Pictured above: the assortment of logos created for the Bioweapon Truth Commission Global Online Library (BWTC-GOL). www.bioweapontruth.com will direct the whole world to this page and its hyperlink to the massive BWTC-GOL, presented below.
Downloadable audio podcast at the bottom of this page, YouTube video, as well as being syndicated on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, RUvid and Ivoox (links below),
On June 25th, 1950, Western empire went to war with communist North Korea. Sixty-eight years later, to the date, the Bioweapon Truth Commission (BWTC) is sounding the clarion horns of truth and justice for the many millions of Koreans and Chinese citizens, who were slaughtered and exterminated during what the United Nations called a mere “police action”. The BWTC is also exonerating key players who bravely exposed Western crimes against humanity on the Peninsula, 1950-1953, including the United States’ blatant use of germ weapons on North Korean and Chinese people… These heroes include Zhou Enlai, Pak Hon-yong, Dr. Joseph Needham and the other signatories to the International Scientific Commission Report (ISCR), Wilfred Burchett, John W. Powell and Sylvia C. Powell and too many others to list. For nearly 70 years, Eurangloland’s mainstream media Big Lie propaganda machine has wrongfully sullied and destroyed their honorable reputations. Starting today, June 25th, 2018, for all the aforementioned, the Bioweapon Truth Commission says,
Mark your calendars! June 25th is Bioweapon Truth Commission Day. Give everyone the website: www.bioweapontruth.com
[dropcap]C[/dropcap]ompared to my several books and hundreds of articles, I can say in all honesty that being a founding member of the Bioweapon Truth Commission (BWTC) and the creation of its Global Online Library (GOL) is my proudest publishing achievement. The GOL is already becoming an instant classic and a valuable resource for authors, journalists, educators, students, researchers, libraries, schools, colleges, universities and truth seekers across the globe (we have been doing a soft release the last couple of months), and it will now live in perpetuity, free of charge, long after my death. In spite of Herculean efforts by Western elites to suppress, censor and deny it for the last 70-long years, the evidence is overwhelming that the United States blatantly used Japan’s World War II biowarfare technology to bomb North Korea and China with germ weapons during the Korean War. This was a horrific crime against humanity on top of the many grotesque genocidal horrors that the West perpetrated across the Peninsula, 1950-1953.
And not just in Korea, but Eurangloland (all the Western countries plus Israel) has been using chemical and biological weapons continuously and ongoing since World War I, not just on its perceived enemies, but on its own people (http://chinarising.puntopress.com/2018/03/31/the-face-of-western-imperialism-exposed-by-ebola-from-china-rising-capitalist-roads-socialist-destinations/, as well as check out Dilyana Gaytandzhieva’s ongoing investigations in the GOL. Her articles are amazing). The imperial West reigns supreme, as being by far the largest and most habitual criminal against humanity, using bombs, missiles, nuclear, chemical and germ weapons, even as I write this. Not even the Third Reich and Imperial Japan could come close to Eurangloland’s century of perfidy and genocidal evil.
It’s all right here. Access this database to download everything in the Bioweapon Truth Commission Global Online Library, including thousands of minutes and pages of videos, recordings, images, photos, books and articles. There is information in English, Chinese, Russian, with French and Korean forthcoming:
(note: if clicking on the link doesn’t work, copy and paste it in your search engine address line)
Make this link a favorite in your search engine. Share it with your local libraries, schools, colleges and universities. Here are the GOL directories available for all of humanity, as of 2018.06.13. There will surely be more as the library grows, as well as the content in each one. Just keep clicking on the above GOL hyperlink for ongoing updates:
Every person who has contributed to the GOL and needed to, gave us their permission to include their truth telling work in the GOL. Again, come back often to your favorite topics and directories, since like any library, the GOL is constantly growing. It will keep getting bigger and better.
The logos you see above are in the GOL and free to use as well. Their creation is thanks to Emma Chang Yu-Ting, who was born in 2002 in Taipei, Taiwan; she holds an interest in digital design and always aims for uniqueness to distinguish her work. Email her at em***********@ho*****.com, if you’d like to commission her to do any graphic art work. She is young, enthusiastic and very tenacious until the end to finish a project, as was our case, which turned out to be a lot more work than anticipated.
I am pleased to introduce to the world the founding members of the BWTC. Each of us brings unique pasts, experiences, skills and knowledge, that wonderfully complement each other. Our synergies have helped make the BWTC and its GOL the successful creation that it is.
