John Potash’s explosive exposé book on the US government’s assassination of Tupac Shukur is must-read and a pager turner! China Rising Radio Sinoland 240226




Pictured above: John Potash and his explosive, jaw-dropping book, “The FBI War on Tupac Shakur”. And Americans think they live in a “democracy” with “liberty” and “freedom of the press”. What a sick joke!


Sixteen years on the streets, living and working with the people of China, Jeff








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John has been here to share his first two books,

TRANSCRIPT: John Potash talks about his explosive book, “The FBI War On Tupac Shakur and Black Leaders – U.S. Intelligence’s Murderous Targeting of Tupac, MLK, Malcolm, Panthers, Hendrix, Marley, Rappers & Linked Ethnic Leftists”. China Rising Radio Sinoland 191217

TRANSCRIPT: John Potash talks about his explosive book, “Drugs as a Weapon against Us: The CIA’s Murderous Targeting of SDS, Panthers, Hendrix, Lennon, Cobain, Tupac, and Other Activists”. China Rising Radio Sinoland 200229


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Today’s Transcript

Jeff J Brown (Host): Good afternoon, everybody. This is Jeff J. Brown, China Rising Radio Sinoland. And I’ve got a good and old great friend on the show with me today, John Potash. How are you doing?

John Potash (Guest): Good, Jeff. It’s good to be with you again.

Jeff: We have known each other now for a number of years. And I did one show with him back in 2019 and another one in 2020 to cover his first two books. And I will give you the links to those interviews. But first, let me go ahead and introduce you to John for those of you who do not know him. I’m really honored to have him on my show today. I mean, in my opinion, he has done some of the best journalism of the 21st century, if its definition is to expose the truth about the lies of empire and get a load of all of this.

John Potash has been featured on C-SPAN’s American History TV, A&E, the Reelz Channel, The Real News Network, and RT Television Networks. He has also been featured on hundreds of radio programs in the US, England, and New Zealand, including Coast to Coast AM and he has worked counseling people with mental health issues for over 35 years. So that’s his profession. In 2015, he released drugs as a weapon against us. In 2017, he released the FBI War on Tupac Shakur and Black leaders.

Since then, since we last talked to each other, he also wrote and produced the 2022 film “Shots Eugenics to Pandemics”. I actually would like to buy that. I’ll talk to you about that after we get off the air, John. Our earlier interviews covered his first two books where we took a broad look at just how, I mean, when you read his books, you will agree with me just how totalitarian and genocidal US society is if you’re a person of color and or poor and or support socialist causes.

So today we’re going to be talking about his latest expose and third book, “The FBI War on Tupac Shakur”, which takes a deep dive into the murder of one of the US’s most popular musicians, along with black leaders from the 1960s onwards. I cannot overestimate how important it is for all free thinkers and freedom lovers to read all three of John’s books. I bought all three of them. I got the other two and up in the attic, since we’re moving, they’re not that expensive.

If money is an issue, then ask your local library, school, college, university, or place of worship to get it. So many others can share its wealth of discovery and truth-telling. Failing that, several friends can pool their money to buy them using it in a book club. Using them all three would make for fascinating discussions as well. And believe it or not, John has also if you’re not a reader, he’s got the DVDs which I bought, although I don’t know if he has a third one for this book, I have his first two DVDs and library stock DVDs too.

He is really unusual in that he is not afraid to give his email and not afraid to give his Skype address, not even afraid to give his phone number. I’m giving you the link in the show today where you can buy all of his books and DVDs. I’ll have all of his contact information. John, it’s a thrill having you back.

John: Thanks so much for having me on again, Jeff.

Jeff: Well, listen, why Tupac Shakur? You have exposed the government murders of more widely known celebrities such as Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, John Lennon, Bob Marley, and others. Why Tupac?

John: The reason I focused on Tupac Shakur is the fact that he was so popular with a younger generation and granted he would be 52 years old right now. So, it’s not like he would still be young. But the younger generation still loves him. And I wanted to it’s one thing for us older generations granted them 58 and from my age upwards maybe I didn’t grow up with him. Didn’t, just saw him when he was a younger guy and didn’t worship him like the younger generations appear to do. But I think that our generations my generation and older, were a little more interested in the Black Panthers and Students for a Democratic Society, though many didn’t know about these groups.

But someone like Tupac Shakur, I’ve had former Black Panthers tell me that their kids wouldn’t read about Black Panther history that much until my book where they read the whole thing cover to cover and learned more details about the history through him because they were so excited to read about him. And so, I thought it was a way to appeal to the younger masses to learn to teach them about this alternative history of all these incredible black leaders, black radical leaders, and of course, some white leaders too that were working with them.

Jeff: Well, I do want to point out to people before I get to my next question. This book is a little bit different than John’s first two. This is actually almost like a magazine. And what’s really cool about it, and I don’t even know if John realizes this or not, but it’s got 39 chapters, including the epilog and the prolog and the intros and everything.

