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Taiwanese separatists are so Sino-screwed, one way or another. China Rising Radio Sinoland 181114

By Jeff J. Brown Above: this political cartoon from The Economist was published when pro-reunification Ma Ying-Jiou was Taiwan’s President, through 2015, but the fundamental dynamics have not changed since pro-separatist Tsai Ing-Wen took his place: Baba Beijing and the People’s Republic of China hold all the cards.  Note: When finished reading, listening to and/or…

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China’s public Social Credit System versus the West’s secret Panopticon. China Rising Radio Sinoland 180111

By Jeff J. Brown Above: the sobering fact of the matter is, artificial intelligence (AI), big data, deep learning, facial and voice recognition, wall to street surveillance, supercomputers, drones and robots are now a reality facing all of humanity. Right here, right now, and China is racing ahead of the rest of the world to…

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Slavs and the Yellow Peril are “niggers, brutes and beasts”, in the eyes of Western Empire. China Rising Radio Sinoland

  By Jeff J. Brown Above is a visual from a reputable, 19th century British scientific journal, “proving” that the Irish descended from subhuman Negroes. The British enslaved and exterminated the Irish long before they used the same genocidal policies on Africans, New World First Nations and Asians. Irish, Russian, Chinese: they are all niggers…

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China has democracy and the West has dictatorship 171227

  SELECTIONS FROM LEADING PROGRESSIVE BLOGS THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE Hosted By Jeff J. Brown Above: the West’s capitalist dictatorship, getting worse and worse by the day for the 99% (https://videosenglish.telesurtv.net/video/693817/the-american-dream-is-turning-into-a-nightmare/). Merry Christmas to all the China Rising Radio Sinoland fans who celebrate the occasion. Readers of The China Trilogy (see below), especially Book #2, China…

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China loves being Number Two behind the US – officially of course. China Rising Radio Sinoland 171210

By Jeff J. Brown Above: hats off to www.visualcapitalist.com for such a fascinating and informative map. This is what Western empire is up against. China’s GDP in purchasing power parities (PPPs) surpassed the United States in 2014, as the world’s biggest economy, and it’s just getting started, I mean restarted, back to the 5,000 years…

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Do you see what I see? Depends on where you look. China Rising Radio Sinoland 171130

By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above is not the sinking of the Titanic. Look closely and you can see that the right hand bow side is the imperial United States already starting to break apart and crash into the ocean. The left hand stern side is Eurangloland, which is following America’s collapsing trajectory. Downloadable SoundCloud…

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Freedom 101 – Jason Hirthler and Jeff J. Brown share their stories of hope, on China Rising Radio Sinoland 171126

By Jeff J. Brown Downloadable SoundCloud podcast (also at the bottom of this page), as well as being syndicated on iTunes and Stitcher Radio (links below): [dropcap]P[/dropcap]ictured above is Jason Hirthler on the left, in New York and myself on the right, in China. We are twelve time zones apart, geographically halfway around the planet…

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China Tech is unstoppable, from noodle shops to outer space. China Rising Radio Sinoland 171123

By Jeff J. Brown Above, on the left, is my charity fair stand in Shenzhen to sell The China Trilogy (http://chinarising.puntopress.com/2017/05/19/the-china-trilogy/) and my English language learning book, Doctor WriteRead (https://www.amazon.com/Doctor-WriteReads-Treasure-Trove-English/dp/150780072X/). There are always several of these seasonal bazaars for vendors to get together and help raise money for a good cause. It was a fun…

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