By Jeff J. Brown
Pictured above: Dr. Joseph Mercola’s brilliant satirical short animation says it all, as well as his excellent guest article posted below.
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Sixteen years on the streets, living and working with the people of China, Jeff
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NOTE: below this short review is Dr. Mercola’s excellent article about Covid-Great Reset Plandemic. Don’t miss it!
In three recent articles, I explained and warned Westerners about the rapidly consummating Covid-Great Reset Plandemic being bulldozed over their economies and societies. First, global capitalist trillionaires are eugenically human harvesting Euranglolanders with GMO, sterilizing Covid vaccines. Secondly they are using it to cause WB/IMF-style (World Bank/International Monetary Fund) “structural readjustments” to rape and plunder the 99%’s assets. This is to finally drive us into being property-less, jobless techno-feudal serfs. Westerners are simply being added to the trillionaire list of pillaged peoples in Africa, the Americas, Oceania and Asia. Not reading/listening/watching them is at your and your children’s peril,
Dr. Joseph Mercola, whose humorous holiday video says it all, agrees,
Source article: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/12/21/a-year-without-a-santa-claus.aspx
A Year Without Santa Claus?
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
- Thanksgiving was canceled in many parts of the U.S., and many government leaders are now urging residents to cancel their Christmas celebrations too
- The global response to the COVID-19 pandemic has little to do with the spread of an actual virus, and everything to do with the planned global takeover and implementation of a technocratic agenda known as the Great Reset
- Mask mandates, social distancing, business shutdowns, online shopping, working and learning, PRC testing and quarantining of asymptomatic individuals are all forms of “soft indoctrination” to get us used to a way of life devoid of our usual rights and freedoms
- While the Great Reset plan is being sold as a way to make life fair and equitable for all, it’s really a wealth redistribution scheme that transfers wealth from the working class to the technocratic elite
- The mass vaccination agenda and the promotion of fake, lab-grown meat are also evidence of the technocratic coup underway. COVID-19 vaccines are part of a biological surveillance framework, while the normalization of fake meat is an attempt to control the part of the food supply that is not already patented and under their control
While lockdowns were supposed to be temporary — initially just a couple of weeks to “flatten the curve” — nine months into the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s still no end in sight. Thanksgiving was canceled in many parts of the U.S., and many government leaders are now urging residents to cancel their Christmas celebrations too.
What many still don’t realize is that the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic has little to do with the spread of an actual virus, and everything to do with the planned global takeover and implementation of a technocratic agenda known as the Great Reset.
Universal mask mandates, social distancing, business shutdowns, online shopping, working and learning, PCR testing and quarantining of asymptomatic individuals are all forms of “soft indoctrination” to get us used to an entirely new, and unfathomably inhumane, way of life devoid of our usual rights and freedoms.
The Other Klaus
Klaus Schwab is the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum. Schwab announced the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset Initiative in June 2020, which includes stripping people of their privately owned assets.
In addition to being a poster boy for technocracy, Schwab also has a strong transhumanist bend, and wrote the book on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, a hallmark of which is the merger of man and machine, biology and digital technology.1
According to Winter Oak — a British nonprofit social justice organization — Schwab and his globalist accomplices are using the COVID-19 pandemic “to bypass democratic accountability, to override opposition, to accelerate their agenda and to impose it on the rest of humankind against our will.”
Indeed, Schwab’s book,2,3 “COVID-19: The Great Reset” urges industry leaders and decision makers to “make good use of the pandemic” and “not letting the crisis go to waste.”
Greatest Wealth Transfer in History Is Underway
While the Great Reset plan is being sold as a way to make life fair and equitable for all, the required sacrifices do not apply to the technocrats running the system.
On the contrary, as noted by Patrick Wood in his recent interview with James Delingpole, featured in “Technocracy and the Great Reset,” the wealth distribution and circular economies promoted by the technocratic elite will never benefit the people, because what they’re really referring to is the redistribution of wealth from the people, to themselves.
Evidence of this can be seen in the decision to allow big box stores to remain open during the pandemic while forcing small businesses to close, no matter how small the infection risk.
There’s really no rhyme or reason for such a decision, other than to shift wealth away from small, private business owners to multinational corporations. Walmart and Target, for example, report record sales this year4 while more than half of all small business owners fear their businesses won’t survive.5
Yelp’s September 2020 economic impact report showed that, as of August 31, 2020, 163,735 U.S. businesses had closed and 60% of them are permanent closures.6 Similarly, while working-class Americans filed for unemployment by the tens of millions, the five richest men in the U.S. — Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett and Larry Ellison — grew their wealth by a total of $101.7 billion (26%), between March 18 and June 17, 2020, alone.7
Since the beginning of the pandemic, the collective wealth of 651 billionaires in the U.S. rose by more than $1 trillion (36%).8 To put their current wealth in perspective, the assets of these 651 billionaires is nearly double that of the combined wealth of the least wealthy 165 million Americans. As noted by Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness, “Never before has America seen such an accumulation of wealth in so few hands.”9
That’s technocratic wealth redistribution for you. Ultimately, the Great Reset will result in two tiers or people: the technocratic elite, who have all the power and rule over all assets, and the rest of humanity, who have no power, no assets and no voice.
