TRANSCRIPT: Matt Ehret of the Canadian Patriot Review takes us on a world tour of the headlines and the REAL stories behind them. Part 2 of 2. China Rising Radio Sinoland 200406


By Jeff J. Brown

Pictured above: Matt Ehret and one of his trilogy books from “The Untold History of Canada”.

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Original article with video and audio interview,

Matt Ehret of the Canadian Patriot Review takes us on a world tour of the headlines and the REAL stories behind them. Part 2 of 2. China Rising Radio Sinoland 200406

Interview transcript:


Jeff: Another article that you wrote about, and I had sort of vague notions about that huge peninsula that hangs down in Russia and how it’s cut in half because of World War Two. But, the whole East Asian development scene cannot be complete without talking about Japan. And it does have this World War Two territorial dispute with Russia. Tell us how that’s going on.

Of course, Shinzo Abe is a neoconservative and poor Japan cannot pass gas without getting permission from Washington. But, just tell us about what’s going on. I know Russia and Japan are sort of like fumblingly trying to reach an accommodation and finalize their territorial dispute. Just let us know what’s going on there.

Matt: Yeah, well, you’re talking about the dispute that’s been there for decades since World War Two, around the cure. what the Russians call the Kuril Islands and the Japanese call their northern territories. The problem there is that Japan is sort of stuck between two worlds. And the better part of Japan, the more rational part of Japan, doesn’t want to be caught in the crossfire of a nuclear war there. They currently play, if you think the way a lot of these Western geopolitical thinkers think, it’s like a game of risk on the board. They’ve got Japan is a big part of their full spectrum dominance.

Since the wake of World War Two, they’ve had major deals with the U.S. military to host bases. 50,000 U.S troops are there in Japan every day. And for those who don’t about full-spectrum dominance, who is watching your show right now. I mean, this is the policy of encirclement, of containment of China and of Russia. It’s one policy of building anti-ballistic missile systems around both countries also in the Arctic.

And that the idea, the philosophy is that a nuclear war is winnable using the most advanced cyber other of every form of technology that we have in our arsenal. You can win a nuclear war by destroying the response capabilities of your enemy, making it impossible for them to have a response to a first strike. And it’s entirely based, just like global warming caused by CO2, which is not true. We didn’t talk about that and maybe for another future interview.

Jeff: Yeah, absolutely.

Matt: This stuff is all based on computer modeling. So the computer models say they’ve run scenario, scenario, scenario. It’s shown that statistically it’s possible to make this happen to win a nuclear war. And so they’re making reality, obey the constraints, their statistical game theory model. And Japan is realizing they don’t have a future in that. So what you have is a desire to sign a peace treaty with Russia, which they never did after World War Two.

Russia said we’d be happy to that peace treaty would involve returning these Kuril Islands, to Japan, we’re okay with that. But the first thing first is you have to stop being a U.S. military colony, because if you have these Kuril islands so close to Russia, hosting U.S. military bases with missiles is not acceptable.

Jeff: Another 50,000 soldiers.

Matt: Yeah, exactly. So you got to win a little bit of sovereignty first and then we’ll be happy to sign this peace treaty.

Jeff: That’s not going to happen anytime soon, unfortunately, the United States has Japan by the short and curlies. And I interviewed A.B. Abrams and his excellent book. And he wrote about how the CIA actually, after World War Two, went in and put in switches into Japan’s electrical grid so that they can shut down Japan’s electrical grid if they want it. If you get to Randy, if you get too independent, we’ll just shut your country down. They’ve really got Japan just completely boxed in and well that’s interesting,

Matt: On a positive note. I would say, though, that there is a strategic flanking operation that Russia has enacted, which is a little bit hopeful because Japan, along with India and Malaysia, a few other countries, was guest of honor at a recent summit on economic development of the Far East in Russia.

Jeff: Abe went to that, didn’t he?

Matt: Yeah, that. And these were a lot of countries who had been set up largely geopolitically to play a very anti-China role in the geopolitical game. And they were brought in. They signed a lot of deals. Japan became heavily invested in the LNG to the Russian pipeline deal. A professor in Pisa, Professor Sasi made the point that this project will see an unprecedented level of cooperation between Japanese, Chinese, and Russian energy companies in one of the most important Russian energy projects of the next decade.

