, March 5th. Four Nazi media personalities were hanged at Nuremberg.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Imprison Us Too! Abuse Us Without Charge Too! Let Us Expiate! Be Normal! A heart-breaking but disgusting and enraging full page article on the front page of the New York Sunday Times of February 18, detailing the step by step degradation of an Iraqi citizen through arrest, imprisonment and torture for more than two years without being charged leads to the anguished but angry demand that we torturers call for our own arrest.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Early CIA Involvement in Darfur Has Gone Unreported While there is great sorrow and indignation over the suffering and loss of life in the Sudan, early U.S. involvement in the war goes unmentioned.

Monday, January 15, 2007

King’s Anguish When He Condemned U.S. War Crimes and Foreign Policy Worthy of Emulation A call for activists to make frequent use of the words of Martin Luther King Jr in his 1967 speech “Beyond Vietnam”, condemning the U.S. war in Vietnam and its violent foreign policy toward countries in the third world. Being that the entire speech is relevant to our deathly predicament today, and King’s stature being such that his outcry and accusations if often quoted could have a belated effect on foreign policy. Passages from King’s “Beyond Vietnam”, if widely known, would be enough to make network entertainment/news current promotion of both Vietnam and Iraq military ventures as glorious look ridiculous at best or dastardly otherwise. King spoke firstly to the foreign lives so wantonly taken in the destruction of their homelands.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Progressives in a Pseudo-democracy Battling Conglomerate Media’ Empire Propaganda The dilemma of Progressives in a Pseudo-democracy. Enjoying free speech and freedom of assembly, yet marginalized by an all pervasive conglomerate owned media control of information and selection of what is news, which reaches into public schools and academia, promoting, projecting and at the same time masking a mindless conspiracy of murderous destruction, theft and power over all of humanity. How to proceed?

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christian Ethiopia bombs Islamic Neighbor on Christmas Day An intolerably independent Muslim Somalia bombed by US managed military of largely Christian neighbor Ethiopia. The loss of life that now ensues from not so clever past U.S.actions and present foolish and deadly policies in Washington.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Victims of War Remembrance on Memorial Day Veterans initiate a broader commemoration on Memorial Day to include the fallen soldiers of both sides and especially the innocent civilian dead. This project has the endorsement of peoples historian Howard Zinn and many other writers, editors, clergy, veterans and people from all walks of life. A Memorial Day for all victims of war. (This initiative in lower Manhattan led by author jay janson, who along with another elderly veteran had their lives threatened at the Soldiers and Sailors Monument in the afternoon by an officiating marine officer.)

Friday, August 9, 2013

Progressives Only Protest Satirize Own Government as Friends Fellow citizens Commit Genocide

  Light satire on US crimes against humanity is inappropriate! Falsely describing crimes as correctable foreign policy of a government “owned by a financial element in the centers of power” (FDR) deceives readers, protects war investors from imprisonment and seizure of assets to compensate wrongful death, injury, destruction of property, theft of natural resources. Progressives betry oppose MLKjr holding citizenry guilty not gov

Thursday, April 4, 2013

King Condemned US Wars Maintaining Predatory Capitalist Investments and Was Shot Dead

Was King’s death fortunate or necessary for investors? The violent history of the American empire is replete with stories of seemingly pointless assassinations always characterized by media as senseless acts of individuals acting on their own, assassinations that nevertheless brought investment opportunities for investors on Wall St. either by chance or plan? For crime prevention, indict, prosecute the beneficiaries!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Activists Celebrate King’s Birthday Deny Responsibility for Wall St. Wars King Prosecuted

  Americans do not celebrate Martin Luther King, trouble-maker for the amoral predatory private investment community of the wealthy, who condemned the criminal wars necessary to its profits and power over us, anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, condemner of America’s “atrocity wars all meant to maintain unjust predatory investments overseas” and dismissive of his gov. as “the greatest purveyor in the world.” But they will some day!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Anti-war Industry Naked ‘Accessory After The Fact’ to US Crimes Against Humanity

No calls for prosecution of US wars, invasions, bombings, covert violence in defenseless nations; only protests against mistaken gov. policies and claims that the citizenry is innocent. “Whoever, knowing an offense was committed, hinders or prevents apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact.” King held all citizens, including himself, responsible for US atrocity wars on three continents for investment

Sunday, July 24, 2011

MLK Jr. – US Supported Dictator Cao Ky – Hitler – Tennis in Hong Kong

SHARE  MLK, “Who are we supporting in Vietnam? It’s a man by the name of general Ky who fought with the French against his own people, who said the greatest hero of his life is Hitler.” Oh, our government and the press generally won’t tell us these things, but God told me to tell you ” Years later, author unknowingly played tennis doubles against Air Vice Marshal Nguyen Cao Ky, dead this week at 81.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

