Pictured above: Xi Jinping gives a “Power to the People” fist pump during his presidential swearing-in ceremony, in March 2023.
Sixteen years on the streets, living and working with the people of China, Jeff
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Worth checking out before diving into this post, is my speech analysis in 2017,
Xi Jinping’s New Year’s speech says a lot about what to expect in 2017 20170116
Here is the 2024 New Year speech referred to in this post, with English subtitles,
Hello, everybody. This is Jeff J. Brown, China Rising Radio Sinoland and founder of the Seek Truth From Facts Foundation.
Today’s show is about all of the incredible symbolism that goes into speeches given by Xi Jinping, especially his New Year ones on January 1. It’s entitled, “The remarkable symbolism that goes into a Xi Jinping speech. With 20 visuals to tell the story”.
The last analysis I did on Xi’s speech décor was in 2017. See above and check it out.
I also did an article on this year’s speech and the link is provided above. If you want to watch it, it’s subtitled in English on YouTube and only about 12 minutes long.
Now, I want to go through and analyze all the symbolism, because it’s really fascinating and an open window into the soul of the Chinese people.
This first one before the speech starts is the Great Wall. Of course, the Great Wall symbolizes China’s glorious history. It signifies strength, it signifies security, protection, et cetera. My wife and I and our daughter, over the years, we have spent days and days on the Great Wall. I don’t know exactly where this is. We liked to go to Gubeikou, Simatai and Mutianyu, but that city behind the Great Wall is either Miyun or Huairou.
I’ve got a great story in my first book of The China Trilogy, 44 Days Backpacking in China when my wife and I were in that area driving in a car. And what a crazy, wild story that was (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2018/06/30/praise-for-the-china-trilogy-the-votes-are-in-it-r-o-c-k-s-what-are-you-waiting-for/). Anyway, having a city in the background connects the ancient with the new – progress – a big, modern city not far from the Great Wall, to seal the two together.
In this second photo, we have the Olympic Village from the 2008 Olympics in Beijing with the Olympic Tower. Straight back along the axis of the walking lane that cuts the picture in half, you can see the Bird’s Nest, the very famous ice-skating rink that captured the world’s imagination.
My wife and I and our daughter took lots of walks in this Olympic Park. It’s really beautiful. There’s no traffic. You can see there’s no cars there because it’s a huge pedestrian zone. Very nice to go visit there.
Guess who oversaw the 2008 Olympics? Xi Jinping before he became president. The Chinese know this, so the symbolism is felt.
In October 2007, Xi moved up from Shanghai Party Secretary, where he solved a corruption scandal, to Beijing as one of the nine members of the Politburo Standing Committee, the highest governing body in the Party. It was there that Xi was given the Olympic portfolio, and as we all know, it is still considered one of the best Olympics in history.
The next one above is very interesting for me. This is Chang’an Boulevard that shoots off to 10:00 and that leads to Tiananmen Square and Zhongnanhai, where the leaders live. Again, this is to show Beijing as the center of power, modern, clean, et cetera. However, this is actually quite personal for me, because you see in the foreground there’s five buildings, there’s two black office towers, kind of rounded at the corners, two apartment towers between them that are all lit up and then kind of a curved building.
This is the China World Trade Center. And that curved building is actually the China World Trade Center Hotel. That complex is where my wife and I lived from 1990 to 1994, before moving to a house from 1994-1997. This is where we had our first daughter (second daughter in the house in 1996) and we lived in the second tower to the right on 28th floor. My office was in the first tower on the left. I think we were on the 14th floor. Therefore, this is really cool for me to see this outtake. It brings back a lot of memories. Personal nostalgia aside, it is symbolic showing China, modern, progressive, conducting international trade, et cetera.
Here is a map of Tiananmen Square to help you follow this post.
Above, we jump back to the old days. This is Qianmen Street, which is south of Tiananmen Square. And this photograph is being taken from the Qianmen Archery Gate, which was, of course, used by back when Beijing was a walled-in city. Archers stood on that gate to guard to the south. This is looking straight south, and that is Qianmen Archway, the green capped archway.
When my wife and I lived in China from 1990 to 1997 in Beijing, we used to come here to Qianmen Street, and it was a dump. It goes back to the Qing dynasty, in the 1500s. In the 90s, nothing had really changed. It was wild, woolly, crazy and run down. Tthere were shops everywhere in a labyrinth of rabbit runs, little streets and tiny stores and stands everywhere.