Russia also made a point that the Trans-Siberian rail is going over the coming years, they’re going to beef up a 100 fold increase in cargo on the Trans-Siberian, both by creating more lines, parallel lines, and just enhance the infrastructure of those rails. And they’re gonna go from 3000 20-foot units per year to 300,000 20-foot units, massive upgrade. They call it the new artery for Japan-European trade. It’s impossible to get Japan to work directly with China right now for the reasons you enunciated in a lot more. But, because China and Russia have this unifying strategy of cooperation together, I see it as two aspects of one system, two assets, and one process, with different talents, and they’re able to provide maneuvers that are impossible if either one were on their own. I see that as a really big deal.

Jeff: I did too. The Sino Russian cooperation, God, where will we be without it? It’s just unbelievable. It’s frightening.

Well, thank you for sharing that with us. Maybe they can kind of do, as you’re talking about doing some workarounds and start shipping some stuff from Japan to the Vladivostok or wherever and then shipping it on to Europe, and that would be hopeful.

I was fascinated to read about Syria’s five seas strategy. I had always read the real reason the West began to destroy Syria with proxy forces in 2011 was to prevent hydrocarbons flowing from Iran, Iraq, and Syria to Syria’s Mediterranean ports and via pipelines into Turkey. Do you think that is true?

Matt: Yes, but there’s more to it because obviously the entire Middle East has been subjected to the seem unified model in the post 9/11 world of regime change, and nominally an aspect of this is oil politics. There’s no doubt about that, obviously. But there’s more to it than simply that. I didn’t know this, I wasn’t sure what to think about Bashar al-Assad.

I didn’t really look into it until obviously, this debacle unfolded. But then when you start looking into what Assad actually was doing leading up to the Arab Spring and the U.S and I wouldn’t just say the U.S., but, five eyes, deep state, whatever you want to call it. But the entire use of radical Islamic terror movements as a battering ram to subvert nation-states.

This is something which was applied to Syria to overthrow Bashar al-Assad, the way it was done for Libya with the Libyan shield and Libyan Islamic fighters groups, different al-Qaeda networks. This was also done in Iraq except in case of Iraq, it was different, It was just they directly went in bomb the hell out of place and created it a garden. They cultivated a garden of Islamic terrorism that could then be used and deployed later on, as we saw. There’s a certain amount of oil politics there.

But there’s also something worse because Bashar-al-Assad was fighting for, as you said, his five seas vision. Technically, he called it the four seas vision but involves five seas, bodies of water in the Mediterranean, Caspian Black Sea, Persian Gulf, Gulf of Oman. And in the course of what Bashar al Assad had been trying to do, he wanted to create development corridors, both connecting these different water with bodies of water, but also bringing railroads, resources, new cities across, in the process of doing that, that would tie into the greater investments in infrastructure that China had only then begun doing. It was nothing like it is today, 10 years later, 11 years later. He had worked to sign a memorandum of understanding with over seven different nations from Turkey, Romania, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon that were all increasingly organized to get on board with this, which was totally transformative.

And in 2009, Assad said, once we linked four seas, we’ll become the unavoidable intersection of the whole world in investment, transport, and more. And he knew what he’s talking about, you look at Syria, you look at Iraq fly zones. It’s not a coincidence that they are the center of where the world trade would be in this more just society where we’re seeing unfold with China’s support. So now that China has, there’s actually some stabilization happening in Syria. There’s hope now for reconstruction largely because of Russia’s intervention and then changing the rules of the game.

There is now an increased discussion for bringing back this five-six vision strategy that should have already been built and now tying it into the Belt and Road initiative. Turkey’s sort of being pulled and it has different opposing impulses with itself. You see very bad behavior. But the better part of itself that has exhibited, has played a role in the last few years does see its future, not with the collapsing euro, not with NATO, which people forget Turkey was originally preparing itself to join the European Union. They see a sinking ship there, they don’t see a future there. And they look at China, they see their high-speed rail development with China’s help. And the better part of them wants more of that. So, again, you’ve got a conflict in all the countries going to certain identity crises, that’s a big one, though. And the name for the Turkey version is the ‘Middle Corridor’ that connects Turkey’s economy to China through its own networks.

Jeff: It’s really fascinating. You brought this Five Sea strategy up. So it actually predated Xi’s Belt and Road initiative. I wonder if he was inspired by it because it’s sort of like a mini Belt and Road initiative.