National Petition Launched Encouraging Pastor to Condemn U.S. Wars As King Did

SHARE  A national campaign has been launched to petition pastors of all faiths to condemn the ongoing heartless US wars on six innocent nations in the Middle East and Africa just as King angrily condemned those same kind of imperialist wars for profit of his day. King warned “Silence is treason.” Silence of the clergy is apostasy and being an accessory after and before the fact.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Veterans For Peace Miss Another Opportunity To Reach Out to N. Koreans  On the 60th anniversary of the Korean War VFP could have made a bold statement that the war was wrong, sought to enlighten Americans about U.S. actions in South Korea after W.W.II, and of the massacres of tens of thousands of communist civilians in the South during the two years before the North came South. VFP could have used the war’s anniversary to call for a peace treaty to end the war still officially on.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Discounted Jewish Desires: Neturei Karta Orthodox Rabbis For A Single State Solution

Another slaughter of Arab Palestinians! Jewish, scientists, philosophers, writers, artists, rabbis warned against the violent partition forced upon the Palestinians by Zionists and the colonial powers. Albert Einstein, Martin Buber, Erich Fromm, many thousands of Jewish intellectuals. Neturei Karta Orthodox Rabbis have been the most steadfast and articulate in their opposition to the existence of the present state of Israel! › ACTIVISTS & HEROES › ACTIVISTS & HEROES

  1. Cached

Dec 28, 2016 – Join Mr. Jay Janson in New York City and China Rising Radio Sinoland host Jeff J. … column, South China Morning Post, 1986-87; reviews for Ta Kung Bao; article China Daily, 1989. … Jeff is commissioned to write monthly articles for The Saker and The Greanville Post, touching on all things China, and …

ramsey clark’s and jay janson’s way to stop western genocide › ABOMINATIONS › ABOMINATIONS

  1. Cached

Sep 10, 2017 – Ramsey’s and Jay’s way to stop Western genocide–make the bastards pay. … This, after I interviewed both of them on China Rising Radio Sinoland … has been busy in the courtroom, Jay Janson has been occupied writing articles, … Jeff is a Senior Editor & China Correspondent for The Greanville Post, …

A Nationalist Faction on Wall St. Challenges the War Faction … › 2018/07/31 › a-nationalist-f… › 2018/07/31 › a-nationalist-f…

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Jul 31, 2018 – The Greanville Post … After Trump was elected, CIA-fed US mainstream media put out an amazing amount of talk of … JAY JANSON, Resident Historian, Distinguished Collaborator • Jay Janson is an archival … and others; now resides in NYC; First effort was a series of articles on deadly cultural pollution …

African Americans Who Now Betray King’s Condemnation of … › 2017/01/16 › african-americ… › 2017/01/16 › african-americ…

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Jan 16, 2017 – Jay Janson, who lived and taught in China for many years, is an archival … For publication of The Greanville Post articles in print or other forms …

AUTHORS – The Greanville Post › authors › authors

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Jul 11, 2016 – Jeff J. Brown is a geopolitical analyst, journalist, lecturer and the author … Read other articles by Jay Jay Janson, spent eight years as Assistant …

Now That US Gis Have Been Duly Honored Let Everyone … › 2019/11/16 › now-that-us-g… › 2019/11/16 › now-that-us-g…

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Nov 16, 2019 – The Greanville Post … This was after the US government first brought back in the formerly fascist French … Laws and Legislation A Duty To Disobey Unlawful Orders? … the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) Article 90 states that military … Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist, …

Anti-Trump Rioters Oblivious To Their Solidarity With CIA-fed … › 2017/02/01 › anti-trump-rio… › 2017/02/01 › anti-trump-rio…

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Feb 1, 2017 – Two weeks after the election of Obama’s enemy, Donald Trump, Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, of the International Criminal Court, said that she …

Either Way They Vote Americans Remain Suckered Into Being … › ABOMINATIONS › ABOMINATIONS

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Nov 6, 2018 – JAY JANSON, Resident Historian, Distinguished Collaborator • Jay … South China Morning Post, 1986-87; reviews for Ta Kung Bao; article …

Memorial Day! Mourn US Soldiers Killed in Criminally … › ABOMINATIONS › ABOMINATIONS

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May 26, 2019 – Whether we lose a war, after murdering millions of Vietnamese, Laotians … Jay Janson is an archival research peoples’ historian activist, … Articles on media published in China, Italy, UK, India and the US; now resides in NYC. … of his; The Greanville Post; Global Research; Information Clearing House; …

US Invested Heavily In Hitler, Compensated Europe’s Jews … › ABOMINATIONS › ABOMINATIONS