But what’s really cool about it is you could literally put this by your bed and open it up to any one of these chapters independently. And they really it’s like reading a magazine article. So, it’s not necessarily chronological. And so, I think it’s incredible. And keep it by your bed and just read a chapter a night and you’re not going to miss a thing. So, did you do that on purpose, John, or that is how that turned out, or did you even know that?

John: Well, it’s a bit similar to my first book in that except my first book was trying to be a little more chronological in the sense than this book. The way they did it, they did it a little differently, though. It was so close to the order of my first book. They just did a little more artistically. They decided to use footnotes instead of endnotes, which is interesting I don’t I couldn’t decide between footnotes and notes myself. They wanted footnotes.

They wanted you to be able to see the sources right at the bottom of the page. And I think it works that way. And I’m glad they did that and so this book is an updated version of this original book, which you remember that you interviewed me about. And the update? There are some updates within chapters, but most updates are really at the end of the book with the epilogue. And the epilog does cover, of course, what happened to Afeni Shakur. What happened to.

Jeff: Yeah, yeah. You have like Mutulu.

John: And what happened to Tupac’s legacy afterward in greater detail and what was happening with the people investigating Tupac’s case, such as detective Russell Poole and what the government did to him, sadly enough, and things like that.

Jeff: I remember that. Unbelievable. Well, in one of your footnotes that you just mentioned the FBI has over 4000 pages in its Tupac dossier. And John, your Freedom of Information Act, the FOIA request only got 99 pages released. It seems like such a staggering amount of information. I mean, does this include US State and local police too, or is it just the FBI?

John: Yeah. So, it’s the whole hierarchy really. Now I do get a little bit more into the CIA in my drugs as weapons against this book about Tupac. I think that has a lot on Tupac also, in terms of the drug angle that for as one of the reasons they were targeting him, one of the big reasons they were targeting him. But yeah, it goes all the way to the whole US intelligence gamut and the US intelligence gamut which I analyze in chapter two goes from the very top CIA at the top where the director of the CIA is a director of all the 14-plus intelligence agencies.

And one of those courses underneath the CIA is the FBI. But there’s also, of course, Naval Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Air Force Intelligence, there’s NSA, National Security Agency, etc. And so, then it goes all the way down to police intelligence and police intelligence with their boots on the ground doing the dirty work. But that’s the way it works. Some people who were involved with Tupac Shakur’s murder, of course, some people call it assassination because he was a nationally recognized activist leader as well as a rapper.

I am going to say one of the people involved was both part of the FBI and part of New York Police Intelligence at the same time. And that was found that I showed the evidence of that they have I present his name, Detective Odom, and that was found out about from mother investigations and so, I just feel like I’m the first person to put out his name as officially, both FBI and New York police involved in Biggie Smalls murder as collateral damage to throw the scent off of US intelligence for his revolutionary activism.

Jeff: How does Tupac’s dossier size compare to other FOI requests that you ask for, and how many FOI requests have you made?

John: So, I have not made any other FOI request. When I made a request for Tupac’s file, I was stymied. I mean, it took years just to get what I got the 99 pages, and then a few years after that, they sent me the 99 pages. Of course, first, for me, I asked for the 3900 pages that they denied me and they said that would I talk to a lawyer about how I could keep filing. I mean, how I could appeal their holding back on the rest of the file and he was going to charge me a massive amount of money somewhere between $3,000 and $10,000, I can’t remember exactly.

But he basically explained how each stage would go and how much it would cost, and I just didn’t have that kind of money to do that. And so, I was very young when I first started this investigation. I believe I was in my early-mid to late 20s when I started this investigation. I’m 58 now. But I just didn’t have that kind of money at the time I was working part-time as a counselor and a psychotherapist, but part-time as a writer. And so anyway, I ended up though a few years after they gave me the 99 pages, they released them on their website.

Of course, there’s 99 pages were heavily redacted though I did find some tidbits that helped in those 99 pages and it influenced the release of the Biggie Smalls file, which had a lot more help for what was going on because they released several hundred pages of the Biggie Smalls file. And so basically, in a nutshell, I’ll tell people that listening that Tupac only pretended like, according to his business manager and political mentor, who was a former Black Panther named Watani Tyehimba, who was a co-founding security director for the new African People’s Organization.

Watani Tyehimba in a long interview, told me that Tupac was I basically guessed it and he confirmed it. He was only pretending to be a gangster in order to appeal to gangs and politicize them. Now, as part of what he called the thug life movement that he devised with Mutulu Shakur. Now, I know you’re going to ask me, of course, about Malcolm X. Now, this kind of comes out of what Malcolm X recognized was the fact that some of the most powerful forces in society are the gangs, the hustlers, and the young wild street folk who are kind of Urban dynamite, I think he called them.

