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ICC is an imperial sledgehammer to destroy Eurangloland’s enemies. China Rising Radio Sinoland 180330

By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: judges of the International Criminal Court, who have always been spineless finger puppets for Western empire, since its modern creation after World War II. They get their marching orders from Washington and Brussels and do as they are told. Downloadable SoundCloud podcast (also at the bottom of this page),…

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West attacks China’s Social Credit System to deflect from its fascist panopticon. China Rising Radio Sinoland 180325

By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: the panopticon Illinois State Prison, near Joliet. For every Westerner out there, just look out your window. It’s even worse. Your every move, every communication and transaction, monetary and otherwise, is being tracked, recorded and stored by a faceless, multilayered, fascist corporate-government octopus. One-hundred-eighty degrees to the east in…

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Around the world with Peter Koenig on China Rising Radio Sinoland 180316

By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above left, guest Peter Koenig, who was in Lima, Peru and on the right, China Rising Radio Sinoland host Jeff J. Brown, who was in Shenzhen, China. Our interview was definitely a globe spanning talk. Downloadable SoundCloud podcast (also at the bottom of this page), as well as being syndicated…

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Revolutionary Anti-Imperial Movement and China Rising Radio Sinoland interview 180304

By Jeff J. Brown Downloadable SoundCloud podcast (also at the bottom of this page), as well as being syndicated on iTunes and Stitcher Radio (links below), [dropcap] A [/dropcap] couple of months ago, someone sent me a link to a Revolutionary Anti-Imperial Movement (RAIM) article. It had just the right amount of sarcasm, with droll…

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US sending 1000s of Marines to Asia to stop China’s Belt and Road system-China Rising Radio Sinoland 180213

By Jeff J. BrownAbove: American and South Korean Marines, practicing destroying Asian highways, bridges, ports, trains, pipelines, satellites and fiber optics. It’s all a Chinese, pinko-commie conspiracy and it’s gotta stop – NOW! Downloadable SoundCloud podcast (also at the bottom of this page), as well as being syndicated on iTunes and Stitcher Radio (links below),…

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David Pear talks with Jeff J. Brown on the hair trigger tinderbox in Korea-China Rising Radio Sinoland 180128

By Jeff J. BrownPictured above, guest David William Pear on the left and China Rising Radio Sinoland host Jeff J. Brown on the right.   Downloadable SoundCloud podcast (also at the bottom of this page), as well as being syndicated on iTunes and Stitcher Radio (links below)   Note: When finished reading, listening to and/or…

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BEST OF THE LEFT – Undoing the Brainwashing: Soviet Leader Joseph Stalin. China Rising Radio Sinoland 181119

SELECTIONS FROM LEADING PROGRESSIVE BLOGS THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE Hosted By Jeff J. Brown Note: When finished reading, listening and/or watching this column and podcast, sharing is caring about humanity’s future and getting the non-mainstream truth out to a wider audience. Please tell your family, friends and colleagues about China Rising Radio Sinoland (www.chinarising.puntopress.com –…

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Slavs and the Yellow Peril are “niggers, brutes and beasts”, in the eyes of Western Empire. China Rising Radio Sinoland

  By Jeff J. Brown Above is a visual from a reputable, 19th century British scientific journal, “proving” that the Irish descended from subhuman Negroes. The British enslaved and exterminated the Irish long before they used the same genocidal policies on Africans, New World First Nations and Asians. Irish, Russian, Chinese: they are all niggers…

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