Matt: It kind of is, it’s a microcosm of it. And you could find it documented by Bashar al-Assad is 2004, so way early than China’s Belt and Road initiative.

Jeff: Wow! He was really a visionary. It’s amazing. No wonder they’re trying to destroy him. He actually wants to help his people, instead of Wall Street. Oh, my God.

Matt: Yeah, terrible. What a dictator.

Jeff: I knew a lot about Muammar Gaddafi and I knew, of course, Libya was a socialist paradise, it was literally a socialist paradise. You had a heart condition they flew you free to London to be operated on by the world’s best surgeons. He had two hundred tons of gold. He gave free medical, free house, 25 cents for a liter of gas and he was building infrastructure. There were 35,000 Chinese in Libya helping Libya build its infrastructure.

I had heard about these waterways that he was building. And so he had to go, of course, when he wanted to do the African dinar, the gold-backed African dinar, and dumped the euro and the dollar, that was basically his death warrant. But you talk and I did know about this, you talked about the great man-made river. You wrote about this the largest water project in history with Egypt and Sudan.

Can you tell us about that? I thought I knew a lot, but this was one aspect that I didn’t know about.

Matt: This slipped under my radar too and increasingly now, it’s unfortunate that we learn so much about these countries after they get bombed to smithereens. But, and there’s a reason why we don’t have a lot of, Montreal is a very cosmopolitan city and we’ve got people from all over the world. You’ve got a lot of people speaking French, a lot of people from North Africa. But, we don’t have a lot of Libyans, we never did, and it sounded a little strange. But then when you start realizing that, we don’t have a lot of Libyans because they like living in Libya.

Jeff: It was a nice place!

Matt: Yes, a really nice place to live in. It’s only after the bombings occurred that you obviously have a lot of Libyan expats now around the world and fortunately, they’d rather go home. But, the U.S. gave their country to Al-Qaeda. So the first thing there is that in 1953, there was a massive discovery of oil as well as water deep under the surface of Libya.

Jeff: Aquifers.

Matt: Yeah. They found four ancient aquifers between 7000 to 35,000 years old. Some might be earlier and giant. And basically, Gadhafi, was in power for a long time. When he got in power in 1969, he overthrew a king, kind of a dick, not Gadhafi but the king. And he immediately began a process of nationalizing the oil, and he started learning how do you run this thing. Gadhafi had problems over the years. He did business with certain Italian, you know, you’re working in the modern world, you’re not going to be totally clean. But he did care about his people immensely. And he did see the Libyan government is playing a vital role in providing water and a higher quality of life for its people in any other part of the world.

And so he began a process of building a multi-phase, great manmade water project, which was called ‘The Eighth Wonder of the World’. And this involved taking that underground water and through a series of pipes, we’re talking here like 4000 kilometers of giant pipes, 4 meters in diameter, moving that, pipes are the best because you don’t water evaporation, there’s like heat, a lot of sunlight, a lot of evaporation. And you’re going to reclaim land from the desert, you are going to convert desert land over 150,000 hectares into agriculture, into the forest. And you’re going to be able to create new cities, which he had a great vision for.

One of the first things that were bombed by NATO in our humanitarian bombing of Libya in 2011, were those supply lines. One of the first things targeted was the infrastructure that was providing the water. There were already at phase 3 that was accomplished, it was a 5-phase project. It was already producing wonderful transformations of the desert and of agriculture. And then we bombed the factories seeing that these factories were producing al-Qaeda rockets or that government rockets were being launched from the factories. The factories, not true at all, it was disproven, they were just building concrete and pipes so they couldn’t even replenish what was being destroyed. And today, this system is sitting in brittle, in pieces.

Jeff: In ruin, in total ruin.

Matt: Yeah. And one of the key things is that the way like you touched on it, but they were not funding it with the IMF money.

Jeff: Yeah. Debt-free and free education, Kindergarten-PhD. If you wanted to go to the best universities in England or whatever or the United States, it was all paid for by their socialist government. Free medical care, a free house, it was just a socialist paradise. And that’s why he had to be destroyed. I knew, I heard about these canals, but I didn’t realize it was such an ambitious project. God, it’s just incredible. And now, you look at the place and you just want to cry.