He recognized that and how he could appeal to them and transform them because he could speak in a professorial type language as well as street talk. He just talked to whomever he was talking to in their language, their slang because he had lived different lives and he was such an intellectual. But he also started on the street Malcolm X in terms of being a hustler when he was younger. And so, Tupac was similar and Tupac was a great actor he starred in some six Hollywood films. And so, he took on that persona just to do that to be able to talk to the gangs, get them to call peace truces, and then turn on to activism.

And he got the peace juices going along with his Black Panther extended family and different activist celebrities like Harry Belafonte and others who helped work with the Bloods and Crips they all worked with the Bloods and Crips in California but Tupac was the most instrumental because they loved Tupac for being a great rapper and actor. And so, he got them shaking hands at Peace Juice picnics, the heads of Bloods and Crips gangs in California. And that was gang peace truces spread throughout the country where their Bloods and Crips gangs were throughout the country.

But it also spread to the Latino community, inspiring and helping the former young lords like when I interviewed Vincent Panama Alba to help get the head of the Young Lords King Tone, name is Antonio King Tony Fernandez, who I also interviewed when I was in New York to call to get him to transform his 3000 member gang in New York into an activist organization to stop drug dealing some professors in New York also wrote a book about this transformation that was published by Columbia University Press. But that was an amazing transformation.

And that transformation was what Tupac was engendering throughout the country along with these other activists was basically court costing the CIA drug traffickers billions of dollars. But it was also costing the money launderers 20 times that because of the amount that it raises, stock prices on the stock market are when you look into the future to see stock values, you rate a stock 20 times the amount of cash inflow in that year, predicting that that stock will make that same amount of cash inflow for 20 years down the road.

And so, it made the money launderers like 20 according to Catherine Austin Fitts, a Wall Street Insider, and in studying the way the drug trade and the money laundering affect the stock market up to 20 times that the cash flow amount. So, by taking all those street dealers off of the streets in terms of their drug dealing, he was really costing these different institutions tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars.

Jeff: And it cost him his life.

John: And of course, it cost him his life.

Jeff: I don’t remember which book it was I don’t think it was in this book, but you mentioned in one of your first two books that the Chicago small business people were moaning and complaining about what Tupac was doing, getting the gangs to cooperate together because they didn’t have any money to launder and they couldn’t make a profit without money laundering. I just go to show you how screwed up the economy is. It’s just unbelievable. One of the things very early in your book, you wrote a quote that Tupac’s case is a window into US intelligence. As you pointed out, the defense, CIA, FBI, and police targeted leftist leaders from 1965 to 2005. And that really jumped out at me. Why not before 1965? And have they stopped after 2005?

John: Yeah. And the reason I said that is I mean, the reason that’s the case is because my first book, my first version of the FBI War on Tupac Shakur was titled “The FBI War on Tupac Shakur and Black Leaders”. And with that, I started all the way back to Marcus Garvey. And the reason I started back to Marcus Garvey is because Saladin Al-Bashir Shakur was part of Marcus Garvey’s group in the early 1900s. And so, I say, really, it’s the Shakur family is an incredible window into this Revolutionary activism.

And Tupac was, of course, part of the revolutionary Shakur family. And so, Saladin Shakur was the patriarch of that family. He and his wife adopted a number of kids and turned them on to activism. And some of those kids were well, they actually had the biological kids of Lumumba and Shakur and Zaid Shakur and they also had the adopted son of Mutulu Shakur, and they adopted other kids, too. But those three became black activist leaders.

And Saladin Shakur, as I say, was a member of Marcus Garvey’s United Negro Improvement Association, which was a million strong in the northeast of America alone. Malcolm X’s father was part of Marcus Garvey’s group out in, I believe it was in the Midwest. And he was an activist with that group Malcolm X’s dad. Malcolm X was inspired by the group, of course by Marcus Garvey. And so, yeah, my first version of the Tupac book could go further back.

My publishers who put it out in 2021, in a new form changed the title slightly, and they just wanted to make it a different more abbreviated book with deeper history. And so, it stops it. They also didn’t want to go too far into the future. Now, my first book version of the book came out in 2007. So of course, it kind of ended its research in about 2005 because it did take about two years for me to get it out there in 2007 but, in the new version, it goes beyond 2005, in the sense of giving updates in the epilog of.

Jeff: Yeah, towards the end of the book, you had a lot of stuff. I read that. It was really good.

John: I do want to just repeat. I want to answer the question a little bit deeper though in the sense that Jeff, that is so with Saladin al-Shakur, he was a close confidant. He became a close confidant of Malcolm X. He was part of his inner circle in New York City and with the Organization of African American Unity (OAAU). It was modeled after the Organization of African Unity in Africa with the African leaders who had formed and there Malcolm X was the only American leader they allowed at their meetings of the Organization of African Unity.