When we got back in 2010, they had completely redone it. As you see it today, as if it were a Qing Dynasty street, but everything’s all brand new. You can see over on the right-hand side, lower right-hand corner, a Starbucks logo. Everybody’s there. Häagen-Dazs, Sephora, Swatch, Zara, H&M, all the Western stores were there, with of course skuds of Chinese outlets, restaurants, tea houses and grocery stores. It’s got a really cool tramway that you can see. It runs the length of it because it’s quite long. It’s a good kilometer and a half.
Therefore, for Xi’s speech, we’re jumping from new, modern, flashy Beijing and now we’re going back to the ancient Beijing, but it’s been updated, renewed, improved, opening up to the outside world with Starbucks.
Here is another map to help you visualize your visit!
Next, if you turn around from that last picture, the above is a shot from the Qianmen Archery Gate looking due north. You can see down at the bottom, the top of the Archery Gate, the roof, and across the boulevard, you see some trees there on a wall. That is actually the Qianmen Gate. That was actually the southern gate that got you into the inner sanctum of Beijing, which is today Tiananmen Square. Then the next step back, you see that gold-looking building with the black roof. That is Mao Zedong’s Mausoleum. And of course, my wife and I visited it several times and we spent hours and days on Tiananmen Square, hanging out because it’s just an amazing place.
Then behind that, you see this white thing sticking up. That is actually The Monument to the People’s Heroes. It’s 38 meters tall, it’s made out of marble and granite, mined, of course, in China. It’s really spectacular.
There’s two very socialist Russian looking statues on each side of it. People fighting with guns and advancing forward in very Soviet style. I’m telling you about this, because everybody in China knows this by heart. The people are relating to this as they’re getting ready to listen to Xi Jinping.
People telling me, oh, China is not communist, China is not socialist. China is a capitalist country. Well, it’s both, but it is first and foremost communist and socialist. China is founded on revolution, movements and uprisings to get to where they are today.
On the pedestal of the tablet are huge bas-reliefs depicting eight major revolutionary episodes, which can be read in chronological order in a clockwise direction from the east:
- Destruction of opium at Humen (1839), in the run-up to the First Opium War
- Jintian Uprising, the catalyst for the Taiping Revolution (1851)
- Wuchang Uprising, the catalyst for the Xinhai Revolution (1911)
- May 4th Movement (1919)
- May 30 Movement (1925)
- Nanchang Uprising (1927)
- War of Resistance Against Japan (1931-1945)
- Yangtze River Crossing Campaign of the Chinese Civil War (1949)
On the front of the monument is an inscription in Mao Zedong‘s handwriting, which reads, “Eternal Glory to the People’s Heroes!” (Chinese: 人民英雄永垂不朽; pinyin: Rénmín yīngxióng yǒngchuí bùxiǔ).

On the back of the monument is an epitaph written by Zhou Enlai:[2] who most of you should know. He was the Premier and the international public face of China during the Mao Era.
Immortal Glory to the People’s Heroes who laid down their lives in the People’s War of Liberation and the People’s Revolution in the past three years!
Immortal Glory to the People’s Heroes who laid down their lives in the People’s War of Liberation and the People’s Revolution in the past thirty years!
Immortal Glory to the People’s Heroes who, since the year 1840s, have given their lives in the many struggles to resist the enemy, domestic and foreign, to strive for the independence of the nation and the freedom of the people!
The time framing the 1840s was intended to encompass China’s modern history, beginning with the Opium Wars, the period of the 1840s to the 1940s as an anti-imperialist and revolutionary century.[2]
I’ve written about this. For the Chinese, modern history started in 1839 with the First Opium War. And from 1839 to 1949, 110 years is called the Century of Humiliation, when the United States, England and France principally, but also about ten or twelve other countries raped and plundered this country during that time.
In the West, we’re not really talking about revolution. France is now in huge denial about their French Revolution. They trash Napoleon, they trash the revolution. When was the last time in America have you heard about the American Revolution from the people’s point of view? Not very often anymore. But in China, it’s front and center.
So then, from the picture above, if you go from the Archery Gate over Mao Zedong’s Mausoleum, over the Monument to the People’s Heroes, and you’re in the huge area that’s Tiananmen Square. Again, off to the left is the Great Hall of the People with red flags on top. Off to the right is the National Museum with the tall columns. Both are just incredible.