 Matt: I brought up the SNC-Lavalin, the big Canadian engineering firm that’s working with China on closing the nuclear cycle, and one of the other things that they’re doing, that they did was they were the primary contractor in building the great manmade water system too. And the fact that, again, this is the company that was targeted for being corrupt and bribing officials in Libya. Now, this contaminated most of the past year of politics in Canada. And frankly, this is one of the last remaining useful construction capabilities that Canada can offer to the Belt and Road, and the world. We have very few of these things left. So to threaten to shut this thing down, the way that they did is just a travesty and it’s self-destructive for Canadians.

Jeff: It’s unbelievable.

Another really interesting article you wrote, and of course, I’m an amateur astronomer. I consider myself to be an advanced amateur astronomer, I’ve been an astronomer since I was in grade school and I’ve got telescopes. And so I’m very interested in astronomy. And I’d heard about this idea of asteroid defense. But you really had a nice article where she had a series of articles about how the United States and Russia, in spite of all of these Slavic racism and the rabid anti-Russian propaganda coming out of the West, you’re talking about how Russia and the United States are working or trying to work together to save humanity from a potentially cataclysmic disaster, which would be there a meteor or an asteroid plowing into the planet Earth.

And of course, if they’re big enough, the current theory is the dinosaurs got wiped out by an asteroid, I think it was a meteor, off the coast of the Yucatan, hit the coast of Yucatan and wiped out the dinosaurs.

Sorry, my poor daughter, she’s stuck here. She’s a senior at Beijing Normal University, and she came down to Malaysia and Thailand for Chinese New Year vacation and she can’t go back because she’s now a foreigner and now they’re blocking foreigners. So, luckily she’s stuck here with us and has a safe place to stay. So, she’s in our second bedroom, which is where my computer is. So I apologize. She’s been waiting here trying to cross the camera, I said ‘go on’. She just got out of bed.

But anyway, this asteroid thing is a big deal, it could literally wipe out humanity. So just tell us, it’s nice to hear that the United States and Russia are trying to work together and then are the European and Chinese space agencies involved, too? Please let us know.

Matt: Well, yeah, you have what I like to think of as two Americas, just like you have two every country, but there are two Americas, there’s not just one America. And we see it playing out with this part of America that is trying to run Russia gate, run Ukraine gate. This, again and again, people have increasingly called it the deep state. We have this thing which seems to have one agenda, which is opposing an orientation which the current president of America, for all of his problems has. There are two different impulses.

And we know that Trump had made enemies with this thing very early on when he started calling for positive cooperation with Russia and China, which he did on numerous occasions before the election and since. And no new wars in the Middle East and what have you. So, again, criticize him for what you will, compare the number of wars he’s created to the wars that his predecessors created, and you have a very different picture. Oftentimes, the way he speaks is very erratic, it confuses people. But if you look at the actions and then you again look at the fights that have occurred within the institution of the presidency, there’s an undeniable schism.

I think of the same thing happening in the science community, in space technology in America, you have, on the one hand, a deep state-oriented military-industrial space policy with its orientation to see space as a frontier for war-making and that manifest in ways like when you hear Mike Pompeo speak or Esper or you look at Space Force and how that’s being wired, very geopolitical. And then you have this opposing view coming out of the more sane, patriotic dynamics of America, which NASA has exhibited with its current administrator, Jim Bridenstine, who has called on numerous occasions and very poetically for a new era of cooperation around jointly working on things that benefit everybody on the Earth, which, we forget sometimes that we’re spinning around a sun in a very active field of cosmic radiation. There’s a lot of activity, a lot of rocks out there. Big ones, small ones. Comets some of them get really close to us.

And Bridenstine just made a point that this is not for Hollywood, this is reality. We are constantly being hit, but usually, when they’re hitting us, they tend to be small enough to burn up in the atmosphere, but sometimes you get a bigger one. And he’s called for basically getting all the world space agencies to combine for an asteroid defense system thas two components, which involves one mapping out a little bit, much better of what is the terrain.

We’ve only identified something like 8000 near-Earth objects, which are big enough to cause real damage over 140 meters. But there’s still over 25-30 percent more than we haven’t identified, there might even be more. And there’s way more that are smaller than can still do a lot of damage that we haven’t identified. And then we’ve got Comets, we don’t even know about that periodically just come in, that have large eccentricity and that periodically every 10s or 100,000s of years, come sweeping through, we don’t know those trajectories.