So, they were incredibly impressed with Malcolm X. I mean, I’m sure they were impressed with Martin Luther King, too, but Malcolm X was just a bit more in line, and talked much more about the international picture of African American oppression. And of course, Malcolm X visited all many African countries and these independence leaders talked to these independence leaders directly. So, Saladin Shakur was part of Malcolm X’s inner circle.

And so, I get into Malcolm X’s assassination at the hands of US intelligence and how it paralleled them infiltrating Malcolm X’s inner circle with this New York police intelligence officer named Eugene Roberts. He became head of Malcolm X’s security sadly enough. It was the first to arrive at his body when he died. I believe it was to at least confirm the US intelligence’s success in murdering and assassinating Malcolm X and in the same sense the first person to arrive at Martha King’s body Merrill McCullough was a military intelligence undercover agent.

He was there to confirm, according to William Pepper, the top biographer and a good friend of Martin Luther King, he confirms that Malcolm Macau was a military intelligence first to arrive at his body to confirm the death and at signals to send to the backup US intelligence snipers that the death happened now, he wrote several books about Martha King’s assassination. And in the third book, he changed the slate.

They changed it a bit how it all occurred at the very end of Martha King’s passing. But basically, the same idea that US intelligence orchestrated, of course, Martha King’s assassination, sadly enough. And so now after Malcolm X’s assassination, the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense was inspired, of course, by Malcolm X and formed and so Huey Newton and Bobby Seale started in Oakland, California. It spread throughout the country. And they recognized that the Shakers were the leading activists in New York City.

And so, they had Saladin Shakur’s sons they asked Lumumba Macau to be head of the Harlem Black Panthers. They asked Zaid Shakur to be one of the heads of the Bronx Black Panthers. And they asked, well, Lumumba’s close friend Sekou Odinga to be head also a co-head of the Bronx Black Panthers. And so that’s how that’s again, a wind how the shakers are a window into so much incredible black activism.

And so, Eugene Roberts followed and then was used to infiltrate the Black Panthers at that time. In New York City, Black Panthers now, people didn’t know that Eugene Roberts even though he was head of Malcolm X’s security, they didn’t know that he was part of the assassination and was police into New York police intelligence agent. That only came out when Eugene Roberts tried to set up and frame the Black Panther 21. The 21 leaders of the New York Black Panthers.

And so, he testified in court Eugene Roberts and identified himself as a police intelligence agent then but because of Tupac’s mother, Afeni Shakur brilliance, who was about 21 or 22 years old at the time, she helped defend herself in court with the lawyers that were hired by other Black Panthers on trial. And a lot of the jury credited her as the reason they found Black Panther 21 not guilty of all charges. And so that is some of the incredible history with Shakur related to these black leaders. But of course, then Tupac rose up and was elected the youngest-ever chairman of the new African Panthers, which was active in 8 to 10 cities and was trying to replicate the Black Panthers.

And so, in the late 1980s, when he is head of a national black activist group and the FBI’s counterintelligence program was found out about by activists, white activists actually raided an FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania. And found all the files and exposed all the FBI files to alternative media, mainstream media, and politicians. And it only came out so much but books were written based on those files, like the Cointelpro papers, the Counterintelligence program papers, and books like that, which were great research opportunities for people like myself.

But basically, when they were exposed, they closed it down. They closed down the FBI’s counterintelligence program officially. But unofficially, the US intelligence agents admitted, and I quote, some of the US intelligence agents that wrote memoirs about this, like me, were swearing in, he says they actually continued at least until the mid-1990s when at the time, Tupac was targeted for murder and finally actually assassinated in 1996.

But they targeted Tupac for murder probably between five and seven times before they actually killed him and so obviously, if Cointelpro was just still going with different names, as former Cointelpro agents swearing and saying they would, of course, target Tupac Shakur because he was already an activist leader, a national activist leader before he became a rapper when he just added wealth and fame and influence to that national activist leadership was incredibly dangerous for our intelligence. They knew his potential at that point for really changing hearts and minds in the way they didn’t want them changed.

Jeff: Well, I interviewed Douglas Valentine, and he wrote the book “The CIA as Organized Crime”. And he was actually in the CIA and he said in the interview that well when the CIA gets caught by.

John: Was Valentine and the CIA I didn’t.

Jeff: Well, maybe he wasn’t I can’t remember.

John: I know he researched them very well, but maybe he did do some government contract work that was related.

Jeff: I’ll be honest. I know he got on the inside and had all kinds of access to the CIA. I remember that. And he just said that whenever they get caught doing something by the Senate or the Congress or whatever or the newspapers, they just say, okay, we won’t do that again. And then they just take the program, move it from room 101 to room 102 change the name, and keep going. They don’t stop.

John: Yeah, definitely.