Above we are now looking over Tiananmen, which means, “Heavenly Peace Gate”. It just reeks of symbolism for Xi’s speech. There’s Mao Zedong’s massive portrait on the front that’s been there since 1949. The Chinese words on the left say, “The People’s Republic of China, may it live for 10,000 years”. And then to the right of the Mao portrait, it says, “Peoples of the world, unite for 10,000 years”.
You can see off to the left and to the right, two white, identical statues. Those are celestial lions that hold the universe in one of their paws to protect the people, to protect the emperor, to protect the country, et cetera. Of course, nowadays, no more emperor. We’ve got, a modern government. So, that is Tiananmen. You can see right above Mao’s portrait, the state seal of the People’s Republic of China. My wife and I have walked throut the gates and stood on top of it many times, on the dais above Mao’s portrait.
Moving to the next outtake, if you go to the left of Tiananmen is Zhongnanhai, which means Center South Sea, because it has quite a few lakes in it. That is where the emperors and their families used to live. Behind Tiananmen is the Forbidden City. Most of that was for hundreds and hundreds of years, its administrative public part, the inner sanctum of government. After liberation in 1949, Zhongnanhai has become the official residence of the top leadership of the country, including Xi Jinping.
To get into Zhongnanhai, you have to go through this next picture, and this is Xinhuamen. Xinhuamen means New China Gate. It was actually built in the Qing dynasty in 1758. It’s quite interesting. Even though it was built in the Qing Dynasty, it’s done in Ming Dynasty style, which was the dynasty from roughly the 1300s to 1600s. The Qing Dynasty was roughly from the 1600s hundreds to 1911, when imperial China finally ended.
As you go into Zhongnanhai, there is a red screen, with some Chinese writing. That is Mao Zedong’s very famous motto for the people and for the revolution.
Every time Xi Jinping and anybody else goes into Zhongnanhai, they see Mao Zedong’s motto with his absolutely unique calligraphy style. In fact, it’s a style that’s so unique that there’s actually a Chinese font that you can use to get Mao’s script. On our business cards, when we had our tutoring school in Shenzhen, from 2017 to 2019, we actually used Mao’s font for the name of our company. So you’re walking in…
Now there’s Xi Jinping sitting at his executive desk. This is a bit like the Oval Office in the White House, where the president works on a day-to-day basis. From this point on, I liberally copied and pasted text from three South China Morning Post articles, one from January 2024, 2023, and 2022, to describe these pictures. It would also help if you read/watch/listen to the article I did in 2017, which would create a bridge up to today.
Xi has given a New Year’s address annually since 2013. The photos placed on the bookshelf behind him were carefully chosen to promote an image of him as a leader of the people.
As in previous years, Xi delivered his speech from behind a desk, with the national flag and an image of the Great Wall of China behind him, as well as bookshelves that displayed framed photographs. The photos are selected to spotlight key events and highlight progress or achievements made during the previous year.
One showed him at a tea plantation in Yunnan province, another chatting to soldiers in their barracks.
Xi was also shown as a leader in combating the coronavirus pandemic. In one photo, Xi is holding his fist in a gesture of ‘add oil’ to encourage the medics of the nation: ‘you must have faith! We will definitely be victorious’,” read the caption for a photo of Xi talking to medics at Beijing Ditan Hospital in February.
Other additions depicted some of Xi’s key moments of 2022, including his attendance at the G20 Bali summit in November, and trips to Hong Kong and Xinjiang, as well as Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces.
There was also a picture of Xi delivering his work report at the 20th party congress in October, which saw him kick off his groundbreaking third term as the party’s leader.
The rest of his office was largely unchanged from last year. The video footage showed Xi still has three telephones on his desk, one white and two red. The “red machines”, as they are known, are encrypted and used only by senior Chinese officials.
This next picture shows a pretty young woman, and that is Peng Liyuan, the wife of Xi Jinping. She went on to be a ranking officer in the People’s Liberation Army and a nationally famous pop singer really, really well known. In fact, Peng was more famous and more well known than Xi Jinping when they got married. She was already a rock star in China. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you what the book titles say, because they’re just too fuzzy. I’m sorry about that.
Family portraits, travel snaps and military memories were on display for Chinese President Xi Jinping’s New Year’s address, as the annual broadcast delivered a message of seasonal cheer and party loyalty.
The selection of the photos stressed his credentials as a family and party man. Under Xi, the Communist Party has pledged to strengthen family education and foster traditional family values.