Jeff: And so right now, if we were to discover that in one year, all of a sudden, a comet, there’s gonna be one in 2029, it’s going to come 19,000 miles from the earth, it’s pretty close. There are satellites that are that close. That’s almost nearer, well, not near-Earth orbit but satellites go out to like 25,000 to 30,000 kilometers. So that’s actually inside the orbit of satellites. It’s just amazing.

Matt: Exactly. So if we discover like an error in the calculation, we discovered that we’re off and it might actually come and hit. If we’re discovered that we had a whole year or two years to prepare, we couldn’t do anything. We don’t have the technology to change the trajectory. Obviously, it’s easier the earlier you identify it to give it, you need less power to weather, bomb it with a nuclear bomb or whatever to just change, to nudge it. But if you discover that we don’t have a lot of time, one year or less, we’re screwed. And like you said, the dinosaurs didn’t have NASA. That’s the point Jim Bridenstine made and he made the point that he had this conversation with Rogozin, his counterpart in Russia, who’s been very concerned because especially Russia had a recent smack of reality.

Jeff: With one that flew over, blew up over the Siberia.

Matt: Well, there is that one and I don’t know if you’re thinking of the Chelyabinsk one that blew up in 2013, February.

Jeff: Yes, one I was thinking of. There was one earlier, that was even more cataclysmic.

Matt: Yeah. The two good sky events in the 1900s, we don’t know exactly how that went down, luckily, there was nobody living in the area, but it flattened a whole forest. I mean, we’re talking like hundreds of nuclear bombs power. But the more recent one was of in Chelyabinsk, and you had the equivalent of several Hiroshima blowing up in the atmosphere and something like 2000 people were injured. Their eyes were destroyed. Because, they see this thing blowing up in the sky and they look out the window. What happens when the shockwave hits the window, hits badly.

So that was a dose of reality where the world should be pointing its technology and its bombs towards is instead of us. Rogozin specifically called it in 2011, he put forth a Russian policy which is still active, for the strategic defense of the Earth to transform our nuclear capabilities and all our weapons into something that actually benefits humanity.

And it was a revival of that policy from the Reagan days of the Strategic Defense Initiative, which its earliest incarnation in 1983 was built around an idea of the U.S. and Soviets together jointly controlling this system and it was not unilateral. And the unilateral aspect only came much later with Bush Senior, which is the cartoonish, terrible view of the Star Wars or whatever people call it today. It’s the Space Force version of it, not the original concept, which originally, as far as I understand, was a brainchild of some scientists working with an American economist named Lyndon LaRouche, and that was the earliest. But so Rogozin’s idea is a revival of that idea, but with a much more expanded view of asteroids than the original idea didn’t have, so that’s something worth.

As far as the China one, because you asked about the China cooperation that China can work with Europe, and they are working with Europe on space. But because of these Obama era wolf acts, there’s a legal banning of China to work with NASA.

Jeff: I wrote about that recently. It’s just ridiculous. Well, listen, we can’t close out this fascinating discussion without talking about money. You write a lot about this, it is one of your areas of greatest concern about the global oligarch’s hidden 1.5 quadrillion dollars of debt. And that’s not a number, unit often used in daily life. So let me spell it out. It is one comma five zero, zero and then twelve zeros after that (1,500,000,000,000,000). Which means 1500 trillion dollars compared to a global GDP of only 80 trillion dollars, which is only about one-twentieth of this debt black hole.

Who owns all this debt? Expecting to get their money back, are they gonna get paid back? Who are the debtors to pay it all back? Just tell us about this, it’s just nuts.

Matt: And the only time you typically see these types of terms like quadrillion used is in quantum mechanics.

Jeff: Astronomy.

Matt: Yeah, exactly. What’s the distance, how many miles between us and outer sphere something. But, it’s actually not a coincidence, I guess now, that we’re thinking and talking about it. But a lot of the scientists that created the economic gambling models that created derivatives, this insurance on bets on securitized debts that were packaged in. But these were created by a lot of quantum theorists who were formerly working, they call them quants in Wall Street or in the city of London. But they were people who were formerly part of a process that was tied to NASA, tied to nuclear science in the 60s and the 70s.

And when the post-industrial model was created and all of these core industries and fields of science were increasingly atrophied and shut down, they were out of work. This happened really quickly in Russia when the Soviet Union collapsed. And you had a ton of scientists, the best minds out of work. So they had to pay their bills and they were absorbed very quickly by the city of London, by Wall Street to program these probabilistic calculating machines that became ultra-fast betting machines, basically, that could create logarithms, highly complex equations that could then price find values and probabilities of what something would be if the weather was possibly sunny in Puerto Rico and how much Coca-Cola would be worth. Billions and billions of dollars that were created literally out of thin air just on betting that people started thinking themselves were value, that had asset value backing it. But it didn’t.