Founding members of the Bioweapon Truth Commission
David William Pear
[Photo: David William Pear, during anti-war speech, steps of City Hall, St. Petersburg, FL.]
David is a progressive columnist writing on economic, political and social issues. His articles have been published by OpEdNews, The Greanville Post, The Real News Network, Truth Out, Consortium News, Global Research, and many other publications. David is active in social issues relating to peace, race relations and religious freedom, homelessness and equal justice. David is a member of Veterans for Peace, Saint Pete for Peace, CodePink, and International Solidarity Movement.
In 2017 David spent 3 weeks in South Korea researching the Korean War of 1950 to 1953. In 2016 David spent 10 weeks in Palestine with the Palestinian lead non-violent resistance group International Solidarity Movement. In February of 2015 he was part of a people-to-people delegation to Cuba with CodePink. In November of 2015 he was a delegate with CodePink to Palestine to show solidarity with Palestinians. David frequently makes people-to-people trips to Russia as a private citizen. David returned to Palestine for 10 days in March 2018.
David has a Bachelor of Science degree in economics from the University of Maryland and attended classes at George Washington University for a degree as a Certified Financial Planner. He is a graduate of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania program for a degree as a Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA).
David resides in Clearwater Beach, Florida. His hobbies include boating, fishing, RV’ing and motorcycle touring. He is also a licensed skydiver (USPA-inactive).
Korea-related articles:
I Ain’t Gonna Die For Korea (https://www.opednews.com/articles/I-Ain-t-Gonna-Die-for-Kor-by-David-William-Pear-Anti-war_Korea_Korean-Unification_Korean-War-171106-604.html).
North Korea is not a Threat (https://www.opednews.com/articles/North-Korea-is-Not-a-Threa-by-David-William-Pear-Bush_Iran_Iraq_Korean-Unification-171202-985.html).
US Humiliation of South Korea (http://www.greanvillepost.com/2018/01/14/us-humiliation-of-south-korea/).
David Pear talks with Jeff J. Brown on the hair trigger tinderbox in Korea-China Rising Radio Sinoland 180128 (http://chinarising.puntopress.com/2018/01/28/david-pear-talks-with-jeff-j-brown-on-the-hair-trigger-tinderbox-in-korea-china-rising-radio-sinoland-180128/).
North Korea Can Never Trust the U.S.A. (https://www.greanvillepost.com/2018/06/18/north-korea-can-never-trust-the-u-s-a/).
Godfree Roberts
Godfree Roberts received his doctorate from UMass, Amherst and has worked and lived in a dozen countries. He began visiting China in 1967 and revisits it annually. His book, CHINA 2020: Everything You Know is Wrong, to be released in 2018, re-examines our impressions of China–its governance, economy, human rights, soft and hard power–and demonstrates that most of our ‘knowledge’ is nonsense dreamed up by professional propagandists in the 1950s and amplified over generations. If you want a sample chapter and to be informed when the book is released, sign up at www.inpraiseofchina.com.
Godfree’s recent articles:
Who is Xi Jinping?, China’s Financial Debt, The WTO and China This is a Game We Can Win, 1989: Tiananmen Square Revisited, Selling Democracy to China, Mao Reconsidered, Mao’s Great Famine, The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
Jeff J. Brown
Save some space. My biography is right next door… http://chinarising.puntopress.com/about-the-author/
My journalism related to biowarfare and the Korean War:
Jeffrey S. Kaye
Jeffrey S. Kaye is a retired psychologist. He received his Ph.D. from The Wright Institute, in Berkeley, California, and a BA in History from the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Kaye previously worked in private practice, and for some years provided part-time psychological services via Survivors International to asylum applicants who had escaped from torture. He has written about torture and biological warfare issues for The Guardian, Al Jazeera America, Alternet, Firedoglake/The Dissenter, Insurge Intelligence, and Medium.com, as well as his own blog, Invictus. He is the author of Cover-up at Guantanamo: The NCIS Investigation into the “Suicides” of Mohammed Al Hanashi and Abdul Rahman Al Amri. He currently lives in Hawaii.