Jeff: And I’m sure the same thing is true about all that you’ve written about too, as far as suppressing black liberation movements, etc. So, you have a great quote by Tupac. And that’s another nice thing about this book, is John actually not every chapter, but John and a number of the chapters, he has quotes at the beginning of the chapters and some of them are by Tupac, some are by Malcolm X, and some are by other people but that really is kind of a nice way to start out many of the chapters. But Tupac had one quote that I just loved. No Malcolm X in my history text. Why is that? And of course, that was in the chapter where you talked about Malcolm X. He’s one of my all-time heroes in terms of brilliance and charisma and just clarity, and everything else. So, what are three adjectives that describe him best for you and why?

John: Well, the first ones that came to me, I guess are brilliant, revolutionary, and evolutionary. And so when I first when I was in college and I was just one of the Christmas break up in school, stuck in school because we were I was on the wrestling team and we had just wrestled actually in Canada in the Montreal Open and came back early to school, and I was just I didn’t have classes, so I found a copy of Autobiography of Malcolm X, I remember, and I was reading that, and I just was struck really struck by, how he evolved so much, how he at one point, Nation of Islam leader had convinced him to separate themselves from whites.

And so, he acted like he talked about white blue-eyed devils and then he evolved, he went to Mecca and he sat by other Muslims who were white and blue-eyed. And they considered each other brothers in Mecca. And he changed his philosophy on that. And he says, no weights can be part of our revolution, too as long as they work in solidarity with us of course, they’ve got to work either beside us in an equal way, they can’t work above us. And he didn’t want that. But they work side by side in an equal way.

They can be part of the revolution. And when I say revolution, I don’t mean, just killing everyone and taking over, I mean, just changing society for the better for the 99%. And that’s what I think all the people I discuss in my book believe it’s about changing society for the better, for the great majority over the oligarchs, over the wealthiest oligarchs who happen to be incredibly racist and prejudiced. So, he evolved that way throughout his life, and he was just so inspiring that way and so inspiring it’s just so brilliant the way he dissected the propaganda so well, explained it so well to everybody.

Jeff: He was a man of the people.

John: Yeah.

Jeff: Well, you also did a nice chapter about Martin Luther King to kind of get us prepared for Tupac and William Pepper, I read his last book, the big, huge, thick one about it must be, I don’t know, 700 pages it’s like I’ve got it again up in my storage in the attic since we’re moving but where he really lays it all out about how it was blatantly a government inside job and with the grand jury that convicted the government that he actually held a grand jury and really amazing book but now he’s trying to do the same thing for Sirhan Sirhan, for RFK. I don’t know if he’s going to get very far with that or not, but that’s obviously another government inside job. But anyway, Martin Luther King, give us three quick adjectives and tell about what you think about the man.

John: Yeah. I mean, again, I would say just brilliant revolutionary in a different way and a softer way obviously, Malcolm X throughout, his tenure talked about armed self-defense, and Martin Luther King seemed to be coming to that point at the very end of his life of believing that more. But earlier in his life, he adopted the Gandhi method of revolution, but actually, he did have I forget the name of the group but he did have armed people, the deacons of defense, who were armed and defending him, even though he didn’t talk about it.

They were there trying to protect Martha King’s life, but he didn’t believe in immediate the kind of self-defense that Malcolm X did like talking about it openly and all that. So, Martha King again, I’d say is brilliant, revolutionary, and inspiring. And of course, Malcolm X was inspiring, too. But something about Martin Luther King’s speeches just was so incredibly inspiring the way he would just make these incredible, brilliant speeches and talk off the top of his head similar to Malcolm X, but in a way that was that preacher’s cadence and that the beauty of his talks and language he was really something.

And he was Malcolm X was coming together in the way, in their tactics, like, more and more towards the end of both their lives, even though Malcolm X died earlier in 65 and Martha King in 68. Because Martha King was leading a poor people’s march to Washington in war and they really were worried about that because they had America had so many troops in Vietnam, they actually didn’t know if they could defend the capital with all those people, poor people marching to the Capitol and forming an encampment around the Capitol not that Martha King was saying we have to take over the Capitol, but they just I feel like their racist beliefs had them worried about what would transpire.

Jeff: That’s the right word, Racist.

John: He was just, Martha King was just such an amazing, brilliant speaker and inspiring figure who inspired so many and even inspired. I mean, when they asked rioters, they actually surveyed and polled rioters. Like, who do you respect? Of course, they used to in the earlier ’60s, it was Malcolm X and Martha King. But after Malcolm X died people thought that they would say, name all these Black Panther radicals that they respect or other black radicals like Stokely Carmichael and stuff. And they did respect, of course, Ralph Brown, Stokely Carmichael, and all who I talked to talk about in my books. But they always said Martin Luther King, too. And it doesn’t matter how radical these rioters were, they said they were inspired by Martha King, and that made him even more dangerous too.

Jeff: You show time and time again how US intelligence does a diabolical job of getting operatives and drug dealers close to its targets to report on them and insulate their behavior, and their decisions and get them hooked on drugs. The only one that I can think of that you wrote about was Harry Belafonte, who fired his intelligence-linked manager, but all the others didn’t seem to pull it off like he did. Why do you think so many celebrities can’t see what’s going on that they are being infiltrated and manipulated? Why do you think that’s the case?