That the COVID-19 pandemic is a form of class war is also evident in the way rules are enforced. While citizens are threatened with fines and arrest if they don’t do as they’re told, those who lay down the rules repeatedly break them without repercussions.
The PCR Test Hoax
The reason technocratic world leaders and their loyal minions are now calling for the cancellation of Christmas is — as illustrated in our Christmas parody above — because of PCR testing. The number of positive tests are reportedly on the rise, which is said to be proof that the infection is spreading out of control.
However, evidence shows there’s no relationship between positive tests and deaths, and the reason for this is because the false positive rate for the PCR test is extraordinarily high. We’re simply quarantining and preventing healthy people who pose no risk to anyone from living their lives.
A September 28, 2020, study10 in Clinical Infectious Diseases revealed that when you run a PCR test at a cycle threshold (CT, i.e., the amplification rate) of 35 cycles or higher, the accuracy drops to 3%, resulting in a 97% false positive rate.
According to an April 2020 study11 in the European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, to get 100% confirmed real positives, the PCR test must be run at no more than 17 amplification cycles.
Meanwhile, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend running PCR tests at a CT of 40,12 and Drosten tests and tests recommended by the World Health Organization are set to a CT of 45.
By using CTs known to result in false positives, you end up with the appearance of widespread infection, which is then used to keep the pandemic measures going. In reality, COVID-19 has not resulted in excess deaths13,14,15 and were it not for the fact that it’s being used as a cover for the Great Reset, life would have returned to normal months ago.
According to Dr. Roger Hodkinson, one of Canada’s top pathologists and an expert in virology, the COVID-19 pandemic is the “greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.”16 Hodkinson is the CEO of Western Medical Assessments, a biotech company that manufactures COVID-19 PCR tests.
Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., a former vice-president and chief scientific adviser of the drug company Pfizer and founder/CEO of the biotech company Ziarco, is also speaking out about how fraudulent PCR testing is being used to manufacture the appearance of a pandemic that doesn’t really exist, as are Dr. Lee Merritt, members of the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee17,18 and many others.
What Vaccines Have to Do With It
If you need more evidence that we’re in the middle of a technocratic takeover, look no further than the mass vaccination agenda and the promotion of fake, lab-grown meat. Bill Gates, another frontline technocrat, has repeatedly stated that we have no choice but to vaccinate everyone against COVID-19.
Naturally, he’s heavily invested in said vaccine and stands to gain handsomely from a global mass vaccination campaign. Technocrats are nothing if not self-serving, all while pretending to be do-gooders — much like COVID Claus in our little video.
But the vaccine program isn’t just about selling vaccines. It’s also a way to implement a global biological surveillance network (which is also why 5G is being rolled out across the globe).
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has funded and promoted a new delivery method for the COVID-19 vaccine that uses a microneedle array rather than conventional injection.19 The microneedles are equipped with fluorescent quantum dot tags. The resulting invisible mark can then be read by a smartphone equipped with a special sensor. This mark will also allow government to track you.
Eventually, your personal identification, medical records, finances and who knows what else, will all be tied together and embedded somewhere on or in your body. Every possible aspect of your biology and life activities will be trackable 24/7. You will also be digitally tied into the internet of things, which eventually will include smart cities.
All the different parts of this giant population control grid fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. The global vaccination agenda ties into the biometric identity agenda, which ties into the cashless society agenda, which ties into the social credit system agenda, which ties into the social engineering agenda and so on.
When you follow this experiment to its ultimate conclusion, you find all of humanity enslaved within a digitized prison with no way out. Those who rebel will simply have their digital-everything restricted or shut down.
Fake Meat Is Part of the Reset Too
The rise of fake, lab-grown meat is a puzzle piece of the Great Reset agenda too. According to the World Economic Forum, lab-grown, cultured meat is a more sustainable alternative to conventional livestock, and in the future, we’ll all be eating a lot less meat. As noted on its website:20
“As the world looks to reset its economy, along with food systems, in a cleaner way post-pandemic, one more sustainable solution coming to fruition is cultured meat … Cultured meat takes much less time to grow, uses fewer of the planet’s resources, and no animals are slaughtered.”
But don’t think for a second that this has anything to do with environmental protection. No, it’s about controlling the food supply and preventing food independence.
Already, multinational corporations have taken over a majority of the global food supply with their patented genetically engineered seeds. Patented cultured meats and seafood will allow private companies to control the food supply in its entirety, and by controlling the food supply, they will control countries and entire populations.
Public health will undoubtedly suffer from this dietary switch, as canola and safflower oil are primary sources of fat in these fake meat concoctions. Vegetable oils are loaded with linoleic acid (LA), an omega-6 fat that, in excess, acts as a metabolic poison, causing severe mitochondrial dysfunction, insulin resistance, decreased NAD+ levels, obesity and a radical decrease in your ability to generate cellular energy.
Our LA consumption 150 years ago was between 2 and 3 grams per day. Today it is 10 to 20 times higher. If fake meat becomes a staple, the average LA intake is bound to increase even further.
