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West’s Hong Kong color revolution still making a mess of the place and totally backfiring. China Rising Radio Sinoland 190720

By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: a sign posted in a Macanese taxi driver’s car. It says, “Solo Hongkongers supporting dogs are not allowed to ride”, with the obvious suggestion that they are in fact dogs. “Solo” in this case means the rioters, who do not represent the moral majority, thus they are isolated. At…

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2019.05.15 is China’s new 1919.05.04. The Chinese are pissed as hell at Trump and Western empire. China Rising Radio Sinoland 190606

By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: Chinese street protest against Japan, in 2012, for “buying” islands in the Diaoyu Archipelago. No public protests yet against Trump and Company. Stay tuned.     Thousands of dollars are needed every year to pay for sophisticated anti-hacking systems, controls and monitoring. This website has to defend itself from…

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蓬佩奧 (Mike Pompeo) 说,“撒谎,欺骗和偷盗让你想起美国试验的辉煌”. 中国崛起电台Sinoland 190430

                        写的:卜杰富 (Jeff J. Brown) 上图:美国国务卿蓬佩奧说了大实话:撒谎,欺骗和偷盗就是美国试验的辉煌。这是西方资本主义最擅长的事情。他像个成功大师那样受到听众仰慕。 如果您觉得中国崛起电台Sinoland的内容有益,而且欣赏其质量,请考虑可否捐款,款项用于支付网络费用,网络维护,电脑网络升级以及网站开发。 或者用, Paypal 在 je**@br***********.com. 感谢你的支持!   帮你的朋友、家人和同事一个忙,确保他们是聪明的中国崛起电台Sinoland 新闻学: https://chinarising.puntopress.com/blog-2/  书: http://chinarising.puntopress.com/2017/05/19/the-china-trilogy/ 和 https://chinarising.puntopress.com/2018/06/18/praise-for-the-china-trilogy-the-votes-are-in-it-r-o-c-k-s-what-are-you-waiting-for/   网络: www.chinarising.puntopress.com   推特: https://twitter.com/44_Days   脸谱网: https://www.facebook.com/44DaysPublishing   VK (俄罗斯): https://vk.com/chinarisingradiosinoland   手机应用: http://apps.monk.ee/tyrion   关于我的: https://chinarising.puntopress.com/about-the-author/   住在中国的大街上, 卜杰富  可下载SoundCloud播客(也在本页底部)、YouTube视频,以及iTunes、Stitcher Radio、RUvid和Ivoox(链接如下)上的链接,     美国国务卿蓬佩奧最近在德克萨斯A&M大学(TAMU)发表演讲。那是个热衷于一切与军事相关事务的学府。该校还被视为得克萨斯州的“西点”(美国军校),美国对内和在全世界无休止的恐怖主义和战争在那里被美化。蓬佩奧本人毕业于西点军校。他在担任国务卿以前,曾当过中情局局长。 他在演讲后的问答中的一段被拍摄并上传到了YouTube上。在蓬佩奧的回答中,他提及军校学员的校训, “你们不能撒谎,欺骗或偷盗,也不能容忍别人那样做”?我曾经是中情局局长,我们撒谎,我们欺骗,我们盗窃 — 我们有相关的整个培训课程”!…

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Mike Pompeo says, “Lying, cheating and stealing reminds you of the glory of the American experiment”. China Rising Radio Sinoland 190424

                        By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, telling it like it is: lying, cheating and stealing are the glory of the American experiment. It’s what the West does best. He was adored by the audience like a success…

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BEST OF THE LEFT: China Rising Radio Sinoland fans, Venezuela is THE story of the new year! Stay informed.

SELECTIONS FROM LEADING PROGRESSIVE BLOGS THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE Hosted By Jeff J. Brown   Picture above: two caps I wear celebrating Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian Revolution, where I also added a Mao Zedong pin that says, “Serve the People” on the front and not visible on the back, “Forever Protect Peace”. Chavistas are…

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US empire increasingly desperate against Baba Beijing. Intimidation will backfire. China Rising Radio Sinoland 181211

By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: it is not a question of which side has good or bad leaders. It’s all about the difference in civilizational systems of governance.     Downloadable SoundCloud podcast (also at the bottom of this page), YouTube video, as well as being syndicated on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, RUvid and Ivoox…

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Trump and Moon are figurehead presidents and it painfully shows. China Rising Radio Sinoland 180517

By Jeff J. Brown Pictured above: On the left, typical Western presidents and leaders, putting on a hollow show of power. On the right, their puppet masters, the deep state, composed of the big oil bankers, the military, the billionaire capitalists/Wall Street and Spookville, which includes the CIA-MI6-DGSE-BND complex. You know the rest of the…

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