John: Well, I think actually that it’s not that they don’t know what’s going on. I think they suspect, but they just sometimes when, for example, Jimi Hendrix I talk in my drugs weapons against this book, and I forget if I still have him, I believe I have him in my new version of the Tupac book. But because they cut out a lot of musicians I originally talked about in my book when the new version of Tupac book, but my drug is weapons against this book. Of course, I talk about I have a chapter on Jimi Hendrix.

And because he had been radicalized by Martha King’s assassination, he started dedicating his albums. He dedicated his last album to the Black Panthers. He started talking about the Black Panthers in interviews. And so, Hendrix had a manager that admittedly was former MI6, British CIA. And because Hendrix got his start in England, not in America, where there were two racists to, like, understand his brilliance, Hendrix’s brilliance.

Jimi Hendrix is a brilliance. And so, Hendrix kept trying to fire his manager and Mike Jeffrey. And he couldn’t. He couldn’t get rid of him because he kept being told the contract says you can’t fire me. Jeffrey had already controlled so much of his money. Jeffrey had some of the best evidence that Jeffrey actually had some mafia kidnap Jimi Hendrix to threaten him and so to threaten him while he was trying to fire Jeffrey pretended to get bigger mafia to save him from the smaller mafia that had kidnapped him.

And so, these are some of the tactics that were used. And so finally Hendrix finally did fire his manager, Mike Jeffrey, and within 48 hours, Hendrix was dead. And so that’s an obvious connection there. And so, and, of course, Mike Jeffrey was caught two people quoted Jeffrey as saying that he had Hendrix killed. And so how do you just have someone killed within 48 hours? The only people who can do that are people who are connected to either obviously Mafia or US-British intelligence.

And if it’s Mafia, why didn’t the police officers show the evidence that it was a mafia killing? Obviously, it was the establishment. It was US or British intelligence that was involved in Hendrix’s murder. And so yeah, Belafonte was the clearest, like figuring out and firing and being able to fire his CIA undercover agent that had gotten involved in his life because Harry Belafonte was massively supporting Martha King and Martha King’s movement with his celebrity and money and all.

But yeah, the others, I think, were also like, like with Tupac Shakur he didn’t realize how that Haitian Jack Agnant who befriended Tupac, didn’t realize that Agnant was an undercover agent at first until his lawyer found a long rap sheet on Agnant Jack Agnant that was up and down the East Coast of major charges all dismissed, which his lawyer said was a sure sign of a government intelligence agent. And so, then Tupac said he’s not going to have any part of this guy ever again.

And he rapped, he put him in a song saying Haitian Jack set me up. Meaning set me up on the sexual assault charge and went, yeah, got me shot at the recording studio. So, it’s just more complicated with these other guys that these undercover agents got enmeshed with them, and they did try to distance themselves from they did try to get away from them. It just wasn’t always so easy. And it wasn’t always easy to know how many undercover intelligence agents there were throughout the communities, throughout the music communities, and the Hollywood communities.

Jeff: Two of the most fascinating things that you talk about in your book are threat timing tactics. This is what the US government does threat timing tactics and psychological profiling. Tell us about how they use these to reach their goals.

John: Yeah. There’s a lot of this going on. And I point out some of them in my FBI War and Tupac Shakur book. So, when Tupac was head of the new African Panthers, he said he had meetings with the former minister of defense for the national Black Panther Party. And of course, that minister’s defense was Stu Newton. So, he was meeting regularly with Huey Newton and strategizing on how to get these two generations of panthers together Huey Newton tried to get the East Coast and West Coast talking again of the Black Panthers talking again and active again while strategizing with Tupac when his group, the 8 to 10 chapters of new African Panthers nationally.

And so, they were both also working to try to get Tupac’s godfather, Geronimo Pratt, former head of Los Angeles Black Panthers, out of jail when he was falsely imprisoned for a murder. And now Geronimo Pratt did eventually win a settlement with the government on that false imprisonment for decades. But that was after Tupac died, he was murdered and assassinated. So, in this situation where they’re working together, Huey Newton is assassinated.

On the third-year anniversary of Huey Newton’s assassination, there is a setup and near murder of Tupac at the Marin Fest, the 50th anniversary of this Marin County music festival where Tupac is an invited guest, honored, invited, honorable guest at that festival and strangers in front of police security come up to Tupac, hit him for no reason, and then shoot at him. And Tupac only saves himself from being and then it’s a really sophisticated attack because the attack influenced people around them to join in attacking Tupac.

It’s hard to explain how that works to create a mob mentality against someone but Tupac only saved himself by crawling under a police car to not get beaten to death with bricks and or stones that the attackers had when after they failed to kill him with their shooting. And so, the fact that that happened on the anniversary of Huey Newton’s assassination, I argue, is no coincidence. And this happened several more times with these anniversary tactics. In Tupac’s life, it also happened with the murder and the assassination of the head of the Congo.