Make a Christmas Vow to Undo the Great Reset
The Great Reset is well underway, but it’s not yet too late to stop it. Enough people have to see it and understand it, though. And then they must act. If we want to prevent the Great Reset from destroying life as we know it, we must view civil disobedience as a duty. We must resist it from every angle.
We must reclaim our sovereignty, our right to live free, to open our businesses and move about freely. We must communicate with our elected leaders and demand they not infringe on our constitutional rights. We have to engage in political processes and help educate our local sheriffs of their role as defenders of the constitution. We may also need to support legal challenges.
A small step in the right direction that you can take right now would be to celebrate Christmas like you normally would this week, and not allow the Klaus Schwabs and Bill Gateses of the world rob you of valuable time with family and friends.
There are no guarantees in this life, and for many, this will be their last Christmas. So, spend it well. Cherish life by actually living it and spending it with those you love. Refusing to give up our humanity is how we resist the Great Reset.
- 1 Winter Oak October 5, 2020
- 2 COVID-19: The Great Reset
- 3 Steven Guiness September 3, 2020
- 4 The New York Times August 19, 2020
- 5 Bloomberg August 11, 2020
- 6 CNBC September 16, 2020
- 7 Institute for Policy Studies June 18, 2020
- 8, 9 Childrens Health Defense December 14, 2020
- 10 Clinical Infectious Diseases September 28, 2020; ciaa1491
- 11 European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases April 27, 2020; 39: 1059-1061
- 12 FDA.gov CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel Instructions, July 13, 2020 (PDF) Page 35
- 13 YouTube, SARS-CoV-2 and the rise of medical technocracy, Lee Merritt, MD, aprox 8 minutes in (Lie No. 1: Death Risk)
- 14 Technical Report June 2020 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.24350.77125
- 15 Johns Hopkins Newsletter November 26, 2020 (Archived)
- 16 Summit News November 18, 2020
- 17 Acu2020.org Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee, English
- 18 Algora October 4, 2020
- 19 MIT News December 18, 2019
- 20 Weforum.com October 16, 2020
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In Solidarity, Jeff
Why and How China works: With a Mirror to Our Own History
JEFF J. BROWN, Editor, China Rising, and Senior Editor & China Correspondent, Dispatch from Beijing, The Greanville Post
Jeff J. Brown is a geopolitical analyst, journalist, lecturer and the author of The China Trilogy. It consists of 44 Days Backpacking in China – The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass (2013); Punto Press released China Rising – Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations (2016); and BIG Red Book on China (2020). As well, he published a textbook, Doctor WriteRead’s Treasure Trove to Great English (2015). Jeff is a Senior Editor & China Correspondent for The Greanville Post, where he keeps a column, Dispatch from Beijing and is a Global Opinion Leader at 21st Century. He also writes a column for The Saker, called the Moscow-Beijing Express. Jeff writes, interviews and podcasts on his own program, China Rising Radio Sinoland, which is also available on YouTube, Stitcher Radio, iTunes, Ivoox and RUvid. Guests have included Ramsey Clark, James Bradley, Moti Nissani, Godfree Roberts, Hiroyuki Hamada, The Saker and many others. [/su_spoiler]
Jeff can be reached at China Rising, je**@br***********.com, Facebook, Twitter, Wechat (Jeff_Brown-44_Days) and Whatsapp: +86-13823544196.
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Wechat group: search the phone number +8613823544196 or my ID, Jeff_Brown-44_Days, friend request and ask Jeff to join the China Rising Radio Sinoland Wechat group. He will add you as a member, so you can join in the ongoing discussion.
Just one question here: Is WordPress also being targeted by the damned American deep state? I have a blog on transport matters (that’s my personal interest) on my city-state (which has some western puppet tendencies) and I frequently borrow a tad bit too much of your vocab 😛 and maintain the same strong anti-imperialist stance like many others. So I’d just like to know, to make some preparations E:D Thanks! ~amc
I don’t know if WP is compromised. I’ve always had good luck with it. It’s owned by Automattic, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automattic
I think the censorship happens more at the social media level.
Gah! The world is sick!
Hi Jeff!
One buzzing question I keep having, especially on the topic of “lockdowns” in such times – both capitalist-imperialist (CI) AND communist-socialist (CS) nations conduct lockdowns in response to COVID-19. What, then, is the difference between how the CI and CS nations conduct lockdowns, that makes you support CS lockdowns but openly promote defiance to the same act of lockdown in CI nations? I couldn’t quite get a response from asking around others with similar stances – decided to consult your help! Thanks in advance! E:D
Hi, Meow Cat,
Thanks for the excellent questions. I love your abbreviations will start using them. To cover all the bases (Russia) we can add “anti-imperialist”: CSAP! Thanks for the inspiration.
CS countries have been incessantly hit with bio- and chemical weapons since World War I. Every penetration has to be assumed to be another foreign attack. They can’t take any chances and that means full mobilization on a war footing. Better safe than sorry, since they truly care for the masses.
Have you checked out http://www.bioweapontruth.com ? I am a co-founder and the curator of its Global Online Library.
I have also written much about it on CRRS,
Please share and stay in touch. Jeff