Jeffrey’s work concerning bioweapons:
Korean War Commanding General admits he engaged in Nazi-like war crimes, Medium.com, June 8, 2018
Secret Report: US Military Approved Offensive Use of Biological Warfare on Enemy Agriculture in World War 2, Medium.com, May 14, 2018
Report: U.S. Dropped Plague-infected Fleas on North Korea in March 1952, Medium.com, April 3, 2018
Marine Corps Colonel Describes U.S. Use of Germ Warfare in the Korean War, Invictus, March 31, 2018
REVEALED: The long-suppressed official report on US biowarfare in North Korea, Insurge Intelligence, February 20, 2018
Department of Justice Official Releases Letter Admitting U.S. Amnesty of Japan’s Unit 731 War Criminals, Medium.com, May 14, 2017
CIA Document Suggests US Lied About Biological, Chemical Weapon Use in the Korean War, The Dissenter, December 10, 2013
Thomas Powell
Thomas Powell is a sculptor and writer. He is the son of John W. Powell and Sylvia C. Powell who were indicted on charges of sedition in 1956 for denouncing US biowarfare in Korea. Powell has written on a range of topics including the history of gun violence in the US, Hollywood’s pandering of “gun lust”, the mediocrity of public art in the US, and the morally bankrupt philosophy of Friedrich Hayek.
Powell’s articles on US biological warfare during the Korean War include:
Suppressing US War Crimes: The Cold War Denial Machine Lives On, Truthout, June 24, 2018
“On the Biological Warfare ‘Hoax’ Thesis“, Socialism and Democracy, Vol. 32, No. 1, March 2018, 1-22
Truth Jihad hosts Tom Powell and Jeff J. Brown to discuss the American Bioweapons Truth Commission: http://chinarising.puntopress.com/2018/03/22/truth-jihad-hosts-tom-powell-and-jeff-j-brown-to-discuss-the-american-bioweapons-truth-commission/
“Biological Warfare in the Korean War: Allegations and Cover-up“, Socialism and Democracy, Vol.31, No.1, March 2017, 23-42
America’s big lie about bioweapon crimes in Korea-Tom Powell on China Rising Radio Sinoland 170729 http://chinarising.puntopress.com/2017/07/29/americas-big-lie-about-bioweapon-crimes-in-korea-tom-powell-on-china-rising-radio-sinoland-170729/
“Korean War Biological Warfare Update“, Socialism and Democracy, Vol. 31, No. 3, November 2017, 123-137
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Jeff, the Evil Degenerate Eurangloland is BARRING ACCESS to the bioweapontruth.com
ALWAYS end up as connection reset or routed back to your this webpage.
Fuck ’em malignant Eurangloland occult.
It’s working fine for me. http://www.bioweapontruth.com takes you to the article page:
That is where you access the Global Online Library. Scroll down and you’ll see the link.
On with the good fight and thanks for reading. Jeff
Agreed. There Is NO Website showing the url bioweapontruth.com and all the links on this page here, loop back to this same article. Only the link, farther down the scroll which looks nondescript will take you to a personal shared library.
See when you get there, you will notice It Does NOT Have “Bioweapontruth.com as a URL !!
A description would be, “They have cobbled the links and descriptions on This Page, into a complete Klusterphuck and continue describing the title of the site, with a name that does not exist other than in the imagination.”
Guido, we have http://www.bioweapontruth.com behind this website to keep it safe. CRRS get thousands of serious hack attacks a year, but is very well protected. If we put BWTC on a another site, it would double the risk, the work and the cost.
Thank you for your concern, Jeff
Oh, makes more sense now. Needs to be on the down-low, but it is like trying to get people in through the back door, … without them knowing, ot telling them, that a back door exists. Safer, yes, … a restriction to actual traffic, … again yes.
One thing to consider, is human nature and after clicking on the first, the second, the third different link that says http://www.bioweapontruth.com, and getting re-dumped back onto the same exact page you left, …. how many people are going to just say “Awe Phuck It” and leave ?? I am guessing the vast majority. lol I know I nearly did too, luckily I had had to try every link on the page just to make sure because I’m real stubborn and sh*t. lol Perhaps if the actual link to the library, were closer to the top of the page, say #2 and if the html was adjusted, you could put whatever you want on the URL as a description, ie: underlined “Bioweapon Truth” link without the imitation url showing at all and change color on mouse-over. Then people wouldn’t be expecting to arrive at http://www.bioweapontruth.com which just loops back
Thanks for your suggestions.
I’ve gone around and around on how best to present this page. Sort of damned if you do damned if you don’t.