Speaker1: Patrice Lumumba.

John: Yeah. Patrice Lumumba died 40 years later. His comrade, his fellow revolutionary comrade was assassinated when he became head of the Congo after Patrice Lumumba’s assassination. And, so Martin Luther King was assassinated on the exact year anniversary of being a first coming out of being the first nationally or internationally recognized black leader to come out against the Vietnam War.

And William Pepper argues that that’s probably no coincidence that it was the exact year anniversary of his anti-Vietnam War speech, that he’s at Martha King’s assassination because it sends a subconscious message, either conscious or subconscious message, to those who might do the same thing. You know that if you do this kind of thing, this is what happens to you. And being a psychotherapist, I understand the power of these subconscious messages that even people don’t consciously understand.

Oh, what’s going on here? This is dangerous. If I do this, I might get murdered. I mean, some people might consciously say that, but a lot of people are actually influenced scared to keep going, subconsciously knowing something’s going on here. I’m not sure what, but it’s the subconscious message to slow down their turn to activism and subconsciously also turn get other people that were thinking about going into this kind of activism to not and so US intelligence is very sophisticated obviously that way with think tanks figuring out these kinds of strategies. And I can give more examples but these are just some of the major examples.

Jeff: Well, one hopeful part of your book that really made me feel kind of positive. And that was what you talked to post Tupac. It’s almost like a fault line in history. But I did not know about the rap Mogul Russell Simmons who created the Hip-Hop Summit Action network, the HSAN, with Sean Puffy Combs later joining in. It adopted a 15-point goal statement similar to the Black Panther Socialist ten-point program. And since then, you write that both Simmons and Combs have been smeared with lawsuits to weaken them. But I’d like to know, given their hundreds of millions of dollars in personal wealth, how has HSAN fared in helping the people?

John: Well, sadly enough a lot of rappers were inspired by Tupac before and after his death and did form the Hip Hop Summit Action Network. They were joined by academics such as a Columbia University professor who wrote the book on Malcolm X and other democratic socialist activist professors. And when the board of the Hip Hop Summit Action Network all kinds of top rappers such as Eminem and, as you say, Sean P Diddy Combs and we’re getting some of the names now, but just many of them were involved in this group and they were calling for a piece in the rap community because the obviously the media were trying to portray them as murderous like they had an East Coast, West Coast rivalry.

And that’s the reason these rappers were murdered, which is just some weird abstract, irrational idea of the same strategy they used against the East Coast and West Coast Black Panthers sending fake letters between them and using traitors to cause this rivalry stuff. But so, it was inspiring to see that. But they did. There was a shooting against Sean Diddy Combs. There was harassment and arrest of Russell Simmons’s wife. There are all kinds of tactics used against these rappers for trying to turn into activists that probably pushed them away from being scared to keep going with it.

And, they did all kinds of things in that regard. And I show all these attacks in one chapter of the rappers that did this, they smeared Eminem. They brought him up on different things and just. And so, I think some of these rappers laid more low because they were scared. They were inspired. They weren’t ready to risk their lives like Tupac was because Tupac grew up in that revolutionary Black Panther family.

So, he was ready to risk his life. He said I don’t even expect to live to 25 years old. I’ll be happy if I do. And so, this is the life of a revolutionary. They know they’re risking their life. And this is what happens. We all hopefully it’s still inspiring that they did do what they did with us the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network, and I think they probably still are doing things in a more low-key way in terms of activism, at least I hope they are. And I hope more rappers will be inspired to follow that path too.

Jeff: You had also posted Tupac. You had a chapter on how they went after Snoop Dogg and Doctor Dre too. So, it’s just not it’s just endless. And to think that the billions of dollars of taxpayers’ money that are being spent to destroy these people is, it’s something that all Americans should think about.

John: Snoop Dogg was one of the first to meet with Sean Diddy Combs about the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network and about just peace between what was supposed rivalries of Death Row and P. Diddy’s bad boy record label. And so, it was the undercover agent who was in Death Row Records, which is filled with undercover police intelligence agents, according to police detective Russell Poole. And so that’s basically he was just defying death row and threatening his life. Death Row Records was Tupac’s label.

Threatened his life in the same way they helped set up Tupac’s murder, and Snoop Dogg, but just wasn’t going to play that game, and he actually said that he believed that Suge Knight was involved in murdering Tupac. And I argue, yes, that definitely was that Shug Knight was involved, but he was a low man on the totem pole and his head of security, Reggie Wright Junior was higher on the totem pole. And his lawyer of course was the real head of Death Row Records and was even higher on the totem pole. But I think that US intelligence, of course, was head of what happened to them, of course, the assassination of Tupac.