Xi spoke of how China had overcome the Covid-19 pandemic and rebooted its economy after the country almost ground to a standstill because of the government’s lockdown measures.
The photograph display was highlighted in an interactive article by state broadcaster CCTV.
“Xi Jinping greatly values family life and family education,” it said in its introduction to a family portrait of Xi with his wife Peng Liyuan and daughter Xi Mingze.
“The family is life’s first classroom, parents are a child’s first teacher,” it said, quoting Xi’s own words.
The report said many of the photos had never been shown in public before.
There were several other photos of Peng, both with Xi and on her own. China’s leaders tend to keep details of their family lives private, so the exposure given to Peng, a former professional singer, was unusual.
Several family portraits were also seen for the first time, including a photo of his father Xi Zhongxun, an older photo of Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan, as well as a photo of Xi with his wife with his parents. A group photo showing Xi, his wife and his daughter at a very young age, was also added to the collection.
Compared with the photos that appeared during last year’s New Year’s speech, some of this year’s pictures appeared to focus on economic and development themes, as the country faces a sluggish post-pandemic recovery and worsening trade relations with the West.
A photo of Xi’s September trip to Yiwu in eastern Zhejiang province showed him waving to people as he touted the city’s achievements in becoming the world’s largest export centre for small manufactured goods.
Zhejiang is symbolic for Xi. In 2002-2003 Xi was the provincial governor and party secretary. There, he focused on industrial development to promote sustainable development, so it all ties in for Xi’s speech.
Another photo from an October trip showed Xi visiting a branch of the oil firm Sinopec in Jiangxi province, where he stressed the role of petrochemicals in China’s economy and the importance of energy security.
Other images highlighted trips to Guangdong and Guangxi provinces to learn about local rural agriculture development, and visits to flood-stricken areas in Beijing and Hebei.
Here, Xi visits Wuhan in March 2023, where China’s coronavirus outbreak began. Of course he’s asking people questions. How’s business? What’s going on? How are profits? How about prices? Are they doing well, what problems they have, et cetera.
Here is Xi Jinping makes a public pledge of allegiance to the constitution at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing in March 2023.
After being reelected by National People’s Congress, China’s top legislature, Xi held up his right fist for a constitutional oath and placed his left hand on a red leather copy of China’s constitution. Power to the People!
During the oath, Xi said he would work hard to build a “prosperous, democratic, civilised, and harmonious socialist country”. Westerners don’t like to hear that word.
At the party congress in October 2022, Xi was reconfirmed as head of the Communist Party and the military. The reappointment as head of state in March last year made him the country’s most powerful leader in decades.
They look pretty nerdy in this photo, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao have become the first former leaders to feature on the president’s bookshelf, with other photos showing highlights of 2022.
Former president Jiang Zemin’s passing was acknowledged in speech, with two pictures added to Xi’s office collection. Jiang is Xi’s predecessor, who died in November aged 96. Jiang ruled China from the early 1990s to the early 2000s and was accorded Beijing’s highest protocols, with a series of ceremonies to mark his passing.
In his speech broadcast on Saturday night, Xi referred to Jiang’s death, saying “We deeply miss his great achievements and noble manners, and cherish his treasured spiritual legacies”.
The above picture was undated and appeared to be an unofficial location. It showed Jiang standing between Xi and former president Hu Jintao at the gate of an unknown building.
Hu, 80, was last seen in public on December 5, when he joined Xi and dozens of other top officials to bid farewell to Jiang, a day before the official state funeral at Beijing’s Great Hall of the People. The West went crazy when he left the meeting that was going on, saying that Xi wanted to humiliate Hu Jintao. What actually happened, I looked into it, was simply, Hu has Alzheimer’s. His doctor reluctantly let him go to the meeting. He was totally disoriented and was not capable of continuing. And so for his safety, his doctor came out and took him out of the meeting. It had nothing to do with anybody, some evil plot to get rid of him or humiliate him. That’s very typical Western Big Lie Propaganda Machine projectile vomit.
The books shown: the first one on the right is from Deng Xiaoping’s Collected Works. And then the next three are the three volumes of Jiang Zemin’s books that he wrote. On the left with the red print, that is actually Mao Zedong’s handwriting. It’s the famous four-volume collection of Mao Zedong’s Selected Works. He wrote much, much more than that. But this anthology is very symbolic. It’s tying together Mao, Deng, Jiang, Hu and himself, 1949-2024. Very, very interesting.