On with the good fight!
It’s making sense
I saw a video of an old film of American Pilot prisoners in NK admitting to dropping germ warfare on NK. They didn’t sound and look drugged or hypnotized. I also read it was the Cold War reaction to these pilots that the Brain Washing, Manchurian Candidate and CIA MKulta became the US cold War response to the American Pilot’s confessions.
Years ago I found a photo posted from the official Eisenhower Site of Ike’s desk and the note read “BW is a hoax”.
Very interesting, Jim.
The BWTC-GOL has film footage of the US pilots, as POWs in Korea and then when they were coerced into recanting back home. The difference in the demeanor is obvious.
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Edward,
I will forward your message and email to Tom. He and I are in regular contact.
Thanks for visiting the BWTC-GOL and I hope you will share it widely.
Sino-best, Jeff
Have You ever run across Epidemic Hemmoragic Fever in S.korea .I was there 9 months 1962/63 .GI’s wore something called MITICIDE in Uniforms.
No, I didn’t know about that. Do you think it was a bioweapon?
After following Your comments on what was done to China and Others I would consider it.
I was trained as a combat medic but went Korea and assigned ojt to a preventative medicine unit.It did inspections especially laundries for the use of US issued miticide in clothing.We also had a Korean Pharmacist assigned who traveled north and south lecturing.
I was young and naive then.
September 11,2022.
When I read something like the following it raises the hair on my neck.It ,makes me wonder about my Country the USA and what occurs here day in and day out with little notice.
“Biological Agents,Toxic Poisons,and Nuclear Radiation threaten our School Children.”
The can gets kicked down the Road OR,swept under the Carpet.Are Americans being used as Guinea Pigs? “Cancer Alley” St.James Parish,Louisiana.”It is Genetic”So,Said !!
09-12-2022 There is a scheduled March on the EPA- Environmental Protection Agency.The Protector of Women,Children and Men from Environmental HAZARDS.
“Biological Agents,Toxins,Poisons,and Nuclear Radiation Threaten our School Children”
EPA Headquarters is located at 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue,Washington,D.C.The Capitol of The Corporation of the USA.
The protests can be reached at https://www.safeprotestepa.org .
My State Louisiana is/has been in trouble for years.Corporations are beyond reach .Too Big to Understand what occurs beyond Profit.I say we are under attack through chemical,biological, and nuclear warfare.
Hope you get to go to WDC!
The following information is something I Think is of up most to those of us who live on planet earth.It is available for all to see and verify.Each week as I tune into this program it gets a scarier .It is very possible that the heads of Nations are aware of the situation .
I got interested in the weather due to the hurricanes,floods and Tornadoes in my State of Louisiana,USA.I discovered the following which is about weather,chemical warfare,biological warfare,and possibilities of nuclear destruction.
Whoever controls the Weather controls the Planet.Take a look and if You disagree it is ok .If not, time to act is now.This will put a damper on Mr.Putin and Mr.XiJinpings plans for New Possibilities and Horizons unless They have plans to follow the Elite.
The Source is https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org .Dane wigington is the Creator.There much information but click on the title Recent and it will take You to GeoengineeringWatchGlobalAlertNews,September 10,2022,#370.This is an education within itself.Good Hunting.
The CIA developed geoengineering during the Vietnam war, seeding clouds to cause flooding on the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
The USA (industrial Military Complex) started experimenting with RAIN on the Ho Chi Min Trail in Vietnam during during false Flag war.Lyndon Johnson made a statement that whoever controls he Weather Controls the World.It is said that OTHER NATIONS are involved in Weather Warfare.
Chemicals are being sprayed in the sky to block the SUN.All Compliments of the ELITE!!
The Planet is being DESTROYED by the Military Industrial Complex.
I call this an act of Aggression.
Why continue the Cover-Up ??
Like I stated before this action is going to Rain on Mr Putin and Mr. XiJinpings’ Parade.No PUN intended or Disrespect to Either Man.
If,(IF) Dane Wiginton is Correct no one will be around to Admire the Work done by Mr.Putin or Mr.XiJinping .Oh maybe the Elite hiding in Their Underground Life Saving Bunkers paid for by the Sweat and Blood of Citizens.These will be glassed over by the explosions from the Nuclear Power Plants around the Planet.
I see low level contrails all the time here in Normandy. Very unsettling.