Jeff: Instead of a steel mill or a car manufacturing plant or doing something productive for society.

Matt: Exactly. So like one dollar produced, they’re generated in a steel mill or in General Motors is very different from one dollar produced in a Wall Street hedge fund and very different. But they don’t differentiate them. So that’s the problem. The way that econometrics is taught in modern universities is there’s no ability to discern, to differentiate qualitatively a good debt from bad debt, a good asset from a bad asset. It’s all treated as numbers and numbers are all equal. So when they bail out something, if there’s an economic crisis, they’re not thinking about the qualities. They’re thinking about just maintaining the numbers in the bubble.

And that means also justifying and expanding upon a lot of the usurious or cancerous debts. It’s like feeding cancer at the expense of the healthy tissue. That’s been going on now for a number of years and it’s getting a lot worse with the current crisis. So all that to say the derivatives didn’t exist in any significant form before Alan Greenspan really normalized them in 87′ when he had the markets tanked by 25%. And that collapse should’ve been a wakeup call to reorganize the banking system by Western nations properly if we were thinking properly.

But we weren’t. And instead of reregulating and remobilizing and building the workforce again, that had been lost over 20 years. Greenspan said we’ll create creative financial instruments, increasingly became different types of derivatives that grew quickly to 2 trillion dollars by 1991, they grew to 70 trillion by 1999. And then the Glass-Steagall was taken down, as one of the last things that Bill Clinton did.

Jeff: Bill Clinton! the liberal Democrat,

Matt: Yeah, a total travesty. I’m not going to say that Clinton was like his wife in the sense that, I don’t think that he was this warmongering freak of nature that wanted to really blow up the world the way I fear that Hillary has in her eyes.

Jeff: She was the architect behind Libya, the takedown of Libya.

Matt: Yeah. So I think Clinton had some good impulses now and again. And, he had a lot of problems, a lot of them. And he was castrated after the Monica Lewinsky takedown, that attempt to impeach him. And his last two years were pretty much Larry Summers and Al Gore running the show when a lot of the worst things were done. He’s shown no evidence that he’s changed that he’s become an actual competent human being, at this point.

So Glass-Steagall was taken down, then derivatives went quickly to 70 trillion. And now we’re sort of to quadrillions. And who owns them is the top-level experts are hard-pressed to say who owns, even how do you measure what they are? Who owns them?

It’s really tough to say. It’s very ephemeral. It’s very disassociated from measurable reality, very disassociated from GDP and it. This is a bubble that’s going down. So if you have something like debt, default on, let’s say, corporate debt, which is a pretty big bubble, something like 15 trillion dollars of subprime corporate debt currently is in the system.

The same, triple B value is the subprime of the housing market days of 2006. So let’s say, you got a default and that goes bad, it’s not just that 50 trillion going bad. It’s all of the insurance on the debts and the insurance that’s built on that. And there’s a one good documentary movie called ‘Inside Job’ and another Hollywood movie that recently came out, ‘The Big Short’.

If anybody was confused by this, I think that’s one of the best introductory movies to just clearly mock it and also educate you on how absurd this is. And that’s what threatened to blow up the system right now, is that and that’s what they’re bailing out today.

Jeff: What’s the Fed and the Treasury merging, and it’s just unreal.

Well, my wife and I really got into real estate when we moved back to the United States in 2001. And we lost everything in 2008 and came back to China in 2010 with nothing but two suitcases each. So, we got a taste of Alan Greenspan’s algorithms and subprime loans, unfortunately in our 50s. But it was cathartic and I do not regret it.

Let’s one more kind of a banking question, because I have a hard time explaining to people about China’s massive people owned banking system, the four biggest banks in the world are Chinese, and they’re owned by the people and the government.

You talk to and I never heard about this one. Like I said, I love reading your articles because I just find out all this kind of stuff from all your research. Where does the Rothschild’s Inter Alpha Group of Banks fit into all of this? And you made a statement that just knocked me out of my chair. Is it really true that the Royal Bank of Scotland controls up to 70 percent of the global financial system? And if that’s true, where do China’s massive people own banking system fit into all of this?