Also added to the this year collection were two pictures of Xi with his daughter Mingze, taken when she was very young, and two of Xi himself, also at a young age. A more recent photograph of Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan, was also shown.
This new photo in Chinese President Xi Jinping’s office shows his father Xi Zhongxun (with the white hair) raising a toast with Jiang Zemin, and to the back right, Premier Zhu Rongji. Jiang was hosting the national day gala on September 30, 1999.
The elder Xi was a former general in the People’s Liberation Army, a politburo member between 1982 and 1987, vice-premier, as well as a member of the Party’s General Secretariat, which handles daily paperwork and logistics.
Another photo showed the two Xis together in Hainan in 1979, while Xi Jnr was a student at Tsinghua University in Beijing. A biography of Xi’s father was positioned behind the photo. The photos of Xi with his father, along with others showing a young Xi in military uniform, appear to stress his lifelong ties to the Communist Party, a theme also prevalent in his speech.
“2021 will see the 100th birthday of the Communist Party of China … Upholding the principle of putting people first and remaining true to our founding mission, we can break the waves to reach the destination of realising the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,” he said.“Its 100-year journey surges forward with great momentum.”
This whole idea of China’s great rejuvenation is after 5,000 years of being the biggest economy, most powerful, most scientific, invention-wise, innovation-wise, the most advanced in manufacturing, weapons, et cetera. All of a sudden, 1839, China hit its nadir, the first Opium War. England started raping and plundering it. Then the Americans, French and other countries wanted a piece of the colonial loot. That was in the second Opium War, and China was on its knees until 1949, when Mao Zedong, the communists and the People’s Liberation Army liberated China. On October 1, 1949.
To the left of the photo are books by Jiang Zemin and Deng Xiaoping. To the right are “Selected Important Documents since the 19th National Congress”. They contain 65 important documents from the 19th National Congress held in October 2017 to the closing of the Second session of the 13th National People’s Congress in March 2019, with about 660,000 words.
I wrote much about Xi Jinping and Xi Zhongxun in The China Trilogy (https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2018/06/30/praise-for-the-china-trilogy-the-votes-are-in-it-r-o-c-k-s-what-are-you-waiting-for/), if you’d like to take a look at the books.
Chinese President Xi Jinping (front row centre, next to Vladimir Putin to his right) and other leaders pose for a group photo during the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing in October.
The two-day event – the first Belt and Road Forum to be held after the pandemic – attracted representatives from 130 countries and 30 global organisations to Beijing.
In his address to the forum, Xi said China wanted to strengthen infrastructure cooperation and interconnectedness by promoting more high-level development with other countries.
“While pursuing its development, China has also embraced the world and fulfilled its responsibility as a major country,” Xi said in his speech carried by state broadcast media.
Above: 150 peoples love developing their countries, thanks to the BRI. The West, India and Australia are holding out and surprisingly, Brazil too.
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China Rising: Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=YNmLEAAAQBAJ
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44 Days Backpacking in China: The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass
China Rising: Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations
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Author page:
Praise for The China Trilogy:
Why and How China works: With a Mirror to Our Own History
JEFF J. BROWN, Editor, China Rising, and Senior Editor & China Correspondent, Dispatch from Beijing, The Greanville Post
Jeff J. Brown is a geopolitical analyst, journalist, lecturer and the author of The China Trilogy. It consists of 44 Days Backpacking in China – The Middle Kingdom in the 21st Century, with the United States, Europe and the Fate of the World in Its Looking Glass (2013); Punto Press released China Rising – Capitalist Roads, Socialist Destinations (2016); and BIG Red Book on China (2020). As well, he published a textbook, Doctor WriteRead’s Treasure Trove to Great English (2015). Jeff is a Senior Editor & China Correspondent for The Greanville Post, where he keeps a column, Dispatch from Beijing and is a Global Opinion Leader at 21st Century. He also writes a column for The Saker, called the Moscow-Beijing Express. Jeff writes, interviews and podcasts on his own program, China Rising Radio Sinoland, which is also available on YouTube, Stitcher Radio, iTunes, Ivoox and RUvid. Guests have included Ramsey Clark, James Bradley, Moti Nissani, Godfree Roberts, Hiroyuki Hamada, The Saker and many others. [/su_spoiler]
Jeff can be reached at China Rising, je**@br***********.com, Facebook, Twitter, Wechat (+86-19806711824/Mr_Professor_Brown, and Line/Signal/Telegram/Whatsapp: +33-612458821.
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