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Oct 25, 2018 – The Greanville Post … By Jay Janson … Just as American capital is presently invested in low-wage Asia while much of the U.S. … carried on with business through subsidiary companies even after America was in the war. … has lived and worked on all continents; articles on media published in China, Italy, …

A Nationalist Faction on Wall St. Challenges the War Faction … › 2018/07/31 › a-nationalist-f…


Jul 31, 2018 – The Greanville Post … After Trump was elected, CIA-fed US mainstream media put out an amazing amount of talk of … JAY JANSON, Resident Historian, Distinguished Collaborator • Jay Janson is an archival … and others; now resides in NYC; First effort was a series of articles on deadly cultural pollution … › ABOMINATIONS › ABOMINATIONS

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Dec 24, 2018 – JAY JANSON, Resident Historian, Distinguished Collaborator • Jay … South China Morning Post, 1986-87; reviews for Ta Kung Bao; article …

WWII & Holocaust could not have happened without corporate … › 2019/06/08 › wwii-holocaus… › 2019/06/08 › wwii-holocaus…

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Jun 8, 2019 – After the war, I.T.T. and General Motors both received tax deductions for the damage … [Quoted from Finian Cunningham’s article ‘World War II Continues… … Jay Janson is an archival research peoples’ historian activist, musician … of his; The Greanville Post; Global Research; Information Clearing House; …

Historical Briefs: Lowering the boom on the media managed … › PEOPLES HISTORY › PEOPLES HISTORY

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Apr 6, 2018 – The Greanville Post … After forty years of building up Gaddafi as a villain and hateful brutal … JAY JANSON, Resident Historian, Distinguished Collaborator • Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer; has lived and worked on all continents; articles on media published …

PROPAGANDA – The Greanville Post › category › propaganda-2 › category › propaganda-2

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JAY JANSON—The above two examples of articles of faked or false news seems to be enough for the majority of First World readers to give their blanket support …

RAMSEY CLARK – The Greanville Post › 2017/01/21 › ramsey-clark-… › 2017/01/21 › ramsey-clark-…

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Jan 21, 2017 – PS: Jeff owes an incalculable debt of thanks to Mr. Jay Janson, who … Jeff is commissioned to write monthly articles for The Saker and The …

July 2018 – The Greanville Post › 2018/07 › 2018/07

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Jul 31, 2018 – JAY JANSON—Since investors in outrageously murderous criminal ventures have had their co-criminal wars-heralding media convince Mr.

Could USA Do Worse To Korea Than Last Time? N. Korean … › ABOMINATIONS › ABOMINATIONS

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Oct 10, 2017 – U.S. PAPERS TELL OF ’53 POLICY TO USE A-BOMB IN KOREA … proved mercifully box office and critical poison and promptly sunk from view a few days after wide release. … JAY JANSON, spent eight years as Assistant Conductor of the Vietnam Symphony Orchestra in Hanoi … THE GREANVILLE POST.

Negotiations? 3rd World Nations Be Aware! Americans … › ABOMINATIONS › ABOMINATIONS

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Jun 14, 2018 – The Greanville Post … After running low on urban targets, U.S. bombers destroyed … Kim Dong-choon’s article for Asia-Pacific Journal, March 1, 2010, titled: … Resident Historian, Distinguished Collaborator • Jay Janson is an …

Read “The China Trilogy” to understand your world and where … › 2017/05/19 › the-china-tr… › 2017/05/19 › the-china-tr…

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May 19, 2017 – JEFF J. BROWN, Editor, China Rising, and Senior Editor & China Correspondent, Dispatch from Beijing, The Greanville Post. Jeff J. Brown is a ..


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Why and How China works: With a Mirror to Our Own History



JEFF J. BROWN, Editor, China Rising, and Senior Editor & China Correspondent, Dispatch from Beijing, The Greanville Post

Jeff J. Brown is a geopolitical analyst, journalist, lecturer and the author of The China Trilogy. It consists of 44 Days Backpacking in China – The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass (2013); Punto Press released China Rising – Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations (2016); and BIG Red Book on China (2020). As well, he published a textbook, Doctor WriteRead’s Treasure Trove to Great English (2015). Jeff is a Senior Editor & China Correspondent for The Greanville Post, where he keeps a column, Dispatch from Beijing and is a Global Opinion Leader at 21st Century. He also writes a column for The Saker, called the Moscow-Beijing Express. Jeff writes, interviews and podcasts on his own program, China Rising Radio Sinoland, which is also available on YouTubeStitcher Radio, iTunes, Ivoox and RUvid. Guests have included Ramsey Clark, James Bradley, Moti Nissani, Godfree Roberts, Hiroyuki Hamada, The Saker and many others. [/su_spoiler]

Jeff can be reached at China Rising,


, Facebook, Twitter, Wechat (Jeff_Brown-44_Days) and Whatsapp: +86-13823544196.

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