Matt: Ok. Well, here’s the thing. There is an often misquoted Rothschild’s quote, that’s put out in a lot of documentaries, money masters, things like that. I’ve seen this again and again where I forget which Rothschild is, it might’ve been, there’s so many and they tend to always be pretty terrible people.

Jeff: Yeah, psychopaths.

Matt: Yeah. They got a way of cultivating that quality in their kids, maybe a better education system that wouldn’t happen. But anyway, this misquoted quote is one where he says, ‘I care not who makes the laws of a nation, just give me control of the money’. That’s actually not really true. There’s a bit of a sleight-of-hand there. So, what is the Inter Alpha Group?

‘Inter Alpha Group of Banks’ was set up in 1971, and that’s the same year, around the same month, actually, that the dollar was taken off the gold.

Jeff: Taken off the gold by Nixon. Yeah. What a coincidence.

Matt: Exactly. So it was floated onto the international markets, that made it a tool for speculation. It no longer was tied to fixed exchange rates. There’s nothing stabilizing currency values. So with that lack of stability, it made it very difficult to think long term anymore. You couldn’t build things the way you could in a former system where you could know that in five years that had these relative values to plan ahead for. If we have too much instability, you can’t do it with speculation.

A lot of instability can’t do it. So there’s a very important document. And it has a bit of a flamboyant name that I would suggest your readers look at who really want to sink their teeth into this because this requires more than I could probably say in a short interview here. But there’s an article by John Hoefle who was the former bureau desk chief for finance in Executive Intelligence Review, and you can Google this title. It’s a flamboyant title called ‘Inter Alpha Group: Nation-Killers for Imperial Genocide’. It’s pretty, it lives up to its extreme title.

Jeff: Please send us the link and I’ll include in the article page, and I will read it


Matt: I will.

What the point is that, it isn’t that there’s direct ownership by these now 10 major European banks that created this cartel, originally was 6, now it’s 10. It’s all under the Royal Bank of Scotland. Intesa, AIB, Noble Bank, KBC, there are a few others. So they create a cartel, that cartel has been directly behind all of the takedowns of international regulation and the creation of a system of rules of finance of the Post 1971 world in which these derivatives were a lot encouraged to be created as cancer.

Now, when you’re citing one point I made in an article on the 70 percent that deals not with the overall values, that deal specifically with the 1.5 quadrillion dollar. So now, China doesn’t play with that. China was one of the, I think, they were the only country of the world that did not take down their bank regulation and especially Glass-Steagall separation of investment banking. China still always maintained that separation.

Jeff: They still do.

Matt: Yeah, they do. And that gives them a very strong edge to invest in real productive.

If you’re going to invest in China, that’s great. You can invest in China, but also your investment is going to be tied to things that benefit people measurably, for the most part. There are exceptions, but for the most part, that’s the driver.

In the West that’s not the case. If you want to make a big return, if your pension fund or whatever, and you have a bank deciding where your pension fund is going to have allocated its investment for maximum return to the investors, which is sort of what most have to do, then it will go to things that ultimately produce destruction to the people of the world, including pensioners and children whose lives they should care about. And they do care about, but they don’t know that, they don’t know how it’s being used.

So I’d say that that’s the way to think about the current configuration of is, who controls the rules of it matters more than who controls the money per se. They already control trillions of dollars of money, but it’s the rules of how money is generated, replenished, and defined, which is more important than the actual material money. They can make the money disappear under economic collapse, and they don’t care because they have control of the system.

This is why you have like this giving pledge by Michael Bloomberg and Bill Gates, this whole foundation of billionaires that are all so noble because they’re going to give away half of the billions to charity. No, they’re just basically, they know that the system that they are committed to and that gave them privileges financially in the last decades is going to blow out. And they want good positions in the new system afterward It’s not so much the money, the money is just a tool.

Jeff: The banks are people owned and they build infrastructure and they build hospitals and schools and it just goes on and on.

Well, listen, man. This has been just an unbelievable discussion, and before we close out, what other projects do you have in the pipeline so far? If you’ll pardon the pun, with Russia and China.

What do you have going on? Because this has just been really terrific. Let us know what you’re going to be doing. And I’m sure I’m going to encourage people to sign up for our newsletter and hopefully more people will start following you.