Jeff: Well, I’d like to read a passage from John’s book to just let Americans know what their government is doing and it says a memorandum revealed by a Senate intelligence committee in 1976, US intelligence detailed particular tactics to use against political musicians. The excerpt from that memo on 1960s antiwar musician’s bears repeating. It directed agents to show them as scurrilous and depraved, call attention to their habits and living conditions, explore every possible embarrassment, send in women in sex to break up marriages, have members arrested on marijuana charges, investigate personal conflicts or animosities between them, send articles to the newspapers showing their depravity, use narcotics and free sex and trap misinformation to confuse and disrupt, get records of their bank accounts, obtain specimens of their handwriting, and provoke target groups into rivalries that may result in death. Well, that’s all that came true, didn’t it, John?

John: Yeah, sadly enough.

Jeff: Yeah, unfortunately, it worked and it has worked. And anyway, your books are just, just incredible. They actually changed my attitude about American governance. I had no idea John Lennon, Janis Joplin, and Brian Jones, and it’s just unbelievable that our government is so paranoid and so insecure that they have to go out and kill a bunch of people who want the world to be a better place including Black Panthers.

John: I just say, Jeff, I just wanted to add that people think the Bob Marley movie is hearing about my drugs as weapons against this book about the CIA world, musicians, and activists. And in the chapter on Bob Marley gives all the details of how U.S. intelligence helped orchestrate Bob Marley’s first shooting. And then they infiltrated his encampment to give him the cancer that.

Jeff: Yeah, yeah. And his big toe in a pair of shoes that he was given by a CIA director’s son.

John: Yeah. William Colby the CIA director’s son, Carl Colby is the one who did it.

Jeff: Yeah, put a highly cancerous chemical on a nail in his boot that he was given. And six months later, his toe fell off, and he was eaten alive with cancer. Hold please, since my books are holding up your two books again, John, before we leave.

John: Thanks a lot.

Jeff: Yeah. Drugs As Weapons Against Us. Yeah, that was a great show we did. It was that was a good one. Well before leaving, what other journalist writer projects are you working on? You’re obviously a very busy man with your psychiatrist or psychologist practice and you’ve got a home life. Well, what are your current projects?

John: So, I’m coming out with some articles in Covert Action magazine once about the Bob Marley article and based on my chapter in drugs weapons against us. I’m not sure when that’s going to come out that’s delayed because the first article is coming out sometime in the next week, they told me, which is an interview of the leader of a new revolutionary Black Panther Party group that was called the Revolutionary Black Panther Party. This interview talks to this leader who was poisoned for trying to get peace truces between different gangs in the Midwest in line with what Tupac was doing. And he was poisoned.

His comrade and his group were poisoned for doing the same thing. And they were working with really popular local rappers in Chicago and other cities to do this. And some of these rappers were murdered by infiltrators in gangs in those areas. And the way they use something called drill music to help push these, this kind of violence in those communities. And so that’s why I hope that comes out soon. I’m also doing a sequel. It’s actually a comic sequel, but it’s a sequel to My Drugs As Weapons Against this film and so that’s coming out soon. Hopefully, within the next, we’ll say six months. And yeah, these are some of the projects I’m working on.

Jeff: Well, listen, folks, I read this. I’ve read all three of John’s books. I highly recommend it. Well, actually, John put me on. I had never listened to Tupac in my life, and he put me on to Tupac and well, Fred Hampton Junior and Common. He recommended common to listen to. But my favorite rap group by far is Dead Prez. I mean, those guys are just amazing and you put them on to me. I love listening to those guys with their revolutionary gangster rap. It’s really, really, really good. Well, anyway, thank you so much, John. I’ll get this up. I will send you all the information and hopefully, you can share it on your social media. Love talking to you. And be safe, happy, and healthy. Okay?

John: You do the same, Jeff. It’s good talking to you. Take care now.

Jeff: Bye-bye.


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JEFF J. BROWN, Editor, China Rising, and Senior Editor & China Correspondent, Dispatch from Beijing, The Greanville Post

Jeff J. Brown is a geopolitical analyst, journalist, lecturer and the author of The China Trilogy. It consists of 44 Days Backpacking in China – The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass (2013); Punto Press released China Rising – Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations (2016); and BIG Red Book on China (2020). As well, he published a textbook, Doctor WriteRead’s Treasure Trove to Great English (2015). Jeff is a Senior Editor & China Correspondent for The Greanville Post, where he keeps a column, Dispatch from Beijing and is a Global Opinion Leader at 21st Century. He also writes a column for The Saker, called the Moscow-Beijing Express. Jeff writes, interviews and podcasts on his own program, China Rising Radio Sinoland, which is also available on YouTubeStitcher Radio, iTunes, Ivoox and RUvid. Guests have included Ramsey Clark, James Bradley, Moti Nissani, Godfree Roberts, Hiroyuki Hamada, The Saker and many others. [/su_spoiler]

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