Matt: Yeah, I’d say if people want to help out as well, they can always help out on the Patreon account we have on the Canadian Patriot’s site. You’ll see it everywhere. Also, in terms of the new projects in the pipeline, one thing I’ve been working on is a foundation that my wife and I created several months ago last summer actually called the ‘Rising Tide Foundation.’ You can go to our site

And this deals with more of a cultural, educational pedagogical approach science, art, history, which is largely absent in the geopolitical world and the reason why we decided to do this is because ultimately when you’re talking about politics and history, you’re still dealing with the facts, you are dealing with shadows. The shadows are something that is important to know the details, but ultimately like I was saying at the beginning of my interview when I was an art student, the deeper thing is what is the culture that is shaping the individuals that transcend the generations that come into being.

Because people wonder, how can you have a conspiracy.? They don’t believe in conspiracy theories because it’s like, isn’t everybody just selfish. How can you ask an idea that continuity was maintained over so many generations, wouldn’t it just collapse, nobody can keep a secret. And it’s like, well, it’s not about a conspiracy in the cartoonish war to fight club where everybody is just in on it. It’s that you have a way of thinking that encourages certain parts of your persona to come to the fore and define how you think of yourself and the future and the past and how you judge right and wrong, beauty, ugliness.

All these things are interconnected. Science, art, morality, politics. They’re all interconnected parts of the same thing.

And so we started the Rising Tide Foundation to try to work on developing something that would give people that edge where they could cultivate wisdom the way you had with people like Plato’s students, people were working politically at the time in ancient Athens to fight a battle against Persia, to defend the better parts of their society and to create a school that would encourage learning discoveries, astronomy, and make people who are capable of organizing for a republic. That’s what the republic was about. And Plato was not just the theoretical ivory tower exercise. It was really a challenge to the type of society that’s not merely blind mob or tyranny or aristocracy or democracy.

It’s not one of these things that always cyclically just turn into each other, which was how he talked about that, but he’s saying, can we create a society where everybody is sovereign. You don’t just have one sovereign but everybody is capable of cultivating their sovereign capacities of being human and judging right and wrong for themselves and not based on authority, not based on something lower, but the real internal standard of discovery. And that requires patience, requires a bunch of things.

So anyway, the Rising Tide Foundation, it’s something people can watch videos or lectures, writings, and you can make contributions if you are an artist, if you’re a philosopher, if you’re somebody who has good ideas, you want to share and submit them and who knows maybe will publish them as well.

Jeff: Cool. Well, this has been a blast intellectually and casually. I’ve just really enjoyed it. By the way, what you just described the Rising Tide Foundation is also very Confucian, very Buddhist, and very, very Taoist. So I think you’ve kind of come full circle with Plato. You can find Matt at and again at  I’ll be honest with you, I was looking at your essay, your writing website. I will check out the Rising Tide Foundation.

Thank you so much for being on. I’d love to have you back, maybe after the Covid-19 hysteria and panic subside, and kind of review how things have shaken out. So thank you so much for being on the show. I’ll get this up in a couple of days and we can both bless it all over the world.

Matt: Wonderful. Thanks for having me on.

Jeff: All right. Bye-bye, Matt.

Matt: Bye Jeff.



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Why and How China works: With a Mirror to Our Own History



JEFF J. BROWN, Editor, China Rising, and Senior Editor & China Correspondent, Dispatch from Beijing, The Greanville Post

Jeff J. Brown is a geopolitical analyst, journalist, lecturer and the author of The China Trilogy. It consists of 44 Days Backpacking in China – The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass (2013); Punto Press released China Rising – Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations (2016); and BIG Red Book on China (2020). As well, he published a textbook, Doctor WriteRead’s Treasure Trove to Great English (2015). Jeff is a Senior Editor & China Correspondent for The Greanville Post, where he keeps a column, Dispatch from Beijing and is a Global Opinion Leader at 21st Century. He also writes a column for The Saker, called the Moscow-Beijing Express. Jeff writes, interviews and podcasts on his own program, China Rising Radio Sinoland, which is also available on YouTubeStitcher Radio, iTunes, Ivoox and RUvid. Guests have included Ramsey Clark, James Bradley, Moti Nissani, Godfree Roberts, Hiroyuki Hamada, The Saker and many others. [/su_spoiler]

Jeff can be reached at China Rising, je**@br***********.com, Facebook, Twitter, Wechat (Jeff_Brown-44_Days) and Whatsapp: +86-13823544196.

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